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EC core site migration project closure

We would like to announce the closure of the Commission’s core site migration project, which means that the EC core website will now enter maintenance mode. Departments can resume regular maintenance of their content, which can be found within their Editorial team. Feedback concerning shared content can be sent to europamanagement@ec.europa.eu 

Translation reminder

Departments are responsible for sending and accepting translation requests via the DGT Connector tool for their own pages on the EC core site. Don't forget to fill in your department’s credentials when submitting a request.   

What happens to the old site 

The Drupal 7 version of Commission’s core website will be taken offline on 30 April 2023. If you still need to consult any details in the back end/cms, please do so before this date. You can login using this URL:  https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/d/comm/info/ecas  

After 30 April, you can still consult the Drupal 7 version of the EC core website through OP’s archiving service. Please note, the back end/cms is not accessible via the archives.   

The latest archive of the Drupal 7 site was created in November 2022, prior to the website’s migration to the Europa Web Publishing Platform (EWPP): https://wayback.archive-it.org/12090/20221103175256/https://ec.europa.eu/info/index_en.  
The archived version of the website provides views of front-end web pages captured at regular intervals throughout the site’s lifespan. Previous archived versions can be accessed via the archival calendar: https://wayback.archive-it.org/12090/*/https://ec.europa.eu/info .  

The new EWPP version of the EC core site will continue to be archived at regular intervals and can be consulted here https://wayback.archive-it.org/12090/*/commission.europa.eu

Related links and documents

With the release 19 (end of March), the technical bug which hindered editors from editing their Related links on their department page has been fixed, and documents can now be allocated to an Editorial team.


The Teams group ‘GRP-INFO migration’ that was dedicated to the EC core site migration will also be closed on 30 April.   

All further support will be provided via our helpdesk COMM Europa Management (CEM). CEM will also act as a liaison with other COMM B.3 teams and/or DIGIT, as needed. The CEM helpdesk can be contacted at: europamanagement@ec.europa.eu  

Other resources remain available:   

With the migration of the EC core site complete, a total of 63 Commission websites have now been successfully migrated to the Europa Web Publishing Platform (EWPP).  We would like to thank all participating departments for their cooperation and hard work. Together we are contributing to a more relevant, coherent, and cost-effective Commission web presence.   


If you have any comments, suggestions or questions concerning the content of this newsletter please write to europamanagement@ec.europa.eu. We will be pleased to provide additional information.
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