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Hello everyone, 

In this edition, we look at how Once-Only will support the cross-border registration of vehicles, the submission of Once-Only for the European Ombudsman Award 2023 and highlights from the latest Implementers’ Café on Common Services and Projectathon Preparation.  

If you are working on an implementation of the Once-Only Technical System, let us know how your work is going and we can include an article on its progress in this newsletter. National coordinators (and their teams) can contact us directly to arrange a short interview, where the OOTS team will help tell the story of each respective national Once-Only implementation. 

Happy reading / bonne lecture / viel Spaß beim Lesen. 

The OOTS team 

News | Stay up to date with our latest news
The Once-Only Technical System connected to EUCARIS

This news follows the development of a Proof of Concept (PoC) for a minimum integration between the European Car and Driving Licence Information System (EUCARIS) and the Once-Only Technical System. This PoC is limited to evidence exchange. This means that the two cross-border technical systems can communicate – and so share evidence – with each other. 


The Once-Only Technical System submitted as candidate for European Ombudsman 'Award for Good Administration 2023'

In this instalment of the award, the project team behind the adoption of the Implementing Regulation (EU) 2022/1463, which sets out the technical and operational specifications of the Once-Only Technical System, submitted the candidature for this award, paving the way for the implementation of the Technical System. 


Highlights from fourth OOTS Implementers’ Café: ‘Once-Only’ Common Services and Projectathon Preparation

This event looked at evidence exchange from a UX perspective and the Data Service Directory (DSD) and Evidence Broker (EB) Once-Only common services. It was also a unique opportunity for the audience to learn about the preparation of the 2023 OOTS Projectathon series.  


Events | Register to our upcoming event
#5 Implementers’ Café, date TBC (May 2023)

The next instalment of the café will look at the semantic aspect of the Once-Only Architecture. More information will follow. 

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