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Success Stories / Policy
The Context Broker's role in optimising agriculture

Climate change, population growth, and over-cultivation have put great strains on modern agriculture. Agrifiliera Pasqualini, an agronomic consultancy company, based in Italy's Veneto Region, has taken advantage of the Context Broker and open source technology to make agriculture more sustainable.

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Exchanging messages with CEF eDelivery at DigitALL Public 2021

This session introduced the Building Block and showed participants how to send AS4 messages using two eDelivery Access Points. Attendees first watched a live technical demonstration of sending and receiving AS4 messages using SoapUI to simulate the two backend IT systems that interact with Domibus via web services.

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eSignature, Digital Signature Services and JAdES demonstrated at DigitALL Public 2021

Following an introduction to CEF eSignature, including electronic signatures and digital signature concepts and standards, a live coding session looked at JAdES digital signature creation, validation and augmentation. ETSI published the JAdES standard in March of this year.

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Published: E-ARK in New Review of Information Networking, Volume 25, Issue 2

Leading publisher of academic journals and books, Taylor & Francis, has published its New Review of Information Networking, Volume 25, issue 2 (2020), containing four articles about the E-ARK project.

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Technical update
eArchiving Electronic records management survey

You are invited to complete this survey about the trends and export capabilities of current Electronic Records Management Systems (ERMS). It should take you approximately 10-15 minutes to complete. Please respond before the 14 June 2021.

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CEF eArchiving webinar series: 10/06, 24/06, 16/09

The next three live webinars in the 2021 series will look at the practical applications of digital archiving, the practical applications of digital archiving submission agreements and the eArchiving reference architecture, respectively.

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