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Success Stories / Policy
Join the DigitALL Public conference 20, 21 & 22 April to see how the public and private sectors can work together to create a digital EU

Innovation in the public sector is naturally led by governments but also fuelled by partnerships with the private sector. We have come to know this tendency as GovTech – the ability to harness emerging technologies in the market to improve the operations of government and the delivery of public services.

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Join the DigitALL Public conference 20, 21 & 22 April to see how the Berlin and Tallinn Declarations support better public services across the EU

From eGovernment to digital government and now digital societies, EU Member States have stated their common vision for the way ahead in Ministerial Declarations: Malmo in 2009, then Tallinn in 2017 and now Berlin in 2020. These are major stepping stones of the common European vision for digital public services, innovation and user-centricity.

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Local Authorities in Ireland promote uptake of eInvoicing

In Ireland, the CEF eInvoicing Building Block's support has enabled three local authorities, Fingal County Council, Kildare County Council, and Monaghan County Council (and their Management Authority, the LGMA), to embrace electronic invoices

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National approaches to eID in Europe

The European Commission is in the middle of preparations for a proposal for a renewed approach to ensure there are widely available secure and interoperable digital identities for use in government and private online transactions. National strategies play a crucial role in this.

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DigitALL Public conference! 20, 21 and 22 April 2021

Learn about policy priorities, lessons learned and other inspiring topics and reflect on ways to implement digital solutions.

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CEF eArchiving webinar series: 29/04, 13/05 and 27/05

The next three sessions in the 2021 series will look at: 'Relational database archiving using SIARD', 'Conformance made simple' and an "Introduction to CSIP", respectively.

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