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Success Stories / Policy
DigitALL Public conference! 20, 21 and 22 April 2021

The closing event of the CEF Digital and ISA2 programmes will gather over 1 000 fellow digital enthusiasts to engage in insightful discussions on innovation and GovTech, interoperability, open source, Smart Cities, trust and security - among others. Learn about policy priorities, lessons learned and other inspiring topics and reflect on ways to implement digital solutions.

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CEF Building Block Dashboards Update, Q4 2020

The latest figures show a 5% increase in the number of projects reusing CEF building blocks, totalling 325 projects in Q4 2020 compared to 317 for Q3 2020.

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CEF eTranslation helps translate the national legislation of EU Member States

The MARCELL CEF Telecom Action is bringing down linguistic barriers by improving the machine translation of national legislation (laws, decrees, regulations) in seven countries: Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia.

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EU Member States digitally notarise and e-sign declaration ahead of Europe’s digital decade

During the Digital Day 2021, Member States signed commitments on data, startups and a green and digital transformation of the EU. In a symbolic and practical gesture, the day’s political declarations were both electronically signed and notarised via CEF building blocks.

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CEF eDelivery helps monitor goods entering the EU

The Commission recently launched ICS2, an Advance Cargo Information System– which collects data about all goods entering the EU prior to their arrival. ICS2 reuses CEF eDelivery's AS4 message exchange protocol, allowing each economic operator to select its preferred conformant software product to establish its Access Point, avoiding vendor lock-in and allowing organisations to make the best possible product selection.

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DigitALL Public conference! 20, 21 and 22 April 2021

Learn about policy priorities, lessons learned and other inspiring topics and reflect on ways to implement digital solutions.

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CEF eArchiving webinar series: 29/04, 13/05 and 27/05

The next three sessions in the 2021 series will look at: 'Relational database archiving using SIARD', 'Conformance made simple' and an "Introduction to CSIP".

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