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Success Stories / Policy
How the Building Blocks can improve migrant integration

Six projects funded under Horizon 2020 published a whitepaper recommending how digital solutions can improve the integration of migrants in their host societies. We look at how the Building Blocks can help.

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How CEF funding is driving digital transformation in Europe

Since 2014, the CEF programme has been providing funding to create trans-European digital networks. This INEA brochure looks at the strategic value of the EU’s over €1 billion investment in creating a digitally connected Europe.

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Substantial increase in CEF Building Blocks uptake

Recent CEF Monitoring figures show a substantial increase in the uptake of the CEF Building Blocks, particularly in projects funded by CEF grants. CEF eSignature, eDelivery and eID saw particularly sharp increases in reuse.

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Setting up an eDelivery Access Point

The European Commission has analysed the costs of setting up and operating an eDelivery Access Point for the secure exchange of information. Understand the end-to-end costs, from implementation and onboarding activities to operation and custom plug-ins.

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Shape the future of eTranslation

This survey aims to find out how European SMEs would like eTranslation to expand its services, from anonymisation to Computer Assisted Translation (CAT) tools.

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Technical update
Update to eInvoicing validation artefacts

Learn about an important technical update to the validation artefacts of the CEF eInvoicing Building Block.

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CEF Context Broker Webinar - Start your digital transformation journey, 18/02

Learn about how Context Broker enables organisations (including but not limited to public administrations) to manage and share data in real-time.

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The e-ARK web user interface guide webinar, 25/02

Learn about the implementation of e-ARK standards in e-ARK Web, architecture for scalable information package processing and incremental archiving.

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European Language Resource Coordination (ELRC) Conference, 10/03

Learn about data quality, Digital Europe, anonymisation, language data crawling and translation quality estimation.

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