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  Issue 12, 25/06/2024  

EU Borrowing for Recovery

News on the European Commission’s borrowing and lending work

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Welcome words


Starting the second half of 2024 with outstanding EU-Bonds over the half a trillion mark.


Market updates

The EU funding plan: July to December 2024

European Commission issuances to reach up to € 65 billion in second half of 2024


NGEU Green Bond issuance picks up pace

Green bond issuance featured prominently in the European Commission’s H1 2024 funding programme, with a more than €11 billion issued via NGEU Green Bonds over the semester, bringing the total amount of NGEU Green Bonds to €60 billion.


Update on steps in building the EU-Bond market infrastructure

Since 2020, EU Bond issuances have mobilized more than €480 billion for key EU priorities and demands will remain high in the foreseeable future. The development of the EU debt capacity infrastructure and of the liquidity of EU Bonds in the secondary market remains a Commission priority. Work is also advancing on the introduction of a repo facility early in the autumn, with more details to come in our next quarterly update.


Classification of EU Bonds in fixed income indices

With EU-Bonds expected to reach €1 trillion by 2026, or a 60-70% weight in the SSA indices, and with the specific, budget-base financial structure of the EU, a number of index providers have started to consult stakeholders on the possible reclassification of the EU in their sovereign indices.


Transactions overview

EU Transactions in Q2 2024

In Q2 2024 the EU reached its funding target for H1 2024, raising thanks to its reliable investor base €74 billion through EU-Bonds.



6th Annual Capital Markets Seminar - Thank you and Survey

On 5th and 6th June, the annual the Capital Markets Seminar organised jointly by the European Commission, the European Investment Bank and the European Stability Mechanism took place in Luxembourg.



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ISSN: 2600-285X