Read the online version | ISSN 2599-7882
  20 December 2018  

Blue Bioeconomy Forum


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In this issue

Activities of the Blue Bio-economy Forum
Blue Bioeconomy Forum Activities October – December

Official launch, first stakeholder event, draft State of Play report, how to join the Community, working groups and pipeline of projects

From green to blue … putting BBF in the frame

The ‘blue bioeconomy’ sector was out in force at the recent EU-hosted conference dedicated to presenting a collective ‘European way’ to achieving a truly ‘sustainable and circular bioeconomy’.

Charting the Blue Bioeconomy Forum roadmap, together

“If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” This African proverb was borrowed by a panellist at the First Blue Bioeconomy Forum (BBF) Conference hosted by the European Commission to illustrate the importance of working together on a clear and robust roadmap charting Europe’s future in this diverse and dynamic sector. The scientists, entrepreneurs, policy-makers and financiers attending the 7 December event in Amsterdam needed no convincing that cooperation is vital, as the complexity of the task unfolded.

Blue Bioeconomy in practice
Multi-use ocean platforms: an emerging concept

In crowded seas such as those around the European Union – including, for example, the Baltic Sea, the North Sea and the Mediterranean – pressures on the environment are building and space is at a premium. In managing these areas, the interests of different economic sectors, including fishing, energy, shipping and tourism, must be considered.

Landing the blue bioeconomy, challenges and solutions

From the bounties of the sea to the endless power of blue energy, awareness of the blue bioeconomy is growing by the day. But one promising sector struggles to establish its ‘blue’ credentials and faces unique challenges largely because of one detail … it is an ‘out of sea’ experience. That sector is fish farming and mixed agri- and aquaculture.

Tiny algae get set for big things in blue bioeconomy

Microalgae, which play a vital role in ocean ecosystems, are being heralded as a sustainable raw material in food, supplements, animal feed, and a range of non-food uses including bioplastics.

Hot News
ERA-NET Blue Bio COFUND announces its first call!

Pre-call open until 17 March 2019. The goal is to identify new and improve existing ways of bringing bio-based products and services to the market and find new ways of creating value from in the blue bioeconomy.

Register before 4 January

to the European Commission workshops, and provide technical feedback to the Technical expert group on sustainable finance on their proposed activities that contribute to climate change mitigation (taxonomy).

EnhanceMicroAlgae survey

EnhanceMicroAlgae, an Interreg project, needs your help identify the perceived strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities for the development of high value added microalgae products and markets, please take this short survey

EMFF Blue Economy call

Opened for submission until 31 January 2019! Total budget is €18,7m, and you can receive up to 80% co-financing.

Publication and studies
EUMOFA publishes its 2018 Situation report for the Blue Bioeconomy
The EMODnet Human Activities welcomes a new dataset on algae production

The dataset shows the location of producers of both macroalgae and microalgae, broken down by production method. In the future, it will be enriched with information on species and quantities cultivated and/or wild-harvested.

Upcoming events
Discardless conference: Landing Obligation 2019, what have we learned, what are the next steps?
Date 30/01/2019 - 31/01/2019
Venue Kongens Lyngby, Denmark
BIOPROSP_19: Unlocking the potential of biomolecules from marine environments
Date 25/01/2019 - 27/02/2019
Venue Tromsø, Norway
Conference 'The Role of Regions in fostering Blue Growth'
Date 22/01/2019
Venue Berlin, Germany
JPI Oceans seminar | Increasing the impact of European investments in marine and maritime research - What’s on the Horizon?
Date 17/01/2019
Venue Brussels, Belgium
STAR4BBI Webinar – Focus group webinar on algae and aquatic biomass for use in bio-based products
Date 15/01/2019
Venue Online
The Blue Bioeconomy Forum brings together a partnership of industry, public authorities, academia, and finance in order to strengthen Europe's competitive position in the emerging blue bioeconomy.
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