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Rural Pact Community Newsletter

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Spotlight News
Unlocking the future of EU's rural areas: follow the High-Level Rural Policy forum online

The plenary sessions of the High-Level Rural Policy Forum will be livestreamed. Do not miss it!

Latest News
How do CAP strategic plans contribute to the long-term vision for rural areas?

Find out in the new study published by the European Commission how Member States have chosen to implement their CAP Strategic Plans beyond farming and forestry.

Upcoming Good Practice Webinar on energy transition: expression of interest open

The Rural Pact Support Office is hosting a Good Practice Webinar on 24 October, from 09:00 to 13:00 CEST. The event involves cooperation with the Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy. Express your interest to participate by the 29 September at the latest.

Explore and join Rural Pact Community Groups

Rural Pact members have launched five dedicated Community Groups within the Rural Pact Community Platform to collaborate, share info, and launch joined initiatives aligned with the Rural Vision. Find out which topics are already covered and see how you can actively contribute!

European Week of Regions and Cities 2023: focus on rural development

During the #EURegionsWeek taking place on 9-12 October 2023 in Brussels, there will be a number of dedicated sessions to address outstanding topics relevant to the Rural Vision, such as rural funding opportunities, talent retention, the success of the LEADER programme success, and digital connectivity. See you in Brussels!

Join the Harnessing Talent Platform to retain talent in rural areas

The Harnessing Talent Platform of the European Commission is live offering new opportunities for rural areas. It is a Hub to share info, best practices, collaboration and funding opportunities for regions with declining working-age populations. Learn more.

REGIOSTARS Awards 2023 celebrate the excellence of rural projects

The REGIOSTARS awards, Europe's mark of excellence for projects and initiatives funded by Cohesion Policy, have announced the 30 finalists across six thematic categories, among which a number of rural projects are nominated. Discover them and support them with your vote!

Minister Humphreys unveils new strategy for rural and community development

Irish Minister Heather Humphreys T.D. has launched the 2023-2025 rural strategy aligned with ‘Our Rural Future’. It aims to promote rural and community development across Ireland, ensuring vibrant, inclusive, and sustainable communities.

Rural Pact voices & actions
The GRANULAR Digital Platform is live!

Rural actors can benefit from the datasets the GRANULAR project will provide in their Digital Platform. It hosts more than 50 datasets from external sources covering a broad range of rural topics.

dRural co-develops a digital marketplace of services for rural people

The project aims to co-develop and roll up a digital marketplace of services for people living in rural areas, while creating jobs and opportunities for economic growth and quality of life improvement.

Data corner & publications
Rural households spend more on energy

A Eurostat analysis reveals that people living in rural areas usually spent a higher proportion of their total household expenditure on ‘essential items’ in 2020. Learn more.

New EU CAP Network brochure on social innovation

The recent EU CAP Network brochure focuses on social innovation. It puts the spotlight on innovative projects that tackle social challenges through innovation, knowledge exchange and new ways of working together to lead to thriving agriculture, forestry and rural areas.

OECD publication: fostering agricultural and rural policy dialogue

This new OECD paper calls for a constructive dialogue on policies and processes to enhance the synergies and coherence in policy advice, and helping to resolve possible trade-offs between agricultural and rural policies.

Transforming rural areas through the New European Bauhaus

The "BAUHAUS EUROACE Network of Villages for the Future" project, financed by the New European Bauhaus (NEB), has launched a policy brief emphasising the crucial role of rural villages within the European Union.

EU funding opportunities

RURALPLAN aims to deliver high quality research to produce evidence on how strategic planning in rural areas should best respond to the multi-faceted phenomena of shrinking. Apply before the 13 October 2023.

Upcoming events
High-Level Rural Policy Forum: Shaping the Future of Rural Areas: 27-29 Sep
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European Week of Regions and Cities: Thriving Regions, Stronger Europe: 09-12 Oct
permalink Main URL
Retaining and Attracting Talent in EU's Rural Areas: 11 Oct
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Rural Areas in the Energy Transition: 24 Oct
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Find out more events in the Rural Pact calendar
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Catalogue Number: KF-AO-23-008-EN-Q