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European Commission
ENRD Newsletter
April 2017
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Revitalising rural areas through business innovation

A European Seminar, organised by the ENRD Contact Point on 30 March 2017, explored how rural businesses – both farm and non-farm – can innovate in ways that “create the conditions for future prosperity and vitality”.

The event looked at how EU policies and tools for business support and innovation can be used in rural areas. It examined the opportunities for rural businesses from digitisation, smart specialisation, and social innovation, using inspiring examples.

The Seminar is part of the broader ENRD thematic work on 'Smart and Competitive Rural Businesses'.

EU action for Smart Villages

The European Commission launched on 11 April 2017 an ‘EU action for Smart Villages’, announcing a series of initiatives within the rural development, regional development, research, transport, energy, and digital policies and funds.

The document outlines a process of reflection on ‘villages of the future’ and the need to bring different programmes together in order to build strategic approaches to promoting ‘smart villages’, including support for knowledge, investments and connectivity. Specific actions include exchange platforms, funding opportunities, capacity-building activities, events, thematic work, and research projects.

Funding for research on smart eco-social villages

The European Commission has launched a call for tender for a pilot project on smart eco-social villages aimed at identifying best practice examples of addressing challenges such as unemployment, insufficient services and depopulation in rural areas.

The project should draw conclusions that are applicable throughout the EU while taking account of the diverse contexts across countries and regions. The deadline for submitting proposals is 17 May 2017.

ENRD Seminar on Resource Efficiency

Join the ENRD Seminar on Resource Efficiency in Rural Areas on 13 June 2017 in Brussels – registration will open soon!

The event will discuss practical ways of improving the contribution of the Rural Development Programmes (RDPs) to resource efficiency objectives. It will build on ongoing ENRD thematic work on ‘Resource Efficiency’, including aspects such as efficient water-use, soil and nutrient management, soil conservation and carbon sequestration.

How to boost farm resilience

A recent ENRD workshop explored how specific Measures under the Rural Development Programmes (RDPs) and their strategic combination can empower farmers to risk-proof their businesses.

The event looked at RDP Measures on risk management, advisory services, knowledge transfer, investments, innovation and diversification, as well as various tools and approaches to fostering farm resilience and generating income. The presentations from the event are available online and a summary report will follow shortly.

European Rural Parliament thematic preparations

In the run-up to the third European Rural Parliament (ERP) – 18-21 October 2017, Venhorst (the Netherlands) – partner organisations have kicked off thematic exchanges to identify key issues and success stories from across European rural areas.

These exchanges of ideas with grassroots stakeholders in several Member States will feed the discussions at the October ERP meeting. Work will focus on the ERP’s thematic priorities, including youth, poverty, rural services, migrants, rural economies and integrated rural development.

CAP: Thinking out of the box

A new report by the RISE Foundation discusses modernisation of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), proposing actions to streamline policy resources into better supporting land and risk management.

The report makes the case for an economically and environmentally sustainable farming sector while discussing why CAP reform is needed and what that reform could look like.

To also read a collection of NGO opinions and positions on CAP reform, see the outcomes of the ARC2020-led #AfterCAP debate.

Towards viable farming and green growth

A recent study commissioned by the European Parliament’s Think Tank examines EU policy support for reconciling agricultural productivity and sustainability, and provides recommendations on how to achieve a resource-efficient, productive, climate-friendly and resilient farming sector.

The study explores the main trends in agricultural productivity in recent decades, as well as pathways to sustainable intensification through case studies and policy analysis.

Natural Capital Financing

The European Commission and the European Investment Bank (EIB) have announced ‘Bank on Nature’ - the first loan agreement backed by the Natural Capital Financing Facility.

The EUR 6 million loan agreement with Rewilding Europe Capital is expected to provide tailored loans and investments to over 30 nature-focused businesses across Europe, supporting them to protect biodiversity and support climate adaptation.

A new platform for smart farming

The Horizon 2020 thematic network smart AKIS has recently launched a free online platform providing a number of tools to facilitate and promote the use of smart farming technologies.

The platform is intended for farmers, advisory services, agriculture consultants, and farming equipment providers. It includes a database of the latest technologies already available on the market or emerging from research projects. Additionally, it provides guidance, advice and a space for exchange on the use these new technologies.

Find out more about Horizon 2020 thematic networks for agriculture and farming in EIP-AGRI’s dedicated brochure.

Good practice in agricultural innovation

The European project AgriSpin – ‘Space for Innovations in Agriculture’ – has made available a range of materials covering best practice examples of innovation and support systems in European agriculture.

Materials include an inventory of 57 innovation examples collected through 12 country-based case studies, as well as related videos and publications. AgriSpin is one of the Horizon 2020 thematic networks.

Towards better food policies

A new brochure by the OECD overviews trade and agriculture policies, food security, innovation, environmental sustainability, and risk management and provides a quick reference guide to a number of related studies and analyses.

This collection of evidence-based work intends to inform policy decisions that would support a shift away from production-linked and trade-distorting measures to strategic public investments in a productive, sustainable and resilient global food system.

3 - 5 May 2017
4th Meeting of Thematic Group on ‘Resource-Efficient Rural Economy’, Bologna, Italy
4 May 2017
RURAL post-2020: More Ambitious, More Transversal, Brussels, Belgium
6 May 2017
From Farm to Fork, Sustainable Food for our Future (EU institutions open doors day), Brussels, Belgium
8 May 2017
High-level Conference on Sustainable Tourism, Valetta, Malta
8 - 11 May 2017
Global Food Innovation Summit, Milan, Italy
8 - 12 May 2017
Agroecology : Past, Present, Future, Wanze, Belgium
9 - 10 May 2017
Global Forum for Innovations in Agriculture, Utrecht, The Netherlands
9 - 11 May 2017
LINC Conference 2017, Vianden, Luxembourg
10 May 2017
Promoting Sustainable Value Chains, Brussels, Belgium
10 May 2017
The Value of Private Land Conservation, Brussels, Belgium
10 - 11 May 2017
Moving EIP-AGRI Implementation Forward, Athens, Greece
11 May 2017
Agriculture 4.0 – Feeding the Next Generation, Brussels, Belgium
11 May 2017
Who will fix the broken CAP? Recipe for a Living Land, Brussels, Belgium
12 May 2017
Bioenergy for Rural Development, Brussels, Belgium
16 - 17 May 2017
Entrepreneurship in Rural Areas, Sollefteå, Sweden
17 May 2017
7th Rural Networks’ Steering Group Meeting, Brussels, Belgium
18 - 19 May 2017
4th Meeting of Thematic Group on ‘Smart and Competitive Rural Businesses’, Helsinki, Finland
23 May 2017
Mainstreaming Precision Farming: Policy Cohesion and Partnership, Dülmen, Germany
25 - 27 May 2017
International Award on Local Development, Faro, Portugal
29 May - 2 June 2017
EU Green Week, Brussels, Belgium
30 May 2017
Biodiversity and LEADER – Initiatives and Ideas, Steyr, Austria
31 May 2017
ENRD Workshop on Approaches to Regional and Local Networking, Namur, Belgium
1 June 2017
ENRD Workshop on Improving LEADER Implementation through Practitioner-led Work, Brussels, Belgium
1 June 2017
Climate Action in Agriculture and Forestry, Brussels, Belgium
1 - 2 June 2017
Smart Regions 2.0: Maximising Europe’s Innovation Potential, Helsinki, Finland
1 - 2 June 2017
Digital Innovation Hubs: Mainstreaming Digital Agriculture, Kilkenny, Ireland
7 June 2017
Food Security, Agricultural Policies and Economic Growth, Wageningen, The Netherlands
7 June 2017
Cohesion Policy in Mountain Areas, Brussels, Belgium
7 - 14 June 2017
Masterclass on Smart Farming, Breukelen, Netherlands
12 June 2017
Challenges and Opportunities in the Digital World, Linz, Austria
13 June 2017
ENRD Seminar on Resource Efficiency, Brussels, Belgium
14 - 17 June 2017
New Rural Geographies in Europe: Actors, Processes, Policies, Braunschweig, Germany
18 - 22 June 2017
Agriculture and Advice in Change, Münster, Germany
20 June 2017
Addressing Due Diligence in Food Supply Chains, Brussels, Belgium
21 June 2017
Precision Farming: the Silver Bullet for the Future of European Farming?, Brussels, Belgium
22 June 2017
Agroforestry 2017: Improving Productivity for Farmers and Foresters, Cranfield, UK
2 - 6 July 2017
ICT in the Agri-food Sector, Montpellier, France
12 July 2017
Financial Instruments for Agriculture and Rural Development, Tallin, Estonia
16 - 20 July 2017
European Conference on Precision Agriculture, Edinburgh, UK
4 - 6 August 2017
Estonian Rural Parliament, Vana-Võidu, Estonia
12 - 19 August 2017
European Rural Youth Forum 2017, Berlin, Germany
29 August - 1 September 2017
Towards Sustainable Agri-Food Systems: Balancing between Markets and Society, Parma, Italy
1 - 3 September 2017
Finnish Rural Parliament, Leppävirta, Finland
3 - 8 September 2017
Resilient Communities: Pillars of Sustainable Rural Development, Cork, Ireland
28 September 2017
European Greenways Award, Limerick, Ireland
2 - 4 October 2017
International Conference on Agriculture & Horticulture, London, UK
3 - 4 October 2017
Innovation and Cooperation in Smart, Sustainable and Inclusive Rural Regions, Eisenstadt, Austria
5 - 6 October 2017
Our Ocean, an Ocean for Life, Malta
11 - 12 October 2017
Agricultural Innovation Summit, Lisbon, Portugal
18 - 21 October 2017
European Rural Parliament, Venhorst, The Netherlands
25 - 27 October 2017
Moving Agroecology Forward, Lyon, France
14 - 17 November 2017
Infoweek on Horizon 2020 Calls for Proposals, Brussels, Belgium
14 December 2017
4th Rural Networks’ Assembly Meeting, Brussels, Belgium
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