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European Commission
ENRD Newsletter
September 2016
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Outputs and highlights from Cork 2.0

Explore various outputs and highlights from the Cork 2.0 European Conference on Rural Development, 5-6 September 2016.

Read the resulting Cork 2.0 Declaration setting out ten policy orientations for “an innovative, integrated and inclusive rural and agricultural policy in the European Union”.

See also the special edition ENRD newsletter presenting Conference highlights (now available in French and German), watch the plenary sessions, review selected content from the Twitter feed and watch promotional videos presented at the event.

Over 300 rural development stakeholders participated at the Conference providing views, inputs and ideas on the main opportunities and barriers facing agricultural communities, well as recommendations on the policies needed to unleash the potential of rural areas.

News and events from rural Europe

Keep up to date with the latest agriculture and rural development news and events from across Europe via the improved tools available on the ENRD website.

You can now search for upcoming national, European and international events and browse through the latest news from the rural networks, EU institutions and stakeholder organisations.

Share your news and events with the rest of Europe, write to us at editor@enrd.eu.

ENRD presentation booklet in 23 languages!

Read the ENRD presentation booklet in your language and share it with rural development stakeholders in your country.

The booklet explains how networking activities through the ENRD can enable the best possible outcomes in the context of the EU’s Rural Development policy. It is now available for online download in 23 European languages.

New research on social innovation in remote rural areas

Get involved in the new four-year (2016-2020) research project ‘SIMRA’ on social innovation and innovative governance in marginalised rural areas across Europe.

Funded by the EU's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovative Programme, SIMRA aims to advance understanding and take up of social innovation in agriculture, forestry and rural development in marginalised rural areas. The project leaders call on you to join their workshops, share good practices and follow them online!

European Rural Parliament 2017 secures funding

The European Rural Parliament (ERP) is happy to announce that it has secured the funding it needs to launch the next phase of its campaign, which will lead to the third European Rural Parliament in October 2017.

The € 150 000 grant from the Europe for Citizens programme will support the campaign’s efforts to ‘Strengthen Participation Among Rural People in Europe’ (SPARCE). The ERP 2016-17 Action Programme will be structured around six key themes from the European Rural Manifesto:

  • Communal action to sustain rural services
  • Enabling young people to find a good life in the countryside
  • Welcoming immigrants and refugees into rural areas
  • Enlisting the participation, and meeting the needs, of socially excluded citizens
  • Strengthening rural economies
  • Integrated rural development.

Keep up to date with developments by signing up to receive the ERP newsletter.

EU factsheet on rural development 2014-2020

A new factsheet released by DG AGRI in the context of the Cork 2.0 conference of 5-6 September 2016 collects facts and figures on rural development in the European Union.

The publication contains aggregate EU data on expected achievements in areas such as knowledge transfer and innovation; farm viability and competitiveness; food chain organisation; biodiversity; water and soil management; resource efficiency; job creation etc. It further overviews rural development budget and features such as risk management, multi-funded CLLD and Financial Instruments in the 2014-2020 programming period.

New guide on Financial Instruments

A new guidance by the European Commission overviews and gives advice on the selection of bodies to implement Financial Instruments (FIs) using the European Structural & Investment Funds (ESI Funds).

The guide is intended for Managing Authorities who wish to entrust FIs implementation tasks to other bodies as specified in Article 38(4)(b) of the Common Provisions Regulation. The guidance is available in 23 EU languages.

Innovative land management case studies

The European research project ‘PEGASUS’ has published 34 case studies on land management practices to improve the provision of public goods and ecosystem services.

The PEGASUS team researched innovative land management approaches in diverse situations - from intensive tomato production in Italy to forest restoration in Czech Republic - across ten European countries. The team will continue to explore the nature and characteristics of the solutions that have enabled local actors to develop successful approaches.

European Parliament briefing on local food systems

A new briefing by the European Parliament’s Think Tank overviews short supply chains and local food systems in the European Union (EU).

The publication examines the benefits and weakness of short supply chains, as well as barriers to their implementation. The briefing looks at local food systems in the context of the 2014-2020 Rural Development policy and the various Measures that can be used to support their development.

CAP and EU external action

A new study by the European Parliament’s Think Tank examines how the EU’s external actions have impacted on support for EU agriculture and rural areas through the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP).

The publication overviews how the CAP has been influenced by successive EU enlargements, as well as trade and aid policies with neighbouring and developing countries. It goes on to examine the strongest pressures on the CAP at present stemming from a new generation of Free Trade Agreements, the need to reduce agriculture’s greenhouse gas emissions and to respond to Brexit.

Sustainable Forest Management resources

Explore a wide range of tools and best practices on Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) in the dedicated toolbox of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).

The collection of tools includes: audio-visual material; manuals and guidelines; various databases, e-learning courses and software; and case studies. Resources are classified under themes such as agroforestry, climate change adaptation and mitigation, reducing deforestation, and many others.

Quality land management awards 2016

Two awards recognising quality land management practices and tools are accepting applications until 31 December 2016.

The Land and Soil Management Award aims to reward and highlight practices which contribute to achieving the EU's soil protection goals. The Anders Wall Award is for individuals who have made a special contribution to the rural environment, heritage or economy in the EU. Both are run by the European Landowners’ Organization (ELO) and its partners.

3 - 5 October 2016
Knowledge Sharing and Innovation in Agriculture and Rural Areas, Budapest, Hungary
3 - 5 October 2016
X European Mountain Convention, Braganca, Portugal
3 - 8 October 2016
32nd International Film Festival AGROFILM 2016, Nitra, Slovakia
4 - 5 October 2016
Workshop on ‘EIP-AGRI Networking and Communication’, Budapest, Hungary
5 - 6 October 2016
Congress of European Farmers 2016, Athens, Greece
6 - 7 October 2016
State Aid in the European Agricultural and Forestry Sectors, Berlin, Germany
6 - 8 October 2016
Scottish Rural Parliament 2016, Brechin, Scotland, United Kingdom
6 - 9 October 2016
International Scientific Agriculture Symposium ‘Agrosym 2016’, Jahorina, Bosnia and Herzegovina
11 October 2016
Food 2030: Consumers and Global Systems, Brussels, Belgium
11 October 2016
Towards an EU Rural Agenda – Revitalisation Opportunities and Challenges, Brussels, Belgium
11 October 2016
Ensuring the Social Inclusion of the Most Disadvantaged through Integrated CLLD, Brussels, Belgium
11 - 14 October 2016
II International Conference on Legume Society, Tróia, Portugal
12 October 2016
CLLD – How Does it Really Work?, Brussels, Belgium
12 October 2016
Agriculture and Innovation in the Mediterranean Regions, Brussels, Belgium
12 October 2016
Cross-border Rural Areas and European Territorial Cooperation Programmes, Brussels, Belgium
12 - 13 October 2016
FOOD 2030: Research & Innovation for Tomorrow’s Nutrition & Food Systems, Brussels, Belgium
12 - 13 October 2016
Adjustments of Agriculture to Climate Change, Bonn, Germany
13 October 2016
1st Meeting of Thematic Group on ‘Smart and Competitive Rural Businesses’, Brussels, Belgium
18 October 2016
ENRD Workshop on ‘Areas Facing Natural or Other Specific Constraints’ (ANCs), Brussels, Belgium
18 - 19 October 2016
EU Agriculture and Green Infrastructure, Budapest, Hungary
19 - 20 October 2016
International Feed Conference: Present and Future Challenges, Geel, Belgium
20 October 2016
6th Meeting of Innovation Sub-Group, Brussels, Belgium
20 - 21 October 2016
Landscape & Development of Rural Areas, Namur, Belgium
24 October 2016
EAFRD Financial Instruments for Agriculture and Rural Development in 2014-2020 , Warsaw, Poland
25 October 2016
Rural Networks’ Steering Group Meeting, Brussels, Belgium
26 October 2016
1st Meeting of Thematic Group on 'Resource-Efficient Rural Economy', Brussels, Belgium
2 - 4 November 2016
The Food Factor, Barcelona, Spain
8 - 9 November 2016
National LEADER Meeting, Blaubeuren, Germany
8 - 9 November 2016
National Rural Networks’ Meeting, Senec, Slovakia
8 - 9 November 2016
Launching LEADER Cooperation North and South, Newry, Co. Down, Northern Ireland, UK
10 - 11 November 2016
EIP-AGRI Workshop ‘New Value Chains from Multifunctional Forests’, Vienna, Austria
10 - 13 November 2016
Workshop on Sustainable Forest Management, Tara National Park, Serbia
14 - 15 November 2016
Effective Management and Control of EAFRD 2014-2020, Berlin, Germany
16 November 2016
Animal Production, the Key in a European Sustainable Circular Bioeconomy, Brussels, Belgium
21 - 28 November 2016
Masterclass on Smart Farming, Breukelen, Netherlands
22 - 23 November 2016
Renewing LEADER/CLLD for 2020+, Tartu, Estonia
25 November 2016
Conference on Financial Instruments under the EAFRD, Brussels, Belgium
29 November 2016
Managing Nature – Working Together, Turku, Finland
1 December 2016
Rural Networks’ Assembly, Brussels, Belgium
1 - 3 December 2016
Envisioning the Future of Food Across North-South Divides, Berlin, Germany
6 - 7 December 2016
EU Agricultural Outlook Conference, Brussels, Belgium
7 - 8 December 2016
Achieving Results the CLLD Way, Sweden
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