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European Commission European Solidarity Corps
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for registering with the European Solidarity Corps. Your commitment to helping people in need and your willingness to make a meaningful contribution to society are a true inspiration and something that our Union needs more of. Our Union is built on solidarity and this is one of our biggest strengths. I encourage you to take joy and pride in this experience. Europe needs you.

The European Solidarity Corps is launched – what happens next?

The European Solidarity Corps is a new initiative. Organisations involved in solidarity activities across Europe have started to develop their ideas and proposals for projects and the first placements will already become available this spring.

Organisations offering placements will be given access to the pool of participants to select the candidates for their project. Candidates will be contacted directly by the organisations for a volunteering placement, a job, a traineeship or an apprenticeship for a period of 2 to 12 months. If you are one of the selected candidates to join a project, depending on the type of project, as well your skills, knowledge and experience you will receive training from the European Solidarity Corps before starting your activity.

It is important to remember that all organisations will undergo checks and can only run projects, offer placements, and search for participants if they meet the requirements and uphold the European Solidarity Corps Charter.  

From now onwards, this newsletter will keep you up to date on all developments regarding the European Solidarity Corps.

European Solidarity Corps Official Facebook page

The European Solidarity Corps now has an official Facebook page! All important news about the Corps will be also shared there.

Any questions? You might find the answers on the Facebook page in this series of short Q&A videos – watch them here. Haven't found what you were looking for?

Try the full Frequently Asked Questions.

Facebook Quiz

Find out more about who you are and what you can bring to the European Solidarity Corps!

Take our personality quiz!

Events in EU countries

Learn more about the European Solidarity Corps and ask your questions at events organised in the Member States. Upcoming events:

27 January Cyprus, Nicosia (Facebook event)

27 January (afternoon) Luxembourg, Luxembourg (Facebook event)

26-28 January France, Amiens Presentation of the European Solidarity Corps during the event "Du lycéen à l'étudiant"

28 January France, Bressuire Presentation of the European Solidarity Corps during the event "Carrefour Orientation, Formation, Emploi et Métiers"

7 February The Netherlands, Maastricht: Learn about the European Solidarity Corps at the Yo!Fest

Useful links

30th anniversary of the Erasmus+ programme

European Youth portal

Youth Guarantee

Eures - the European Job Mobility Portal

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