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  April 2020  
European Commission

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#EURegionsWeek call for partners remains open: apply by 17 April 2020!

The call for partners for the European Week of Regions and Cities remains open.

Taking into account the difficult situation we are all facing in these times due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the organizers of the #EURegionsWeek have extended the application deadline to become an event partner until 17 April 2020.

As organisers, the European Commission/DG REGIO and the European Committee of the Regions are closely following the developments of the pandemic and the unfolding of exit strategy. We are also part and parcel of the collective EU response to help fellow citizens out of this dramatic health challenge and accompany the economic recovery.

The #EURegionsWeek 2020 will offer a timely occasion to debate on the challenges the worldwide pandemic paused to our European ways of living and working together the solutions for a speedy sustainable and inclusive European recovery, and to share the experiences and best practices amongst regions and cities. Session applications in line with this goal, in particular under the topic "Cohesion and Cooperation," but also proposals within "Green Europe" and "Empowering citizens", are most welcome.

We are all working to facilitate your active participation in the event and we want to ensure you that the digital dimension of the event will be reinforced, both with regards to the organisation of sessions and to participation in the event.

We thank you for your cooperation.

Stay strong and safe!

This is the Newsletter of the European Week of Regions and Cities.

If you wish to continue receiving updates on future editions of the event please opt in via the following link: Opt in / Unsubscribe from / Manage your Subscription Preferences

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