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  March 2020  
European Commission

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European Week of Regions and Cities 2020: applications deadline extended to 17 April!

In light of the latest developments of the Corona-virus pandemic and its impact on public and private entities across Europe, the organizers of the European Week of Regions and Cities have decided to extend the deadline for submitting applications to become partners of the 2020 edition until 17 April.

We recognize the difficulties partners across Europe may be facing at the moment, with many offices being locked down or seriously impacted by the ongoing pandemic. By extending the application period, we want to offer equal opportunities to all potential partners across Europe, to take part in this year's EURegionsWeek.

We stand with all the local and regional authorities and partners who are affected by the pandemic.

EURegionsWeek team

This is the Newsletter of the European Week of Regions and Cities.

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