Innovation and Networks Executive Agency

Rail 2007-EU-06030-S

INEA ceased operations on 31 March 2021. The European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA) was established on 1 April 2021 to take over its legacy portfolio as well as additional EU funding programmes.

Cross-border railway line Trieste/Divaca: study and design of the Trieste-Divaca-Ljubljana-Budapest-Ukrainian border


The action concerns the cross-border railway line section between Italy and Slovenia, part of the former Priority Project 6 (railway axis Lyon-Trieste-Divača/Koper-Divača-Ljubljana-Budapest-Ukranian border) and the current Mediterranean corridor.

It aims to increase the capacity of the railway connection Trieste-Divača by carrying-out a Prefeasibility Study and Preliminary Design for the construction of a new line and a Study to evaluate different scenarios for upgrading the existing Trieste-Divača line.

The action is closed.

EU contribution: €3,015,463

Download the Info Sheet about this project

This project was also looked at during the Mid-Term Review of the 2007-2013 TEN-T Multi-Annual Work Programme.

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Member States involved:

Italy, Slovenia

Implementation schedule:

Start date: December 2008
End date: December 2015


 Italian Republic

 Republic of Slovenia

Coordinator and Implementing body:

Trieste-Divača European Economic Interest Group (EEIG)

Additional information:

Coordinator’s Report of the Priority Project
European Commission, DG MOVE
Innovation and Networks Executive Agency (INEA)

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