Innovation and Networks Executive Agency

Mediterranean Mediterranean

Please note that the listing below is not exhaustive. More action information will be added as this website continues to be enhanced and updated.

Upgrade of the existing track and construction of a second one on the Križevci-Koprivnica-state border railway line section
Upgrade of the Rijeka Port infrastructure - Zagreb Pier container terminal (POR2CORE-ZCT)
Core Network - Lyon urban node - elimination of the railway bottleneck
LNG motion: Fuelling trucks with LNG/CNG along the Core Network
EVA+ (Electric Vehicles Arteries in Italy and Austria)
CIRVE Project
Creation of an LNG road haulage market in a smart & quick way
CarEsmatic – Supporting cars and electric cars distribution using Motorways of Sea’s solutions and promoting sustainable shipping concepts
ELEMED - ELectrification of the Eastern MEDiterranean area through the extensive use of Cold Ironing and the introduction of electricity as a propulsion alternative Motorways of the Sea (MoS)
