Table 4-6: Results with fragrance contact allergy screening agents reported since 1999 in patients patch tested for suspected allergic contact dermatitis: HICC (5% pet. if not stated otherwise). If not given in the publication, the confidence interval (CI) was calculated from the absolute numbers by the SCCS (§).

Country (Ref.) Population Year(s) No. tested Crude % positive (95% CI)
Lithuania (72) Consecutive patients 04/2006-10/2008 816 0.9
Spain (49) Consecutive patients 10/2005-06/2008 852 0.8
Germany (CH, AT) (73) Consecutive patients 03/2000-02/2001 3245 1.9
Germany (CH, AT) (74) Consecutive patients 01/2003-12/2004 21325 2.4
Germany (CH, AT) (68) Consecutive patients 01/2005-12/2008 35582 2.3
Belgium (47) Consecutive patients 2002-2005 2901 2.1
Denmark (69) Consecutive patients 2005-2008 12302 2.4
South Korea (56) Consecutive patients 04/2002– 06/2003 422 1.7
USA, Canada (64) Probably consecutive patients 2003 1603 0.4

Source: SCCS,  Opinion on Fragrance allergens in cosmetic products, page 20-21