Table 4-3: Results with screening agents for contact allergy to fragrance ingredients reported since 1999 in patients patch tested for suspected allergic contact dermatitis in Europe: Fragrance Mix “I” (see Table 4-1). If not given in the publication, the confidence interval (CI) was calculated from the absolute numbers by the SCCS (§).

Country (Ref.)PopulationYear(s)No. testedCrude % positive (95% CI)
Sweden (38)Consecutive patients200037906.9
Hungary (39)1998-199936048.2
Czech Republic (40)1997-2001120585.8
Ljubljana, Slovenia (41)Consecutive patients1989-199861295.9
Germany (42)Consecutive IVDK patients1996-20025929811.3
Germany (43)Consecutive IVDK patients2005-2008369617.3
Vienna, Austria (16)Consecutive patients of one clinic1997-200026609.1
Groningen, Netherlands (44)Patients (fragrance allergy suspected)04/2005-06/20072955.8
The Netherlands (45)Consecutive patients09/1998-04/1999182510.6
The Netherlands (46)Patients (cosmetic allergy suspected)1994-199875714.8
Leuven, Belgium (47)Consecutive patients1990-2005101289.1
Coimbra, Portugal (48)Consecutive patients07/1989-06/1999260010.9
Spain (49)Consecutive patients10/2005-06/200812534.5
Sheffield, UK (50)Consecutive patients1994-199574411.4
St. John’s, London, UK (51)Consecutive patients1980-2004340727.7
Copenhagen, Denmark (52)Consecutive patients1985-2007161737.2
ESSCA (53)Consecutive patients2002-200396637.1
ESSCA (54)Consecutive patients200499417.6
ESSCA (55)Consecutive patients2005-2006185427.0

Source: SCCS,  Opinion on Fragrance allergens in cosmetic products, page 18