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Table 3. Comparison of nanoparticles in workplace air (Möhlmann, 2004)

Process Total concentration in measurement range 14-673 nm, ( ) Maximum of number concentration (nm)
Outdoor, office up to 10 000  
Silicon melt 100 000 280-520
Metal grinding up to 130 000 17-170
Soldering up to 400 000 36-64
Plasma cutting up to 500 000 120-180
Bakery up to 640 000 32-109
Airport field up to 700 000 <45
Welding 100 000 up to 40 000 000 40-600

Source: SCENIHR  The appropriateness of existing methodologies to assess the potential risks associated with engineered and adventitious products of nanotechnologies (2006),
3.9.2 Exposure Assessment Approaches, p. 39