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Depleted Uranium home
Source document:
SCHER (2010)

Summary & Details:
Media Consulta

Depleted Uranium


Depleted Uranium links

  1. Factual links
    • 1.1 EU regulations or reports on depleted uranium
    • 1.2 Q&As & FAQs on depleted uranium
    • 1.3 Other websites
  2. Other Views

1. Factual links

1.1 EU regulations or reports on depleted uranium

The European Parliament adopted a resolution calling for a moratorium on use of depleted uranium weapons in 2008: 

EURATOM reported on the hazards of depleted uranium in 2009:

1.2 Q&As & FAQs on depleted uranium

The International Atomic Energy Agency answers frequently asked questions about depleted uranium: 

The International Institute of Concern for Public health answers questions about depleted uranium at: 

1.3 Other websites

The United Nations Environment Prorgamme reported on effects of use of depleted uranium weapons at: 

The World Health Organisation has guidance on depleted uranium and scientific opinion at: 

The UN Institute for Disarmament Research had a special journal issue of its Disarmament Forum on depleted uranium in 2008, available from: 

The International Peace Bureau (IPB) has a report on the health and environmental hazards of DU:


2. Other Views

The World Information Service on Energy (WISE) has extensive information on uranium, including depleted uranium: 

The Campaign Against Depleted Uranium is one of the organisations seeking a ban on use of the material. 

See also the International Campaign to Ban Uranium Weapons site: 

The GreenFacts Three-Level Structure used to communicate this SCHER Opinion is copyrighted by Cogeneris SPRL.