Figure 5. Light penetration in the skin

(attenuation down to 1% occurs for light wavelengths of 250-280 nm at around 40 μm depth; for 300 nm at 100 μm; for 360 nm at 190 μm; for 400 nm at 250 μm; for 700 nm at 400 μm; for 1.2 μm at 800 μm; for 2 μm at 400 μm; for 2.5 μm at 1μ; and for 400 μm at 30 μm)

Light penetration in the skin


Source: SCENIHR, Health effects of artificial light, 19 March 2012,
 3.4.1 Optical radiation and 3.4.2 Radiant energy absorption, pp. 22-31.