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Members (CVs and Declarations)
The members of the Inter-Committee Coordination group can be contacted through the Secretariat, details of which are listed below.

Prof. Em. Helmut Greim:
CV - Declaration of interests - Declaration of commitment pdf
Chair of the SCHER Committee
Professor of Toxicology at the Institute of Toxicology and Environmental Hygiene, Technical University of Munich, Germany.

Prof. Bo Oscar Jansson:
CV - Declaration of interests - Declaration of commitment pdf
Vice-Chair of the SCHER Committee
Professor at the Institute of Applied Environmental Research, Stockholm University, Sweden.

Dr Jose Tarazona:
CV - Declaration of interests - Declaration of commitment pdf
Vice-Chair of the SCHER Committee
Director of Department of the Environment INIA, Spanish National Institute For Agriculture and Food Research and Technology, Spain.

Dr Ian White:
CV - Declaration of interests - Declaration of commitment pdf
Chair of the SCCP Committee
Consultant Dermatologist, St. John's Institute of Dermatology, St Thomas'Hospital, United Kingdom.

Prof. Vera Maria Rogiers:
CV - Declaration of interests - Declaration of commitment pdf
Vice-Chair of the SCCP Committee
Head of Department, Department of Toxicology, Dermato-Cosmetology and Pharmacognosy, Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), Belgium.

Prof. Tore Sanner:
CV - Declaration of interests - Declaration of commitment pdf
Vice-Chair of the SCCP Committee
Head of Department of Environmental and Occupational Cancer, The Norwegian Radium Hospital Institute for Cancer Research, Norway.

Prof. James Bridges:
CV - Declaration of interests - Declaration of commitment pdf
Chair of the SCENIHR Committee
Professor of Toxicology and Environmental Health, United Kingdom.

Dr Wilhelmus De Jong:
CV - Declaration of interests - Declaration of commitment pdf
Vice-Chair of the SCENIHR Committee
Toxicological Pathologist Laboratory for Toxicology Pathology and
Genetics, National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), Netherlands.

Prof. Philippe Hartemann:
CV - Declaration of interests - Declaration of commitment pdf
Vice-Chair of the SCENIHR Committee
Professeur de Santé Publique, Département Environnement et Santé Publique, Faculté de Médecine, Université de Nancy, France.


Vladimir Garkov, MD, PhD

Scientific Committee Management Officer
European Commission
DG SANCO (Health and Consumers Directorate-General)
Unit C7: Risk Assessment
Belliard 232 Office 2-9
Rue Breydel 4, Brussels, Belgium 1049
Tel. +32 2 29 66 559