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Phtalates  Page d'accueil
Source :
CSRSE (2008)

Résumé & Détails:
GreenFacts (2009)
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Phtalates dans les fournitures scolaires


6. Conclusions

The SCHER opinion states:

Phthalates in tested school supplies do not contribute
                                        significantly to total exposure of children.
Phthalates in tested school supplies do not contribute significantly to total exposure of children.
Source: Ivaylo Georgiev

3.5. General conclusions

Based on the evaluation of the report of the Danish EPA on phthalates in school supplies, SCHER concludes that the phthalates in the articles tested do not significantly contribute to the body burden of phthalates in children. Analysis of exposure data on phthalates based on biomonitoring show that exposures to DEHP and other phthalates in the general population, except DNBP, are below the TDIs based on the comprehensive database on the toxicology of these compounds. However, DEHP exposures may exceed the TDI in specific populations (e.g. exposure from medical devices, see SCENHIR-opinion). Moreover, from the single available exploratory experiment SCHER has estimated that biting off pieces from an eraser and swallowing these particles also exceed the TDI by a factor of 4. This exposure is still 25-fold below the NOEL of DEHP, which has been obtained from long term experiments. Since swallowing particles bitten off an eraser represents a short-time habit of children or even a one-time event as outlined in the report it is unlikely that this exposure leads to health consequences. However, the SCHER stresses the great uncertainty of this evaluation and proposes a migration study as outlined in its opinion on Organic Chemicals in Toys (SCHER 2007).

Source & ©: SCHER   Opinion on phthalates in school supplies (2008),
3.5. General conclusions, p. 15

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