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Table 3.6: Hydrogen peroxide exposure in mouse dermal and hamster check pouch tumour promotion assays following initiation by with DMBA

Study Application Results mg/cm2/day
Bock et al., 1975
3% in 0.2 ml applied 5x/wk for 56 weeks Negative ~ 0.71
Kurokowa et al., 1984 5% in 0.2 ml applied 2x/wk for 51 weeks Negative ~ 0.48
Shamberger, 1972 3% in 0.25 ml applied daily for 40 weeks Negative ~ 1.25
Burnett and Goldenthal, 1988 3% (+ hair dye base) in 0.5 ml applied twice weekly /two years). Successive applications made to adjacent areas to minimise skin irritation Negative; ~ 0.71
Klein-Szanto and Slaga, 1982 5% in 0.2 ml applied 2x/wk for 25 weeks, no tumours in the control. 5% tumours ~ 0.47
Hamster Marshall et al., 1996 3% in 0.1 ml applied 5x/wk for 16 weeks Inadequate 0.43
Collett et al., 2001 3.3% [10% carbamide peroxide] in 0.5 ml applied 1x/wk for 34 weeks Negative 0.47

Source: SCCP  Opinion on Hydrogen peroxide, in its free form or when released, in oral hygiene products (2007), p.34