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Table 3.11: Unfavourable reports received to marketed mouth-rinse with 0.75% hydrogen peroxide in the period 1995-1997 (unpublished company data)

Unfavourable report Number
1 Not included in total reactions
2 Injury from opening container
Cuts/scrapes 121, 2
Splashes into eyes/face 173 1, 2
Swallowed product 102 1
Use complaints 58 1
Swallowed product with reaction (vomiting/cramps) 2
“Allergic” reactions 4
Rashes/hives 8
Body reactions 11
Skin irritations 12
Mouth irritations 104
Chapped mouth area/dry skin 2
Nausea 12
Stinging 3
Use complaints with unfavourable reactions 34

Source: SCCP  Opinion on Hydrogen peroxide, in its free form or when released, in oral hygiene products (2007), p.45