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Table 3.10: Summary of human safety data of hydrogen peroxide in mouth-rinses

Peroxide formulation n Dosage regimen Safety findings Reference
1.5% Hydrogen peroxide rinse 30 subjects rinsed 4 times a day for 7 days No treatment-related effects reported Winer et al., 1991
1.5% Hydrogen peroxide rinse 93 test 85 control rinsed 3 times a day for 7 days No treatment-related effects reported Gomes et al., 1984
1.5% Hydrogen 30 rinsed once a day No generalized Boyd, 1989
peroxide rinse children for 18 months mucosal irritation was noted  
6-12.5% Hydrogen peroxide rinse 88 dental students 2-3 times a day for 1-2.5 months Some gingival changes. 6,.4% showed “redder” gums and 3.4 paler gums. 6.6% developed hyperkeratinised filiform papillae of the tongue Müller et al, 1938
Hydrogen (not 21 days No adverse effects Purdue
peroxide/sodium stated)   reported University,
bicarbonate system       1990
3% Hydrogen peroxide rinse (not stated rinsed 3 to 5 times a day Mucosal irritation in 2 individuals with prior tissue injury Rees and Orth, 1986
3% Hydrogen (not   No adverse effects Herrin et al.,
peroxide with stated)   reported 1987
sodium bicarbonate        
1.5% Hydrogen peroxide rinse (not stated) 18 months No adverse effects reported Fischman et al., 1992
1.5% Hydrogen peroxide rinse (not stated) Twice daily for 24 months Improved gingival heath Gangler and Staab, 1985
0.75 or 1.5% Hydrogen peroxide rinse (not stated) 4 times daily for 5 weeks Discoloration of mucosal surfaces Tombes and Gallucci, 1993
1.5% Hydrogen peroxide rinse (not stated) 2 months No adverse effects reported Shibly et al., 1997

Source: SCCP  Opinion on Hydrogen peroxide, in its free form or when released, in oral hygiene products (2007), p.44