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Table 3 - NHP used for different purposes

See below for description of categories

Species 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 Total
Prosimians 384 0 0 97 0 0 196 677
NW primates 357 327 43 650 16 5 166 1564
OW primates 715 654 373 6257 0 37 174 8210
Total 1456 981 416 7004 16 42 536 10451
% of  the  total  NHPs used 13.9 % 9.38 % 7.9 % 67 % 0.15 % 0.41 % 5.1 %  
% with respect to total animal used 0.036 % 0.026 % 0.029 % 0.68 % 0.008 % 0.21 % 0.054 % 0.09 %

The six categories defined for use of animals in experimental purposes in Europe are the following:

  1. Biological studies of a fundamental nature (2.2)
  2. Research, development and quality control of products (2.3) and devices for human medicine (2.3), dentistry (2.4) and for veterinary medicine (2.5)
  3. Toxicological and other safety evaluations, including safety evaluation of products (2.6)
  4. Diagnosis of disease (2.7)
  5. Education and training (2.8)
  6. Other (2.9)

[Note: NHP = non-human primates; NW Primates = New World Monkeys; OW Primates = Old World Monkeys More...]

Source: SCHER,  The need for non-human primates in biomedical research, production and testing of products and devices (2009),
Section 3.1.1 Overview on the use of NHPs in research and testing, p. 7 -11.