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List of active molecules in biocidal products classified on the basis of chemical groups.

List of active molecules in biocidal products classified on the basis of chemical groups.
9 Estimated production in EU for m-cresol is greater than 1,000 t per year (Dye et al. 2007).
10 USA: > 500 t (Calafat et al. 2008).
11 Estimated production in EU for triclosan is 10-1,000 tonnes per year (Dye et al. 2007).
List of active molecules in biocidal products classified on the basis of chemical groups.
12 Surface active agents may not necessarily be used as active in a formulation, but as a surfactant.
13 Bronopol tonnage is estimated from 10 to 1,000 tonnes per year in the EU (Dye et al. 2007).
List of active molecules in biocidal products classified on the basis of chemical groups.

Source: SCENIHR,
 Assessment of the Antibiotic Resistance Effects of Biocides (2009),
Scope of opinion, definition of active substances , p. 15-17