Logotip Europske komisije


Broj 116, 10 listopad 2013


Vaš portal za pouzdane informacije o javnom zdravlju

Mental health

By, Tonio Borg, European Commissioner for Health

By, Tonio Borg, European Commissioner for Health

Vjerujem da svatko ima pravo na zdravlje. Svatko bi trebao imati pristup zdravstvenoj skrbi dobre kvalitete bez obzira na spol, dob, rasu, spolnu orijentaciju, vrstu bolesti, društveni status, obrazovanje ili državu iz koje dolazi. Kako bismo to ostvarili, moramo se boriti protiv diskriminacije u zdravstvu.

Prošle sam se godine osobno obvezao pred Europskim parlamentom da ću se boriti protiv svih oblika diskriminacije u zdravstvu.

Od tada sam poslušao sve one koji se suočavaju s diskriminacijom, koji se osjećaju kao žrtve stigmatizacije, koji imaju problema dobiti zdravstvenu zaštitu koja im je [...]

U ovom izdanju

Novosti iz EU-a » 
Izvješća iz cijele Europe » 
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Pročitajte glavnu temu ovog izdanja  »

Pročitajte i ...

Projekti u okviru programa zdravlja »

PREDI-NU - 'Preventing Depression and Improving Awareness through Networking in the EU'

PRO-YOUTH - Promotion of young people's mental health through technology-enhanced personalization of care

Nagrada EU-a za novinare u području zdravlja - članci »

Adventures in ward 14, Petr Třešňák, Czech Republic, First Prize winner

Black Balls, Tomasz Przybysz-Przybyszewski, Poland, national winner


Novosti iz EU-a 

World mental health day, 10 October 2013  »

The theme for 2013 is 'Mental health and older adults'.

Commissioner for health, Tonio Borg makes speech at the European Cancer Congress 2013 on the fight against cancer  »

In his speech Commisioner Borg said cancer is, and must remain, a high priority at all levels and by 2014, all EU Member States will have implemented national cancer control strategies or plans.

World Heart Day, 29 September 2013  »

Personally speaking from, Commissioner for Health, Tonio Borg  who stressed how healthy habits early in life can help save you from heart diseases.

Health-EU Journalist Prize 2013- submission date is now closed  »

Best ever edition! Close to 1000 articles submitted. These will now be sent to the national juries for consideration and the winners will be announced at a special ceremony in April 2014.

European Medicines Agency (EMA) launch video clip explaining the '▼' inverted triangle symbol on medicines under additional monitoring  »

A black triangle will start appearing on product information this autumn to encourage reporting of suspected adverse reactions.

European Day for Organ Donation and Transplantation (EODD), 12 October 2013  »

This year, Belgium is hosting the European day for organ donation, under the aegis of the Council of Europe.

Harmonising EU research on traditional Chinese medicines  »

EU-funded project GP-TCM -'Good Practice in Traditional Chinese Medicine Research in the Post-Genomic Era' was set up to assess current EU research practice on the use, safety and efficacy of traditional Chinese medicine.

EuroHealthNet launches the Quality Action Website  »

Quality Action which brings together 25 associated and 17 collaborating partners from 25 Member States, aims to increase the effectiveness of HIV prevention in Europe using practical Quality Assurance (QA) and Quality Improvement (QI) tools.

Izvješća iz cijele Europe 

Reform of psychiatry and mental health policy  [Luxembourg]  »

The Minister of Health and the CRP-Santé present the interim results on the status of 2011-2012 places on the progress of the reform of psychiatry sectors of care and the future of mental health policy.

Germany adopts a national plan for rare diseases  [Njemačka]  »

The 52 policy proposals in the national plan will address the most pressing problems of patients and their relatives.

Back to school in good health  [Italija]  »

A guide for parents and children for the new school year on, the right posture, how to choose the right school bag, which sport to choose, head lice etc.

'Healthiest healthy lifestyle fans' contest  [Litva]  »

The competition initiated by the Health Education and Disease Prevention Center (SMLPC) together with Lithuanian students of non-formal education center (LMNŠC) aims to develop children's' and students 'ability to protect and enhance their own and others' health.

Predstojeća događanja 

World Health Summit, (Berlin, 20-22 October 2013)  »

This summit brings together researchers, physicians, leading government officials and industry and NGO representatives from health care systems worldwide to address the most pressing issues facing medicine and health care systems over the next decade and beyond. 

Conference on 'Promoting Workplace Health Practices for Employees with Chronic Illness' (Brussels, 22-23 October 2013)  »

The conference funded under the EU Health programme will conclude the 9th European Network for Workplace Health Promotion (ENWHP) initiative.

6th European Patients Forum (EPF) - Regional advocacy seminar (Zagreb, 28-29 October 2013)  »

'How to strengthen the patients’ perspective at EU and national level?', - EPF will provide tools to the participants to advocate effectively at European and national level.

Nove publikacije 

New publication from the European Commission 'Improving health for all EU citizens' 2013  »

This publication explains what the EU does in the health area, why the EU is involved and what the results are.

EU Platform on Diet, Physical Activity and Health - 2013 Annual Report  »

This sixth Annual Report presents information on the extensive range of activities undertaken and summarises the activities and achievements of the Platform during 2012.

Plenary meeting of the European Platform for Action on Diet, Physical Activity and Health, Brussels, 26 September 2013  »

A flash report is now available.

Priopćenja za tisak EU-a 

Strengthening Consumer safety: Improving the safety of medical devices  »

The European Commission  has adopted two measures to improve the safety of medical devices fulfilling its commitment to restore patient confidence in the medical devices sector following, amongst others, the Poly Implant Prothèse (PIP) breast implants scandal. 

U sljedećem broju

Cross border health care

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