European Commission - Growth

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Small Business Act - Database of good practices

Translations EN

Id 630
Year of submission 2009
01. Title of the measure Programa Innova
02. Country
03. Language English
04. Contact details
Responsible organisation Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (Technical University of Catalonia) UPC
Name and Surname of contact person CRISTINA ARESTÉ
Street and number C/ JORDI GIRONA 29, NEXUS II,
Postal code 08034
City Barcelona
Country ES
E-mail of contact person CRISTINA.ARESTE@UPC.EDU
Website of organisation HTTP://PINNOVA.UPC.ES/INNOVA/

05. SBA policy area Entrepreneurship education
06. Source European Charter for Small Enterprises
07. Description of the measure The purpose is to contribute to the evaluation of the innovation developed within the UPC, by promoting the culture of innovation and the enterprising spirit in the university community and the creation of new companies. Firstly, projects are studied and selected according to their market potential . Secondly, the technical and economic feasibility of the projects is studied and assessment of the business plan and the search of financing is provided. The main services offered are: design of solutions and definition of policies that value technology and innovation, detection of technological opportunities, exploitation of the copyright, assessment in the tecnological protection and exploitation of development and the creation and growth of technological based companies.
08. Objectives Promote the role of the university as an agent of economic development and to contribute to the increase of competitiveness by encouraging innovation and the enterprising spirit in the university community.

09. Duration (dd/mm/yyyy)
Start Date 25/11/1998
End Date Measure open-ended
Other Information
10. Target group All the members of the UPC university community: students, researchers, professors, administration staff and services and graduates.
11. Have you consulted business organisations before submitting this measure? No
11.1 Comments/testimonial by business organisation/entrepreneur
12. Why is this measure a success? Please give information on results and achievements. We understand the model of the Triple Helix (H. Etzkowitz) as the base model of collaboration: Administration - University - Company. Programa Innova - UPC contributes to innovation and technological development providing society with the available capacities at University. At the same time, it reinforces the University-Company collaboration, through the technological transfer and the creation of new business initiatives, contributing to the advance and the progress of the developed comunity.
13. Problems that had to be overcome and lessons learned Improvements: • Some modifications were introduced in 2007 into the universities law in order to facilitate the participation of researchers in the creation of new Spin Offs. • In the last years, there has been a significant growth in the number of investments (and in its amount) in Technology Based Companies. • We are evolving from a Business Creation Model to a Technology Valuation model: that includes both Business Creation and IP licenses. Some handicaps we still have to overcome: • SpinOff and StartUp companies are helped at early stages by many units/institutions offering them different services and resources, but they still have problems to afford growth and consolidation. • Risk Culture: Still a lot of students prefer being civil servants rather than entrepreneurs.
14. Information on the measure can be provided in the following languages
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