European Commission - Growth

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Small Business Act - Database of good practices

Translations EN SV

Id 574
Year of submission 2009
01. Title of the measure Climate Centre
02. Country
03. Language English
04. Contact details
Responsible organisation Växjö Kommun
Name and Surname of contact person Johan Thorsell
Street and number V. Esplanaden 18
Postal code Box: 1222, 35112 Växjö
Country SE
E-mail of contact person
Website of organisation

05. SBA policy area Turning environmental challenges into opportunities
06. Source European Charter for Small Enterprises
07. Description of the measure Växjö municipality, together with the regional business community, will set up a business to commercialise and export local know-how in environmental, energy and climate issues. The underlying idea of the project is to promote environment-driven growth. Its main outcome will be a model for packaging, marketing and selling cleantech products and services to meet the demand in the global market. The specialist knowledge of municipal actors is an important part of the package when selling Swedish environmental know-how, and cooperation between the public service and the private sector is therefore necessary. This cooperation can be organised in the form of public-private partnerships. In this way, the project will benefit local cleantech and environmental technology companies.
08. Objectives The main objective is to create a public-private consultancy company specialising in climate issues. The company will commercialise and export the climate-related know-how developed by the municipal services and the local and regional businesses, thus increasing the Swedish exports in the field of environmental technology.

09. Duration (dd/mm/yyyy)
Start Date 28/08/2009
End Date Measure open-ended
Other Information After the end of the project period, the company should continue to operate using its consultancy income and become self-sustaining. If additional funds are needed, the partners/members shall primarily contribute the necessary funding.
10. Target group The project will engage many types of organisations. The main actors are the municipal services and the local/regional businesses. Others include professional organisations, universities, authorities and business networks.
11. Have you consulted business organisations before submitting this measure? No
11.1 Comments/testimonial by business organisation/entrepreneur
12. Why is this measure a success? Please give information on results and achievements. -
13. Problems that had to be overcome and lessons learned -
14. Information on the measure can be provided in the following languages
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