European Commission - Growth

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Small Business Act - Database of good practices

Translations EN HU

Id 160
Year of submission 2007
01. Title of the measure Tax break on investment reserves
02. Country
03. Language English
04. Contact details
Responsible organisation The rules are set out in tax laws drafted by the Ministry of Finance and adopted by Parliament.
Name and Surname of contact person Péter ZÓLYOMI
Street and number Pénzügyminisztérium, 1051 Budapest, József nádor tér 2-4.
Postal code
Country HU
E-mail of contact person
Website of organisation

05. SBA policy area Taxation
06. Source European Charter for Small Enterprises
07. Description of the measure All companies are entitled to deduct from their corporate tax base the amount which is transferred from profit reserves to fixed reserves during the tax year, if it is shown in the balance sheet line for fixed reserves on the last day of the tax year. The deductions are capped at 25% of the pre-tax profit, or HUF 500m per tax year. The taxpayer may release the reserves over the four following tax years to the extent of spending on new investments during the period. However, such investments are not eligible for deductions from the corporate-profit tax base. Self-employed persons taxed under the scheme for incorporated entities are also eligible for the concessions. The rules are specified in Act LXXXI of 1996 on company tax and dividend tax and in Act CXVII of 1995 on personal income tax.
08. Objectives To stimulate investment

09. Duration (dd/mm/yyyy)
Start Date
End Date Measure open-ended
Other Information 01/01/2003 - ongoing
10. Target group All businesses
11. Have you consulted business organisations before submitting this measure? Yes
11.1 Comments/testimonial by business organisation/entrepreneur -
12. Results achieved Around 16 000 businesses benefited from the concessions in 2005. This is about 2% of all registered businesses (710 000). Deductions totalled HUF 138bn. Given a corporate-profit tax rate of 16%, this resulted in a total of HUF 22.1bn in profit tax concessions.
13. Evaluation -
14. Why is this measure a success? Please give information on results and achievements. -
15. Problems that had to be overcome and lessons learned -
16. Information on the measure can be provided in the following languages
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