European Commission - Growth

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Small Business Act - Database of good practices

Translations EN IT

Id 91
Year of submission 2006
01. Title of the measure Fondo di Garanzia per l'ICT nelle PMI
02. Country
03. Language English
04. Contact details
Responsible organisation Ministero delle Attività Produttive
Name and Surname of contact person Alessio Nasini
Street and number Viale Maresciall Pilsudski, 124 00197 Roma (RM) Italy
Postal code
Country IT
E-mail of contact person
Website of organisation

05. SBA policy area 09b
06. Source European Charter for Small Enterprises
07. Description of the measure The Digital Technology section of the Fund issues guarantees on financing, lasting for from 36 months to 10 years and for values of up to 200 000 euros, granted to SMEs for programmes for investing in digital technology. The guarantee is issued free of charge to the business and covers up to 80% of the financing.
08. Objectives The purpose this line of action is to facilitate access to credit for SMEs to enable them to introduce innovations for both products and services by using digital technology.

09. Duration (dd/mm/yyyy)
Start Date
End Date Measure open-ended
Other Information 1/1/2005 - 31/12/2007
10. Target group All SMEs
11. Have you consulted business organisations before submitting this measure? Yes
11.1 Comments/testimonial by business organisation/entrepreneur Feedback on this measure from business associations was very positive. Confindustria and Confcommercio offered their support in organising a national campaign to promote the Guarantee Fund for ICT in SMEs.
12. Results achieved
13. Evaluation
14. Why is this measure a success? Please give information on results and achievements. The measure is an innovative instrument for facilitating access to credit by SMEs intending to finance investment in intangible assets. The measure is easily accessible and solves the chronic problem of financing for SMEs, particularly subsequent to the new “Basilea 2” directives.
15. Problems that had to be overcome and lessons learned To ensure that the initiative is successful with regard to access to credit, the active involvement of the banking system is a fundamental need.
16. Information on the measure can be provided in the following languages
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