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Governance lunchtime debates Other Documents
Institutional documents
Official documents of the Commission and the other European institutions with regard to the White Paper on Governance and its follow-up over the 2000-2001 period, are to be found on this page.

European Commission:

White Paper on European Governance PDF (183 Kb)

European Governance: renewing the community method PDF (143 Kb)


Other Institutions:

Resolution of the European Parliament on the White paper on European Governance

Governance lunchtime debates

In order to discuss ideas and benefit from the experience and the knowledge of various personalities, the governance team has organised a series of "lunchtime debates". All conclusions of the debates will be published on this site:

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"The Spanish Presidency's vision in relation to the White Paper on the governance", P. Plaza Garcia's speech (Adviser for the public administration in the Permanente Representation of Spain), Brussels, on 5 December 2001 document PDF [99.5 KB] fr

Governance, cities and regions ", J. Chabert's speech (President of the Committee of the Regions, Minister and Vice-President of the Brussels-capital Region), Brussels, on 24 October 2001 document PDF [90.2 KB] fr

Sustainable development and Governance, P. Calame, General Director of the C. L. Mayer Foundation, 11 July 2001 document PDF [31KB] fr

The Organised Civil Society and democratic Governance in the European Union, P. Venturini, General Secretary of the ESC, 27 June 2001 document PDF [15KB] fr

Governance and the European capitals, L. Granier, General Delegate of the Mayor of Paris, 20 June 2001 document PDF [15KB] fr

"From Nice to Laeken: Which Union and which reforms?", C. Franck, Professor at the Institute of European Studies UCL, 6 June 2001 document PDF [96.7 KB] fr

Post-Nice:A constituent process? P. Magnette, ULB, 30 May 2001 document PDF [123 KB] fr

Governance, press and deontology, C. Lewis, Director of the Centre for Public Integrity in Washington DC, 16 May 2001 document PDF [15KB]

Towards convergent European electoral systems, B. Owen, X. Mabille, General Secretary of the Centre for Comparative Electoral Studies, 11 May, 2001 document PDF [16KB] fr

Consultations on line, J. Shahin, Senior Research Fellow at the International Institute of Infonomics in Heerlen Netherlands, 3 May 2001 document PDF [23KB]

Conceptual framework for thinking about how governments are changning and need to change some reforms in the UK in respect of budgets, structures, technology, targets, risk, citizen engagement and porousness, G. Mulgan, Head of Unit UK Cabinet Office, 6 April 2001

Agreements between social partners as an element of Governance. Results, limits, new challenges, E. Gabaglio, ESC, W Beinaert, UNICE, 18 March 2001 document PDF [14,6KB]

Better regulation and co-regulation, A. Palacio, President of the EP Committee on legal affairs and the internal market , 26 March 2001document PDF [11KB] fr

Relations between the Reform of the Commission and the White Paper on European Governance, A. Quero Mussot, the European Commission, 23 March 2001 document PDF [16KB] fr

Governance and globalisation, R. Passet, President of the Scientific council of ATTAC, 14 February 2001 document PDF [13 KB] fr

Better regulation: Simplification in Italy, L. Carbone, State Councillor in Italy, 31 January 2001

Networked Governance in private and public organisations, E. Loeffer, European Foundation Zürich and PUMA, 24 January 2001

DECODE, Reform and audit, C. Dewaleyne, Councillor for internal audit 14 December 2000 document PDF [13KB] fr

Presentation of the ESC opinion on Simplifying rules in the single market, B. Vever, ESC 13 December 2000 document PDF [16KB] fr

A networked Europe, Communication and the "three circles": initiated, partners and the wider public, F. Biancheri, Europe 2020, 29 November 2000

Communication and networks, G. Clarotti, C. Leclerq, F. Ledoux, S. Greeneway 24 October 2000

Working Groups Reports
Other Documents


Book reviews

Book Review: Governing Europe ("Gouverner l'Europe"), Fritz Scharpf document PDF [27KB] fr

Book Review: "Doing Less to Do More : A New Focus for the EU", Nick Clegg MEPdocument PDF [19KB]

Paper Review: "The Future of Parliamentary Democracy: Transition and Challenge in European Governance", Green Paper prepared for the Conference of the European Union Speakers of Parliament document PDF [56KB]

Paper Review: "Governance in the European Union - Searching for democratic legitimacy", Beate Kohler Koch document PDF [18KB]


Governance im europäischen Mehrebenensystem, Vortrag von Helmut Schmitt von Sydow, 26-28 march 2001document PDF [159 KB]de

Speech to the Committee of the Regions, Speech by Romano Prodi - Committee of the Regions, 20 September 2001

"The European Union and its citizens: a matter of Democracy", Speech by Romano Prodi - European Parliament, Strasbourg, 4 September 2001

Governance and democracy in Europe ("La gouvernance et la démocratie en Europe"), Speech by Loyola de Palacio - Lille, 9 November 2000 document PDF [35KB] fr

"The consistency of public action: the role of the centre of government", Speech by Luciano Violante - Budapest, 6-7 October 2000 document PDF [22KB]

Shaping the New Europe, Speech by Romano Prodi announcing the White Paper - European Parliament, Strasbourg, 15 February 2000