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Avian Influenza - Control measures

Control measures ( Directive 2005/94/EC)

The revised control measures of the new avian influenza Directive must be applied by Member States as of 1 July 2007. It foresees more comprehensive and flexible provisions allowing to combat avian influenza - in its highly and low pathogenic form - more effectively. Based on the positive outcome of a risk assessment these measures also provide for possible derogations from the necessity of culling of birds on affected premises in the case of non-commercial holdings, circuses, zoos, pet shops, wild life parks or where birds are kept for the for scientific research or conservation of endangered species.

a) Provision for extended protection and buffer zones for areas surrounding cases in domestic poultry ( 2006/415/EC - amended by 2006/506/EC, 2007/79/EG, 2007/83/EC, 2007/119/EC and 2007/128/EC, 2007/454/EC, 2007/483/EC, 2007/496/EC, 2007/556/EC, 2007/591/EC, 2007/604/EC, 2007/731/EC, 2007/770/EC, 2007/785/EC, 2007/816/EC, 2007/838/EC, 2007/844/EC, 2007/878/EC, 2007/885/EC, 2008/070/EC, 2008/543/EC, 2008/812/EC, 2009/495/EC, 2010/218/EU)

To complement the measures provided for in the Directive 2005/94/EC in case of the suspicion or presence of highly pathogenic avian influenza of the Asian lineage H5N1 additional precautions are taken by defining an area "A" and "B". Area "A" includes the protection and surveillance zones and area "B" is established around area "A" serving as a buffer zone between the outbreaks and the non-affected parts of the Member State. Movements of live poultry, live birds, hatching eggs, meat and meat products of wild feathered game and animal by-products of avian origin are halted and certain movements may be authorised under stringent veterinary control. Strict biosecurity must be applied and means of transport must be cleaned and disinfected before and after use.

Member States can impose more stringent measures if they believe these contribute to a more rapid and effective eradication of the disease. Member States must keep the Commission informed of such measures.

b) Control and Monitoring Areas for wild birds ( 2006/563/EC amended by Decision 2007/119/EC)

This decision lays down protection measures in case of a suspected or confirmed case of HPAI H5N1 in a wild bird in order to protect the poultry populations from getting infected. It includes the establishment of a 3km control area and a 10km monitoring area where certain restrictions for movements apply to live poultry and poultry products. Poultry must be kept indoors and enhanced biosecurity and surveillance must be applied. Based on the positive outcome of a risk assessment the size and the shape of the area can be adapted to the epidemiological, ecologicol and geographical situation.

c) Poultry killing methods - Joint Animal Health/Animal Welfare meeting
Agenda with presentations

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