Publication Details

Back Sigma – The Bulletin of European Statistics – From farm to fork

Sigma is a magazine published by Eurostat, addressing people interested in European statistics. Each issue deals with a specific statistical theme. This time the focus is on sustainable agriculture and fisheries statistics. Inside, readers will find examples of work done in the area by Eurostat and other European Union Directorates-General. We describe how international bodies, such as the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea, help to provide policymakers with information and analysis. We present EU Member States with a high profile in the field of sustainable agriculture and fisheries, and shed light on agricultural conservation in the United States. The issue closes with a feature on Canada's central statistical agency Statistics Canada and a report on the 150th anniversary of official statistics in Romania.

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Release date: 1 March 2010

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Format: PAPER

Additional information

Product code: KS-BU-10-001
ISSN ISSN1018-5739
Theme: General and regional statistics
Collection: Statistical books