Back How many deaths from tuberculosis recorded in the EU?

24 March 2020

© Puwadol Jaturawutthichai/

The number of deaths from tuberculosis has continued to decline in the European Union (EU). A total of 3 770 people died from tuberculosis in 2016, 300 less than the previous year and 1 130 fewer than in 2011.

Men (2 620 deaths due to tuberculosis in 2016) were more affected than women (1 150 deaths). Over half of those who died from tuberculosis (55%), were people aged 65 and above.



Source dataset: hlth_cd_aro


Death rate from tuberculosis highest in Lithuania, lowest in the Netherlands

At EU level, the standardised death rate from tuberculosis stood at 8 deaths per million inhabitants in 2016. Compared with 2011, this rate gradually decreased from 11 deaths per million inhabitants.

With 60 deaths from tuberculosis per million inhabitants, Lithuania registered the highest rate among the EU Member States. It was followed by Romania (50) and Latvia (39).

By contrast, the low death rates from tuberculosis were registered in the Netherlands and Sweden (both with 2 deaths per million inhabitants), followed by Luxembourg, Belgium, Cyprus, Germany and Slovenia (all with 3 deaths per million inhabitants).



Source dataset: hlth_cd_asdr2



This news item is published on the occasion of World Tuberculosis Day (24 March).


For more information:

Causes of death statistics are based on information derived from the medical certificate of cause of death. Causes of death are classified by the 86 causes of the "European shortlist", which is based on the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD).

Causes of death statistics present absolute numbers, crude death rates and (age-) standardised death rates. As most causes of death vary significantly with people's age and sex, the use of standardised death rates improves comparability over time and between countries.

For more information on the statistics available in this area, take a look at the overview of health statistics and the Statistics Explained article Health statistics introduced.


Note: The European Union (EU) includes 27 EU Member States. The United Kingdom left the European Union on 31 January 2020. Further information is published here.


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