Unemployment rate, 2021(% of labour force, people aged 15–74, by NUTS 2 regions)Administrative boundaries: © EuroGeographics © UN–FAO © TurkstatCartography: Eurostat – IMAGE, 10/2022Note: Gießen (DE72), Leipzig (DED5), Mayotte (FRY5), Montenegro, North Macedonia and Turkey: 2020. Niederbayern (DE22), Oberpfalz (DE23), Oberfrank-en (DE24), Unterfranken (DE26), Bremen (DE50), Kassel (DE73), Koblenz (DEB1), Trier (DEB2), Saarland (DEC0), Chemnitz (DED4) and Lubuskie (PL43): 2019.Source: Eurostat (online data code: lfst_r_lfu3rt)EU = 7.0≥ 14.59.0 – < 14.55.5 – < 9.04.0 – < 5.53.0 – < 4.0< 3.0 Data not available