Vineyard (vit)

National Reference Metadata in ESS Standard for Quality Reports Structure (ESQRS)

Compiling agency: Statistics Portugal

Eurostat metadata
Reference metadata
1. Contact
2. Statistical presentation
3. Statistical processing
4. Quality management
5. Relevance
6. Accuracy and reliability
7. Timeliness and punctuality
8. Coherence and comparability
9. Accessibility and clarity
10. Cost and Burden
11. Confidentiality
12. Comment
Related Metadata
Annexes (including footnotes)

For any question on data and metadata, please contact: Eurostat user support


1. Contact Top
1.1. Contact organisation

Statistics Portugal

1.2. Contact organisation unit

Economic Statistics Department / Agriculture and Environment Statistics Unit

1.5. Contact mail address

Av. António José de Almeida

1000-043 LISBOA

2. Statistical presentation Top
2.1. Data description

The vineyard data set includes data on the structure of vineyards in the European Union. It covers the holdings growing vines intended to produce grapes for other purposes than table grapes or growing plants for vegetative propagation of before mentioned vines and the area covered by these vines.  The data concerns the vine types, degree of specialisation of vine-grower holdings, main varieties of grapes and age of plants. Some indicators are collected at national level, others a NUTS2 level.  The data are extracted from the Agricultural Census 2019 and vineyard register. The Member States, which have more than 500 ha of vines for other purpose than table grape production need to collect the data.

The reference year of the data described in this report is the year 2020.

2.2. Classification system

The classification system used in the vineyard data has several dimensions:  type of vineyards, degree of specialisation of the holding, main varieties (> 500 ha t national level), age of plants and size classes of holdings. More information can be found in the Handbook.

2.3. Coverage - sector

Growing of grapes for other purposes than table grapes (mainly for wine, juice, raisins) (part of NACE rev.  2 classification of A01.21: growing of grapes) and plant propagation for vines (part of NACE rev.  2 classification of A01.30: plant propagation).

2.4. Statistical concepts and definitions

Statistical characteristics of observations
Is there a national legislation covering structural vineyard statistics? YES
Name of the legislation

Decree law No 176/2015 of 25 August 2015

If yes, provide a link

Scope and coverage of the legislation

Lays down the rules for the scheme of authorizations for vine plantings in accordance with Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 December 2013 on the common organization of the markets in wine agricultural products.

Responsable organisation for the legislation

Instituto da Vinha e do Vinho, I.P.

Precision requirements 

Not applicable (Vineyard register is exhaustive for target the population)

Does the national legal frame foresee the use of the vineyard register?  YES
2.5. Statistical unit

Number of holdings growing vines intended to produce grapes for other purposes than table grapes or growing plants for vegetative propagation of before mentioned vines and the area covered by these vines in hectares.

2.6. Statistical population

All holdings growing vines intended to produce grapes for other purposes than table grapes or growing plants for vegetative propagation of before mentioned vines, having an area bigger than 0.1 hectares registered in the vineyard register.

2.7. Reference area

The reference area is Portugal

2.8. Coverage - Time

When was the first (regular) structural vineyard survey / data collection organised?


Frequency of the data collection (if there was one) before 1979 or before EU membership?
If not regularly, in which years the vineyards have been surveyed ?

1989 and 1999

2.9. Base period

Not applicable

3. Statistical processing Top
3.1. Source data

Is the register maintained at national or regional level? National                                
  Register 1 Register 2 Register 3 Register 4 Register 5 Register 6 Register 7 Register 8 Register 9 Register 10 Register 11 Register 12 Register 13 Register 14 Register 15 Register 16 Register 17
Name of the register(s)

Vineyard Register

Data owner (organisation)

Instituto da Vinha e do Vinho, I.P.

Contact information of the register authority (email and phone number)

Bernardo Gouvêa

+ 351 213 506 700

Legal basis

Decree Law No 66/2012 of 16 March 2012

Does the register contain parcel level data? YES
Are the parcels belonging to the same holder grouped under the same holding-id in the register? YES
Is the holding geo-referenced with co-ordinates? Yes, at parcel level
How is the vineyard holding identified in the register? Unique ID of the holder
Were all variables taken from vineyard register? NO
If no, which variables were not taken from the register?

Vine area and holdings.

PT only used the 2015 vineyard register for weighting the "areas under vine in production", "area under vine not yet in production" and for "vine varieties by age classes".

Why were they not taken from the register? Other reasons
For what purpose the ancillary data sources were used? Other
If other, which was the purpose?

For this wave, what is called ancillary data source was, in fact, the main source, which allowed Statistics Portugal to fulfill the legal requirements.

Were other ancillary data sources used? YES  
If yes, which ones? Data source  Type of data source
Name of the data source 1

Agricultural Census 2019

Name of the data source 2
Name of the data source 3

Additional comments

Statistics Portugal didn't used the up-to-date Vineyard Register data, once the Portuguese Wine and Vineyard Agency was unable to deliver it on schedule.

Therefore, the only data from Vineyard Register used was the structure of 2015 "area under vine in production", "area under vine not yet in production" and "vine varieties by age classes", which were not surveyed by Census. The area under vine and the number of holdings were obtained by the Agricultural Census 2019.

By doing this, there was a significant decrease on the number of holdings since 2015, mainly due to diferent cover and scopes (there isn't an exact match between holding in Census and vine-grower in Vineyard Register). Althoug the Vineyard Register data wasn't delivered to Statistics Portugal, the total area under vine on this register is usualy considered by experts too high, once a considerable percentage of vine parcels have not been claimed by any vine-grower, and, likely, are already not vineyards.

3.2. Frequency of data collection

The structural statistics on vineyards governed by Regulation (EU) No 1337/2011 are collected every 5 years. The first data collection took place in 2015. The second and last one was carried out in 2020.

3.3. Data collection

How easy was it  to get access to the vineyard register data (administrative access)?  
The data provider has direct constant access to the vineyard register
Access was granted upon a simple request
Access was granted after some negotiations
Access was granted after lenthy negotiations 
Access was not granted
Were the data from the vineyard register integrated into a statistical holding register? NO
If not, what were the reasons for not doing that?  
There was no need for such an operation
It was not technically possible because of lack of common identifier
It was not feasible due to data protection issues
It was considered too expensive
Other reasons

Access to the Vineyard Register was not granted to Statistics Portugal on schedule.

Additional comments

3.4. Data validation

Which kind of data validation measures are in place? Automatic and Manual
What do they target?  
Unit completeness
Item completeness
Valid value
Time series ranges (outlier detection)
Relational checks between characteristics
Arithmetic calculations (e.g. correctness of aggregates)

For additional information, please see the Portuguese Agricultural Census Quality Report.

Is the data cross-validated against another dataset? YES
If yes, which dataset?  
Previous results of vineyard statistics
Annual crop statistics area data
FSS data 
Other dataset

IACS data.

Additional comments

All the answers for the item 3.4 are related to Agricultural Census data source.

Attention: Access to the Vineyard Register was not granted to Statistics Portugal on schedule.

3.5. Data compilation

PT used the 2015 vineyard register for weighting the "areas under vine in production", "area under vine not yet in production" and for "vine varieties by age classes". The weighting coefficients were combined with the areas under vine and holdings from Agricultural Census.

3.6. Adjustment

Not applicable.

4. Quality management Top
4.1. Quality assurance

Is there a quality management process in place for vineyard statistics? YES
If yes, what are the components?

Wine production and vineyard surface

Was the authority responsible for the vineyard register involved in the quality assurance of the vineyard data? NO
If yes, which data quality improvement actions were proposed to be done to the vineyard register?  
Improvement of coverage of the register (elimination of over-coverage)
Improvement of the coverage of the register (elimination of under-coverage)
Elimination of multiple listings
More frequent updates
Inclusion of new characteristics in the register
Improving the identification of the holding
Other improvement actions
Is there a Quality Report available? NO
If yes, please provide a link
Has a peer-review been carried out for vineyard statistics? NO
If yes, which were the main conclusions?
What quality improvement measures are planned for the next 5 years?  
Improvement of the vineyard register
Improvement of data validation
Further automation
Quality Report
Peer review

Statistics Portugal hopes that, in the near future, could access to the Vineyard Register data from the Portuguese Wine and Vineyard Agency in real-time, with quality and in a suitable layout.

Additional comments

Attention: Access to the Vineyard Register was not granted to Statistics Portugal on schedule.

4.2. Quality management - assessment

   Grading  Comments
How would you describe the overall quality of the structural vineyard statistics?  Good
How would you describe the relevance of the structural vineyard statistics?  Good
How would you describe the accuracy of the structural vineyard statistics?  Good
How would you describe the comparability of the structural vineyard statistics with other agricultural statistics, e.g. FSS and Annual Crop Statistics?  Good
How would you describe the coherence (over time) of the structural vineyard statistics?  Low
How would you describe the coherence (across regions in your country) of the structural vineyard statistics?  Very good
How would you describe the accessibility of the structural vineyard statistics?  Low
How would you describe the clarity of the structural vineyard statistics?  Satisfactory

Additional comments

This assessment was made taking into account the Agricultural Census 2019 data.

5. Relevance Top
5.1. Relevance - User Needs

Is the structural vineyard data necessary at national level? YES
Does Regulation 1337/2011 meet the national structural vineyard data needs? YES
If not, did you add additional characteristics which are needed at national level added to the EU-level list of characteristics? NO
If yes, which ones?
Are there further known unmet user needs? NO
If yes, describe the unmet needs

Additional comments

5.2. Relevance - User Satisfaction

Has a user satisfaction survey been done? NO
If yes, how satisfied were the users?

Additional comments

5.3. Completeness

Is the vineyard data set complete? NO
If not, which characteristics are missing?

Missing values for grape varieties and age classes in Autonomous Regions (Azores and Madeira).

Are all main varieties (> 500ha at natioanl level) listed by name in Table 4? YES  
If not, give the name and area of the main varieties included in class other main red grape varieties Name Area (ha) 
Variety 1
Variety 2
Variety 3
Variety 4
Variety 5
Variety 6
Variety 7
Variety 8
Variety 9
Variety 10
If not, give the name and area of the main varieties included in class other main white grape varieties Name Area (ha) 
Variety 1
Variety 2
Variety 3
Variety 4
Variety 5
Variety 6
Variety 7
Variety 8
Variety 9
Variety 10
If not, give the name and area of the main varieties included in class other main other colour  grape varieties Name Area (ha) 
Variety 1
Variety 2
Variety 3
Variety 4
Variety 5
Variety 6
Variety 7
Variety 8
Variety 9
Variety 10

Additional comments

5.3.65. Data completeness - rate

Not available.

6. Accuracy and reliability Top
6.1. Accuracy - overall

How good is the accuracy of the vineyard statistics? Good
What are the main factors lowering the accuracy? Missing characteristics
If others, which ones?

Misclassification of some characteristics the vine parcel in the vineyard register – Grape Varieties.

Additional comments

6.2. Sampling error

Not available

6.2.1. Sampling error - indicators

Not available

6.3. Non-sampling error

See following items.

6.3.1. Coverage error
Restricted from publication Over-coverage - rate
Restricted from publication Common units - proportion
Restricted from publication
6.3.2. Measurement error

Not available.

6.3.3. Non response error

In the context of vineyard data collection the non-response is understood as missing characteristics in the vineyard register

Were all characteristics mentioned in Regulation 1337/2011 Annex 2 present in the vineyard register? NO
If not, which were missing?

The vines producing material for vegetative propagation.

Were ancillary data sources used to fill in the gaps? NO
If yes, which one?

Additional comments

The Raisins area has no expression and the information about vegetative propagation must be analysed and evaluated for this purpose. Unit non-response - rate

Not available. Item non-response - rate

Not available.

6.3.4. Processing error

Not available. Imputation - rate

Not available.

6.3.5. Model assumption error

Not available.

6.4. Seasonal adjustment

Not available.

6.5. Data revision - policy

Not available.

6.6. Data revision - practice

How many data revisions were done?


Why were the data revisions done?

Additional comments

6.6.4. Data revision - average size

Not available.

7. Timeliness and punctuality Top
7.1. Timeliness

  Register 1 Register 2 Register 3 Register 4 Register 5 Register 6 Register 7 Register 8 Register 9 Register 10 Register 11 Register 12 Register 13 Register 14 Register 15 Register 16 Register 17
Name of the register(s)

Vineyard Register

When were the data extracted from the vineyard register? 07/06/2016
When was the latest update of the vineyard register done before the data extraction? 04/04/2016
Update frequency of the register Continuous

Additional comments

7.1.70. Time lag - first result

Not available.

7.1.71. Time lag - final result

Not available.

7.2. Punctuality

Was the dataset delivered to Eurostat by the deadline (30 September 2021)? YES
In case not, how many days delay was there?   

Additional comments

7.2.4. Punctuality - delivery and publication

Not available.

8. Coherence and comparability Top
8.1. Comparability - geographical

Were there any differences in the definition of the characteristics between the national/regional data and those described in Regulation 1337/2011? YES
If yes, which definitions were different?

National level doesn’t include Azores and Madeira

How would you describe the impact of the differences in definitions for the data comparability at EU level? Very small

Additional comments

Asymmetry for mirror flow statistics - coefficient


8.1.5. Asymmetry for mirror flow statistics - coefficient
8.2. Comparability - over time

There have been sufficient changes to warrant the designation of a break in series.

8.2.1. Length of comparable time series

Not applicable.

8.3. Coherence - cross domain

With which other data sources the vineyard data have  been compared?  No comparison
Other statistics
Other registers
If no comparisons have been made, why not?

As explained before, the Vineyard Register was not delivered by the National Wine and Vineyard Agency, and the main source was the Agricultural Census 2019.

Result of the comparison with ACS Small differences
If differences were detected, to which characteristics are they linked ? Total area
Description of the differences
Result of the comparison with FSS Fully comparable
If differences were detected, to which characteristics are they linked ? No differences detected
Description of the differences
Other comparison results Small differences
If differences, please give a brief description of the results of this comparison.

Additional comments

8.4. Coherence - sub annual and annual statistics

Not available.

8.5. Coherence - National Accounts

Not available.

8.6. Coherence - internal

Not available.

9. Accessibility and clarity Top
9.1. Dissemination format - News release

  Availability Links
News release  NO
9.2. Dissemination format - Publications

  Availability Links
Publications NO
Publications in English NO
9.3. Dissemination format - online database

  Availability Links
On-line database accessible to users  NO
Website NO
Free/against payment data access policy Against payment  
9.3.6. Data tables - consultations

Not available.

9.4. Dissemination format - microdata access

  Availability Links
Micro-data access for researchers  NO
9.5. Dissemination format - other

Not available.

9.6. Documentation on methodology

  Availability Links
Methodological report NO
Scientific publications NO
Definitions and classifications YES
9.7. Quality management - documentation

  Availability Links
Quality Report NO
Metadata NO
9.7.3. Metadata completeness - rate

Not available.

9.7.4. Metadata - consultations

Not available.

10. Cost and Burden Top
Restricted from publication

11. Confidentiality Top
11.1. Confidentiality - policy
Restricted from publication
11.2. Confidentiality - data treatment
Restricted from publication

12. Comment Top

The article 3 - Coverage, of Reg (EU) no. 1337/2011 foresees in paragraph 4 that should be used the data available in Vineyard Register. Such requirement, as explained before, was not possible for this wave. In that sense, PT try to adapt, as much as possible, the content of this Quality Report in order to reflect the methodological approach followed by Statistics Portugal.

Related metadata Top

Annexes Top