Production in services

National Reference Metadata in Euro SDMX Metadata Structure (ESMS)

Compiling agency: Czech Statistical Office

Eurostat metadata
Reference metadata
1. Contact
2. Metadata update
3. Statistical presentation
4. Unit of measure
5. Reference Period
6. Institutional Mandate
7. Confidentiality
8. Release policy
9. Frequency of dissemination
10. Accessibility and clarity
11. Quality management
12. Relevance
13. Accuracy
14. Timeliness and punctuality
15. Coherence and comparability
16. Cost and Burden
17. Data revision
18. Statistical processing
19. Comment
Related Metadata
Annexes (including footnotes)

For any question on data and metadata, please contact: Eurostat user support


1. Contact Top
1.1. Contact organisation

Czech Statistical Office

1.2. Contact organisation unit

Trade, Transport, Services, Tourism, and Environmental Statistics Department (52)

1.5. Contact mail address

Czech Statistical Office
Na padesátém 81
100 82 Praha 10
Czech Republic

2. Metadata update Top
2.1. Metadata last certified 11/06/2023
2.2. Metadata last posted 11/06/2023
2.3. Metadata last update 11/06/2023

3. Statistical presentation Top
3.1. Data description

Services production
Production is published in the form of an index (not absolute figures) as an indicator of the business cycle.

The Index of services production indicator only differs from the sales index at constant prices indicator by using of different weights. At the lowest level (of 2-digit or 3-digit CZ-NACE), both the sales index at constant prices and the Index of services production are the same. In higher aggregations, the indices differ due to the different weighting scheme (sales index – sales are the weights, the Index of services production – the value added is the weights).

All methodological information is the same as in BCS_TOSES_A_CZ_2022.

3.2. Classification system

NACE Rev. 2.

3.3. Coverage - sector

Activities covered: NACE Rev. 2 Divisions 69, 70, 71, 73, 74, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, Sections H, I, J, L.

No size class is excluded from the survey.

3.4. Statistical concepts and definitions

Detailed definition of indicator can be found in the Commission Implementing Regulation 2020/1197 (Annex IV).

The objective of the production index is to measure changes in the volume of output at monthly intervals. It provides a measure of the volume trend in value added over a given reference period. The production index is calculated in the form of a Laspeyres type index.

3.5. Statistical unit

Enterprise. KAU from 1/2021.

3.6. Statistical population

All market enterprises with main activity in NACE Rev. 2 Divisions 68, 69, 70, 71, 73, 74, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, Sections H, I, J. All size classes are included.

The frame is the business register, which is regularily updated with demographic changes.
An overview on the structure of the population below represents the number of active units.

Services total - 458 736 units

3.7. Reference area

Czech Republic.

3.8. Coverage - Time

Year 2015-present

3.9. Base period

Both base year and reference year 2015.

4. Unit of measure Top

Index (%).

5. Reference Period Top

Calendar month

6. Institutional Mandate Top
6.1. Institutional Mandate - legal acts and other agreements

Act No. 89/1995 Coll. on the State Statistical Service of June 15, 1995, amended by Act No. 220/2000 Coll. and Act No. 411/2000 Coll.

The European Parliament and Council adopted the European Business Statistics (EBS) Regulation (EU) 2019/2152 on 27 November 2019, followed by the Commission Implementing Regulation 2020/1197 laying down technical specifications and arrangements pursuant to the mentioned EBS Regulation (General Implementing Act).

Full wording of Act No. 89/1995 Coll.
Full wording of EBS Regulation (EU) 2019/2152
6.2. Institutional Mandate - data sharing

 Data sharing with international organisations: Eurostat

7. Confidentiality Top
7.1. Confidentiality - policy

The principle of protection of individual data is assured by the law on protection of personal data and the Act No. 89/1995 Coll. as amended, which implies an active approach to confidentiality. The detailed rules  are specified in the internal CZSO Directive No. 1/2022, which content is seen as confidential.

7.2. Confidentiality - data treatment

Data are only published down to an activity and size level at which they are not confidential. Data allowing direct or indirect identification of individual enterprise can only be published under written permission of all related subjects. The parameters for primary confidential data determination are confidential.

8. Release policy Top
8.1. Release calendar

Methodological information is the same as in BCS_TOSES_A_CZ_2022. Indicators Production and Turnover are surveyed in common statistical survey.

8.2. Release calendar access

Methodological information is the same as in BCS_TOSES_A_CZ_2022. Indicators Production and Turnover are surveyed in common statistical survey.

Catalogue of Products
8.3. Release policy - user access

Methodological information is the same as in BCS_TOSES_A_CZ_2022. Indicators Production and Turnover are surveyed in common statistical survey.

9. Frequency of dissemination Top

Transmission to Eurostat: monthly

National dissemination: monthly time series.

10. Accessibility and clarity Top
10.1. Dissemination format - News release

Methodological information is the same as in BCS_TOSES_A_CZ_2022. Indicators Production and Turnover are surveyed in common statistical survey.

10.2. Dissemination format - Publications

Methodological information is the same as in BCS_TOSES_A_CZ_2022. Indicators Production and Turnover are surveyed in common statistical survey.

Time Series: Services (Public Database)
10.3. Dissemination format - online database

Data are available in our Public database.

Monthly value and volume year–on-year indices (neither seasonally adjusted nor calendar adjusted data, calendar adjusted data, calendar and seasonally adjusted data).

Monthly value and volume indices (data 2015 = 100) (neither seasonally adjusted nor calendar adjusted data, calendar adjusted data, calendar and seasonally adjusted data).

Level of breakdown: 2-digit and CZ_NACE 70.2.

Time Series: Services (Public Database)
10.4. Dissemination format - microdata access

According to the national legislation the access to the microdata is allowed for scientific purposes only. Each request is decided on individual basis by the relevant expert group.

10.5. Dissemination format - other

Methodological information is the same as in BCS_TOSES_A_CZ_2022. Indicators Production and Turnover are surveyed in common statistical survey.

10.6. Documentation on methodology

An elementary description of methodology is given on the CZSO website.

The whole process of data production is driven by internal documentation (Technical projects and the Statistical Metadata System) to which CZSO employees have access.

10.7. Quality management - documentation

Methodological information is the same as in BCS_TOSES_A_CZ_2022. Indicators Production and Turnover are surveyed in common statistical survey.

11. Quality management Top
11.1. Quality assurance

Methodological information is the same as in BCS_TOSES_A_CZ_2022. Indicators Production and Turnover are surveyed in common statistical survey.

11.2. Quality management - assessment

Methodological information is the same as in BCS_TOSES_A_CZ_2022. Indicators Production and Turnover are surveyed in common statistical survey.

12. Relevance Top
12.1. Relevance - User Needs

Methodological information is the same as in BCS_TOSES_A_CZ_2022. Indicators Production and Turnover are surveyed in common statistical survey.

12.2. Relevance - User Satisfaction

Methodological information is the same as in BCS_TOSES_A_CZ_2022. Indicators Production and Turnover are surveyed in common statistical survey.

12.3. Completeness

Methodological information is the same as in BCS_TOSES_A_CZ_2022. Indicators Production and Turnover are surveyed in common statistical survey.

13. Accuracy Top
13.1. Accuracy - overall

Methodological information is the same as in BCS_TOSES_A_CZ_2022. Indicators Production and Turnover are surveyed in common statistical survey.

13.2. Sampling error

Methodological information is the same as in BCS_TOSES_A_CZ_2022. Indicators Production and Turnover are surveyed in common statistical survey.

13.3. Non-sampling error

Methodological information is the same as in BCS_TOSES_A_CZ_2022. Indicators Production and Turnover are surveyed in common statistical survey.

14. Timeliness and punctuality Top
14.1. Timeliness

Methodological information is the same as in BCS_TOSES_A_CZ_2022. Indicators Production and Turnover are surveyed in common statistical survey.

14.2. Punctuality

Methodological information is the same as in BCS_TOSES_A_CZ_2022. Indicators Production and Turnover are surveyed in common statistical survey.

15. Coherence and comparability Top
15.1. Comparability - geographical

Methodological information is the same as in BCS_TOSES_A_CZ_2022. Indicators Production and Turnover are surveyed in common statistical survey.

15.2. Comparability - over time

Methodological information is the same as in BCS_TOSES_A_CZ_2022. Indicators Production and Turnover are surveyed in common statistical survey.

15.3. Coherence - cross domain

Methodological information is the same as in BCS_TOSES_A_CZ_2022. Indicators Production and Turnover are surveyed in common statistical survey.

15.4. Coherence - internal

Methodological information is the same as in BCS_TOSES_A_CZ_2022. Indicators Production and Turnover are surveyed in common statistical survey.

16. Cost and Burden Top

Methodological information is the same as in BCS_TOSES_A_CZ_2022. Indicators Production and Turnover are surveyed in common statistical survey.

17. Data revision Top
17.1. Data revision - policy

Methodological information is the same as in BCS_TOSES_A_CZ_2022. Indicators Production and Turnover are surveyed in common statistical survey.

17.2. Data revision - practice

Methodological information is the same as in BCS_TOSES_A_CZ_2022. Indicators Production and Turnover are surveyed in common statistical survey.

MAR: 0,5901

MR: 0,3823

18. Statistical processing Top
18.1. Source data

Methodological information is the same as in BCS_TOSES_A_CZ_2022. Indicators Production and Turnover are surveyed in common statistical survey.

18.2. Frequency of data collection

Methodological information is the same as in BCS_TOSES_A_CZ_2022. Indicators Production and Turnover are surveyed in common statistical survey.

18.3. Data collection

Methodological information is the same as in BCS_TOSES_A_CZ_2022. Indicators Production and Turnover are surveyed in common statistical survey.

18.4. Data validation

Methodological information is the same as in BCS_TOSES_A_CZ_2022. Indicators Production and Turnover are surveyed in common statistical survey.

18.5. Data compilation

Methodological information is the same as in BCS_TOSES_A_CZ_2022. Indicators Production and Turnover are surveyed in common statistical survey.

18.6. Adjustment

The Tramo/Seats method implemented in software JDemetra+ version 2.2.2. is used for seasonal adjustment. The CZSO uses manual selected models.

Model are regularly reviewed once a year with a revision of the year. Values of parameters are recalculated every month and outliers are identified in the newly added observation.

Each month, when publishing adjusted time series, data for the previous 14 months have been recalculated backwards. Final non-adjusted data are published following the processing of all months of the reference year, in March of the following year at the latest. Together with a revision for a year, an adjustment model is changed and therefore the whole time series is recalculated.

The CZSO uses Arima and multiplicative seasonal adjustment decomposition. The critical value for outlier detection is 3,5. The filter lenght is automatically chosen. There is no seasonal breaks in series.

Seasonal and working day adjustment is performed on the following series:

NACE Divisions - H49, H50, H51, H52, H53, I55, I56, J58, J59, J60, J61, J62, J63, L68, M71, M73, M74, N77, N78, N79, N80, N82

3-digit NACE - M701, M702

We use the indirect method for seasonal and working day adjustment. We calculate other series by adding the values of their components (eg section I is formed by the sum of I55 and I56).

Residual seasonality is checked automatickly by JDemetra+. 

Consistency among the different levels of breakdown is carried out by indirect method.

Seasonal Adjustment Metadata Template - Production

19. Comment Top

Methodological information is the same as in BCS_TOSES_A_CZ_2022. Indicators Production and Turnover are surveyed in common statistical survey.

Related metadata Top

Annexes Top