Producer prices in industry

National Reference Metadata in Euro SDMX Metadata Structure (ESMS)

Compiling agency: Czech statistical office

Eurostat metadata
Reference metadata
1. Contact
2. Metadata update
3. Statistical presentation
4. Unit of measure
5. Reference Period
6. Institutional Mandate
7. Confidentiality
8. Release policy
9. Frequency of dissemination
10. Accessibility and clarity
11. Quality management
12. Relevance
13. Accuracy
14. Timeliness and punctuality
15. Coherence and comparability
16. Cost and Burden
17. Data revision
18. Statistical processing
19. Comment
Related Metadata
Annexes (including footnotes)

For any question on data and metadata, please contact: Eurostat user support


1. Contact Top
1.1. Contact organisation

Czech statistical office

1.2. Contact organisation unit

Industrial and International Trade Prices Statistical Unit

1.5. Contact mail address

Czech Statistical Office
Na padesátém 81
100 82 Praha 10
Czech Republic

2. Metadata update Top
2.1. Metadata last certified 31/05/2024
2.2. Metadata last posted 31/05/2024
2.3. Metadata last update 31/05/2024

3. Statistical presentation Top
3.1. Data description

Variable 130201 - Industrial Output Producer Price Index / Total Industrial Producer Price Index.

Variable 130202 - Domestic Industrial Producer Price Index.

Variable 130203 - Non-domestic Industrial Producer Price Index.

3.2. Classification system

NACE Rev. 2.

3.3. Coverage - sector

130201: NACE Rev.2 Sections B to E excluding divisions B07, C12, E37, E38, E39 and groups 08.9, 10.2, 13.3, 14.2, 15.1, 18.2, 20.6, 25.3, 25.4, 26.6, 26.7, 26.8, 30.1, 30.3, 30.4, 32.1, 32.2.

130202: NACE Rev. 2 Sections B to E excluding following groups: 07.1, 07.2, 08.9, 10.2, 12.0, 13.1, 13.3, 14.2, 15.1, 18.2, 20.2, 20.6, 21.1, 23.4, 25.3, 25.4, 26.4, 26.6, 26.7, 26.8, 30.1, 30.3, 30.4, 30.9, 32.1, 32.2, 32.3, 37.0, 38.1, 38.2, 38.3 and 39.0.

4-digit groups of little significance are also excluded.

130203: NACE Rev. 2 Sections B to D, excluding divisions B07, B09, C12, C18, C33.

3.4. Statistical concepts and definitions

Variable 130201 - total industrial producer price index = combination of 130202 and 130203.

Variable 130202 - domestic industrial producer price index.

Variable 130203 - non-domestic industrial producer price index (Export price index).

130202 - Domestic industrial producer price index: Measure of change in prices at which Czech producers sell their industrial output in the domestic market. Prices of industrial producers are surveyed monthly on the basis of data provided by the selected organizations for the selected representatives. The reported prices are those agreed upon between the supplier and the customer inland. They exclude VAT, excise tax, costs of transport to the customer and costs incidental to the transport, and are invoiced for the more important trade cases.

130203 - Producer price index, non-domestic market measures changes in prices of export goods (free on board prices). Invoiced export prices are converted to Czech crowns by Central Bank’s monthly average exchange rate, this is realized by reporting unit or statistical office. Price indices are henceforth influenced by the change in foreign exchange rates. Surveying prices do not include VAT, custom duty and consumer tax.

Regulation (EU) 2019/2152 of the European Parliament and of the Council on European business statistics, repealing 10 legal acts in the field of business statistics (EBS-Regulation)

Commission Implementing Regulation 2020/1197 laying down technical specifications and arrangements pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2019/2152 of the European Parliament and of the Council on European business statistics repealing 10 legal acts in the field of business statistic (General Implementing Act)

Commission Implementing Decision 2021/1003 granting derogations to certain Member States with respect to the transmission of statistics pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2019/2152 (Derogations)

COMMISSION REGULATION (EC) No 1503/2006 of 28 September 2006 implementing and amending Council Regulation (EC) No 1165/98 concerning short-term statistics as regards definitions of variables, list of variables and frequency of data compilation.

3.5. Statistical unit

Reporting units: Enterprises.

Observation unit(s): Products.

3.6. Statistical population

130202: Statistical population includes the selected enterprises classified in sections B to E36 of NACE Rev. 2 with the most significant share in 4-digit groups in the domestic sales. The population is defined upon the national business register and is continuously updated. Natural person are excluded (but they are included in weights).

130203: Prices are collected for commodities (goods, raw materials or its refinement) from selected establishments in particular industries. These economic establisments - exporters - are registered in Czech Business Register or Czech Trades Register. The price representives were chosen from enterprises engaged in foreign trade, there is about 550 selected representative units. The weight pattern includes approximately 2500 exported products, raw materials and supplies – price representatives, which take up a significant share in the value of rather significant groups traded in the framework of external trade. Prices samplings are choosen from goods which makes a significant part of foreign trade - export volume. They should remain on the market over a reasonably long period of time exactly in the same form or condition as when selected. 

130201: not available

3.7. Reference area

The whole Czech Republic.

3.8. Coverage - Time

Date of first use as a source:

Variable 130202: Indices are available since January 1990.

Variable 130203: Indices are available since January 1998.

Variable 130201: Indices are available since January 2005.

3.9. Base period

130202: base (reference) year: 2021. For national purposes base (reference) year: 2015

130203: base (reference) year: 2015 until December 2023. After revision in 2023, from January 2024 base (reference) year: 2021. For national purposes base (reference) year: 2015.

130201: base (reference) year: 2015 until December 2023. After revision in 2023, from January 2024 base (reference) year: 2021. For national purposes base (reference) year: 2015.

4. Unit of measure Top

Data are provided as indices.

5. Reference Period Top

Calendar month.

6. Institutional Mandate Top
6.1. Institutional Mandate - legal acts and other agreements

Legal basis:

Regulation (EU) 2019/2152 of the European Parliament and of the Council on European business statistics, repealing 10 legal acts in the field of business statistics (EBS-Regulation)

Commission Implementing Regulation 2020/1197 laying down technical specifications and arrangements pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2019/2152 of the European Parliament and of the Council on European business statistics repealing 10 legal acts in the field of business statistic (General Implementing Act)

Commission Implementing Decision 2021/1003 granting derogations to certain Member States with respect to the transmission of statistics pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2019/2152 (Derogations)

Act No. 89/1995 Coll. on the state statistical service, was amended by Act No. 220/2000 Coll., Act No. 411/2000 Coll., and Act No. 230/2006 Coll.

Commission implementing regulation (EU) 2020/1197 of 30 July 2020 laying down technical specifications and arrangements pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2019/2152 of the European Parliament and of the Council on European business statistics repealing 10 legal acts in the field of business statistics.

Council Regulation (EC) No 1165/98 of 19 May 1998 concerning short-term statistics.

Obligation on units to provide data:

Response is obligatory. Protection of individual data is guaranteed.

Planned changes in legal basis, obligation to respond and frame used: None.

6.2. Institutional Mandate - data sharing

Data sharing with international organizations: IMF, UN, OECD (tables predefined by the organization).

And also data are transmitted to Eurostat

7. Confidentiality Top
7.1. Confidentiality - policy

Dissemination of terms and conditions under which official statistics are produced, including confidentiality of individual responses:

Statistical surveys carried out by the Czech Statistical Office are governed by the State Statistical Service Act No.89/1995 Coll. This Act defines the independence of the CZSO and its rights and duties towards responding units. Protection of individual data represents an important section. All information except for individual data is freely available on the office's website.

7.2. Confidentiality - data treatment

Treatment of confidential data: The published aggregations are verified once per year from the point of view of protection of confidential data.

Data are only published down to an activity level at which they are not confidential, i.e. confidential cells are suppressed from publication. The data allowing direct or indirect identification of individual enterprise can be published under written permission of all related subjects.

Act No. 89/1995 Coll., on the State statistical service provides the protection of personal/sensitive data. Internal CZSO regulation No. 3/2015, of President of CZSO concerns provisioning of statistical data to external users, Statistical Information may be published only if SI originate as an aggregation of minimum 3 natural or legal persons. Furthermore, none of these aggregates cannot exceed 85% of whole aggregation.

8. Release policy Top
8.1. Release calendar

Advance dissemination of release calendar: The Czech Statistical Office publishes the following advance notice : the "Dates of News Releases in Chronological Order" are issued in October of each year with precise dates for the next calendar year. At the same time they are posted on the CZSO Internet website

8.2. Release calendar access

See Catalogue of products

Catalogue of products
8.3. Release policy - user access

Simultaneous release to all interested parties:

130202: The data are released simultaneously to all interested parties by issuing the News Release 'Producer Price Indices' at 9:00 a.m. on the 16th calendar day after the end of the reference moth on the CZSO Internet website

130203: The data are released at 9:00 am on the 10th calendar day + one month after the reference period (movable due to holidays) on the CZSO Internet website

From January 2021 the estimated confidential data are sent to Eurostat by the end of a month after the reference period.

130201: The data are released at 9:00 am on the 10th calendar day + one month after the reference period (movable due to holidays) on the CZSO Internet website

From January 2021 the estimated confidential data are sent to Eurostat by the end of a month after the reference period.

Transmission to Eurostat and further use of the statistics: Data are transmitted monthly to EUROSTAT by SDMX (base: 2015 average = 100).

Data are used in the statistics of national accounts and in the statistics of industry. Data are also given to the ministries, Czech National Bank, IMF and other users.

9. Frequency of dissemination Top


for 130201 and 130203: the estimated and afterwards the final data are monthly sent to Eurostat from January 2021

10. Accessibility and clarity Top
10.1. Dissemination format - News release

Identification of ministerial commentary on the occasion of statistical releases: There are no commentaries of ministries and other institutions. Only Czech Statistical Office prepares the commentaries of the published data.

See 10.2 for more information.

News release - Archive
10.2. Dissemination format - Publications


  • News Release: published on 16th calendar day after the end of the reference month.

The news release "Producer Prices Indices" publishes aggregate data on the industrial PPI for the reference month showing data for the Industrial producer prices index (from 3-digit CZ-CPA to Total) and the Industrial Producer Price index by Main Industrial Groupings (MIGS).

  • “Producer Price Indices – basic information” (published monthly, Czech-English version);
  • “Industrial Producer Price Indices” (published monthly, Czech-English version);

Analysis: Development of Industrial producer price indices  is released online every quarter in Czech-English version alongside with News releases (data for March, June, September, December) at Analyses and Comentaries.


Export and Import Price Indices are released on 10th calendar day within News Releases in Czech-English version. From January 2021 the estimated confidential data are sent to Eurostat by the end of a month after the reference period.

Analysis: Development of external trade price indices is released online every quarter in Czech-English version alongside with News releases (February, May, August, November) at Analyses and Comentaries.


Data are published on 10th calendar day in Selected tables of the Public Database. From January 2021 the estimated confidential data are sent to Eurostat by the end of a month after the reference period.

There is no monthly paper publication. All monthly publications are in electronic form.


  • “Indicators of Social and Economic Development of the Czech Republic” (Czech-English version).


  • “Statistical Yearbook of the Czech Republic” (Czech-English version);
  • “Industrial producer price indices: January - December YEAR” (Czech - English version).

All publications of CZSO are available on the web site in the electronic version.

130202: Producer price publications
130203: News Releases
130203: Publications
Analyses and Commentaries
10.3. Dissemination format - online database

Public database.




10.4. Dissemination format - microdata access

Not available.

10.5. Dissemination format - other

Planned changes in national dissemination methods: Pre-defined tables in the public database at:

Domestic market, non-domestic market and total market PPIs are sent to Eurostat.

10.6. Documentation on methodology

Dissemination of documentation on methodology and sources used in preparing statistics:

130202: Description of methodology is a part of publication “Industrial Producer Price Indices”.

130203: Description of methodology is a part of publication “Export and Import Price Indices in the Czech Republic ”.

130201: not available

Description of standard tables produced:


Indices are broken down as: total (Sections B to E), Sections, Divisions and Groups of CZ-CPA 2015.
Indices are published with the following bases: 2015 average = 100, 2021 average =100, previous period = 100, corresponding period of the previous year = 100 and the ratio of rolling averages.
Time series of indices on the CZSO web pages use the following bases: 2015 average = 100, 2021 average =100, previous period = 100, corresponding period of the previous year = 100.


News Releases and Analysis: Indices are published according to CZ-CPA classification (yr.2015avg.=100). Since January 2024 CPA has replaced SITC clasification.

Publications and Public Database: Indices are published according to classification SITC and CPA, since January 2024 Harmonized system is not publishled.

Indices are published with the following bases: 2015 average = 100, 2021 average =100, previous period = 100, corresponding period of the previous year = 100 and the ratio of rolling averages.

130201: Indices are published according to CPA classification, with the base 2021 average = 100.

Eurostat publication:

Methodology of short-term business statistics Interpretation and Guidelines
Product code: KS-BG-06-001
ISBN: 92-79-01295-9
ISSN: 1725-0099

Handbook on industrial producer price indices (PPI)
Catalogue Number: KS-RA-12-020-EN-N
ISBN: 978-92-79-25856-5

Methodology: PPI Manual 2004 – Producer Price Index Manual: Theory and Practice 2004 (ILO, IMF, OECD, UNECE, and World Bank), available on the following webpage:

10.7. Quality management - documentation

Key documents:

11. Quality management Top
11.1. Quality assurance

Summary description of quality criteria calculated for national purposes:

The key components of the quality assurance are the following

  1. Strategic documents of the CZSO: Mission, Vision and Priorities of the CZSO, Quality commitment, Priority tasks defined for each year.
  2. Irregular methodological audits represents an important tool in quality control. Audits are usually carried out by expert group comprising of internal and external experts (NA experts, representatives of universities, ministries etc.)

Reports on quality :

11.2. Quality management - assessment


There are many changes in the relative importance of commodities, including their emergence and disappearence between revisions or during data surveying. Technology and quality change in foreign trade can relate to qualitative change of parameters of sampling goods. Another complications may arise as new enterprises start or close, or their legal term can change, classifications and nomenclatures can shift.

These problems are solved by representatives and respondents replacements.

  • Representative’s weight can be updated, but 4-digits level of HS4 weights have to be constant;
  • Replacements with no quality change are prefered;
  • Replacement can launch no change in index at 4digit level of its HS4 chapter;
  • Quality adjustment is needed for every replacement.

Quality adjustment

 Quality adjustment is a way to eliminate quality changes of representatives on a observed price development. Adjustment is applied during monthly data processing. A number of alternative approaches is suggested:

  • Comparable replacement, direct comparison:

A new replacement commodity is selected, comparable in quality to displaced representative, and its price is used directly to form a price relative.

  • Imputation:

The price change of discontinued commodity may be imputed by the aggregate price change of a group of other commodities whose price evolution compilers judge to be similar to that of the missing commodity.

  • Overlap:

The replacement may be deemed noncomparable with the missing commodity, but prices of both the missing and replacement commodities may have been available in an overlap period before the commodity was missing. Compilers use the price difference in this overlap period to adjust the quality of the replacement commodity’s price until there are at least two observations on the replacement commodity. New representative is given price evolution of old representative and its base price is calculated using the price of reference period.

  • Expert judgment:

The price of noncomparable replacement may be used with an explicit adjustment for the quality difference to extract the pure price change. A new commodity is chosen, which the same function but different parameters from the replacement one. Respondents may be asked to quantify the production cost or relative price change that can be attributed to the quality change. Alternatively, the use of experts‘ views may be appropriate for highly complex commodities where alternative methods are not feasible.

  • Quantity adjustment:

This is one of the most straightforward explicit adjustment to undertake and is applicable to commodities for which the replacement is of a different size than the available one. Examples are the number of units in a package, the size of weight of a container. Quality adjustment to prices can be accomplishted by scaling the price of the old or new commodity by the ratio of quantities. The index production system may do this scaling adjustment automatically by converting all prices in the category to a price per unit of size, weight, or number.

12. Relevance Top
12.1. Relevance - User Needs

The following users can be identified:
1. External users:
1.1 Eurostat;
1.2 Ministry of Industry and Trade, Czech National Bank, other governmental institutions, other international organizations (IMF, UN, OECD);
1.3 Employers' associations, trade unions, media, students, wide public.
2. Internal users: National Accounts Unit, Industrial Statistics Unit.
The CZSO primarily fulfill its commitments towards the European Commission, which represents the high priority user. However, depending on the capacity available the CZSO treats all the users equally.

12.2. Relevance - User Satisfaction

Not available.

12.3. Completeness

All variables are transmitted to Eurostat according to regulations.

13. Accuracy Top
13.1. Accuracy - overall

Overall asessment:

  • PPI (domestic and non-domestic market) satisfies the principle of accuracy as it describes development of producer prices.
  • Data released are final, there are no estimates produced nor published and not subject to revision.
  • Sampling error is not systematically measured due to complexity of price index structures and due to the common use of non-probability sampling.
  • Response rate is reasonable.
13.2. Sampling error

Non-probability sampling, hence the sampling error is not regularly measured.

130202 domestic producer price index

Number of reporting units: about 1100. About 8000 subjects is in the yearly SBS Survey, there are 28000 active subjects in the Czech Republic.

Number of price representatives: about 5000.

Strata: 4-digit and 6-digit CZ-CPA.

Variable: domestic sales.

Threshold: minimum 40% of domestic sales and 5 observation units.

From the yearly statistical survey we determine the amount of domestic sales in industry sections B to E according to 4-digit CZ-CPA. Then we exclude the insignificant 4-digit CZ-CPA ‘s from the statistical survey. In the frame of 4-digit CZ-CPA we find out the distribution to 6-digit CZ-CPA and we address the most significant enterprises and together we choose the significant price representatives.

130203 Non-domestic market producer price index (export price index):

Price development is observed on given representatives within the scope of 8 digits Combined Nomenclature. These representatives are characterized by specific technical and qualitative parameters, brand, measures, even stable foreign market. Obtaining of „pure“ price changes is to be accomplished  by collecting average prices of representatives with sustainable technical parameters, same quality, the very same shipping and billing terms.

Price samples are scattered throughout all important HS2 and HS4 chapters but only few selected HS chapters are published. To perform solid price change recording, chosen goods have to be exported repetitively.

Prices are collected for commodities (goods, raw materials or its refinement) from selected establishments in particular industries. These economic establisments - exporters, should be registered in Czech Business Register or Czech Trades Register. The price representives were chosen from enterprises engaged in foreign trade only – about 550 of them engaged in exports. The weight pattern includes approximately 2500 exported products, raw materials and supplies – price representatives, which take up a significant share in the value of rather significant groups traded in the framework of external trade. Many respondents usually provide a couple of price representatives. Prices sampling are choosen from goods which makes a significant part of foreign trade volume. They should remain on the market over a reasonably long period of time  exactly in the same form or condition as when selected. 

The ratio of statistical value of observed HS4 groups to statistical value of all HS4 groups is 81,5%.

13.3. Non-sampling error

The main problems related to non-sampling errors are the following:

  1. Non-response. However, it is not regarded as serious problem.
  2. Organisational changes (mergers, splits, births and deaths) in reporting units.
  3. Outdated weight structure due to structural changes in economy.
  4. Editing and imputation of prices.

There are many changes in the relative importance of commodities, including their emergence and disappearence between revisions or during data surveying. Technology and quality change in foreign trade can relate to qualitative change of parameters of sampling goods. Another complications may arise as new enterprises start or close, or their legal term can change, classifications and nomenclatures can shift.

These problems are solved by representatives and respondents replacements:

  • Representative’s weight can be updated, but 4-digits level of HS4 (130203) and CZ-CPA (130202) weights have to be constant.
  • Replacements with no quality change are prefered.
  • Replacement can launch no change in index at 4digit level of its HS4 (130203) and CZ-CPA (130202) chapter.
  • Quality adjustment is needed for every replacement.

Non-response rate:

Variable 130202:

September 2023:

Number of price representatives: 5040.

Non-response: 57 price representatives.

Non response rate: 57 / 5040 = 1,13%.

Respondent units: 1110

Non-response units: 36

Response units: 1074 (= 1110 - 36)

Rruw - Unweighted response rate = ∑ R / ( ∑ R + ∑ NR )

R = respondent units = 1110

NR = non-respondent units = 36

Rruw = Unweighted response rate = 1110 / (1110+36) = 0,969


Variable 130203:

September 2023:

Number of price representatives: 2550.

Non-response: 55 price representatives.

Non response rate: 55 / 2550 = 2.15 %.

Respondent units: 588

Non-response units: 15

Response units: 573 (= 588-15)

Rruw - Unweighted response rate = ∑ R / ( ∑ R + ∑ NR )

R = respondent units = 588

NR = non-respondent units = 15

Rruw = Unweighted response rate = 588 / (588 + 15) = 0,975

130201 is combination 130202 and 130203

Actions to speed up or increase the rate of response: Telephone contacts, E-mails, face-to-face contacts.

14. Timeliness and punctuality Top
14.1. Timeliness


130202: The data are released at 9:00 a.m. on the 16th calendar day after the end of the reference month.

130203: Data are released at 9:00 a.m. on the 10th calendar day + one month after the reference period. From January 2021 the estimated confidential data are sent to Eurostat by the end of a month after the reference period.

130201: Data are released at 9:00 a.m. on the 10th calendar day + one month after the reference period. From January 2021 the estimated confidential data are sent to Eurostat by the end of a month after the reference period.

Timetable of data collection:

130202: Reporting units provide data until the 20th of the observed month.

The data processing is ended on the 9th of the month following the reference month and then the publication outputs are prepared.
Data are released on the 16th calendar day after the reference month, at 9:00 a.m.

130203: Reporting units provide data until the 15th calendar day after the end of the observed month.

The data processing is finished at the end the following month and then the publication outputs are prepared.

130201: see 18.6

14.2. Punctuality

Data are always published according to release calendar. All data are final when published.

130201 and 130203: From January 2021 by the end of a month after the reference period, the estimated data are sent to Eurostat, but they are not published. Final data are published according to release calendar.

130202: Data are always published according to release calendar. All data are final when published.

15. Coherence and comparability Top
15.1. Comparability - geographical

The same concepts are used within the whole national territory of Czech Republic.

15.2. Comparability - over time

Price indices are consistent in time, there are no breaks in time series.

Variable 130202: Relevant time series are available starting from January 1990.

Variable 130203: Time series are available from January 1998.

15.3. Coherence - cross domain

Confrontation with other data sets:

130201: Consistency with 130202 and 130203

130202: Comparison with consumer prices. Comparison with the price trends on the world market, in external trade, in agriculture etc.

130203: Comparison with the price trends in industry, consumer prices and the world market prices.

15.4. Coherence - internal

All aggregates are consistent with their sub-aggregates.

16. Cost and Burden Top


Cost (NSI+Eurostat) hours per year: 8500

Burden (respondents) hours per year: 7200


Cost (NSI+Eurostat) hours per year: 4667

Burden (respondents) hours per year: 3696


Cost (Eurostat) hours per year: 30

Burden (respondents) hours per year: none

17. Data revision Top
17.1. Data revision - policy

For general revision policy, see Key documents.

The same revision policy is applied nationally and in transmissions to Eurostat.

Data are final when first released and are not subject to revision.

Preliminary data are not published. All figures are final when first published.

130201 and 130203: From January 2021 by the end of a month after the reference period, the estimated data are sent to Eurostat, but they are not published.

Key documents
17.2. Data revision - practice

Provision of information about revision and advance notice of major changes in methodology:

Revision and the prepared methodological changes are discussed and announced in advance.


130202 and the revision 2022

During the year 2022, the revision of industrial producer prices was made. And now, since January 2023, industrial producer prices are calculated on the new weight structure of domestic sales of the year 2021, instead of the former weight structure of the year 2015.

From the 6-digit subcategories of CZ-CPA was excluded 32 and newly included 7 during the year o revision.

On the level of 4-digit CZ-CPA was excluded 7 classes.

On the level of 3-digits aggregations of CZ-CPA were excluded the groups with the lowest domestic sales in the year 2021:

120 - Tobacco products

151 - Tanned and dressed leather; luggage, handbags, saddlery and harness

253 - Steam generators, except central heating hot water boilers


On the level of 2-digit CZ-CPA was excluded group:

12 - Tobacco products

All subsections from CA to CM were excluded, because they are not a part of classification already.


It also has changed the price basis from December 2015 = 100 to December 2021 = 100. The index base from 2015 average = 100 remained.

Since the publication of data for January 2023 are available indices and time series:

The base index: 2015 average = 100.

The derived base index: 2021 average = 100

Month-on-month index (previous period = 100), year-on-year index (corresponding period of the previous year = 100) and ratio of rolling averages.

The common time series with base 2015 average = 100: since January 1990.

The new time series with base 2021 average = 100: since January 1990.

The calculation of indices with the base 2005 average = 100 was ended in December 2022.


130203 and the revision 2023:

During the year 2023 a periodical revision of export and import price indexes is going on. The export and import price indexes are calculated on the new weighting schemes, based on the structure of international trade of the year 2021. Thus newly calculated indexes will be chained to the current time series with the base 2015 average = 100. This will ensure the continuation of the existing time series, from which price indexes to other indexes (month-on-month, year-on-year, rolling average ratio) are further calculated. Indexes published so far remain valid.

By revision there is a change in conception, where instead of initial classification will be set classification CZ-CPA. Classification SITC will continue to be published in the same details as it has been until now. Publishing of the classification HS will be ended by December 2023.

Within the scope of revised weight structure, group selection will be updated.

Following groups will be removed:

143 - Manufacture of knitted and crocheted apparel

206 - Manufacture of man-made fibres

235 - Manufacture of cement, lime and plaster

267 - Manufacture of optical instruments and photographic equipment

No group will be added.


Main Revision (MR) and Main Absolute Revision (MAR)

MR for all variables (130201, 130202 and 130203) is 0.

MAR for all variables (130201, 130202 and 130203) is 0.

Indicators MR an MAR are not calculated for the variables 130201, 130202 and 130203. Data for these variables are final and are not the subject of revision (except the estimated confidential data for the variables 130201 and 130203 which are sent to Eurostat approximately 10 day before the final data, which are released from January 2021).

18. Statistical processing Top
18.1. Source data

Type of source:

130202: Data are obtained through a monthly statistical survey “Ceny Prum 1-12”.

130203: Data are obtained through a monthly statistical survey “Ceny ZOV 1-12“.

130201: not applicable, see 18.6

Frame on which the source is based

130202: Register of economic subjects. Reporting units are selected from the yearly SBS survey according to the domestic sales in the individual 4-digit CZ-CPA.

130203: Register of economic subjects. The reporting units are selected from the External Trade database according to total value of external trade in individual 4-digit HS.

130201: not applicable

Sample or census

130202: Sample.

130203: Sample, about 550 exporting enterprises, approximately 2500 representative commodities.

130201: not applicable, see 18.6.

Criteria for stratification

130202: Strata: 4-digit and 6-digit CZ-CPA.

130203: Strata: HS4 and HS2.

130201:not applicable, see 18.6.

Threshold values and percentages


Strata: 4-digit and 6-digit CZ-CPA.
Variable: domestic sales.
Threshold: minimum 40% of domestic sales and 5 observation units.


HS4, Variable: value of external trade transactions, HS4 covers over 83% of external trade sales. Total weight for weightening system is 1000%. We monitor 232 4-digit HS4 groups from total 1221 HS4 groups for export, i.e. 2400 representative samples. Groups with significant low weight and repetitive groups have not been included in the survey, however their statistical weights have been integrated into the weightening scheme up to total from level HS4 groups. Every monitored 4-digit HS4 cover more than 5% of corresponding 2-digit HS2 chapter.

130201: not applicable, see 18.6.

Frequency of updating the sample


Sample of observation units – continuously.
Sample of products - continuously.
Updating of products to 4-digit CZ-CPA is carried out continuously. New selection during the revision every five years.


Sample of observation units – continuously.

Sample of products - continuously. Updating of products to HS4 is carried out continuously. New selection during the revision once in five years.

130201: not applicable, see 18.6.

18.2. Frequency of data collection


18.3. Data collection

Questionnaires used in the survey:

130202: Monthly questionnaires

  • Questionnaire about prices of industrial products "Ceny Prum 1-12" ("Prices Ind 1-12").
  • Questionnaire about prices of electricity "Ceny Elek 1-12" ("Prices Elec 1-12").
  • Questionnaire about prices of heat energy "Ceny Teplo 1-12" ("Prices Heat 1-12").

130203: Monthly questionnaire Ceny ZOV 1-12

130201: none

Data collection media:

Electronic questionnaires, E-mails, web questionnaires, PDF questionnaires.

130202: Postal (3%), electronic (73,4%), Internet (1,1%), other (1,1%).

Planned changes in data collection methodology: New web questionnaires.

18.4. Data validation

Data are controlled individually and software alerts when the price is higher than 20% and 50%.

Verification of prices: Specialists analyze the reported price changes and the reasons for price change as indicated (in code including commentary) by the reporting units. They remain in close contact with the reporting units.

Verification of processing: Price changes are, among other things, compared with the previous period and comments provided by reporting units. The influence of price changes in individual products and groups on the development of the total index is analyzed, as well as the influence of item substitution. Checks are made on the weights and the correctness of the calculations. Once a year, the weighting structure is compared with the most recent data on annual sales by industrial enterprises.

18.5. Data compilation

Estimates for non-response:

130202: A justified estimate, which is provided by the reporting enterprise; average price development within 6-digit of CZ-CPA; repeating previous period prices.


  • Repeating previous period prices;
  • Average price development within 4-digit of HS.
  • A justified estimate, which is provided by reporting enterprise.

130201: not applicable

Type of index: Modified Laspeyres index.

Method of weighting and chaining: 


The constant weight 2021 – domestic sales.

Chaining: See the point 18.6. - Description of calculation.


The constant weight 2015 – values of external trade.

Chaining: See the point 18.6. - Description of calculation.

130201: Not applicable.

18.6. Adjustment

WDA, SA and other calculations:

130202: No seasonal or working day adjustment.

Description of calculation:

Stage 1: For every observed product a simple index is calculated (December 2021 = 100) such as the price of observation period / price of base period. The product is determined by the 6-digit CZ-CPA plus 8-digit code of producer plus 5-digit sequence code.

Stage 2: Weighted average is calculated from these simple indices for all products within the frame of the observation unit and 6-digit CZ-CPA using weights determined by the price statistical survey of the base year 2021.

Stage 3: Weighted average for higher aggregation up to 4-digit level is calculated from these indices using weights determined by the statistical survey Prodcom of the base year 2021.

Stage 4: Indices calculated that way are chained from the 4-digit level of CZ-CPA to the toal industry level to the existing price indices with the base 2015 average = 100. The base time series for the calculation of the derived indices (month-on-moth, year-on-year and ratio of rolling averages) is 2015 average = 100.

Indices with the base 2021 average = 100 are also calculated.

Commonly only the weights on the levels of aggregation lower than 4-digit CZ-CPA are updated if needed.


Stage 1: For every observed product a simple index is calculated (yr.2015 average = 100) such as the price of observation period / price of base period. The product is determined by the 8-digit code of CN, 4-digit code of HS, 3-digit code of CZ-CPA, 2-digit code of SITC.

Stage 2: Weighted average for aggregation HS4 level is calculated from these individual indices using weight based on customs statistics of the base year 2015.

Stage 3: From these indices the weighted average is calculated for HS2, HS4, SITC1, SITC2 and 2-digit of CZ-CPA, 3-digit of CZ-CPA. Normally only the weights of individual observation units export in the aggregation to HS4 are updated if needed.

Stage 4: Calculating aggregations of export prices (CZ-CPA2 - Divisions 05 to 35), to the level of Sections B to D,  MIGs and total industrial prices.

Stage 5: Indices are now chained from the 4-digit level of HS to the total export price level to the existing price indices with the base yr.2015 average = 100. The base time series for the calculation of the derived indices (month-on-moth, year-on-year and ratio of rolling averages) is yr.2015 average = 100.


Industrial output price index is calculated as a composition of industrial producer prices index (IPPI) and industrial prices index of non-domestic market (export price index) with weights based on SBS (turnover domestic and turnover non-domestic).

Industrial output price index is transmitted to Eurostat as an indicator 130201, IPPI as 130202 and export prices index as 130203.

ID=Iexp*a + Iind*b

Iexp – export price index

Iind – producer price index of domestic market

a - volume of export, a=Pexp/Ptotal*100

b - volume of domestic market industry, b=Pind/ Ptotal*100

Ptotal = total turnover = Pexp + Pind

Simply: 130201 = a*130202 + b*130203 (a,b derived from weights).

Indices are calculated for divisions B to E of NACE rev. 2, for MIGs and special aggregations.

19. Comment Top

Not available.

Related metadata Top

Annexes Top