Drought impact area on ecosystems (sdg_15_42)

ESMS Indicator Profile (ESMS-IP)

Compiling agency: Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union

Eurostat metadata
Reference metadata
1. Contact
2. Metadata update
3. Relevance
4. Statistical Indicator
5. Frequency and Timeliness of dissemination
6. Coverage and comparability
7. Accessibility and clarity
8. Comment
Related Metadata
Eurostat Quality Profile
4.5. Source data

European Environment Agency (EEA)

5.1. Frequency of dissemination Every year
5.2. Timeliness > T+2 years
6.1. Reference area All EU MS
6.2. Comparability - geographical All EU MS
6.3. Coverage - Time > 10 years
6.4. Comparability - over time > 4 data points

Description of Eurostat quality grading system under the following link.

For any question on data and metadata, please contact: Eurostat user support


1. Contact Top
1.1. Contact organisation

Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union

1.2. Contact organisation unit

E2: Environmental statistics and accounts; sustainable development

1.5. Contact mail address

e-mail contact: ESTAT-SDG-MONITORING@ec.europa.eu

2. Metadata update Top
2.1. Metadata last certified 22/05/2024
2.2. Metadata last posted 12/06/2024
2.3. Metadata last update 22/05/2024

3. Relevance Top

The indicator is part of the EU Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) indicator set. It is used to monitor progress towards SDG 15 on protecting, restoring and promoting sustainable use of land which is embedded in the European Commission’s Priorities under the European Green Deal.

SDG 15 seeks to protect, restore and promote the conservation and sustainable use of terrestrial, inland-water and mountain ecosystems. This includes efforts to sustainably manage forests and halt deforestation, combat desertification, restore degraded land and soil, halt biodiversity loss and protect threatened species.

The Soil Strategy for 2030 has set the goal of no net land take by 2050.

4. Statistical Indicator Top
4.1. Data description

This indicator shows the area impacted by drought by monitoring negative anomalies in vegetation productivity in areas with a severe soil moisture deficit during the growing season (more than one standard deviation from the long-term average - observed through remote sensing data at 500×500 meters resolution of the Copernicus EMS European Drought Observatory of the European Commission Joint Research Centre. The indicator covers only agricultural droughts with soil moisture deficits causing reduced vegetation productivity due to insufficient precipitation, as opposed to hydrological droughts, which occur when low water supplies become apparent in streams, reservoirs, and groundwater levels, usually after many months of meteorological drought.

4.2. Unit of measure

km2 area affected

% of total area

4.3. Reference Period

Calendar year

4.4. Accuracy - overall

The indicator is produced according to the quality standards of the Copernicus Land Monitoring Service products. Details on accuracy can be found in the metadata of the source dataset and this validation report (see link to INSPIRE metadata or the Imperviousness High Resolution Layer). 

4.5. Source data

European Environment Agency (EEA)

Data source: Copernicus land monitoring services

Data provider: European Environment Agency (EEA)

5. Frequency and Timeliness of dissemination Top
5.1. Frequency of dissemination

Every year

Indicator is updated annually.

5.2. Timeliness

> T+2 years

New data points are disseminated within two years after the reference year.

6. Coverage and comparability Top
6.1. Reference area


Data are presented for all EU Member States plus Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Albania, Serbia, Türkiye and Kosovo (under United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244/99).

6.2. Comparability - geographical


Data are comparable between all EU Member States and the other presented countries.

6.3. Coverage - Time

> 10 years

Presented time series (including EU aggregates) starts in 2000.

6.4. Comparability - over time

> 4 data points

Length of comparable time series without methodological breaks is longer than 4 data points.

7. Accessibility and clarity Top
7.1. Dissemination format - Publications

Analysis of indicator is presented in Eurostat's annual monitoring report on Sustainable development in the EU (progress towards SDGs in the EU context).

7.2. Dissemination format - online database

see table sdg_15_42

7.3. Dissemination format - other

Eurostat dedicated section on SDGs: http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/web/sdi/overview

8. Comment Top

Copyrights: Eurostat Copyright/Licence Policy is applicable.

Related metadata Top

Annexes Top
External data and metadata
EEA datahub

Footnotes Top