Statistics on the production of manufactured goods (prom)

National Reference Metadata in Euro SDMX Metadata Structure (ESMS)

Compiling agency: Central Statistical Bureau Republic of Latvia (CSB)

Eurostat metadata
Reference metadata
1. Contact
2. Metadata update
3. Statistical presentation
4. Unit of measure
5. Reference Period
6. Institutional Mandate
7. Confidentiality
8. Release policy
9. Frequency of dissemination
10. Accessibility and clarity
11. Quality management
12. Relevance
13. Accuracy
14. Timeliness and punctuality
15. Coherence and comparability
16. Cost and Burden
17. Data revision
18. Statistical processing
19. Comment
Related Metadata
Annexes (including footnotes)

For any question on data and metadata, please contact: Eurostat user support


1. Contact Top
1.1. Contact organisation

Central Statistical Bureau Republic of Latvia (CSB)

1.2. Contact organisation unit

Business Statistics Department, Industrial and Construction Statistics section

1.5. Contact mail address

Lāčplēša street 1, Riga, Latvia, LV – 1010

2. Metadata update Top
2.1. Metadata last certified 27/08/2023
2.2. Metadata last posted 27/08/2023
2.3. Metadata last update 27/08/2023

3. Statistical presentation Top
3.1. Data description

Information on the volume and value of industrial goods produced and sold, the production under sub-contracted operations, industrial services provided, in compliance with the list of products of the European Community (PRODCOM), is acquired to ensure standardised statistics for internal and international market leaders, find out and analyse directions of market development, study market part link between the industry and foreign trade statistics.

3.2. Classification system

Data are collected and published according to

  • List of Products of the European Community (PRODCOM) (corresponding version of each year);
  • List of Products of the European Community (PRODCOM), National version, with additional codes for nacional needs (corresponding version of each year)
  • Statistical Classification of Economic Activities in the European Union, 2nd revision (NACE Rev. 2).
  • Statistical Classificatin of Produkts by Activity, Version 2.1

3.3. Coverage - sector

The survey covers NACE Rev.2 sections B and C, with sections 07-33 and NACE class 38.32 of section E. 

Since 2006, the survey covers all industrial enterprises and enterprises with secondary industrial activity with more than 10 employees. In some cases, the sample included companies with a less number of employees.

All industrial enterprises are sampled to achieve 90% of each 4-digit level NACE class or sufficient degree of representativeness required at CPA class level.


3.4. Statistical concepts and definitions

The purpose of the statistics is to report, for each product in the PRODCOM List, how much has been produced in the reporting country during the reference period. This means that Prodcom statistics relates to products (not to activities) and are therefore not strictly comparable with activity-based statistics such as Structural Business Statistics. The NACE codes on which Prodcom codes are based merely serve to identify the enterprises that should be monitored in this survey

The products: the Prodcom List defines the products to be included in the survey. There are approximately 4000 headings representing manufactured products and some industrial services

The values and the volume of production: the value is expressed in national currency but where necessary converted to EURO by Eurostat. From year 2014 Latvia's national currency is EURO. The volume is expressed in a unit specified for each product.

The volume unit: the measurement unit, such as kilograms, square metres etc. used to indicate the volume of goods produced.

Production type: 

    • Sold production  - represents the quantity in the volume unit specified in the corresponding PRODCOM List and value in Thsd Euro of sold production and industrial services. The value and volume of the product sold by the enterprise
    • Production under sub-contracted operation - represents the quantity in the volume unit specified in the corresponding PRODCOM List and value in Thsd Euro  
    • Actual production  - the volume of all production of the product of PRODCOM codes, including both the proportion that is sold and the proportion that is retained by the enterprise for adding to stocks, using in further processing etc



3.5. Statistical unit

Economically active enterprises the main or secondary economic activity of which is manufacturing.

The reporting unit is  - Enterprise = Kind of activity unit (KAU)

The observation unit is - Kind of activity unit (KAU), principal and secondary activities

3.6. Statistical population

The population for the statistics are enterprises with industrial activity as main object of activity and non-industrial enterprises with industrial activity as secondary object of activity; enterprise must have at least 10 employees.

In some cases, the sample included companies with a less number of employees. The population is selected annually from the Statistical Business Register. 

3.7. Reference area

Industrial production on national level - LATVIA. No regional breakdown.

3.8. Coverage - Time

The period observed is one calendar Year.

Latvian industrial products statistics date back to 2000, the annual data can be consulted in electronic format in EUROSTAT DATABASE -

Electronically, data from 2007 onwards are available on  Ofifcial statistics portal, Official statistics of Latvia CSB Database Database:

Data based on NACE Rev.2., CPA 2.1.

3.9. Base period

Not applicable

4. Unit of measure Top

Sales of manufactured industrial products is measured in Thsd Euro and in physical measurement unit required by the Nomenclature of Industrial Production (PRODCOM), specific for each product.

For value (sales): Thsd EURO, excl. VAT and excise duties

5. Reference Period Top

The reference period for data submitted to Eurostat Prodcom is the calendar year.

The data are from the calendar year 2022

6. Institutional Mandate Top
6.1. Institutional Mandate - legal acts and other agreements

This survey is carried out in compliance with following regulations:

1. at EU level:

  • Regulation (EU) 2019/2152 of the European Parliament and of the Council on European business statistics, repealing 10 legal acts in the field of business statistics.
  • Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2020/1197 laying down technical specifications and arrangements pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2019/2152 of the European Parliament and of the Council on European business statistics repealing 10 legal acts in the field of business statistics.
  • Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2022/2552 of 12 December 2022 laying down the technical specifications of data requirements for the detailed topic industrial production statistics establishing the industrial products classification breakdown, pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2019/2152 of the European Parliament and of the Council and amending Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2020/1197, as regards the coverage of the product classification (Text with EEA relevance) -
  • Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2023/138 of 21 December 2022 laying down a list of specific high-value datasets and the arrangements for their publication and re-use (Text with EEA relevance) -

2. at the National level Legislation: LV STATISTICS LEGISLATION:

6.2. Institutional Mandate - data sharing

Not applicable at Member States level. Separate sets of aggregated data are sent to the institutions under a written agreement

7. Confidentiality Top
7.1. Confidentiality - policy

Confidentiality of individual data is protected by Statistics Law

Section 7. Competence of the Statistical Institution in Production of Official Statistics

  • (2) The statistical institution shall:
  • 8) Ensure statistical confidentiality in accordance with the procedures laid down in this Law;

Section 17. Data Processing and Statistical Confidentiality

Section 19. Dissemination of Official Statistics

  • (1) The statistical institution shall disseminate official statistics in a way that does not allow either directly or indirectly identify a private individual or a State institution in cases other than those laid down in Section 25 of this Law.
  • (2) The statistical institution shall publish the official statistics which have been produced within the framework of the Official Statistics Programme in a publicly available form and by a predetermined deadline on the portal of official statistics. Until the moment of publication of official statistics this statistics shall not be published.
7.2. Confidentiality - data treatment

CSB has introduced Quality Management System (QMS). The system is directed towards providing high user satisfaction and ensuring compliance with regulatory enactments. Based on the structure of Generic Statistical Business Process Model (GSBPM), QMS defines and at the level of procedures describes processes of statistical production as well as sets the persons responsible for the monitoring of processes at all stages of the statistical production. QMS defines the sequence how processes are implemented (i.e., activities to be performed (incl. verifications of processes and statistics, sequence and implementation requirements thereof, as well as persons responsible for the implementation)), procedures used in the evaluation of processes and statistics, as well as any improvements needed.

Since 2018, QMS of the CSB has been certified by the standard ISO 9001:2015 “Quality Management Systems. Requirements” (certified scope: Production of official statistics – planning, development, data acquisition, processing, analysis and dissemination).

CSB has introduced Quality Management System (QMS). The system is directed towards providing high user satisfaction and ensuring compliance with regulatory enactments. Based on the structure of Generic Statistical Business Process Model (GSBPM), QMS defines and at the level of procedures describes processes of statistical production as well as sets the persons responsible for the monitoring of processes at all stages of the statistical production. QMS defines the sequence how processes are implemented (i.e., activities to be performed (incl. verifications of processes and statistics, sequence and implementation requirements thereof, as well as persons responsible for the implementation)), procedures used in the evaluation of processes and statistics, as well as any improvements needed.
Since 2018, QMS of the CSB has been certified by the standard ISO 9001:2015 “Quality Management Systems. Requirements” (certified scope: Production of official statistics – planning, development, data acquisition, processing, analysis and dissemination).

Latvia applies the principle of the active confidentiality in PRODCOM. Statistical data shall be considered confidential if they directly or indirectly allow for identification of the private individuals or State authorities regarding which personal statistical data have been provided. Confidential data are treated by suppression. Data are confidential if there are 3 or less enterprises or one enterprise accounts for more then 80% or two of them more than 90%. Confidentiality rules are applicable for value and volume data. Confidentiality has been solved by aggregation of single headings. Also, confidentiality is applied for data of individual enterprises.

8. Release policy Top
8.1. Release calendar

All official statistics are published according to the data release calendar, at 13.00.

Release calendar is available on the CSB website:


8.2. Release calendar access

8.3. Release policy - user access

Statistical release dates and times are pre-announced in the data release calendar.

Statistical dissemination policy defines general principles of statistical data dissemination, availability of CSB`s products and services for data users, communication with data users, cooperation with the media, availability of individual data for scientific and educational purposes, as well as most important activities in 2022.

The first PRODCOM data from are sent to Eurostat on 30 June of the reference year + 1

Revised data is resent to Eurostat in accordance with the CSB Work plan.

9. Frequency of dissemination Top

Annualy collected data are available twice a year (t+6m provisional data, t+11m final data) based on headings from the PRODCOM List.

PRODCOM data are submitted annually to Eurostat and published annually.

10. Accessibility and clarity Top
10.1. Dissemination format - News release

New release not published.

PRODCOM data is prepared twice a year (t+6m provisional data, t+11m final data) only for Official statistics portal and is available on-line via Statistics database -


10.2. Dissemination format - Publications

New Publications not published.

PRODCOM data is prepared twice a year (t+6m provisional data, t+11m final data) only for Official statistics portal and is available on-line via Statistics database -


10.3. Dissemination format - online database

Data is available after the latest PRODCOM classification codes. Information is published for only actually existing products. As about 80% of the collected information is confidential and taking into account that the new PRODCOM indicators on the work of subcontractors created an additional amount of confidential data, CSB databases will continue to publish information - the Total sold production volume and value and industrial services. Starting with 2021 data a new table was created for the 2021 data, which meets the PRODCOM requirements of the new FRIBS Regulation. 

Statistics database

Signs in Database:

        "." - confidential data

       "..." - data are not available or reliable

10.4. Dissemination format - microdata access

It is possible to use remote access to anonymized individual data in research. Depending on the additional data processing methods applied, the datasets are available for use on the researcher's infrastructure (OffSite) or on the remote access system of the Central Statistical Bureau (OnSite). The data are available if application is filled in and contract is concluded in case of positive decision from the Central Statistical Bureau. Anonymized individual data can be only used for scientific or research purposes, moreover, research result has to assure benefit to all society.

Individual data or microdata are records from surveys, population censuses or registers on individuals, households or enterprises.

10.5. Dissemination format - other

Data are sent to Eurostat and information on industrial production is available on the homepage of Statistical Office pf the European Union (EUROSTAT).

If data users need more detailed data, they can find it in the above publications or they have the possibility to ask data at products level through our information center 

User support

For information requests, references, consultations and information on paid services

tel: +371 67366922

We will consult you as soon as possible and free of charge.

Custom made data may be delivered on request.

In this case we will propose and confirm with you a quote before delivering the data. More info on this may be found in Information requests -

If the data can be produced, the department prepares and supplies it by request, as a paid service.

10.6. Documentation on methodology
10.7. Quality management - documentation

Quality of statistics is assessed in accordance with the existing requirements of external and internal regulatory enactments and in accordance with the established quality criteria.

The CSB has developed and introduced Project Documentation System where all statistical products (surveys and calculations) are described by production processes thereof. These national standard quality reports are published in CSB webpage in Latvian. Quality report of PRODCOM statistics is under section nationally standartized reports of quality.

Regulation (EC) no 223/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council on European statistics states that European Statistics European statistics shall be developed, produced and disseminated on the basis of uniform standards and of harmonised methods. In this respect, the following quality criteria shall apply: relevance, accuracy, timeliness, punctuality, accessibility, clarity, comparability and coherence.

In order to ensure the preparation of higher quality statistics, the CSB in its activities strives to comply with the European Statistics Code of Practice and continues to implement elements of the quality management system. More information on quality statistics can be found in the "Quality documentation for statistical institutes".

11. Quality management Top
11.1. Quality assurance

The quality of statistical information and its production process is ensured by the provisions of the European Statistics Code of Practice. In 2007, a quality management system (aligned with the requirements of the international quality management system standard ISO 9001) was enclosed into Statistics Latvia. Quality Declaration of European Statistical System, United Nations Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics, Recommendations of the OECD Council on Good Statistical Practice - QUALITY ASSURANCE FRAMEWORK -

 The quality indicators are calculed taking into account Eurostat methodology for the calculation of Quality indicators and documented into Project's Documentation System QUALITY ASSURANCE FRAMEWORK -

PRODCOM survey is based on annual information. PRODCOM data is checked in several ways:

  a) PRODCOM data are produced in close cooperation with STS, enabling the data reported in the two surveys to be checked against each other.

  b) PRODCOM data are compared with the enterprises submitted a foreign trade and customs statistics

  c) PRODCOM data are compared with SBS data

  d) PRODCOM uses also the administrative data (VAT) in the validation procedures.

PRODCOM staff applies its own data checks by comparing unit values across enterprises, across time and also some additional algorithms. Any identified outliers are reported to the declarant, asking an explanation or a correction. 

11.2. Quality management - assessment

Quality of statistics is assessed in accordance with the existing requirements of external and internal regulatory enactments and in accordance with the established quality criteria.

Regulation (EC) no 223/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council on European statistics states that European Statistics European statistics shall be developed, produced and disseminated on the basis of uniform standards and of harmonised methods. In this respect, the following quality criteria shall apply: 

relevance, accuracy, timeliness, punctuality, accessibility, clarity, comparability and coherence.

The quality of statistical information and its production process is ensured by the provisions of the European Statistics Code of Practice. Prodcom data are collected electronically. The electronic questionnaire provides a number of arithmetic and logical controls, both mandatory and optional between the items in each form and between the forms in the whole annual report. There are a number of arithmetic and logical controls inside the PRODCOM form. The system that supports this electronic questionnaire calculates both the totals and the unit price.

The PRODCOM questionnaire cannot be filled-in successfully before all errors inside the questionnaire, detected by the checking program, have been corrected. Besides, the supplied PRODCOM data are cross checked against the previous year data, to identify the outliers.

If there are interlinked errors, these are displayed after the validation of the whole set of reports.

The information quality is measured by quality key indicators, like: the number of filled-in questionnaires, number of imputed missing indicators, reporting time and the necessary duration to fill-in the questionnaire.

Special mathematical programs were created to check and compare the data for different periods and sections. Correct coding of goods is verified in correlation with foreign trade data codes.

12. Relevance Top
12.1. Relevance - User Needs

The main users of PRODCOM statistics:

External (their needs are satisfied without breaching the confidentiality principle):

  • Governmental authorities, public administration (central and local) - want to know about Latvian market for specific products or products groups; investigate the developments in the industrial structure and the sales of goods
  • Trade associations, research institutions, students - want to know about Latvian market for specific products or products groups; 
  • Enterprises -  Interested in your industry data to be able to plan for future developments;
  • Mass media - Interested in the production of certain products, sales
  • Embassies - want to know about Latvian market for specific products or products groups
  • International institutions (EUROSTAT, United Nations, FAO) - need internationally comparable figures in Latvian industrial production


  • Weighing system for producer price index (PPI)
  • ICT (Information and communications technology) for Trade and Services statistics section
  • SBS
12.2. Relevance - User Satisfaction

The mission of the CSB is to provide users of statistical information with independent high-quality official statistics for decision-making, research and discussions.

You can provide your opinion on data quality to e-mail:

We don’t receive any special feedback from our users and no user satisfaction survey has been done for PRODCOM statistics.

Official Statistics Portal traffic is monitored. There are website visitor opinion polls, general opinion poll on the products and services of Statistics Latvia, target user group opinion polls and other surveys.

12.3. Completeness

The data is available annually and in accordance with legal requirements. Considering the large amount of confidential data, CSB publishes only data of total sold products and industrial services in own databases.

The CSB provides Eurostat all the data requested by the PRODCOM Regulation. All requested data are delivered to Eurostat adding a flag of confidentiality where is the case. But we have some Prodcom codes that exist only to satisfy national needs.  

13. Accuracy Top
13.1. Accuracy - overall

The overall accuracy is affected by the non-response of the respondents, in which case the missing records are obtained by applying the necessary imputation methods.

Sampling is done by using NACE (Rev.2) level, while taking most of the sales in terms of value for the companies whose summed up sales are covering at least 90% of the NACE class annual sales volume.

Census of all enterprises with more than 10 employees and essential total turnover are taken from Statistical Business Register and tax authorities for PRODCOM sampling.

The issue of non-response is treated while collecting the questionnaire (logical checks, contact with respondent), being covered by estimations

Questionnaires are collected and checked by the special office staff. Questionnaire and collecting system provide a number of arithmetic and logical controls. Staff is in close contact with the respondents.

Central staff checks the preliminary results. Final results are approved and prepared for publication.

For large companies, the company's annual reports and balance sheets must be submitted much later than the enterprises production was terminated information required for the CSP PRODCOM report, therefore the company objects to providing this information sooner than the prepared annual balance sheet. This fact affected the annual industrial production survey data collection including the response rate and quality check comparing the survey data with annual reports of enterprises. 

At the end of June, the non-responding companies were sent warnings about the onset of Administrative liability if reports are not submitted with the task to do so by August 25. The results will be visible in the reviset data.

About 15 % of the large companies in the sample have not yet submitted data and have not yet been imputed, as data are gradually being provided. That's why there could be the large revisions of industrial production statistics indicators, what is difficult to assess at the present situation.

About 12.0 % of all enterprises were projected to have imputations using data from other surveys to reduce the burden on enterprises. The response rate of the 2022 survey to the PRODCOM survey was 87.36 % of all sampled enterprises.

13.2. Sampling error
Sampling error is not relevant.
Sampling errors do not occur in the survey. The sample desing applied is a cut-off sample, which means it is a full coverage survey with a cut-off threshold. There is no grossing up for units below the thereshold. It is therefore not relevant/possible to calculate sampling error. 
13.3. Non-sampling error

Over-coverage errors in 2022: 0.79%

Comments: Over-coverage errors mainly occur if observed units are registered in the activity that we observe but perform some other activity that is not the subject of our observation.

Non-response rate in 2022: 

Unweighted response rate - 86.57%

Weighed response rate - 88.28%

Unplanned imputations rate- 6.23 %  from the number of companies included in the sample, carried out until 30.06.2023

Planned imputations rate- 11.67 % 

Unweighted imputation rate - 17,15 %

To ensure the high quality of data, data 5control is carried out in several phases. The first phase consists of data control at the entreprise level and aggregation at the product level data comparison with values reported in other surveys. In the second phase the quality control is carried out in the Industry and construction statistics section, where data are analysed and possibly corrected. The data checking includes:

  • Comparison with previous period;
  • Comparison of unit value;
  • Comparisons with other survey.

The measurement units are same as in the PRODCOM list. There are some problems when the measurement units mentioned in the List are different from units used by entreprises. In order to help enterprises to fill questionnaires correctly, the staff of the Industry and building statistics section have studied problems with the measurement units and created recalculation coefficients from one measurment unit to other.

Data should be available for every entreprise involved in the PRODCOM survey. Data of missing units are replaced from the PRODCOM survey of the previous year, if it is available.

To increase the response rate, contacts are done by phonecalls and also via e-mail messages.

For non-response cases we apply estimation to the value and volume data, using:

  • Data of the previous year;
  • Montly data (value of production and sold production);
  • SBS data;
  • Product's historical data of the enterprise;
  • The avarage price of other similar respondents;
  • Foreign trade data;
  • Customs data;

Company annual balance sheet; management reports.

14. Timeliness and punctuality Top
14.1. Timeliness

The data are prepared in accordance with the deadlines set by the EU regulations and the CSB work plan.

Preliminary data

At the end of June after reference year preliminary annual data are available. Regional Data Collection and Processing Centre check preliminary data acoording to the data editing validation program.

Prodcom data are submitted to Eurostat T+6 months  (30th of June) after the end of the year that data refers to.

Preliminary data are available on the website of the CSB in end of July T+7 months

Final data

At the end of November the final annual product data are available. Differences between preliminary and final data are:

  • Data of enterprise given after the deadline;
  • Corrections of errors found in the second phase of data validation by the Industry and building Statistics section;
  • Replacing of missing data.

PRODCOM final data are available on the website of the CSB in end of November T+11 months after reference year.

Product data are published in the Statistical Yearbook 12 months after reference year.

PRODCOM estimates are usually validated and uploaded onto Eurostat's website around the same time that CSB publishes the updated PRODCOM data.

According to the data revision policy, the data can be audited within 3 years of the first audit and if major changes are detected, the data is sent again

14.2. Punctuality

The transmission of data to EUROSTAT is in accordance with tranmission programme 

For the reference year 2022, the provisional data were transmitted on 30 June 2023

As the data is collected once a year, the amount of data collected and transmitted in June is very preliminary and high-quality data can only be provided in November. The situation for 2022 is continues data   

submission was also affected by the war in Ukraine in 2022

Therefore, the data are sent to Eurostat recurrent November and only then can the quality of the data be objectively assessed.

Statistical information is published in Official statistics portal Data base, accordance with an approved release calendar

15. Coherence and comparability Top
15.1. Comparability - geographical

Sold production, exports and imports by PRODCOM list for EU countries

EU data on production of manufactured goods




15.2. Comparability - over time

The extensive revision of NACE in 2007 leaded to major changes in PRODCOM estimates as they were calculated starting with 2008.

Data according to the new NACE Rev.2 version were recalculated, starting from 2007.

Data for NACE Rev.1 is available from 1999 to 2007.

  • Table RUA010 - 23 years.
  • Table RUA020 - 16 years.
  • Table RUA040 - 1 year

The data are comparable because the structure and data set of the data published in the CSB databases will not be changed due to the large volume of confidential data

For implementing  Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2020/1197 Annex  Table 26 requirements for statistical indicators of PRODCOM, there will be a break in the data series, as production under subcontracted operations was collected separately from production produced for own needs (starting in 2021)


15.3. Coherence - cross domain

Consistency checks are done in correlation with STS & SBS data, in order to ensure the accuracy of the returned data. The value of production for all the products in the same 4-digit NACE class can be summed and compared with national turnover in that class according to Structural Business Statistics. Cross-checks are made between SBS, external trade and STS at micro and macro level.

15.4. Coherence - internal

We check product codes comparability between different versions of PRODCOM, then for each of them we test the indicators of production and sales values, as well as the unit price.

Variables checking in time series is done using an interval of 3 years

16. Cost and Burden Top

In line with the strategic directions of the European Statistics System and latest trends in statistical production, continuous use of information acquired in regular CSB surveys and proportionate reduction of the response burden are among the key CSB priorities.
In cooperation with holders of administrative data and in line with the competences provided for in the Statistics Law, CSB is striving to solve the issues related to the use of administrative data sources, thus aiming to acquire as comprehensive and high-quality administrative data allowing to reduce response burden on enterprises and households as possible.
CSB measures to improve use of administrative data and reduce response burden taken in 2021 (in Latvian only)

Reference period 2022

 Burden of the reporting units:

Number of reporting unit which have reported - 1962
Annual number of questionnaires per unit - 1
Time spent for one questionnaire on average (h) - 1.24 h
Total time spent (h) -  2442.23 h

Number of reporting units which should reported - 2278

Frequency of the survey - annual

In line with the strategic directions of the European Statistics System and latest trends in statistical production, continuous use of information acquired in regular CSB surveys and proportionate reduction of the response burden are among the key CSB priorities.

In cooperation with holders of administrative data and in line with the competences provided for in the Statistics Law, CSB is striving to solve the issues related to the use of administrative data sources, thus aiming to acquire as comprehensive and high-quality administrative data allowing to reduce response burden on enterprises and households as possible.


17. Data revision Top
17.1. Data revision - policy

Revision policy is an important component of good governance practice addressed more and more often in the international statistical society. The objective of the Revision policy is to lay down the order of review or revision of the prepared and published data. The first chapter of the present document explains the terms applied in the Revision policy, the second chapter characterises shortly the CSB revision policy, whereas the third chapter stipulates the revision cycle of the statistical data prepared by the CSB.

Revision policy guidelines 31.08.2017 (PDF, 515 KB)

In June, the data transmitted to Eurostat and in July published data on CSB database are preliminary, the final data can differ from preliminary data at the end of November because of data corrections. Reported data for the previous Year are checked systematically by Data collection center, because large companies have a different balance of the submission deadline and hence PRODCOM survey they submitted only in August. Parallel to the Data collection center, survey is also checked the survey manager. The basic controls are already embedded in the electronic reporting and processing system enters ISDAVS. The data are compared with data of Annual and Montly Perfomance Statistics reports, Foreign trade data, as well.

Transmitted to Eurostat

Provisional data  - 30.06.2023

First/ Final Revision- the end of November

Second/Finala Revision - 30.06.2024 (if the changes since November are estimated to be large)

Non-scheduled revision:

This can happen in exceptional cases, when there have been extreme changes from enterprises for 3 previous years and if it is necessary, data will be modified. In this period ir can turn out necessity of data correction of previous year's, as well.

17.2. Data revision - practice

After amendments in legal acts and detection of significant errors, the revisions of statistical indicators are performed.

Provisional survey estimates are transmitted to Eurostat in June, which is 6 months after the end of the reference period.

Intermediate estimates are sent 11 months after the end of reference period.

A final set of estimates is sent 24 months after the end of the reference period, if deemed necessary

18. Statistical processing Top
18.1. Source data

Data on goods produced and sold are obtained with the help of enterprise survey, building a threshold sample. Data are compiled from the CSB annual statistical new report form 1- Industry "industrial production and services". (Grant Project G.-20.15) 

Data for the reference year are obtained from economically active enterprises whose main or secondary activity is industry according to NACE Rev. 2 sections B and C and class 38.32 of the section E, and who are employing 10 or more persons in their industrial production.

In separate sectors, with an aim to ensure at least 90% of the national production volume in each class of the NACE Rev. 2 sectors during the reference year, enterprises employing fewer people are also included.

Paper and electronic questionnaires could be used for data collection.

Informations for respondents:

Surveys are carried out in the official language of Latvia therefore questionnaires and e-Report interface are available in Latvian only.

Questionnaires (in Latvian) can be downloaded from CSB homepage -

You can submit in Submit data in Electronic data collection (EDC) system:

From 2005 - 2007, industrial enterprises and establishements which according to the Standard Classification of Activities (NACE Rev.1.1) perfomed one or more activities belonging to sections "Minig and Quarrying" (C) and "Manufacturing" (D) were included in the survey. Before 2005, "Electricity, gas and water supply" (E) section was also included but in the National PRODCOM version, we have included products important to the country, including peat and its substrates, because the peat is not an energy product in Latvia, but 99.999% is used in agriculture and an important part of Latvia's economy

The survey covers all enterprises with 10 or more persons employed in the industrial sector. To ensure reliable data, we retain the 90 % rule and in some cases we include smaller eneterprises to cover 90% of the NACE 4-digit classes NACE 07-33 and NACE clase 38.32 of the net turnover.

There are about 2500 units in the survey.

18.2. Frequency of data collection

Prodcom survey in Latvia is a annual survey

18.3. Data collection

Data are collected from the CSB annual survey "Survey on production and sales of industrial goods, industrial services provided" (statistical report form 1- Industry). Most data is submitted in the form of an e-report (84.8 %), other forms of submission (mail, e-mail, telephone) are less common (15.2%).

Data concerning statistics in accordance with PRODCOM are collected and processed at first in the Data Collection Centre.

The CSB of Latvia uses e-statistics questionnaire named "Electronic data collection (EDC) system", which can be found together with the  instructions for the companies at CSP home page:

The list of all products is available in the web questionnaire, and the list of all products with corresponding CN codes is available on the website. Part of logical errors are checked during the process of questionnaire's filling-in:

Non-response treatment: Phone, automatical and ordinary e-mail reminders, Administrative acts.


18.4. Data validation

The CSB uses special software for data entry for processing with automatic report management and data validation tools - Integrated Statistical Data Management System (ISDMS, LV-  ISDAVS). The data submitted by the respondent are compared with the previous year and other reports.

The ISDAVS is divided into following business application software modules, which have to cover and support all phases of the statistical data processing:

  • Core metadata base module;
  • Register module;
  • Data entry and validation module;
  • Date aggregation module;
  • Data analysis module;
  • Data dissemination module;
  • User adminstration module.

Part of logical errors are checked during the process of questionnaire's filling-in. The CSB ISDMS system has more automatic controls that spot eventual errors. If data collector considers these indeed as being errors, they contact the companies and, if necessary, ask for data correction.

The data validation contains:

  • Valitidy of each attribute collected within the queationnaire (e.g. enterprises ID, NACE, etc.)
  • Logical checks between indicators inside the questionnaire,
  • Comparison over time (previous year),
  • Cross-survey cheks (STS, SBS),

Comparison between enterprises belonging to the same category

18.5. Data compilation

Revision of the published data is carried out if significant mistakes in enterprise reports are found or if respondent specifies some information.

Revised data are published at next publication time and the last three years are revised.

Received data are checked on Regional Data Collection and Processing Center.

A special program is checking the similarity of PRODCOM's total industrial output versus STS & SBS data at enterprise level.

Checks are made against previous returns in order to spot the inconsistencies and, when is necessary, the enterprises are contacted and asked to recheck/correct the data they submitted.

Results are aggregated at Nomenclature of Industrial Products code level (which is aligned with PRODCOM list). All results are presented in the form of absolute figures. Quantitative data on production and sold production of industrial products and services are shown at the level of the product or service.

The following steps can take place at level of the Data Collection and Processing Center:

  • receive of the e-survey or paper questionnaire by e-mail;
  • data entry in a local database;
  • running of the IT tools for detecting the ertrors; data are corrected where necessary
  • checks against SBS data are done and data are corrected where necessary, after a discussion with the enterprise

At Central Statistical Office, the folowing actions are taking place:

  • checks made against previous years data, and where necessary the enterprises are contacted trought the Data Collection and Processing Center
  • for all enterprises data from Montly Industrial Production is compared to ensure consistency between the sources
  • for unit non-response cases there are done imputations from Montly Industrial Production, or the company's annual balance sheet and foreign trade data (if they are available)

when the PRODCOM survey population is selected from the Business register, a detailed analysis is carried out by Business Register and Industry staff regarding the new births. If there are issues detected,they are fed back to Business Register.

18.6. Adjustment

Not applicable.

The imputation method of non-response is used to fill-in the missing indicators.

The imputation of missing data is based on other administrative sources (STS) and the time series (previously reported data by the same enterprise), SBS, Foreighn Trade statistics, Balance sheet.

Since this is an annual survey, there is no need for seasonal adjustment.

19. Comment Top

To provide new EBS regulation requirements esp. data on the production under sub-contracted operations, was used European Statistics Action Grant NUMBER — ESTAT-2020-PA6-G-EBS/ B5640-2020-EBS TITLE: EBS Regulation (EU) 2019/2152 Implementation: Methodology and new data requirements’. The project duration was 12 months, starting from 1st January of 2021. 

As a result of data collection it was concluded that:

1) The volume of confidential data increases

2) The additional requirement for the former indicator Total sale production increased the amount of secondary confidential data

3) Companies believe that providing this type of data makes their work more difficult and increases their burden

4) Of the collected data, only about 20% of the data is publishable, so CSB will continue to publish only Total sold production (volume, value) and industrial services in own dataset

5) Since we also collect national codes, and for all products (except services) T (aktual) production, then in order to prepare the new data file for sending to EUROSTAT, from which the national files, other redundant information must be removed, plus the Total Sold production must be counted, z summing codes must be calculated, in addition, all confidentiality indicators must be calculated and all other new conditions must be met, programmers must be involved, who are missing because the institution's existing data collection system cannot provide automatic creation of the necessary summaries. In addition to the new indicators, the requirement to send them immediately in the new data format was also an additional burden and problem, considering that all kinds of resources are limited.

6) Disproportionate requirements for statistics of a small country compared to the amount of information obtained and published


Related metadata Top

Annexes Top