Energy statistics - quantities (nrg_quant)

National Reference Metadata in Single Integrated Metadata Structure (SIMS)

Compiling agency: Statistical Office of Montenegro - MONSTAT

Eurostat metadata
Reference metadata
1. Contact
2. Metadata update
3. Statistical presentation
4. Unit of measure
5. Reference Period
6. Institutional Mandate
7. Confidentiality
8. Release policy
9. Frequency of dissemination
10. Accessibility and clarity
11. Quality management
12. Relevance
13. Accuracy
14. Timeliness and punctuality
15. Coherence and comparability
16. Cost and Burden
17. Data revision
18. Statistical processing
19. Comment
Related Metadata
Annexes (including footnotes)

For any question on data and metadata, please contact: Eurostat user support


1. Contact Top
1.1. Contact organisation

Statistical Office of Montenegro - MONSTAT

1.2. Contact organisation unit

Energy statistics

1.5. Contact mail address

IV Proleterske No. 2

81000 Podgorica


2. Metadata update Top
2.1. Metadata last certified 08/02/2023
2.2. Metadata last posted 08/02/2023
2.3. Metadata last update 23/09/2022

3. Statistical presentation Top
3.1. Data description

The following table covers all regular national data collection activities of which the data are used to fill in the monthly and annual questionnaires.

3.1.1. Data description – details and links to EU data collections

National data collections

2. National body responsible

19.List of variables included in this data collection

Link to EU data collections (by frequency, energy product set, sector)

Monthly statistics of electricity

Statistical Office of Montenegro - MONSTAT

Production, import, export


Annual electricity and heat statistics

For the sectors below with some of the following energy products: Hydro; Solar; Combustible fuels;


Transformation sector

Consumption: Energy sector

Consumption: Residential


Monthly electricity statistics

For the sectors below with some of the following energy products: Hydro power;


Consumption in public power thermal stations

Nuclear heat production

Trade (imports / exports)

Fuel stocks in public power thermal stations

Short-term monthly

Short-term monthly electricity statistics

For the sectors below and the following energy products: electricity


Trade (imports / exports)

Short-term monthly natural gas statistics

For the sectors below and the following energy products: natural gas


Trade (imports / exports)


Survey on purchase, sales and stocks of oil products

Statistical Office of Montenegro - MONSTAT

Total purchase from other traders and from manufacturer, import and export by country, sales to other traders and final customers and stocks at the beginning and end of the reporting month.


Monthly oil statistics

For the sectors below with some of the following energy products:


Short-term monthly

Short-term monthly oil statistics

For the sectors below with some of the following energy products:





Quarterly survey on expenditures and production of agricultural holdings (PO-RP)

Statistical Office of Montenegro - MONSTAT

One of the questions is related on workforce in agriculture and contain paid and unpaid workforce, full-time employees, seasonal workforce, and work under the contract. Questions related to expenditures in agriculture were also included: seed and planting material, mineral and natural fertilizers, plant protection products, animal feeding staff, veterinary services, and consumption of energy.The question on the maintenance of machinery and equipment, service in agriculture, and other goods and service are asked in value only. The list reflects Montenegro’s situation. The Production question is an exhaustive list of crops produced in Montenegro. Opening and closing stock are excluded, even if they in reality they do exist.


Survay of transshipment in ports (annualy periodicity) PR-G-11

Statistical Office of Montenegro - MONSTAT

Transhipment infrastructure, equipment, transshipment and manipulated tones, supply and consumption of fuel, employees


Survay of railway transport and infrastructure (annualy periodicity) SŽ-G-11

Statistical Office of Montenegro - MONSTAT

Railway infrastructure (length of railway lines, railway stations and other official sites), rail transport of passenger and freight, and capacity of seats and year of construction supply and consumption of fuel, traffic accidents, recourses used for investments and maintenance of rail infrastructure, employees


Annual electricity and heat statistics

For the sectors below with some of the following energy products: Hydro; Solar; Combustible fuels;

Consumption: Transport



The quarterly survay on road passengers transport (SA/K-11)

Statistical Office of Montenegro - MONSTAT

Number and capacity of transport equipment; kilometers traveled, passenger transport - Number of passengers and passenger kilometers, supply and consumption of fuel, employees


Annual oil and petroleum products statistics

For the sectors below with some of the following energy products: Consumption: Transport


The quarterly survay on urban transport (SG/K-11)

Statistical Office of Montenegro - MONSTAT

Number and capacity of transport equipment by type of equipment (buses ), line, kilometers traveled by transport equipment, passenger transport (buses), consumption of fuel, employees


Survay of maritame transport (annualy periodicity) SP-K-11

Statistical Office of Montenegro - MONSTAT

Number and capacity of transport equipment, miles traveled of transport equipment, transport of passengers by type of transport, number of passengers and passenger miles, transport of goods by type of transport - tons and tonne-miles, supply and consumption of fuel and lubricants, employees


Survay of air transport and infrastructure (annualy periodicity) SV-G-11

Statistical Office of Montenegro - MONSTAT

Number of aircraft by type and capacity, supply and consumption of fuel, recourses spent on investment and maintenance of aircraft, employees


Survay of turnover in  air transport and infrastructure (annualy periodicity) SV-G-21

Statistical Office of Montenegro - MONSTAT

Consumption of electricity, fuel, recourses spent on investment and maintenance of airports, employees


 Transport goods by road SA_T-11

Statistical Office of Montenegro - MONSTAT

Characteristics of vehicles, land and place of departure / destination, distance, weight of transported goods, traffic types (national, export, import, transit, transportation abroad), type of goods, packaging method, the purpose of transportation (public or own needs), fuel infused



Statistical Office of Montenegro - MONSTAT

The variables are products according to COICOP Classification, on five livel.


Annual solid fuels statistics

For the sectors below with some of the following energy products: Lignite;

Consumption: Residential

Annual oil and petroleum products statistics

For the sectors below with some of the following energy products:

Consumption: Residential

Annual renewables and wastes statistics

For the sectors below with some of the following energy products: Hydro power; Solid biofuels;

Consumption: Residential


Annual survey on livestock of agricultural enterprises and cooperatives (PO-71)

Statistical Office of Montenegro - MONSTAT

This survey collects data about: number of workers and co-workers according to qualifications; number of agricultural machinery and equipment; hours of use; wheat balance; capacity of facilities and equipment for processing, incubators; fuel, lubricant, and electricity consumption; amounts of plant protection products; and  number of contractors who have contracted the production.


Turnover index in services (STS-24)

Statistical Office of Montenegro - MONSTAT

Turnover, number of employees, number of hours work, use of energy products.


Annual solid fuels statistics

For the sectors below with some of the following energy products: Lignite;

Consumption: Other

Annual electricity and heat statistics

For the sectors below with some of the following energy products: Hydro; Solar; Combustible fuels;

Consumption: Other

Annual oil and petroleum products statistics

For the sectors below with some of the following energy products:

Consumption: Other

Annual renewables and wastes statistics

For the sectors below with some of the following energy products: Hydro power; Solid biofuels;

Consumption: Other



International trade in goods

Statistical Office of Montenegro - MONSTAT

All variables included in external trade statistics


Annual solid fuels statistics

For the sectors below with some of the following energy products: Lignite;

Trade (imports / exports)

Annual electricity and heat statistics

For the sectors below with some of the following energy products: Hydro; Solar; Combustible fuels;

Trade (imports / exports)

Annual oil and petroleum products statistics

For the sectors below with some of the following energy products:

Trade (imports / exports)

Annual renewables and wastes statistics

For the sectors below with some of the following energy products: Hydro power; Solid biofuels;

Trade (imports / exports)


Monthly solid fuels statistics

For the sectors below with some of the following energy products: Lignite;

Trade (imports / exports)

Monthly oil statistics

For the sectors below with some of the following energy products:

Trade (imports / exports)

Short-term monthly

Short-term monthly oil statistics

For the sectors below with some of the following energy products:

Trade (imports / exports)


Consumption of construction and propulsion materials (GRADJ-13)

Statistical Office of Montenegro - MONSTAT

The subject of survey are: the amount of embedded construction material and fuel, the value of the built construction material and fuel, the quantity of stocks at the end of the reporting year, the average price of used material. The amount of embedded materials and stocks are included in the unit of measure that is most frequently applied in practice.


Industrial production-PRODCOM (IND-21)

Statistical Office of Montenegro - MONSTAT

Product code, product name, kind of production, the units of measure according to PRODCOM List, total stocks quantity on the begining of the year, realised production - total production quantities, the quantities of products used in further processing in in the enterprise, total stocks quantity on the end of the year, total value of industrial products sold  - the quantity of products sold, total value of industrial products sold - the value of products sold, in thousand Eur


Annual solid fuels statistics

For the sectors below with some of the following energy products: Lignite;

Transformation sector


Consumption: Energy sector

Consumption: Industry

Calorific values

Annual electricity and heat statistics

For the sectors below with some of the following energy products: Hydro; Solar; Combustible fuels;

Consumption: Industry

Calorific values

Annual oil and petroleum products statistics

For the sectors below with some of the following energy products:

Consumption: Energy sector

Consumption: Industry


Calorific values

Annual renewables and wastes statistics

For the sectors below with some of the following energy products: Hydro power; Solid biofuels;


Transformation sector

Consumption: Industry


Calorific values


Monthly solid fuels statistics

For the sectors below with some of the following energy products: Lignite;




Index of production and turnover in industry (IND-1)

Statistical Office of Montenegro - MONSTAT

Stocks of products in thousand EUR, Total turnover, domestic turnover, non-domestic turnover, product code, product name, measurement unit, finished production in reference month, quantity of stocks , total value of industrial products sold  - the quantity of products sold, value of monthly production.


3.2. Classification system

International classification system

3.2.1. Classification system – industry sector, products and geographical
1. Name of data collection 15. Industry sector 15. Products 15. Geographical
Monthly statistics of electricity NACE rev. 2 (EU classification of economic activities) Not available Not available
Survey on purchase, sales and stocks of oil products NACE rev. 2 (EU classification of economic activities) Not available Not available
Quarterly survey on expenditures and production of agricultural holdings (PO-RP) NACE rev. 2 (EU classification of economic activities) CPA (Classification of Products by Activity in the EU) Not available
Survay of transshipment in ports (annualy periodicity) PR-G-11 NACE rev. 2 (EU classification of economic activities) Not available Not available
Survay of railway transport and infrastructure (annualy periodicity) SŽ-G-11 NACE rev. 2 (EU classification of economic activities) Not available Not available
The quarterly survay on road passengers transport (SA/K-11) NACE rev. 2 (EU classification of economic activities) Not available Not available
The quarterly survay on urban transport (SG/K-11) NACE rev. 2 (EU classification of economic activities) Not available Not available
Survay of maritame transport (annualy periodicity) SP-K-11 NACE rev. 2 (EU classification of economic activities) Not available Not available
Survay of air transport and infrastructure (annualy periodicity) SV-G-11 NACE rev. 2 (EU classification of economic activities) Not available Not available
Survay of turnover in  air transport and infrastructure (annualy periodicity) SV-G-21 NACE rev. 2 (EU classification of economic activities) Not available Not available
 Transport goods by road SA_T-11 NACE rev. 2 (EU classification of economic activities) Other Not available
HOUSEHOLD BUDGET SURVEY (HBS) Not available Other Not available
Annual survey on livestock of agricultural enterprises and cooperatives (PO-71) NACE rev. 2 (EU classification of economic activities) Not available Not available
Turnover index in services (STS-24) NACE rev. 2 (EU classification of economic activities) Not available Not available
International trade in goods #VALUE! CN codes (Combined Nomenclature, EU) NUTS (Nomenclature of territorial units for statistics)
Consumption of construction and propulsion materials (GRADJ-13) NACE rev. 2 (EU classification of economic activities) Not available Not available
Industrial production-PRODCOM (IND-21) NACE rev. 2 (EU classification of economic activities) CPA (Classification of Products by Activity in the EU) Not available
Index of production and turnover in industry (IND-1) NACE rev. 2 (EU classification of economic activities) CPC (Central Product Classification)  NUTS (Nomenclature of territorial units for statistics)
3.3. Coverage - sector

Energy statistics dasta covers all major sectors of the economy that are involved in the production, trade, energy transformation or energy consumption.

3.4. Statistical concepts and definitions

Commission Regulation (EU) 2022/132 of 28 January 2022 amending Regulation (EC) No 1099/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council on energy statistics, as regards the implementation of updates for the annual, monthly and short term monthly energy statistics.

3.5. Statistical unit

See table under 3.5.1.

3.5.1. Statistical unit – Data collections
Name of data collection Reporting unit
Monthly statistics of electricity the Enterprise
Survey on purchase, sales and stocks of oil products the Kind of activity Unit (KAU)
Quarterly survey on expenditures and production of agricultural holdings (PO-RP) Other
Survay of transshipment in ports (annualy periodicity) PR-G-11 the Enterprise
Survay of railway transport and infrastructure (annualy periodicity) SŽ-G-11 the Enterprise
The quarterly survay on road passengers transport (SA/K-11) the Enterprise
The quarterly survay on urban transport (SG/K-11) the Enterprise
Survay of maritame transport (annualy periodicity) SP-K-11 the Enterprise
Survay of air transport and infrastructure (annualy periodicity) SV-G-11 the Enterprise
Survay of turnover in air transport and infrastructure (annualy periodicity) SV-G-21 the Enterprise
 Transport goods by road SA_T-11 Other
Annual survey on livestock of agricultural enterprises and cooperatives (PO-71) the Kind of activity Unit (KAU)
Turnover index in services (STS-24) the Enterprise
International trade in goods Other
Consumption of construction and propulsion materials (GRADJ-13) the Kind of activity Unit (KAU)
Industrial production-PRODCOM (IND-21) the Kind of activity Unit (KAU)
Index of production and turnover in industry (IND-1) the Kind of activity Unit (KAU)
3.6. Statistical population

The reporting units for calculation of balances  are companies engaging in the production and distribution of relevant enery items.

3.7. Reference area

The national territory.

3.8. Coverage - Time

See table under 3.8.1.

3.8.1. Coverage time – Data collections
Name of data collection Coverage time
Monthly statistics of electricity  2005
Survey on purchase, sales and stocks of oil products  2005
Quarterly survey on expenditures and production of agricultural holdings (PO-RP)  2005
Survay of transshipment in ports (annualy periodicity) PR-G-11  2005
Survay of railway transport and infrastructure (annualy periodicity) SŽ-G-11  2005
The quarterly survay on road passengers transport (SA/K-11)  2005
The quarterly survay on urban transport (SG/K-11)  2005
Survay of maritame transport (annualy periodicity) SP-K-11  2005
Survay of air transport and infrastructure (annualy periodicity) SV-G-11  2005
Survay of turnover in  air transport and infrastructure (annualy periodicity) SV-G-21  2005
 Transport goods by road SA_T-11  2005
Annual survey on livestock of agricultural enterprises and cooperatives (PO-71)  2005
Turnover index in services (STS-24)  2005
International trade in goods  2005
Consumption of construction and propulsion materials (GRADJ-13)  2005
Industrial production-PRODCOM (IND-21)  2005
Index of production and turnover in industry (IND-1)  2005
3.9. Base period

Not applicable.

4. Unit of measure Top

See table under 4.1.

4.1. Unit of measure – data collections
1. Name of data collection Units of measurement
Monthly statistics of electricity MWh, GWh, TWh
Survey on purchase, sales and stocks of oil products ktonnes
Quarterly survey on expenditures and production of agricultural holdings (PO-RP) ktonnes, Euro, m3, MWh, GWh, TWh, Other, per head animal
Survay of transshipment in ports (annualy periodicity) PR-G-11 ktonnes, m3, MWh, GWh, TWh, kW, MW, GW, 
Survay of railway transport and infrastructure (annualy periodicity) SŽ-G-11 ktonnes, MWh, GWh, TWh, Other, tonne-kilometres, TEUkW, MW, GW
The quarterly survay on road passengers transport (SA/K-11) Other, km, passenger-kilometres
The quarterly survay on urban transport (SG/K-11) Other, km
Survay of maritame transport (annualy periodicity) SP-K-11 ktonnes, kW, MW, GW
Survay of air transport and infrastructure (annualy periodicity) SV-G-11 ktonnes, kW, MW, GW
Survay of turnover in  air transport and infrastructure (annualy periodicity) SV-G-21 ktonnes, Other, investment in infrastructure
 Transport goods by road SA_T-11 ktonnes
Annual survey on livestock of agricultural enterprises and cooperatives (PO-71) Other, Number (for number of agricultural cooperatives and agricultural enterprises, number for engaged workers and cooperatives according to qualifications, number of agricultural machines and devices, number for working hours of engaged workers, kg for the production of wheat and corn, kg for used plant protection products)kW, MW, GW, 
Turnover index in services (STS-24) Euro
International trade in goods ktonnes, Euro
Consumption of construction and propulsion materials (GRADJ-13) ktonnes, Euro, m3
Industrial production-PRODCOM (IND-21) ktonnes, Euro, m3, MWh, GWh, TWh, Other, thousand of working hours, m2, thousand of peaces, hl, millions of peaces
Index of production and turnover in industry (IND-1) ktonnes, Euro, MWh, GWh, TWh, Other, thousand of working hours, m2, thousand of peaces, hl, millions of peaces

5. Reference Period Top

See table under 5.1

5.1. Reference period – data collections
1. Name of data collection 5. Reference period
Monthly statistics of electricity 1 month
Survey on purchase, sales and stocks of oil products 1 month
Quarterly survey on expenditures and production of agricultural holdings (PO-RP) 3 months
Survay of transshipment in ports (annualy periodicity) PR-G-11 1 year
Survay of railway transport and infrastructure (annualy periodicity) SŽ-G-11 1 year
The quarterly survay on road passengers transport (SA/K-11) 1 year
The quarterly survay on urban transport (SG/K-11) 1 year
Survay of maritame transport (annualy periodicity) SP-K-11 1 year
Survay of air transport and infrastructure (annualy periodicity) SV-G-11 1 year
Survay of turnover in  air transport and infrastructure (annualy periodicity) SV-G-21 1 year
 Transport goods by road SA_T-11 1 year
Annual survey on livestock of agricultural enterprises and cooperatives (PO-71) 1 year
Turnover index in services (STS-24) 3 months
International trade in goods 1 month
Consumption of construction and propulsion materials (GRADJ-13) 1 year
Industrial production-PRODCOM (IND-21) 1 year
Index of production and turnover in industry (IND-1) 1 month

6. Institutional Mandate Top
6.1. Institutional Mandate - legal acts and other agreements

At EU level:

  • Commission Regulation (EU) 2022/132 of 28 January 2022 amending Regulation (EC) No 1099/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council on energy statistics, as regards the implementation of updates for the annual, monthly and short term monthly energy statistics.

At national level:

  • Law on Official Statistics and Official Statistical System (Official Gazette of Montenegro No 018/12 from 30 March 2012, 047/19 from 12 August 2019)
  • The Programme of Official Statistics for the 2019-2023
  • Annual Plan of Official Statistics for 2022
6.1.1. National legal acts and other agreements
1. Name of data collection 4. National legal framework 4a. Reference of national legal text
Monthly statistics of electricity Mandatory (included in a national legal act) Law on Official Statistics and Official statistical System (Official Gazette of Montenegro No 018/12 from 30 March 2012, 047/19 from 12 August 2019)
Survey on purchase, sales and stocks of oil products Mandatory (included in a national legal act) Law on Official Statistics and Official statistical System (Official Gazette of Montenegro No 018/12 from 30 March 2012, 047/19 from 12 August 2019)
Quarterly survey on expenditures and production of agricultural holdings (PO-RP) Mandatory (included in a national legal act) Law on Official Statistics and Official statistical System (Official Gazette of Montenegro No 018/12 from 30 March 2012, 047/19 from 12 August 2019)
Survay of transshipment in ports (annualy periodicity) PR-G-11 Mandatory (included in a national legal act) Law on Official Statistics and Official statistical System (Official Gazette of Montenegro No 018/12 from 30 March 2012, 047/19 from 12 August 2019)
Survay of railway transport and infrastructure (annualy periodicity) SŽ-G-11 Mandatory (included in a national legal act) Law on Official Statistics and Official statistical System (Official Gazette of Montenegro No 018/12 from 30 March 2012, 047/19 from 12 August 2019)
The quarterly survay on road passengers transport (SA/K-11) Mandatory (included in a national legal act) Law on Official Statistics and Official statistical System (Official Gazette of Montenegro No 018/12 from 30 March 2012, 047/19 from 12 August 2019)
The quarterly survay on urban transport (SG/K-11) Mandatory (included in a national legal act) Law on Official Statistics and Official statistical System (Official Gazette of Montenegro No 018/12 from 30 March 2012, 047/19 from 12 August 2019)
Survay of maritame transport (annualy periodicity) SP-K-11 Mandatory (included in a national legal act) Law on Official Statistics and Official statistical System (Official Gazette of Montenegro No 018/12 from 30 March 2012, 047/19 from 12 August 2019)
Survay of air transport and infrastructure (annualy periodicity) SV-G-11 Mandatory (included in a national legal act) Law on Official Statistics and Official statistical System (Official Gazette of Montenegro No 018/12 from 30 March 2012, 047/19 from 12 August 2019)
Survay of turnover in  air transport and infrastructure (annualy periodicity) SV-G-21 Mandatory (included in a national legal act) Law on Official Statistics and Official statistical System (Official Gazette of Montenegro No 018/12 from 30 March 2012, 047/19 from 12 August 2019)
 Transport goods by road SA_T-11 Mandatory (included in a national legal act) Law on Official Statistics and Official statistical System (Official Gazette of Montenegro No 018/12 from 30 March 2012, 047/19 from 12 August 2019)
HOUSEHOLD BUDGET SURVEY (HBS) Mandatory (included in a national legal act) Law on Official Statistics and Official statistical System (Official Gazette of Montenegro No 018/12 from 30 March 2012, 047/19 from 12 August 2019)
Annual survey on livestock of agricultural enterprises and cooperatives (PO-71) Mandatory (included in a national legal act) Law on Official Statistics and Official statistical System (Official Gazette of Montenegro No 018/12 from 30 March 2012, 047/19 from 12 August 2019)
Turnover index in services (STS-24) Mandatory (included in a national legal act) Law on Official Statistics and Official statistical System (Official Gazette of Montenegro No 018/12 from 30 March 2012, 047/19 from 12 August 2019)
International trade in goods Mandatory (included in a national legal act) Law on Official Statistics and Official statistical System (Official Gazette of Montenegro No 018/12 from 30 March 2012, 047/19 from 12 August 2019)
Consumption of construction and propulsion materials (GRADJ-13) Mandatory (included in a national legal act) Law on Official Statistics and Official statistical System (Official Gazette of Montenegro No 018/12 from 30 March 2012, 047/19 from 12 August 2019)
Industrial production-PRODCOM (IND-21) Mandatory (included in a national legal act) Law on Official Statistics and Official statistical System (Official Gazette of Montenegro No 018/12 from 30 March 2012, 047/19 from 12 August 2019)
Index of production and turnover in industry (IND-1) Mandatory (included in a national legal act) Law on Official Statistics and Official statistical System (Official Gazette of Montenegro No 018/12 from 30 March 2012, 047/19 from 12 August 2019)
6.2. Institutional Mandate - data sharing

See table under 6.2.1.

6.2.1. Institutional mandate – data sharing – national data collections
1. Name of data collection 3. If more than one national body involved, select the situation 3b. Select the degree of integration of questionnaires/data from different national bodies
Monthly statistics of electricity Not applicable Not applicable
Survey on purchase, sales and stocks of oil products Not applicable Not applicable
Quarterly survey on expenditures and production of agricultural holdings (PO-RP) Not applicable Not applicable
Survay of transshipment in ports (annualy periodicity) PR-G-11 Not applicable Not applicable
Survay of railway transport and infrastructure (annualy periodicity) SŽ-G-11 Not applicable Not applicable
The quarterly survay on road passengers transport (SA/K-11) Not applicable Not applicable
The quarterly survay on urban transport (SG/K-11) Not applicable Not applicable
Survay of maritame transport (annualy periodicity) SP-K-11 Not applicable Not applicable
Survay of air transport and infrastructure (annualy periodicity) SV-G-11 Not applicable Not applicable
Survay of turnover in  air transport and infrastructure (annualy periodicity) SV-G-21 Not applicable Not applicable
 Transport goods by road SA_T-11 Not applicable Not applicable
HOUSEHOLD BUDGET SURVEY (HBS) Not applicable Not applicable
Annual survey on livestock of agricultural enterprises and cooperatives (PO-71) Not applicable Not applicable
Turnover index in services (STS-24) Not applicable Not applicable
International trade in goods Coordination defined in a legal institutional framework  Not applicable
Consumption of construction and propulsion materials (GRADJ-13) Not applicable Not applicable
Industrial production-PRODCOM (IND-21) Not applicable Not applicable

7. Confidentiality Top

Annex_Confidentiality in EU data collections
7.1. Confidentiality - policy

Regulation (EC) No 223/2009 on European statistics (recitals 23-27, 31-32 and Articles 20-26) applies.

7.2. Confidentiality - data treatment

Confidential data are not shown. The most common approach is to present only aggregation of the confidential data point with the non-confidential data that is the nearest suitable data point.

7.2.1. Confidentiality – EU data collections



Crude oil imports register – Short term monthly statistics


Oil and petroleum products – Short term monthly statistics


Natural gas - short term monthly statistics


Solid fuels - monthly statistics


Electricity - monthly statistics


Oil and petroleum products - monthly statistics


Natural gas - monthly statistics


Nuclear - annual statistics


Electricity and heat - annual statistics


Natural gas - annual statistics


Oil and petroleum products - annual statistics


Renewables and wastes - annual statistics


Solid fossil fuels and manufactured gases - annual statistics


Short Assessment of Renewable Energy Sources (SHARES)


Households - detailed annual statistics on final energy consumption


8. Release policy Top
8.1. Release calendar

Release calendar can be found on the website of Statistics Montenegro.

8.2. Release calendar access

The Release Calendar provides a comprehensive preview of scheduled release dates.

8.3. Release policy - user access

In line with the Community legal framework and the European Statistics Code of Practice Eurostat disseminates European statistics on Eurostat's website (see point 10 - 'Accessibility and clarity') respecting professional independence and in an objective, professional and transparent manner in which all users are treated equitably. The detailed arrangements are governed by the Eurostat protocol on impartial access to Eurostat data for users.

9. Frequency of dissemination Top

See table under 9.1.

9.1. Frequency of dissemination – national data collections
Name of data collection Frequency of dissemination
Monthly statistics of electricity  Release calendar.
Survey on purchase, sales and stocks of oil products  Release calendar.
Quarterly survey on expenditures and production of agricultural holdings (PO-RP)  Release calendar.
Survay of transshipment in ports (annualy periodicity) PR-G-11  Release calendar.
Survay of railway transport and infrastructure (annualy periodicity) SŽ-G-11  Release calendar.
The quarterly survay on road passengers transport (SA/K-11)  Release calendar.
The quarterly survay on urban transport (SG/K-11)  Release calendar.
Survay of maritame transport (annualy periodicity) SP-K-11  Release calendar.
Survay of air transport and infrastructure (annualy periodicity) SV-G-11  Release calendar.
Survay of turnover in  air transport and infrastructure (annualy periodicity) SV-G-21  Release calendar.
 Transport goods by road SA_T-11  Release calendar.
Annual survey on livestock of agricultural enterprises and cooperatives (PO-71)  Release calendar.
Turnover index in services (STS-24)  Release calendar.
International trade in goods  Release calendar.
Consumption of construction and propulsion materials (GRADJ-13)  Release calendar.
Industrial production-PRODCOM (IND-21)  Release calendar.
Index of production and turnover in industry (IND-1)  Release calendar.

10. Accessibility and clarity Top
10.1. Dissemination format - News release

Press releases are available in Montenigrian and English.

10.2. Dissemination format - Publications

Not available.

10.3. Dissemination format - online database

 Not available.

10.3.1. Data tables - consultations

Not available.

10.4. Dissemination format - microdata access

Not available.

10.5. Dissemination format - other

Not available.

10.5.1. Metadata - consultations

Not available.

10.6. Documentation on methodology


10.6.1. Metadata completeness - rate

Not available.

10.7. Quality management - documentation

Not available.

11. Quality management Top
11.1. Quality assurance

Quality Management Strategy, the Guidebook to the Implementation of the Quality Management Strategy, as well as the Plan for the Implementation of the Quality Policy.

11.2. Quality management - assessment

Statistical Office has chosen the TQM implementation through the following objectives: 1. Strong commitment to users and other interested parties, 2. Quality statistical processes and products, 3. Professional orientation of staff members, 4. Constant improvements, 5. Reduction of overburden of reporting units.

Collected price data are checked in several steps. After detailed control and data analysis, the final data are prepared for final verification.

11.2.1. Quality assessment – data collections
Name of data collection Most important quality problem of this data collection Actions taken in the last 5 years to improve the quality of this data collection
Monthly statistics of electricity Quality of data is satisfactory. Continuously working to improve the quality
Survey on purchase, sales and stocks of oil products The biggest problem is bad response rate of reporting units. Continuously working to improve the quality. Improving cooperation with reporting units. Improve response rate.
Quarterly survey on expenditures and production of agricultural holdings (PO-RP) Quality of data is satisfactory. Not available
Survay of transshipment in ports (annualy periodicity) PR-G-11 Quality of data is satisfactory. Not available
Survay of railway transport and infrastructure (annualy periodicity) SŽ-G-11 Quality of data is satisfactory. Not available
The quarterly survay on road passengers transport (SA/K-11) Quality of data is satisfactory. Not available
The quarterly survay on urban transport (SG/K-11) Quality of data is satisfactory. Not available
Survay of maritame transport (annualy periodicity) SP-K-11 Quality of data is satisfactory. Not available
Survay of air transport and infrastructure (annualy periodicity) SV-G-11 Quality of data is satisfactory. Not available
Survay of turnover in  air transport and infrastructure (annualy periodicity) SV-G-21 Quality of data is satisfactory. Not available
 Transport goods by road SA_T-11 Quality of data is satisfactory. Due to changes in the methodology for conducting research on freight transport, in order to achieve compliance with the EU acquis, road freight transport since the first quarter of 2014 been conducted according to a new survey, which was prepared according to the regulations of the European Communities No.1172/98 and 70/2012.Revised survey is significantly different from previous survey, so that this change caused a break in the time series.
HOUSEHOLD BUDGET SURVEY (HBS) Quality of data is satisfactory. Continuously working to improve the quality. Improving cooperation with interviewers
Annual survey on livestock of agricultural enterprises and cooperatives (PO-71) Quality of data is satisfactory. Continuously working to improve the quality. (response rate, etc.)
Turnover index in services (STS-24) Poor communication with enterprises. Imputations are done from the base of VAT returns.
International trade in goods Quality of data is satisfactory. Further harmonisation with EU regulations.
Consumption of construction and propulsion materials (GRADJ-13) Quality of data is satisfactory. Continuously working to improve the quality of  construction and propulsion materials (response rate, etc.).
Industrial production-PRODCOM (IND-21) Quality of data is satisfactory. Additional new checks
Index of production and turnover in industry (IND-1) Quality of data is satisfactory. Additional new checks

12. Relevance Top
12.1. Relevance - User Needs

Monthly statistics of electricity - With purpose of determining user satisfaction with quality data and defining their needs, Statistical Office for the first time carried out the User Satisfaction Survey . The survey was done from 1 September to 20 October. The survey link was sent to users that sent request to the official email address.

Survey on purchase, sales and stocks of oil products - With purpose of determining user satisfaction with quality data and defining their needs, Statistical Office for the first time carried out the User Satisfaction Survey . The survey was done from 1 September to 20 October. The survey link was sent to users that sent request to the official email address.

Quarterly survey on expenditures and production of agricultural holdings (PO-RP) - With purpose of determining user satisfaction with quality data and defining their needs, Statistical Office for the first time carried out the User Satisfaction Survey . The survey was done from 1 September to 20 October. The survey link was sent to users that sent request to the official email address.

Survay of transshipment in ports (annualy periodicity) PR-G-11 - With purpose of determining user satisfaction with quality data and defining their needs, Statistical Office for the first time carried out the User Satisfaction Survey . The survey was done from 1 September to 20 October. The survey link was sent to users that sent request to the official email address.

Survay of railway transport and infrastructure (annualy periodicity) SŽ-G-11 - With purpose of determining user satisfaction with quality data and defining their needs, Statistical Office for the first time carried out the User Satisfaction Survey . The survey was done from 1 September to 20 October. The survey link was sent to users that sent request to the official email address.

The quarterly survay on road passengers transport (SA/K-11) - With purpose of determining user satisfaction with quality data and defining their needs, Statistical Office for the first time carried out the User Satisfaction Survey . The survey was done from 1 September to 20 October. The survey link was sent to users that sent request to the official email address.

The quarterly survay on urban transport (SG/K-11) - With purpose of determining user satisfaction with quality data and defining their needs, Statistical Office for the first time carried out the User Satisfaction Survey . The survey was done from 1 September to 20 October. The survey link was sent to users that sent request to the official email address.

Survay of maritame transport (annualy periodicity) SP-K-11 - With purpose of determining user satisfaction with quality data and defining their needs, Statistical Office for the first time carried out the User Satisfaction Survey . The survey was done from 1 September to 20 October. The survey link was sent to users that sent request to the official email address.

Survay of air transport and infrastructure (annualy periodicity) SV-G-11 - With purpose of determining user satisfaction with quality data and defining their needs, Statistical Office for the first time carried out the User Satisfaction Survey . The survey was done from 1 September to 20 October. The survey link was sent to users that sent request to the official email address.

Survay of turnover in air transport and infrastructure (annualy periodicity) SV-G-21 - With purpose of determining user satisfaction with quality data and defining their needs, Statistical Office for the first time carried out the User Satisfaction Survey . The survey was done from 1 September to 20 October. The survey link was sent to users that sent request to the official email address.

Transport goods by road SA_T-11 - With purpose of determining user satisfaction with quality data and defining their needs, Statistical Office for the first time carried out the User Satisfaction Survey . The survey was done from 1 September to 20 October. The survey link was sent to users that sent request to the official email address.

HOUSEHOLD BUDGET SURVEY (HBS) - With purpose of determining user satisfaction with quality data and defining their needs, Statistical Office for the first time carried out the User Satisfaction Survey . The survey was done from 1 September to 20 October. The survey link was sent to users that sent request to the official email address.

Annual survey on livestock of agricultural enterprises and cooperatives (PO-71) - With purpose of determining user satisfaction with quality data and defining their needs, Statistical Office for the first time carried out the User Satisfaction Survey . The survey was done from 1 September to 20 October. The survey link was sent to users that sent request to the official email address.

Turnover index in services (STS-24) - MONSTAT monitor the extent to which the published statistics meet the expectations and needs of users, at the same time and to monitor the burden on the respondents with respect to their obligation to provide data for statistical purposes.

International trade in goods - MONSTAT monitor the extent to which the published statistics meet the expectations and needs of users, at the same time and to monitor the burden on the respondents with respect to their obligation to provide data for statistical purposes.

Consumption of construction and propulsion materials (GRADJ-13) - With purpose of determining user satisfaction with quality data and defining their needs, Statistical Office for the first time carried out the User Satisfaction Survey . The survey was done from 1 September to 20 October. The survey link was sent to users that sent request to the official email address.

Industrial production-PRODCOM (IND-21) - MONSTAT monitor the extent to which the published statistics meet the expectations and needs of users, at the same time and to monitor the burden on the respondents with respect to their obligation to provide data for statistical purposes.

Index of production and turnover in industry (IND-1) - MONSTAT monitor the extent to which the published statistics meet the expectations and needs of users, at the same time and to monitor the burden on the respondents with respect to their obligation to provide data for statistical purposes.

12.2. Relevance - User Satisfaction

Statistical Office has chosen the TQM implementation through the following objectives: 1. Strong commitment to users and other interested parties, 2. Quality statistical processes and products, 3. Professional orientation of staff members, 4. Constant improvements, 5. Reduction of overburden of reporting units.

Collected price data are checked in several steps. After detailed control and data analysis, the final data are prepared for final verification.

12.3. Completeness

In compliance with the rules (regulations).

12.3.1. Data completeness - rate

See table under Data completeness - rate – EU data collections




Crude oil imports register – Short term monthly statistics



Oil and petroleum products – Short term monthly statistics



Natural gas - short term monthly statistics



Solid fuels - monthly statistics



Electricity - monthly statistics



Oil and petroleum products - monthly statistics



Natural gas - monthly statistics



Nuclear - annual statistics



Electricity and heat - annual statistics



Natural gas - annual statistics



Oil and petroleum products - annual statistics



Renewables and wastes - annual statistics



Solid fossil fuels and manufactured gases - annual statistics



SHort Assessment of Renewable Energy Sources (SHARES)



Households - detailed annual statistics on final energy consumption



13. Accuracy Top

Accuracy indicators
13.1. Accuracy - overall

Most common errors for this survey is measurement errors and processing errors.

13.1.1. Accuracy – most common errors for specific data collections
1. Name of data collection Most common errors for this data collection
Monthly statistics of electricity Not available
Survey on purchase, sales and stocks of oil products Not available
Quarterly survey on expenditures and production of agricultural holdings (PO-RP) Measurement errors
Survay of transshipment in ports (annualy periodicity) PR-G-11 Processing errors
Survay of railway transport and infrastructure (annualy periodicity) SŽ-G-11 Processing errors
The quarterly survay on road passengers transport (SA/K-11) Processing errors
The quarterly survay on urban transport (SG/K-11) Processing errors
Survay of maritame transport (annualy periodicity) SP-K-11 Processing errors
Survay of air transport and infrastructure (annualy periodicity) SV-G-11 Processing errors
Survay of turnover in  air transport and infrastructure (annualy periodicity) SV-G-21 Processing errors
 Transport goods by road SA_T-11 Processing errors, Sampling errors, Classification errors
Annual survey on livestock of agricultural enterprises and cooperatives (PO-71) Measurement errors, Processing errors
Turnover index in services (STS-24) Measurement errors, Processing errors, Sampling errors
International trade in goods  Measurement errors, Processing errors, Sampling errors, Classification errors 
Consumption of construction and propulsion materials (GRADJ-13) Measurement errors, Processing errors, Sampling errors, Classification errors 
Industrial production-PRODCOM (IND-21) Measurement errors
Index of production and turnover in industry (IND-1) Measurement errors
13.2. Sampling error

Due to the high percentage of the population represented, the error is considered minimum.

13.2.1. Sampling error - indicators

Due to the high percentage of the population represented, the error is considered minimum.

13.3. Non-sampling error

Not available.

13.3.1. Coverage error

 Not available. Over-coverage - rate

Not available. Common units - proportion

Not available.

13.3.2. Measurement error

Not available.

13.3.3. Non response error

Not available. Unit non-response - rate

Not available. Item non-response - rate

Not available.

13.3.4. Processing error

No processing errors were found.

13.3.5. Model assumption error

Not available.

14. Timeliness and punctuality Top
14.1. Timeliness

 See table under 14.1.3.

14.1.1. Time lag - first result

Not available.

14.1.2. Time lag - final result

Not available.

14.1.3. Timeliness – deadlines for data transmission for each national data collection
Name of data collection Deadline for data transmission
Monthly statistics of electricity 1 month after the end of the reference period
Survey on purchase, sales and stocks of oil products Other
Quarterly survey on expenditures and production of agricultural holdings (PO-RP) 2 months  after the end of the reference period
Survay of transshipment in ports (annualy periodicity) PR-G-11 6 months after the end of the reference period
Survay of railway transport and infrastructure (annualy periodicity) SŽ-G-11 6 months after the end of the reference period
The quarterly survay on road passengers transport (SA/K-11) 6 months after the end of the reference period
The quarterly survay on urban transport (SG/K-11) 6 months after the end of the reference period
Survay of maritame transport (annualy periodicity) SP-K-11 6 months after the end of the reference period
Survay of air transport and infrastructure (annualy periodicity) SV-G-11 6 months after the end of the reference period
Survay of turnover in  air transport and infrastructure (annualy periodicity) SV-G-21 6 months after the end of the reference period
 Transport goods by road SA_T-11 6 months after the end of the reference period
Annual survey on livestock of agricultural enterprises and cooperatives (PO-71) 9 months after the end of the reference period
Turnover index in services (STS-24) 2 months  after the end of the reference period
International trade in goods 1 month after the end of the reference period
Consumption of construction and propulsion materials (GRADJ-13) 6 months after the end of the reference period
Industrial production-PRODCOM (IND-21) 6 months after the end of the reference period
Index of production and turnover in industry (IND-1) 1 month after the end of the reference period
14.2. Punctuality

Not available.

14.2.1. Punctuality - delivery and publication

Not available.

15. Coherence and comparability Top
15.1. Comparability - geographical

The data are internationally comparable.

15.1.1. Asymmetry for mirror flow statistics - coefficient

Not available.

15.2. Comparability - over time

The data are comparable over time.

15.2.1. Length of comparable time series

The data are comparable over time.

15.3. Coherence - cross domain

Not available.

15.3.1. Coherence - sub annual and annual statistics

Not available.

15.3.2. Coherence - National Accounts

Not available.

15.4. Coherence - internal

Not available.

16. Cost and Burden Top

Cost for all enery survey published in Annual plan of statistics.

17. Data revision Top

Statistical Office has adopted the revision policy and it is available on the website:

17.1. Data revision - policy

Statistical Office has adopted the revision policy and it is available on the website:

17.2. Data revision - practice

Survay of transshipment in ports (annualy periodicity) PR-G-11 - The revision are made when we publish final data for reference quarter, a quarter after publishing the preliminary data. Revised data are marked *, according revision rules.

Survay of railway transport and infrastructure (annualy periodicity) SŽ-G-11 - The revision are made when we publish final data for reference quarter, a quarter after publishing the preliminary data. Revised data are marked *, according revision rules.

The quarterly survay on road passengers transport (SA/K-11) - The revision are made when we publish final data for reference quarter, a quarter after publishing the preliminary data. Revised data are marked *, according revision rules.

The quarterly survay on urban transport (SG/K-11) - The revision are made when we publish final data for reference quarter, a quarter after publishing the preliminary data. Revised data are marked *, according revision rules.

Survay of maritame transport (annualy periodicity) SP-K-11 - The revision are made when we publish final data for reference quarter, a quarter after publishing the preliminary data. Revised data are marked *, according revision rules.

Survay of air transport and infrastructure (annualy periodicity) SV-G-11 - The revision are made when we publish final data for reference quarter, a quarter after publishing the preliminary data. Revised data are marked *, according revision rules.

Survay of turnover in air transport and infrastructure (annualy periodicity) SV-G-21 - The revision are made when we publish final data for reference quarter, a quarter after publishing the preliminary data. Revised data are marked *, according revision rules.

Transport goods by road SA_T-11 - The revision are made when we publish final data for reference quarter, a quarter after publishing the preliminary data. Revised data are marked *, according revision rules.

Industrial production-PRODCOM (IND-21) - The last year revision is made parallel with the processing of the current year, if it is necessary.

Index of production and turnover in industry (IND-1) - The revision are made when we publish final data for reference month, a month after publishing the preliminary data. Revised data are marked *, according revision rules.

17.2.1. Data revision - average size

Not available.

18. Statistical processing Top
18.1. Source data

Data are collected from all enterprises and administrative sources which is relevant for energy statistics.

18.1.1. Source data – data collections
Name of data collection Main data collection method Target population Frame population Sample size
Monthly statistics of electricity Census 2 2 2
Survey on purchase, sales and stocks of oil products Business survey without threshold 41 41 41
Quarterly survey on expenditures and production of agricultural holdings (PO-RP) Sample census (e.g. use of a threshold) 48870 17000 531
Survay of transshipment in ports (annualy periodicity) PR-G-11 Other sectorial survey (industry, agriculture, etc.) 2 2 2
Survay of railway transport and infrastructure (annualy periodicity) SŽ-G-11 Other sectorial survey (industry, agriculture, etc.) 3 3 3
The quarterly survay on road passengers transport (SA/K-11) Other sectorial survey (industry, agriculture, etc.) 34 34 34
The quarterly survay on urban transport (SG/K-11) Other sectorial survey (industry, agriculture, etc.) 20 12 12
Survay of maritame transport (annualy periodicity) SP-K-11 Other sectorial survey (industry, agriculture, etc.) 1 1 1
Survay of air transport and infrastructure (annualy periodicity) SV-G-11 Other sectorial survey (industry, agriculture, etc.) 1 1 1
Survay of turnover in  air transport and infrastructure (annualy periodicity) SV-G-21 Other sectorial survey (industry, agriculture, etc.) 2 2 2
 Transport goods by road SA_T-11 Other sectorial survey (industry, agriculture, etc.) 3502 3502 511
HOUSEHOLD BUDGET SURVEY (HBS) Household survey 620029 620029 1824
Annual survey on livestock of agricultural enterprises and cooperatives (PO-71) Business survey without threshold 44 44 44
Turnover index in services (STS-24) Business survey with threshold 10026 8191 844
International trade in goods Use of administrative data (e.g. customs data or business registers) 0 0 0
Consumption of construction and propulsion materials (GRADJ-13) Business survey with threshold 2769 342 100
Industrial production-PRODCOM (IND-21) Other sectorial survey (industry, agriculture, etc.) 288 187 187
Index of production and turnover in industry (IND-1) Other sectorial survey (industry, agriculture, etc.) 288 187 187
18.2. Frequency of data collection

See table under 18.2.1.

18.2.1. Frequency of data collection – national data collections
Name of data collection Frequency of transmission
Monthly statistics of electricity Once per month
Survey on purchase, sales and stocks of oil products Other
Quarterly survey on expenditures and production of agricultural holdings (PO-RP) Once every 3 months
Survay of transshipment in ports (annualy periodicity) PR-G-11 Once per year
Survay of railway transport and infrastructure (annualy periodicity) SŽ-G-11 Once per year
The quarterly survay on road passengers transport (SA/K-11) Once per year
The quarterly survay on urban transport (SG/K-11) Once per year
Survay of maritame transport (annualy periodicity) SP-K-11 Once per year
Survay of air transport and infrastructure (annualy periodicity) SV-G-11 Once per year
Survay of turnover in  air transport and infrastructure (annualy periodicity) SV-G-21 Once per year
 Transport goods by road SA_T-11 Once per year
Annual survey on livestock of agricultural enterprises and cooperatives (PO-71) Once per year
Turnover index in services (STS-24) Once every 3 months
International trade in goods Once per month
Consumption of construction and propulsion materials (GRADJ-13) Once per year
Industrial production-PRODCOM (IND-21) Once per year
Index of production and turnover in industry (IND-1) Once per month
18.3. Data collection

The questionnaire is sent to statistical unit, which fill the form and sent it back to us via e-mail. There are a built-in controls (logical and accounting controls) so the unit can fix an error by itself. Non-response is monitored on a regular basis and we inform the units when the deadline is approaching and ask them to fill the questionnaire and send it.

18.4. Data validation

See table under 18.4.1.

18.4.1. Data validation – national data collections
Name of data collection Describe the operations performed to this collection in order to improve data quality 
Monthly statistics of electricity cross-checking controls, logical controls
Survey on purchase, sales and stocks of oil products The data compared with VAT data collected by TAX Authority.
Quarterly survey on expenditures and production of agricultural holdings (PO-RP) Mathematical -logical control, control between quarterly an annually data.
Survay of transshipment in ports (annualy periodicity) PR-G-11 Matematical-logical control, control between quarterly and annually data
Survay of railway transport and infrastructure (annualy periodicity) SŽ-G-11 Matematical-logical control, control between quarterly and annually data
The quarterly survay on road passengers transport (SA/K-11) Matematical-logical control, control between quarterly and annually data
The quarterly survay on urban transport (SG/K-11) Matematical-logical control, control between quarterly and annually data
Survay of maritame transport (annualy periodicity) SP-K-11 Matematical-logical control, control between quarterly and annually data
Survay of air transport and infrastructure (annualy periodicity) SV-G-11 Matematical-logical control, control between quarterly and annually data
Survay of turnover in  air transport and infrastructure (annualy periodicity) SV-G-21 Matematical-logical control, control between quarterly and annually data
 Transport goods by road SA_T-11 Matematical-logical control, control between quarterly and annually data
HOUSEHOLD BUDGET SURVEY (HBS) Mathematical-logical control, control time series, control between annually data with previous years.
Annual survey on livestock of agricultural enterprises and cooperatives (PO-71) Mathematical-logical control, control between annually data with previous years.
Turnover index in services (STS-24) The data compared with VAT data collected by TAX Authority.
International trade in goods Matematical-logical control, control between monthly and annually data.
Consumption of construction and propulsion materials (GRADJ-13) .Matematical-logical control, control between monthly and annually data
Industrial production-PRODCOM (IND-21) Matematical-logical control, control time series and comparing monthly and annually data
Index of production and turnover in industry (IND-1) Matematical-logical control, control time series and comparing monthly  data
18.5. Data compilation

See table under 18.5.2.

18.5.1. Imputation - rate

No data imputed.

18.5.2. Data compilation – data collections
Name of data collection Additional techniques used for the compilation of the final dataset Details
Monthly statistics of electricity  Cross-checking techniques,  Incorrect data is adjusted or corrected,  Not available
Survey on purchase, sales and stocks of oil products  Imputing missing/non-response rate,  Cross-checking techniques,  Incorrect data is adjusted or corrected,  Not available
Quarterly survey on expenditures and production of agricultural holdings (PO-RP)  Weighting values,  Imputing missing/non-response rate,  Cross-checking techniques,  Not available
Survay of transshipment in ports (annualy periodicity) PR-G-11  Incorrect data is adjusted or corrected,  Incorrect data are corrected in cooperation with data providers
Survay of railway transport and infrastructure (annualy periodicity) SŽ-G-11  Incorrect data is adjusted or corrected,  Incorrect data are corrected in cooperation with data providers
The quarterly survay on road passengers transport (SA/K-11)  Incorrect data is adjusted or corrected,  Incorrect data are corrected in cooperation with data providers
The quarterly survay on urban transport (SG/K-11)  Incorrect data is adjusted or corrected,  Incorrect data are corrected in cooperation with data providers
Survay of maritame transport (annualy periodicity) SP-K-11  Incorrect data is adjusted or corrected,  Incorrect data are corrected in cooperation with data providers
Survay of air transport and infrastructure (annualy periodicity) SV-G-11  Incorrect data is adjusted or corrected,  Incorrect data are corrected in cooperation with data providers
Survay of turnover in  air transport and infrastructure (annualy periodicity) SV-G-21  Incorrect data is adjusted or corrected,  Incorrect data are corrected in cooperation with data providers
 Transport goods by road SA_T-11  Weighting values,  Weighting values are calculated according to a precise formula for each stratum and calculated weighting factor is used to grossing up the sample and estimate data for all required variables. Incorrect data are corrected in cooperation with data providers.
HOUSEHOLD BUDGET SURVEY (HBS)  Weighting values,  Incorrect data is adjusted or corrected,  Not available
Annual survey on livestock of agricultural enterprises and cooperatives (PO-71)  Imputing missing/non-response rate,  Cross-checking techniques,  Incorrect data is adjusted or corrected,  Not available
Turnover index in services (STS-24)  Weighting values,  Imputing missing/non-response rate,  Cross-checking techniques,  Grossing up the sample,  Incorrect data is adjusted or corrected,  Not available
International trade in goods Not available Not available
Consumption of construction and propulsion materials (GRADJ-13)  Weighting values,  Imputing missing/non-response rate,  Cross-checking techniques,  Incorrect data is adjusted or corrected,  Not available
Industrial production-PRODCOM (IND-21)  Cross-checking techniques,  Incorrect data is adjusted or corrected,  Reporting units in PRODCOM surveys are all local units registered in mentioned activities with 5 and more employed.
Index of production and turnover in industry (IND-1)  Weighting values, Estimation techniques,  Cross-checking techniques,  Incorrect data is adjusted or corrected,  Reporting units in Index of industrial production and turnover surveys are all local units registered in mentioned activities with 5 and more employed. Also, the data are captured from enterprises registred in other activities which haad local unit engaged in industry.
18.6. Adjustment

Not available.

18.6.1. Seasonal adjustment

Not available.

19. Comment Top

Related metadata Top

Annexes Top