Energy statistics - quantities (nrg_quant)

National Reference Metadata in Single Integrated Metadata Structure (SIMS)

Compiling agency: Ministero Transizione ecologica DGIS Div II 

Eurostat metadata
Reference metadata
1. Contact
2. Metadata update
3. Statistical presentation
4. Unit of measure
5. Reference Period
6. Institutional Mandate
7. Confidentiality
8. Release policy
9. Frequency of dissemination
10. Accessibility and clarity
11. Quality management
12. Relevance
13. Accuracy
14. Timeliness and punctuality
15. Coherence and comparability
16. Cost and Burden
17. Data revision
18. Statistical processing
19. Comment
Related Metadata
Annexes (including footnotes)

For any question on data and metadata, please contact: Eurostat user support


1. Contact Top
1.1. Contact organisation

Ministero Transizione ecologica DGIS Div II 

1.2. Contact organisation unit

Ministero Transizione Ecologica, DGIS Div II

1.5. Contact mail address

2. Metadata update Top
2.1. Metadata last certified 28/09/2022
2.2. Metadata last posted 28/09/2022
2.3. Metadata last update 20/09/2022

3. Statistical presentation Top
3.1. Data description

In Italy there are three ONAs that deal with energy statistics and are responsible for Eurostat data transmission.

  • The Ministry of Ecological Transition is responsible for fossil energy: Oil, natural gas , coal.
  • GSE – Gestore dei Servizi Energetici is responsible for renewable energy (REN AQ), for renewable target monitoring (SHARES tools) and for some specific topics as Household energy consumption (Household AQ) and District Heating and District Cooling (DH-DC Questionnaire)
  • Terna, National TSO, is responsible for data of the Italian electricity sector (ELE AQ) and for data on CHP plants (CHP Questionnaire).

The statistics produced are consistent with each other.

National metadata reflects data collection included in National Statistical Program and are divided by ONAs, when possible. The National Statistical Program (PSN) is the regulatory act, based on art. 13 of the legislative decree n. 322 of 1989, which sets the statistical data collection of public interest among the National Statistical System and the related information purposes.

See Table under 3.1.1.

3.1.1. Data description – details and links to EU data collections
Name of the national data collection National body responsible List of variables included in this data collection Link to EU data collections (by frequency, energy product set, sector)
Data collection on renewable energy in heating sector - direct use and of derived heat (GSE-00001) Gestore dei Servizi Energetici - GSE S.p.A. • Fuel consumptions and heat productions in district heating plants
• Heat pumps sales in the reference year and renewable energy from heat pumps
• Solar collectors surface installed in the reference year and solar thermal energy consumption
• Heat production in geothermal plants
• Solid, liquid, gaseous biomass consumption (direct use)
Annual electricity and heat statistics (ELE):
For the sectors below with some of the following energy products: Geothermal heat; Solar heat; Combustible fuels heat; Heat pumps;
• Production
• Transformation sector
• Consumption: energy, industry, transport, residential, commercial and public services, agriculture/forestry, fishing, other
• Calorific values

Annual renewables and wastes statistics (REN):
For the sectors below with some of the following energy products: Geothermal; Solar thermal; Solid biofuels; Liquid biofuels; Biogases; Municipal waste; Industrial waste;
• Transformation sector
• Consumption: energy, industry, transport, residential, commercial and public services, agriculture/forestry, fishing, other
• Calorific values

Annual Statistics on final energy consumption in households:
• Final energy consumption in residential sector by type of fuel
• Final energy consumption in residential sector by type of end use
• Calorific values

Developing and managing a national system for the statistical monitoring of the development of renewable sources in Italy and of REN target at national and territorial level  (SIMERI) (GSE-00002) Gestore dei Servizi Energetici - GSE S.p.A. Additional information for Eurostat and other international bodies (Annual questionnaires, SHARES tool, etc.) as:
• Normalised Hydro and Wind generation
• Compliant bioliquids by type of raw material
• Compliant bioliquids trade
• Statistical transfers
• Biomethane injected in the grid
• Solid biofuels production and trade
Annual Short Assessment of Renewable Energy Sources (SHARES):
• Final energy consumption harmonised with other European Member States by sector (Electricity, Heating&Cooling, Transport)
• Monitoring of overall target and subsectorial target on renewable energy

Annual renewables and wastes statistics (REN):
For the sectors below with some of the following energy products: Solid biofuels; Liquid biofuels; Biogases; Municipal waste; Industrial waste;
• Consumption: energy, industry, transport, residential, commercial and public services, agriculture/forestry, fishing, other
• Calorific values

District Heating and District Cooling Network in Italy (GSE-00006) Gestore dei Servizi Energetici - GSE S.p.A. • Installed net heat capacity by type of technology of generation and by fuel

• Net heat output delivered to the District Heating (DH) network by type of technology of generation and by fuel

• Installed net cooling capacity by type of technology of generation and by fuel

• Net heat removal from the District Cooling (DC) network by type of technology of generation and by fuel

• Number of DH network, length of DH network, number of DH customers by efficient or inefficient DH system

• Net heat output delivered by sector (industrial, residential and services and other) and DH network losses by efficient or inefficient DH system

• Number of DC network, length of DC network, number of DC customers by efficient or inefficient DC system

• Net heat removed from DC network by sector (industrial, residential and services and other) and DC network losses by efficient or inefficient DC system

Annual District Heating and District Cooling Questionnaire (DH-DC):
• Thermal energy Production
• Plants capacity

Annual Statistics on final energy consumption in households:
• Thermal energy output delivered to residential sector by type of fuel and type of end use
• Calorific values

Energy consumption (biofuels, fossil fuels) in Transport Sector in Italy (GSE-00003 e GSE-00007) Gestore dei Servizi Energetici - GSE S.p.A. • Liquid biofuels, compliant and non-compliant, by country of production and country of origin.

• Gaseous biofuels, compliant and non-compliant, by country of production and country of origin..

• Compliant biofuel by type of biofuels and type of raw material.

• Liquid biofuels trade.

All these variables are in quantity and in energy using specific calorific values.

• Electricity used in road transport.

Annual renewables and wastes statistics (REN):
• Trade
• Consumption: Transport Sector
• Calorific values

Annual Short Assessment of Renewable Energy Sources (SHARES):
• Balance
• Consumption: Transport Sector
• Calorific values

Annual statistics of electricity production and consumption in Italy (TER-00001) Terna SpA • Average annual energy capability of hydro plants; gross/net maximum and nominal capacity (prime movers and generators) of electric power plants at December 31 of the year of reference

• Monthly electricity production (gross and net), electricity injected into the grid and autoconsumed (by economic activity) of electric power plants

• Monthly fuel consumption of electric power plants

• Annual electricity consumption by economic activity

• Calorific values

• Voltage

These variables are collected for every electric power plant section of every producer (main activity producer or auto-producer); the electricity consumption data is also collected for each distributor.

Annual electricity and heat statistics (ELE):

For the sectors below with some of the following energy products: Hydro; Geothermal; Solar; Wind; Combustible fuels;

• Electricity production (gross and net) by fuel

• Trade (imports / exports) by origin and destination

• Supply, distribution losses

• Fuel consumption, calorific values

• Electricity consumption: energy, industry, transport, residential, commercial and public services, agriculture/forestry, fishing, other

•  Capacity by fuel and technology, peak load


Annual renewables and wastes statistics (REN):

For the sectors below with some of the following energy products: Hydro; Geothermal; Solar photovoltaic; Wind; Industrial waste; Municipal waste; Solid biofuels; Biogases; Liquid biofuels;

• Gross electricity production

• Transformation sector

• Capacity


Annual European electricity market indicators statistics (CIELE):

• Number of main generating companies

• Percentages of total generation and capacity by generating company

• Amount of new capacity connected and capacity decommissioned during the year

• Retailing

Annual Statistics of heat production and consumption in CHP plants in Italy (TER-00007) Terna SpA • Monthly fuel consumption of CHP plants (share for heat)

• Monthly heat production of CHP plants

• Monthly heat auto-consumption by economic activity

• Calorific values, efficiency

Annual electricity and heat statistics (ELE):

For the sectors below with some of the following energy products: Combustible fuels (heat);

• Heat production (by fuel) for CHP plants

• Fuel consumption, calorific values

• Heat auto-consumption: energy, industry, transport, residential, commercial and public services, agriculture/forestry, fishing, other; for CHP plants

Annual renewables and wastes statistics (REN):

For the sectors below with some of the following energy products: Industrial waste; Municipal waste; Solid biofuels; Biogases; Biodiesels; Liquid biofuels;

• Heat production

• Transformation sector

Annual combined heat and power generation statistics (CHP):

By type of cycle:

• Thermal capacity

• Useful heat production

• CHP electricity production

• Fuel used for CHP products

• Primary energy savings

• Efficiency

• Calorific values

Import, export and consumption of coal products

(MSE 00005)

Ministry of Ecological Transition

General Directorate Infrastructure and Security

  • Stocks of coal by product type
  • Balance of coal and their derivate
  • Supply of coal on the domestic market
  • Imports of coal products from countries of origins
  • Exports of coal products from countries of origins
Annual solid fuels  statistics

For the sectors below with some of the following energy products: Anthracite; Coking Coal; Other bituminous coal; Sub-bituminous coal; Lignite; Patent fuel; Coke oven Coke; Gas coke, Coal Tar; BKB,  Gas works Gas; Coke oven Coke; Other recovered gases; Peat; Peats products

  • Transformation sector
  • Production
  • Consumption: Energy sector
  • Consumption: Industry
  • Consumption: Transport
  • Consumption: Residential
  • Consumption: Other
  • Trade (imports/exports)
  • Stocks
  • Infrastructure
  • Calorific values

Monthly solid fuels statistics

For the sectors below with some of the following energy products: Hard coal; Lignite; Peat; Coke; Patent Fuels; BKB;

  • Deliveries
  • Production
  • Trade (imports/exports)
  • Stocks

Questionnaire on natural gas

Ministry of Ecological Transition

General Directorate Infrastructure and Security

  • Imports of natural gas from country of origins
  • Exports of natural gas for ultimate country of destination
  • First estimation on the final use of natural gas into the internal market in the end uses of industry, residential, transport and power plants

Annual natural gas  statistics

For the sectors below with some of the following energy products: natural gas

  • Production
  • Consumption: Energy sector
  • Consumption: Industry
  • Consumption: Transport
  • Consumption: Residential
  • Consumption: Other
  • Trade (imports/exports)
  • Stocks
  • Infrastructure
  • Calorific values

Monthly natural gas statistics

For the sectors below with some of the following energy products: natural gas

Deliveries to power generation

Import, export and consumption of crude oil products

(MSE 00009)

Ministry of Ecological Transition

General Directorate Infrastructure and Security

  • Inventory of finished and semi-finished crude oil products
  • Imports of finished and semi-finished crude oil products
  • Imports of finished and semi-finished crude oil products from countries of origins
  • Exports of finished and semi-finished crude oil products to countries of origin
  • Placing on internal market of finished and semi-finished crude oil products
Annual oil and petroleum products statistics

For the sectors below with some of the following energy products

  • Consumption: Industry
  • Consumption: Transport
  • Consumption: Residential
  • Consumption: Other

Monthly oil statistics

For the sectors below with some of the following energy products: Crude oil; Natural Gas Liquids; Refinery feed stocks; Additives-oxygenates; Other hydrocarbons; Refinery gas; Ethane; LPG; Naphtha; Motor gasoline; Aviation Gasoline; Gasoline type jet fuel; Other kerosene; Gas/diesel oil; Fuel oil; Petroleum coke; Other oil products;

  • Refinery output or production in case of crude oil
  • Direct use
  • Refineries (backflows and products transferred)
  • Trade (imports/exports)
  • Stocks

Short-term monthly oil statistics

For the sectors below with some of the following energy products: Crude oil; Natural Gas Liquids; ; LPG; Naphtha; Gasoline; Total Kerosene; Gas/diesel oil; Fuel oil; Other products

  • Refinery (intake and output)
  • Demand
  • Production
  • Trade (imports/exports)
  • Stocks
Production of the petrochemical industry


Ministry of Ecological Transition

General Directorate Infrastructure and Security

Balance of crude oil and semi-finished products input of the refineries

Quantities of finished products obtained by refining process

Annual oil and petroleum products statistics

For the sectors below with some of the following energy products: Crude oil; Natural Gas Liquids; Refinery feed stocks; Additives-oxygenates; Other hydrocarbons; Refinery gas; Ethane; LPG; Naphtha; Motor gasoline; Aviation Gasoline; Gasoline type jet fuel; Other kerosene; Gas/diesel oil; Fuel oil; White spirit and SPB; Lubricants; Bitumen; Paraffin waxes; Petroleum coke; Other oil products;

  • Transformation sector/Refinery
  • Production
  • Consumption: Energy sector
  • Trade (imports/exports)
  • Stocks
  • Calorific values

Monthly oil statistics

For the sectors below with some of the following energy products: Crude oil; Natural Gas Liquids; Refinery feed stocks; Additives-oxygenates; Other hydrocarbons; Refinery gas; Ethane; LPG; Naphtha; Motor gasoline; Aviation Gasoline; Gasoline type jet fuel; Kerosene type jet fuel; Other kerosene; Gas/diesel oil; Fuel oil; Petroleum coke; Other oil products

  • Refinery output or production in case of crude oil
  • Direct use
  • Refineries ( backflows and products transferred)
  • Trade (imports/exports)
  • Stocks

Short-term monthly oil statistics

Crude oil; Natural Gas Liquids; LPG; Naphtha; Gasoline; Total Kerosene; Gas/diesel oil; Fuel oil; Other products

  • Refinery (intake and output)
  • Demand
  • Production
  • Trade (imports/exports)
  • Stocks
3.2. Classification system

See table under 3.2.1.

3.2.1. Classification system – industry sector, products and geographical
Name of the national data collection  Industry sector Products Geographical
Data collection on renewable energy in heating sector - direct use and of derived heat (GSE-00001) NACE rev. 2 (EU classification of economic activities) • Classification in Regulation (EC) 1099/2008 on energy statistics and following amendments NUTS (Nomenclature if territorial units for statistics)
Developing and managing a national system for the statistical monitoring of the development of renewable sources in Italy and of REN target at national and territorial level  (SIMERI) (GSE-00002) NACE rev. 2 (EU classification of economic activities) • Classification in Regulation (EC) 1099/2008 on energy statistics and following amendments
• Directive 2009/28/CE
• Directive (EU) 2018/2001
NUTS (Nomenclature if territorial units for statistics)
District Heating and District Cooling Network in Italy (GSE-00006) NACE rev. 2 (EU classification of economic activities) • Classification in Regulation (EC) 1099/2008 on energy statistics and following amendments NUTS (Nomenclature if territorial units for statistics)
Energy consumption (biofuels, fossil fuels) in Transport Sector in Italy (GSE-00003 e GSE-00007) Not available • Classification in Regulation (EC) 1099/2008 on energy statistics and following amendments
• Directive 2009/28/CE
• Directive (EU) 2018/2001
• Directive (EU) 2015/1513

NUTS (Nomenclature if territorial units for statistics)

Annual statistics of electricity production and consumption in Italy (TER-00001) ATECUE 2007 - classification of economic activities specific for the electricity sector, as the national version of NACE rev. 2 (EU classification of economic activities) • Classification in Regulation (EC) 1099/2008 on energy statistics and following amendments



NUTS (Nomenclature of territorial units for statistics)
Annual Statistics of heat production and consumption in CHP plants in Italy (TER-00007) ATECUE 2007 - classification of economic activities specific for the electricity sector, as the national version of NACE rev. 2 (EU classification of economic activities) • Classification in Regulation (EC) 1099/2008 on energy statistics and following amendments



NUTS (Nomenclature of territorial units for statistics)
Import, export and consumption of coal products (MSE 00005) NACE rev. 2 (EU classification of economic activities) Classification in Regulation (EC) 1099/2008 on energy statistics and following amendments NUTS (Nomenclature of territorial units for statistics)
Questionnaire on natural gas NACE rev. 2 (EU classification of economic activities) Classification in Regulation (EC) 1099/2008 on energy statistics and following amendments NUTS (Nomenclature of territorial units for statistics)
Import, export and consumption of crude oil products

(MSE 00009)

NACE rev. 2 (EU classification of economic activities) Classification in Regulation (EC) 1099/2008 on energy statistics and following amendments NUTS (Nomenclature of territorial units for statistics)
Production of the petrochemical industry


NACE rev. 2 (EU classification of economic activities) Classification in Regulation (EC) 1099/2008 on energy statistics and following amendments NUTS (Nomenclature of territorial units for statistics)
3.3. Coverage - sector

Energy is a topic that cuts across all economic sectors. Energy statistics data covers all major sectors of the economy that are involved in the production, trade, energy transformation or energy consumption.

3.4. Statistical concepts and definitions

-          Definitions of Regulation (EC) No 1099/2008 on energy statistics and following amendments (Commission Regulation (EU) 2022/132 of 28 January 2022)

-          The SHARES tool Manual

-          National regulations on data production in general, and energy statistics in particular, i.e. the Legislative Decree 28/2011, Ministerial Decree 14/1/2012 and Ministerial Decree 11/3/2015 and the new Legislative Decree 199/2021

-          Energy statistics Manual

-          The European Statistics Code of Practice

-          Reporting instructions for all Annual Questionnaire

-          Directive 2009/28/CE

-          Commission Regulation (EU) 2022/132 of 28 January 2022

-          Directive (EU) 2018/2001

-          The OECD Glossary of Statistical Terms

3.5. Statistical unit

See table under 3.5.1.

3.5.1. Statistical unit – Data collections
Name of the national data collection Reporting unit
Data collection on renewable energy in heating sector - direct use and of derived heat (GSE-00001) Institutions, Industry associations, companies, households, Italian TSO, etc.. 
Developing and managing a national system for the statistical monitoring of the development of renewable sources in Italy and of REN target at national and territorial level (SIMERI) (GSE-00002) Regions (NUTS 2), Associations, Enterprises, Public bodies, Italian TSO
District Heating and District Cooling Network in Italy (GSE-00006) District Heating and District cooling plants, Associations
Energy consumption (biofuels, fossil fuels) in Transport Sector in Italy (GSE-00003 e GSE-00007) Enterprises
Annual statistics of electricity production and consumption in Italy (TER-00001) Enterprises, local units and GSE - Gestore dei Servizi Energetici (co-participant)
Annual Statistics of heat production and consumption in CHP plants in Italy (TER-00007) Enterprises and local units (CHP)
Import, export and consumption of coal products (MSE 00005) The local units
Questionnaire on natural gas Enterprises
Import, export and consumption of crude oil products

(MSE 00009)

Production of the petrochemical industry (MSE00014) The local units
3.6. Statistical population
Name of the national data collection Statistical population
Data collection on renewable energy in heating sector - direct use and of derived heat (GSE-00001) Solar thermal collectors, Heat pumps, Geothermal plants, Biomass plants, Derived heat plants
Developing and managing a national system for the statistical monitoring of the development of renewable sources in Italy (SIMERI) (GSE-00002) Not applicable
District Heating and District Cooling Network in Italy (GSE-00006) District heating and District cooling system
Energy consumption (biofuels, fossil fuels) in Transport Sector in Italy (GSE-00003 e GSE-00007) Biofuels batch
Annual statistics of electricity production and consumption in Italy (TER-00001) All electrical operators of the Italian electricity market: producers, autoproducers, distributors and internal user grid operators. The survey is total.
Annual Statistics of heat production and consumption in CHP plants in Italy (TER-00007) All producers and autoproducers with cogeneration units. The survey is total.
Import, export and consumption of coal products (MSE 00005) All companies that import coal
Questionnaire on natural gas All companies that import natural gas
Import, export and consumption of crude oil products

(MSE 00009)

All companies reporting consumer releases
Production of the petrochemical industry (MSE00014) All producers
3.7. Reference area

The national territory, including San Marino and the Vatican.

3.8. Coverage - Time

See table under 3.8.1.

3.8.1. Coverage time – Data collections
Name of the national data collection Coverage Time
Data collection on renewable energy in heating sector - direct use and of derived heat (GSE-00001) Data are available from 1990.
Developing and managing a national system for the statistical monitoring of the development of renewable sources in Italy  (SIMERI) (GSE-00002) Data are available from 2004.
District Heating and District Cooling Network in Italy (GSE-00006) Data are available from 2017.
Energy consumption (biofuels, fossil fuels) in Transport Sector in Italy (GSE-00003 e GSE-00007) Some data are available from 1990, other from 2004.
Annual statistics of electricity production and consumption in Italy (TER-00001) 1990-2020 (see Comments)
Annual Statistics of heat production and consumption in CHP plants in Italy (TER-00007) 1990-2020 (see Comments)
Import, export and consumption of coal products (MSE 00005) Some data are available from 1996, other from 2003
Questionnaire on natural gas Some data are available from 1996, other from 2003
Import, export and consumption of crude oil products (MSE 00009) Some data are available from 1996, other from 2003
Production of the petrochemical industry (MSE-00014) Some data are available from 1996, other from 2003
3.9. Base period

Not applicable.

4. Unit of measure Top

See table under 4.1.

4.1. Unit of measure – data collections
Name of the national data collection Unit of measurement
Data collection on renewable energy in heating sector - direct use and of derived heat (GSE-00001) • ktonnes
• MJ, GJ, TJ
• m³
• kW, MW, GW
• m²
Developing and managing a national system for the statistical monitoring of the development of renewable sources in Italy (SIMERI) (GSE-00002) • ktonnes
• MJ, GJ, TJ
• m³
• kW, MW, GW
• m²
District Heating and District Cooling Network in Italy (GSE-00006) • kWh
• MJ, GJ, TJ
• m³
• kW, MW, GW
Energy consumption (biofuels, fossil fuels) in Transport Sector in Italy (GSE-00003 e GSE-00007) • ktonnes
• MJ, GJ, TJ
• m³
• m²
Annual statistics of electricity production and consumption in Italy (TER-00001) • kW

• kVA

• V

• kWh/MWh

• kg, m³

• kJ/kWh, kJ/kWh

Annual Statistics of heat production and consumption in CHP plants in Italy (TER-00007) • kWh

• kg, m³

• kJ/kWh, kJ/kWh

Import, export and consumption of coal products (MSE 00005) ktonnes
Questionnaire on natural gas
Import, export and consumption of crude oil products (MSE 00009) ktonnes
Production of the petrochemical industry (MSE-00014) ktonnes

5. Reference Period Top

See table under 5.1.

5.1. Reference period – data collections
Name of the national data collection Reference period
Data collection on renewable energy in heating sector - direct use and of derived heat (GSE-00001) 1 year 
Developing and managing a national system for the statistical monitoring of the development of renewable sources in Italy  (SIMERI) (GSE-00002) 1 year 
District Heating and District Cooling Network in Italy (GSE-00006) 1 year 
Energy consumption (biofuels, fossil fuels) in Transport Sector in Italy (GSE-00003 e GSE-00007) 1 year 
Annual statistics of electricity production and consumption in Italy (TER-00001) • Electricity production: month of reference

• Electricity consumption: year of reference (auto-consumption: month of reference)

• Capacity: 31 December of the year of reference

• Fuels: month of reference

Annual Statistics of heat production and consumption in CHP plants in Italy (TER-00007) • Heat: month of reference

• Fuels: month of reference

Import, export and consumption of coal products (MSE 00005) 1 month
Questionnaire on natural gas 1 month
Import, export and consumption of crude oil products (MSE 00009) 1 month
Production of the petrochemical industry (MSE-00014) 1 month

6. Institutional Mandate Top
6.1. Institutional Mandate - legal acts and other agreements

Regulation (EC) 1099/2008 on energy statistics and following amendments

6.1.1. National legal acts and other agreements
Name of the national data collection National legal framework Reference of national legal text
Data collection on renewable energy in heating sector - direct use and of derived heat (GSE-00001) Mandatory (included in a national legal act) National Statistical Program
Legislative Decree 28/2011
Italian Ministry Economic Development Decree January 14, 2012
Developing and managing a national system for the statistical monitoring of the development of renewable sources in Italy (SIMERI) (GSE-00002) Mandatory (included in a national legal act) National Statistical Program

Legislative Decree 28/2011
Italian Ministry Economic Development Decree January 14, 2012
Italian Ministry Economic Development Decree  May 11, 2015
Legislative Decree 199/2021

District Heating and District Cooling Network in Italy (GSE-00006) Mandatory (included in a national legal act) National Statistical Program
Legislative Decree 28/2011
Legislative Decree 199/2021
Energy consumption (biofuels, fossil fuels) in Transport Sector in Italy (GSE-00003 e GSE-00007) Mandatory (included in a national legal act) National Statistical Program
Legislative Decree 28/2011
Legislative Decree 199/2021
Annual statistics of electricity production and consumption in Italy (TER-00001) Mandatory (included in a national legal act) National Statistical Program
Annual Statistics of heat production and consumption in CHP plants in Italy (TER-00007) Mandatory (included in a national legal act) National Statistical Program
Import, export and consumption of coal products (MSE 00005) Mandatory (included in a national legal act) National Statistical Program
Questionnaire on natural gas Mandatory (included in a national legal act) National Statistical Program
Import, export and consumption of crude oil products (MSE 00009) Mandatory (included in a national legal act) National Statistical Program
Production of the petrochemical industry (MSE-00014) Mandatory (included in a national legal act) National Statistical Program
6.2. Institutional Mandate - data sharing

See table under 6.2.1.

6.2.1. Institutional mandate – data sharing – national data collections
Name of the national data collection Situation, if more than 1 body is involved in this data collection Degree of integration of this data collection among different National bodies
Data collection on renewable energy in heating sector - direct use and of derived heat (GSE-00001) Not applicable. Not applicable.
Developing and managing a national system for the statistical monitoring of the development of renewable sources in Italy  (SIMERI) (GSE-00002) Coordination defined in Memorandum of Understanding or gentleman's agreement Alignment even if not the same questionnaires/classifications are used
District Heating and District Cooling Network in Italy (GSE-00006) Not applicable. Not applicable.
Energy consumption (biofuels, fossil fuels) in Transport Sector in Italy (GSE-00003 e GSE-00007) Not applicable. Not applicable.
Annual statistics of electricity production and consumption in Italy (TER-00001) Coordination defined in Memorandum of Understanding or gentleman's agreement Alignment even if not the same questionnaires/classifications are used
Annual Statistics of heat production and consumption in CHP plants in Italy (TER-00007) Coordination defined in Memorandum of Understanding or gentleman's agreement Alignment even if not the same questionnaires/classifications are used
Import, export and consumption of coal products (MSE 00005) Not applicable. Not applicable.
Questionnaire on natural gas Not applicable. Not applicable.
Import, export and consumption of crude oil products (MSE 00009) Not applicable. Not applicable.
Production of the petrochemical industry (MSE-00014) Not applicable. Not applicable.

7. Confidentiality Top

Annex_Confidentiality in EU data collections
7.1. Confidentiality - policy

7.1. Confidentiality - policy

-          Regulation (EC) No 223/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 March 2009

-          Regulation (EC) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016

-          Legislative Decree 30 June 2003, n. 196 (Personal data protection code)

-          Legislative Decree 6 September 1989, n. 322

-          Comstat Directive n.9 of 2004

7.2. Confidentiality - data treatment

Confidential data are not shown. In general, aggregated data are disseminated, but still they must comply with some privacy rules, e.g., aggregates composed of less than three units cannot be disseminated, as the units could potentially be identified. Microdata can be requested by Sistan members and, under specific conditions, researchers (see 10.4).

7.2.1. Confidentiality – EU data collections



Crude oil imports register – Short term monthly statistics


Oil and petroleum products – Short term monthly statistics


Natural gas - short term monthly statistics


Solid fuels - monthly statistics


Electricity - monthly statistics


Oil and petroleum products - monthly statistics


Natural gas - monthly statistics


Nuclear - annual statistics


Electricity and heat - annual statistics


Natural gas - annual statistics


Oil and petroleum products - annual statistics


Renewables and wastes - annual statistics


Solid fossil fuels and manufactured gases - annual statistics


Short Assessment of Renewable Energy Sources (SHARES)


Households - detailed annual statistics on final energy consumption


8. Release policy Top
8.1. Release calendar
8.2. Release calendar access
8.3. Release policy - user access
  • Ministry of Ecological Transition: Released MiTE statistical reports are published via web and they are immediately available for all users, without any difference or priorities
  • Gestore dei Servizi Energetici: Released GSE statistical reports are published only once and they are immediately available for all users, without any difference or priorities.
  • Terna: Data are disseminated to the public via web. Users are informed of the release date through a publicly accessible communication box (available at Data are disseminated simultaneously; there is no pre-release access.

9. Frequency of dissemination Top

See table under 9.1.

9.1. Frequency of dissemination – national data collections
Name of the national data collection Frequency of dissemination
Data collection on renewable energy in heating sector - direct use and of derived heat (GSE-00001) Yearly
Developing and managing a national system for the statistical monitoring of the development of renewable sources in Italy  (SIMERI) (GSE-00002) Yearly
District Heating and District Cooling Network in Italy (GSE-00006) Yearly
Energy consumption (biofuels, fossil fuels) in Transport Sector in Italy (GSE-00003 e GSE-00007) Yearly
Annual statistics of electricity production and consumption in Italy (TER-00001) Yearly
Annual Statistics of heat production and consumption in CHP plants in Italy (TER-00007) Yearly
Import, export and consumption of coal products (MSE 00005) Monthly
Questionnaire on natural gas Monthly
Import, export and consumption of crude oil products (MSE 00009) Monthly
Production of the petrochemical industry (MSE-00014) Monthly

10. Accessibility and clarity Top
10.1. Dissemination format - News release
  • Ministry of Ecological Transition:
  • Gestore dei Servizi Energetici: Website section of gse
  • Terna: Information/communication box on Terna’s Statistics office website.
10.2. Dissemination format - Publications
  • Gestore dei Servizi Energetici:

- District Heating and District cooling in Italy

- PV solar report in Italy

- Renewable energy in Italy and in Europe

- Renewable energy in Italy - Annual report

- Renewable energy in Italy - Regional (NUTS2) monitoring target

-  Energy consumption in Transport Sector

- Target monitoring

  • Terna:

- Dati statistici sull’energia elettrica in Italia 2020- Statistical data on electricity in Italy 2020

- Statistiche regionali 2020- Regional statistical data 2020

  • Inter-Institutional Publication:

- La situazione energetica nazionale nel 2020 - Report on the national energy situation

10.3. Dissemination format - online database
  • Gestore dei Servizi Energetici:

- District Heating and District cooling in Italy

- PV solar report in Italy

- Renewable energy in Italy and in Europe

- Renewable energy in Italy - Annual report

- Renewable energy in Italy - Regional (NUTS2) monitoring target

-  Energy consumption in Transport Sector

- Target monitoring

  • Terna:

- Dati statistici sull’energia elettrica in Italia 2020- Statistical data on electricity in Italy 2020

- Statistiche regionali 2020- Regional statistical data 2020

  • Inter-Institutional Publication:

- La situazione energetica nazionale nel 2020 - Report on the national energy situation

10.3.1. Data tables - consultations

Not requested for this metadata collection

10.4. Dissemination format - microdata access

Microdata can be requested by Sistan (Italian statistical system) members, as regulated by articles 6-bis, 9 and 10 of the Legislative Decree No 322/89. When it comes to requests coming from outside the Sistan, the current legislation (art. 5-ter of Legislative Decree no. 33/2013 and related implementation Guidelines adopted by the Committee for Policy and Coordination of Statistical Information – Comstat) regulates and describes the cases in which such rules can be overcome. In particular, Sistan members may grant access for scientific purposes to elementary data, without any reference allowing the direct identification of statistical units and under specific conditions (see 7.2).

10.5. Dissemination format - other

At ESS level data are disseminated to Eurostat (via EDAMIS) and to IEA (via E-VO) as Excel files. At NSS level, data are disseminated to Istat (NSI) via ARCAM and to Sistan (National Statistical System) members and other internal entities by e-mail as Excel files.

10.5.1. Metadata - consultations

Not requested for this metadata collection

10.6. Documentation on methodology
Name of the national data collection Links to quality and methodology documentation (reference material on methods and questionnaires used) Link to national metadata
Data collection on renewable energy in heating sector - direct use and of derived heat (GSE-00001) Not available. (explanatory texts in every published report)
Developing and managing a national system for the statistical monitoring of the development of renewable sources in Italy  (SIMERI) (GSE-00002) Not available. - (explanatory texts in every published report)
- Italian Ministry Economic Development Decree January 14, 2012, Annex I
- Italian Ministry Economic Development Decree  May 11, 2015, Annex I
District Heating and District Cooling Network in Italy (GSE-00006) Not available. (explanatory texts in every published report)
Energy consumption (biofuels, fossil fuels) in Transport Sector in Italy (GSE-00003 e GSE-00007) Not available. (explanatory texts in every published report)
Annual statistics of electricity production and consumption in Italy (TER-00001) Methodological note - Terna (explanatory texts in every published report)
Annual Statistics of heat production and consumption in CHP plants in Italy (TER-00007) Methodological note - Terna (explanatory texts in every published report)
Import, export and consumption of coal products (MSE 00005) Not available. Not available.
Questionnaire on natural gas Not available. Not available.
Import, export and consumption of crude oil products (MSE 00009) Not available. Methodological note on the website
Production of the petrochemical industry (MSE-00014) Not available. Not available.
10.6.1. Metadata completeness - rate

Not applicable

Not requested for this metadata collection

10.7. Quality management - documentation

See "10.6. Documentation on methodology" and consult the quality documentation on energy statistics website – section “QUALITY AND QUALITY REPORTS”

11. Quality management Top

See sub-concepts 11.1 and 11.2

11.1. Quality assurance

Quality assurance

-          Guidelines on Statistical process of National statistical Institute (Istat);

-          Professional training and advanced training courses on statistical topics organized by Eurostat and Istat;

-          Participation to the third round of the European Statistical System Peer Reviews (2021-2023);

-          Participation to audits and self-assessment process with Istat;

-          Frequent meetings with other statistical offices and other experts on energy issues (Energy Statistics Working Group, inter-institutional working groups).

11.2. Quality management - assessment

See 11.2.1.

11.2.1. Quality assessment – data collections
Name of the national data collection Most important quality problem of this data collection Measures taken in the last 5 years to improve quality of the data collection
Data collection on renewable energy in heating sector - direct use and of derived heat (GSE-00001) Data are available on number and territorial distribution of plants, but sometimes not on their use (hours/year, days/year)

Quality and quantity of data available from local administrations are not homogeneous
We are in a continuous process to improve the quality, by improving questionnaires, double checks, internal coherence checks etc.
Numerous calculation files have been redesigned and enriched with information, in order to allow anyone to continue the activity even in the absence of those who had done the work in previous years, significantly reducing the probability of error.
Some indicators for monitoring the effectiveness of the processes and the quality of the acquired data have been introduced.
The burden on respondents was reduced through specific agreements in case of double surveys.
In general, every year data acquisition process improves: on one side, the questionnaire is simplified by removing useless questions; on the other side, new questions are added, if needed.
Developing and managing a national system for the statistical monitoring of the development of renewable sources in Italy  (SIMERI) (GSE-00002) Not available. We are in a continuous process to improve the quality, by improving questionnaires, double checks, internal coherence checks etc.
Numerous calculation files have been redesigned and enriched with information, in order to allow anyone to continue the activity even in the absence of those who had done the work in previous years, significantly reducing the probability of error.
Some indicators for monitoring the effectiveness of the processes and the quality of the acquired data have been introduced.
The burden on respondents was reduced through specific agreements in case of double surveys.
In general, every year data acquisition process improves: on one side, the questionnaire is simplified by removing useless questions; on the other side, new questions are added, if needed.
District Heating and District Cooling Network in Italy (GSE-00006) Data coherence between production and capacity data We are in a continuous process to improve the quality, by improving questionnaires, double checks, internal coherence checks etc.
Numerous calculation files have been redesigned and enriched with information, in order to allow anyone to continue the activity even in the absence of those who had done the work in previous years, significantly reducing the probability of error.
Some indicators for monitoring the effectiveness of the processes and the quality of the acquired data have been introduced.
The burden on respondents was reduced through specific agreements in case of double surveys.
In general, every year data acquisition process improves: on one side, the questionnaire is simplified by removing useless questions; on the other side, new questions are added, if needed.
Energy consumption (biofuels, fossil fuels) in Transport Sector in Italy (GSE-00003 e GSE-00007) Coherence with european methodology We are in a continuous process to improve the quality, by improving questionnaires, double checks, internal coherence checks etc.
Numerous calculation files have been redesigned and enriched with information, in order to allow anyone to continue the activity even in the absence of those who had done the work in previous years, significantly reducing the probability of error.
Annual statistics of electricity production and consumption in Italy (TER-00001) Not applicable.  We have re-engineered the data collection system. The new system provides more automation in order to help the operator in the communication data and stricter and structured controls in order to limit the cases that error.
Annual Statistics of heat production and consumption in CHP plants in Italy (TER-00007) Not applicable.  We have re-engineered the data collection system. The new system provides more automation in order to help the operator in the communication data and stricter and structured controls in order to limit the cases that error.
Import, export and consumption of coal products (MSE 00005) Not applicable.  We are in a continuous process to improve the quality, by improving questionnaires, double checks, internal coherence checks.
Questionnaire on natural gas Not applicable.  We are in a continuous process to improve the quality, by improving questionnaires, double checks, internal coherence checks. The system also provides more automation in order to help the operator in the communication data
Import, export and consumption of crude oil products (MSE 00009) Not applicable.  We are in a continuous process to improve the quality, by improving questionnaires, double checks, internal coherence checks. The system also provides more automation in order to help the operator in the communication data
Production of the petrochemical industry (MSE-00014) Not applicable.  We are in a continuous process to improve the quality, by improving questionnaires, double checks, internal coherence checks. The system also provides more automation in order to help the operator in the communication data

12. Relevance Top
12.1. Relevance - User Needs
Name of the national data collection User needs in relation to this data collection taken into account
Data collection on renewable energy in heating sector - direct use and of derived heat (GSE-00001) The survey has been adding of additional information collected from respondents, as new needs from users arises. Periodically feed-back talks with main users
Developing and managing a national system for the statistical monitoring of the development of renewable sources in Italy  (SIMERI) (GSE-00002) Periodically feedback talks with main users.
District Heating and District Cooling Network in Italy (GSE-00006) The survey has been adding of additional information collected from respondents, as new needs from users arises. Periodically feedback talks with main users.
Energy consumption (biofuels, fossil fuels) in Transport Sector in Italy (GSE-00003 e GSE-00007) Not available.
Annual statistics of electricity production and consumption in Italy (TER-00001) Users benefit from a call center and a dedicated e-mail address to contact Terna’s Statistics office; periodic feedback talks with main users. Additional information collected as new needs from users arise.
Annual Statistics of heat production and consumption in CHP plants in Italy (TER-00007) Users benefit from a call center and a dedicated e-mail address to contact Terna’s Statistics office; periodic feedback talks with main users. Additional information is collected as new needs from users arise.
Import, export and consumption of coal products (MSE 00005) Not applicable. 
Questionnaire on natural gas Not applicable. 
Import, export and consumption of crude oil products (MSE 00009) Not applicable. 
Production of the petrochemical industry (MSE-00014) Not applicable. 
12.2. Relevance - User Satisfaction
Name of the national data collection User Satisfaction
Data collection on renewable energy in heating sector - direct use and of derived heat (GSE-00001) An ad hoc mailbox has been activated in order to collect requests and feedbacks from data users
Developing and managing a national system for the statistical monitoring of the development of renewable sources in Italy (SIMERI) (GSE-00002) An ad hoc mailbox has been activated in order to collect requests and feedbacks from data users.
District Heating and District Cooling Network in Italy (GSE-00006) An ad hoc mailbox has been activated in order to collect requests and feedbacks from data users.
Energy consumption (biofuels, fossil fuels) in Transport Sector in Italy (GSE-00003 e GSE-00007) Not available.
Annual statistics of electricity production and consumption in Italy (TER-00001) User satisfaction surveys are not conducted. Views are monitored sporadically through the analysis of Terna’s Statistics office web pages accesses and downloads. As of 2020, our web pages were visited ca. 70,000 times by ca. 25,000 users for almost 3 minutes on average.
Annual Statistics of heat production and consumption in CHP plants in Italy (TER-00007) User satisfaction surveys are not conducted. Views are monitored sporadically through the analysis of Terna’s Statistics office web pages accesses and downloads. As of 2020, our web pages were visited ca. 70,000 times by ca. 25,000 users for almost 3 minutes on average.
Import, export and consumption of coal products (MSE 00005) In 2020, our web pages were visited by 382.122  with 37.191 download;

In July 2022, the visit are 753.905 with 51.566 download.

Questionnaire on natural gas In 2020, our web pages were visited by 382.122  with 37.191 download;

In July 2022, the visit are 753.905 with 51.566 download.

Import, export and consumption of crude oil products (MSE 00009) In 2020, our web pages were visited by 382.122  with 37.191 download;

In July 2022, the visit are 753.905 with 51.566 download.

Production of the petrochemical industry (MSE-00014) In 2020, our web pages were visited by 382.122  with 37.191 download;

In July 2022, the visit are 753.905 with 51.566 download.

12.3. Completeness

See under 12.3.1.

12.3.1. Data completeness - rate

See table under Data completeness - rate – EU data collections
Combined heat and power generation – annual statistics 100% 0
Electricity and heat - annual statistics 100% 0
Renewables and wastes - annual statistics 100% 0
European electricity market indicators – annual statistics 100% 0
Annual Statistics on final energy consumption in households 100% 0
Annual District Heating and District Cooling Questionnaire (DH-DC) 100% 0
Annual Short Assessment of Renewable Energy Sources (SHARES) 100% 0
Import, export and consumption of coal products (MSE 00005) 100% 0
Questionnaire on natural gas 100% 0
Import, export and consumption of crude oil products (MSE 00009) 100% 0
Production of the petrochemical industry (MSE-00014) 100% 0

13. Accuracy Top

Accuracy indicators
13.1. Accuracy - overall

See subconcepts and annex.

13.1.1. Accuracy – most common errors for specific data collections
Name of the national data collection Most common errors for this collection
Data collection on renewable energy in heating sector - direct use and of derived heat (GSE-00001) • Measurement errors
• Processing errors
Developing and managing a national system for the statistical monitoring of the development of renewable sources in Italy (SIMERI) (GSE-00002) • Measurement errors
• Processing errors
• Classification errors
District Heating and District Cooling Network in Italy (GSE-00006) • Measurement errors
• Processing errors
Energy consumption (biofuels, fossil fuels) in Transport Sector in Italy (GSE-00003 e GSE-00007) • Measurement errors
• Processing errors
• Classification errors
Annual statistics of electricity production and consumption in Italy (TER-00001) • Measurement errors
Annual Statistics of heat production and consumption in CHP plants in Italy (TER-00007) • Measurement errors
Import, export and consumption of coal products (MSE 00005) Not applicable. 
Questionnaire on natural gas Not applicable. 
Import, export and consumption of crude oil products (MSE 00009) Not applicable. 
Production of the petrochemical industry (MSE-00014) Not applicable. 
13.2. Sampling error

See 13.2.1.

13.2.1. Sampling error - indicators

Not requested for this metadata collection

13.3. Non-sampling error

See below.

13.3.1. Coverage error
Name of the national data collection Coverage error
Data collection on renewable energy in heating sector - direct use and of derived heat (GSE-00001) Not applicable
Developing and managing a national system for the statistical monitoring of the development of renewable sources in Italy (SIMERI) (GSE-00002) Not applicable
District Heating and District Cooling Network in Italy (GSE-00006) We usually prefer to not considered units if we are not sure that are in the population.
Energy consumption (biofuels, fossil fuels) in Transport Sector in Italy (GSE-00003 e GSE-00007) Not applicable
Annual statistics of electricity production and consumption in Italy (TER-00001) The frame population does not diverge from the target population. The survey is total, and units are obliged to provide the data by national law.
Annual Statistics of heat production and consumption in CHP plants in Italy (TER-00007) The frame population does not diverge from the target population. The survey is total, and units are obliged to provide the data by national law.
Import, export and consumption of coal products (MSE 00005) Not applicable. 
Questionnaire on natural gas Not applicable. 
Import, export and consumption of crude oil products (MSE 00009) Not applicable. 
Production of the petrochemical industry (MSE-00014) Not applicable. Over-coverage - rate

See annex Common units - proportion

See annex

13.3.2. Measurement error

See annex

13.3.3. Non response error

See below. Unit non-response - rate

See annex Item non-response - rate

See annex

13.3.4. Processing error
Name of the national data collection Processing error
Data collection on renewable energy in heating sector - direct use and of derived heat (GSE-00001) No processing error.
Developing and managing a national system for the statistical monitoring of the development of renewable sources in Italy (SIMERI) (GSE-00002) No processing error.
District Heating and District Cooling Network in Italy (GSE-00006) No processing error.
Energy consumption (biofuels, fossil fuels) in Transport Sector in Italy (GSE-00003 e GSE-00007) No processing error.
Annual statistics of electricity production and consumption in Italy (TER-00001) No processing error.
Annual Statistics of heat production and consumption in CHP plants in Italy (TER-00007) No processing error.
Import, export and consumption of coal products (MSE 00005) No processing error.
Questionnaire on natural gas No processing error.
Import, export and consumption of crude oil products (MSE 00009) No processing error.
Production of the petrochemical industry (MSE-00014) No processing error.
13.3.5. Model assumption error
Name of the national data collection Model assumption error
Data collection on renewable energy in heating sector - direct use and of derived heat (GSE-00001) No model assumption error.
Developing and managing a national system for the statistical monitoring of the development of renewable sources in Italy (SIMERI) (GSE-00002) No model assumption error.
District Heating and District Cooling Network in Italy (GSE-00006) No model assumption error.
Energy consumption (biofuels, fossil fuels) in Transport Sector in Italy (GSE-00003 e GSE-00007) No model assumption error.
Annual statistics of electricity production and consumption in Italy (TER-00001) No model assumption error.
Annual Statistics of heat production and consumption in CHP plants in Italy (TER-00007) No model assumption error.
Import, export and consumption of coal products (MSE 00005) No model assumption error.
Questionnaire on natural gas No model assumption error.
Import, export and consumption of crude oil products (MSE 00009) No model assumption error.
Production of the petrochemical industry (MSE-00014) No model assumption error.

14. Timeliness and punctuality Top
14.1. Timeliness

See table under 14.1.3

14.1.1. Time lag - first result

Not requested for this metadata collection.

14.1.2. Time lag - final result

Not requested for this metadata collection.

14.1.3. Timeliness – deadlines for data transmission for each national data collection
Name of the national data collection Time lag – First result Time lag – Final result Deadline for data transmission
Data collection on renewable energy in heating sector - direct use and of derived heat (GSE-00001) No preliminary data releases In line with Eurostat deadline for data transmission 10 months after the end of the reference period
Developing and managing a national system for the statistical monitoring of the development of renewable sources in Italy (SIMERI) (GSE-00002) No preliminary data releases In line with Eurostat deadline for data transmission around 340 days after the end of the reference period
District Heating and District Cooling Network in Italy (GSE-00006) No preliminary data releases In line with Eurostat deadline for data transmission 16 months after the end of the reference period
Energy consumption (biofuels, fossil fuels) in Transport Sector in Italy (GSE-00003 e GSE-00007) No preliminary data releases In line with Eurostat deadline for data transmission 9 months after the end of the reference period
Annual statistics of electricity production and consumption in Italy (TER-00001) No preliminary data releases Between seven and nine months after the end of the reference year. 9 months after the end of the reference period
Annual Statistics of heat production and consumption in CHP plants in Italy (TER-00007) No preliminary data releases Between seven and nine months after the end of the reference year. 9 months after the end of the reference period
Import, export and consumption of coal products (MSE 00005) In line with Eurostat deadline for data transmission In line with Eurostat deadline for data transmission 1 month after the end of the reference period
Questionnaire on natural gas In line with Eurostat deadline for data transmission In line with Eurostat deadline for data transmission 1 month after the end of the reference period
Import, export and consumption of crude oil products (MSE 00009) In line with Eurostat deadline for data transmission In line with Eurostat deadline for data transmission 1 month after the end of the reference period
Production of the petrochemical industry (MSE-00014) In line with Eurostat deadline for data transmission In line with Eurostat deadline for data transmission By 15th of the following month
14.2. Punctuality
  • Ministry of Ecological Transition:  MiTE Statistical Office respects the European statistics transmission deadlines requested by Eurostat and other international organizations
  • Gestore dei Servizi Energetici: GSE Statistical Office respects the European statistics transmission deadlines requested by Eurostat.
  • Terna: Data are first published at country level and according to the release schedule. The schedule is relatively flexible since it specifies only a deadline (September 30). Terna’s Statistics office generally respects the European statistics transmission deadlines requested by Eurostat.
14.2.1. Punctuality - delivery and publication
  • Ministry of Ecological Transition: Data are generally published three months after the end of the reference period
  • Gestore dei Servizi Energetici: Not applicable
  • Terna: The time lag between scheduled release date and actual release date is 0 or negative. Most of the times data are published in advance.

15. Coherence and comparability Top
  • Ministry of Ecological Transition: There is consistency between sub-annual and annual statistical results. Data are collected only once and annual data are processed on monthly data.
  • Gestore dei Servizi Energetici: Not relevant
  • Terna: There is consistency between sub-annual and annual statistical results. Data are collected only once and annual data are processed on monthly data.
15.1. Comparability - geographical

 Data are entirely comparable geographically; the same definitions/concepts are applied to all units Data are always internally consistent at national and regional level, by source and by sector.

15.1.1. Asymmetry for mirror flow statistics - coefficient

Not applicable.

Not requested for this metadata collection.

15.2. Comparability - over time
  • Ministry of Ecological Transition: Each time series released by the Statistical Office is fully consistent both in terms of variables and units of measurement
  • Gestore dei Servizi Energetici: Each time series released by the Statistical Office is fully consistent both in terms of variables and units of measurement
  • Terna: For all variables, except consumption, there have been some changes but not enough to warrant the designation of a break in series; most of the changes involved the addition of information. Instead, for consumption there have been sufficient changes to warrant the designation of a break in series. In 2019 the classification of economic activities (from ATECUE95 to ATECUE 2007) changed and was updated, creating a break in series.
15.2.1. Length of comparable time series
  • Ministry of Ecological Transition : Some data are available from 2003 (Bollettino petrolifero), other from 1998 (Bilancio energetico nazionale).
  • Gestore dei Servizi Energetici: Some data are available from 1990, other from 2004. Time series is fully consistent, there have not been any relevant breaks.
  • Terna: Regarding the most important variables: for production there are ((2020-1990)+1)*12 comparable time points (one per month since 1990) and for capacity there are (2020-1990)+1 comparable time points (one per year since 1990). For consumption, when comparing consumption by economic activity (see 15.2) there are (2019-1990)+1 comparable time points before 2019 and two comparable time points after 2019. In contrast, the aggregation of all economic activities has (2020-1990)+1 comparable time points.
15.3. Coherence - cross domain

Not relevant

15.3.1. Coherence - sub annual and annual statistics
  • Ministry of Ecological Transition: There is consistency between sub-annual and annual statistical results. Data are collected only once and annual data are processed on monthly data.
  • Gestore dei Servizi Energetici: Not relevant
  • Terna: There is consistency between sub-annual and annual statistical results. Data are collected only once and annual data are processed on monthly data.
15.3.2. Coherence - National Accounts

 Not relevant

15.4. Coherence - internal
  •  Ministry of Ecological Transition:  statistics are consistent within a given data set.
  • Gestore dei Servizi Energetici: Not relevant.
  • Terna: statistics are consistent within a given data set.

16. Cost and Burden Top
Name of the national data collection Cost Burden
Data collection on renewable energy in heating sector - direct use and of derived heat (GSE-00001) Costs of the statistical activities for the National Statistical Program are indicated in the survey on the identification elements, resources and activities of the Sistan statistics offices (EUP). Questionnaires are not sent when operators are involved in parallel/similar surveys carried out by other subjects. In case of double survey (GSE and Associations), the burden on respondents has been reduced thanks to specific agreements.

The burden of the questionnaires is limited to questions that require data or information strictly necessary for the production of the statistical data required by Eurostat datasets.

An explanatory note is attached to each question in order to facilitate the respondent in the correct interpretation of the question.

Any inconsistencies or inaccuracies detected by the Statistical Office during the check of the questionnaires are promptly highlighted the following year.

Developing and managing a national system for the statistical monitoring of the development of renewable sources in Italy  (SIMERI) (GSE-00002) Costs of the statistical activities for the National Statistical Program are indicated in the survey on the identification elements, resources and activities of the Sistan statistics offices (EUP). Not available.
District Heating and District Cooling Network in Italy (GSE-00006) Costs of the statistical activities for the National Statistical Program are indicated in the survey on the identification elements, resources and activities of the Sistan statistics offices (EUP). Questionnaires are not sent when operators are involved in parallel/similar surveys carried out by other subjects. In case of double survey (GSE and Associations), the burden on respondents has been reduced thanks to specific agreements.

The burden of the questionnaires is limited to questions that require data or information strictly necessary for the production of the statistical data required by Eurostat datasets.

An explanatory note is attached to each question in order to facilitate the respondent in the correct interpretation of the question.

Any inconsistencies or inaccuracies detected by the Statistical Office during the check of the questionnaires are promptly highlighted the following year.

Energy consumption (biofuels, fossil fuels) in Transport Sector in Italy (GSE-00003 e GSE-00007) Costs of the statistical activities for the National Statistical Program are indicated in the survey on the identification elements, resources and activities of the Sistan statistics offices (EUP). Not available.
Annual statistics of electricity production and consumption in Italy (TER-00001) Costs of the statistical activities for the National Statistical Program are indicated in the survey on the identification elements, resources and activities of the Sistan statistics offices (EUP). The questionnaire is self-administered and online; it can be completed at any time during the year, data can be loaded via bulk uploads; questions are technical and objective, the information is easily accessible; data are collected from other sources whenever possible.
Annual Statistics of heat production and consumption in CHP plants in Italy (TER-00007) Costs of the statistical activities for the National Statistical Program are indicated in the survey on the identification elements, resources and activities of the Sistan statistics offices (EUP). The questionnaire is self-administered and online; it can be completed at any time during the year, data can be loaded via bulk uploads; questions are technical and objective, the information is easily accessible; data are collected from other sources whenever possible.
Import, export and consumption of coal products (MSE 00005) Costs of the statistical activities for the National Statistical Program are indicated in the survey on the identification elements, resources and activities of the Sistan statistics offices (EUP). The questionnaire is self-administered and online; it have to be completed by the indicated deadline.
Questionnaire on natural gas Costs of the statistical activities for the National Statistical Program are indicated in the survey on the identification elements, resources and activities of the Sistan statistics offices (EUP). The questionnaire is self-administered and online; it have to be completed by the indicated deadline.
Import, export and consumption of crude oil products (MSE 00009) Costs of the statistical activities for the National Statistical Program are indicated in the survey on the identification elements, resources and activities of the Sistan statistics offices (EUP). The questionnaire is self-administered and online; it have to be completed by the indicated deadline.
Production of the petrochemical industry (MSE-00014) Costs of the statistical activities for the National Statistical Program are indicated in the survey on the identification elements, resources and activities of the Sistan statistics offices (EUP). The questionnaire is self-administered and online; it have to be completed by the indicated deadline.

17. Data revision Top

 See sub-concepts.

17.1. Data revision - policy

 Not available.

17.2. Data revision - practice
Name of the national data collection Data revision - practice
Data collection on renewable energy in heating sector - direct use and of derived heat (GSE-00001) Revisions occur due to methodological changes or availability of more reliable data.
Developing and managing a national system for the statistical monitoring of the development of renewable sources in Italy (SIMERI) (GSE-00002) Revisions occur due to methodological changes or availability of more reliable data.
District Heating and District Cooling Network in Italy (GSE-00006) Revisions occur due to methodological changes or availability of more reliable data.
Energy consumption (biofuels, fossil fuels) in Transport Sector in Italy (GSE-00003 e GSE-00007) Not available.
Annual statistics of electricity production and consumption in Italy (TER-00001) No relevant data revisions to be reported. Only final data are published. Revisions occur due to methodological changes or availability of more reliable data.
Annual Statistics of heat production and consumption in CHP plants in Italy (TER-00007) No relevant data revisions to be reported. Only final data are published. Revisions occur due to methodological changes or availability of more reliable data.
Import, export and consumption of coal products (MSE 00005) Not available.
Questionnaire on natural gas Not available.
Import, export and consumption of crude oil products (MSE 00009) Not available.
Production of the petrochemical industry (MSE-00014) Not available.
17.2.1. Data revision - average size

 Not requested for this metadata collection.

18. Statistical processing Top
18.1. Source data

See 18.1.1.

18.1.1. Source data – data collections
Name of the national data collection Main data collection method Target population Population frame Sample size
Data collection on renewable energy in heating sector - direct use and of derived heat (GSE-00001) Surveys, Administrative data elaboration, market data analysis, etc.. Not relevant Not relevant Not relevant
Developing and managing a national system for the statistical monitoring of the development of renewable sources in Italy  (SIMERI) (GSE-00002) Administrative data elaboration, market data analysis, other national statistics etc.. Not relevant Not available.  Not available. 
District Heating and District Cooling Network in Italy (GSE-00006) Surveys, Administrative data elaboration, market data analysis, etc.. 550 550 550
Energy consumption (biofuels, fossil fuels) in Transport Sector in Italy (GSE-00003 e GSE-00007) Use of administrative data 50 50 50
Annual statistics of electricity production and consumption in Italy (TER-00001) Statistical compilation. Data are based on a total survey and, partly, on other sources (capacity and photovoltaic sector). 5071 5071 Not applicable
Annual Statistics of heat production and consumption in CHP plants in Italy (TER-00007) Statistical compilation. Data are based on a total survey. 2595 2595 Not applicable
Import, export and consumption of coal products (MSE 00005) Statistical compilation. Data are based on a total survey 100 100 100
Questionnaire on natural gas Statistical compilation. Data are based on a total survey 100 100 100
Import, export and consumption of crude oil products (MSE 00009) Statistical compilation. Data are based on a total survey 100 100 100
Production of the petrochemical industry (MSE-00014) Statistical compilation. Data are based on a total survey 100 100 100
18.2. Frequency of data collection

See table under 18.2.1.

18.2.1. Frequency of data collection – national data collections
Name of the national data collection Frequency of transmission
Data collection on renewable energy in heating sector - direct use and of derived heat (GSE-00001) Once per year
Developing and managing a national system for the statistical monitoring of the development of renewable sources in Italy (SIMERI) (GSE-00002) Once per year
District Heating and District Cooling Network in Italy (GSE-00006) Once per year
Energy consumption (biofuels, fossil fuels) in Transport Sector in Italy (GSE-00003 e GSE-00007) Once per year
Annual statistics of electricity production and consumption in Italy (TER-00001) Once per year
Annual Statistics of heat production and consumption in CHP plants in Italy (TER-00007) Once per year
Import, export and consumption of coal products (MSE 00005) Once per month
Questionnaire on natural gas Once per month
Import, export and consumption of crude oil products (MSE 00009) Once per month
Production of the petrochemical industry (MSE-00014) Once per month
18.3. Data collection
  • Ministry of Ecological Transition: Respondents provide data through an online web application I-Sisen developed specifically for all products covered by this data survey.  A several automatic controls are combined with manual checks performed by internal operators and ensure the data reliability
  • Gestore dei Servizi Energetici: Depending from different variables. We use data from internal and external administrative archive, market data, direct surveys, online web application Biocar. All data collection includes constant checks on different topics: coverage of the reference universes, adequacy of classifications and definitions, completeness of the acquired data, internal consistency of the data, consistency with other sources also with the help of experts. Appropriate procedures are applied to develop and test the questionnaire. To define the starting lists, to contact and motivate the respondents (limiting their effort as much as possible), to guarantee the correct management of the acquired data; appropriate procedures are also adopted to limit criticalities associated with the possible non-coincidence of the definitions used as well as to process, verify and use the data.
  • Terna: Respondents provide data through an online web application Gstat developed specifically for the electricity data survey. The application is progressively and internally developed, updated and tested. It includes a set of controls to minimise recording errors, both “hard” and “soft”. Automatic controls are combined with manual checks performed by internal operators. Massive checks are made regularly to compare our data with other sources. The questionnaire is self-administered. Data acquired from external sources are in turn entered into the web application and checked like all other data.
18.4. Data validation

See table under 18.4.1.

18.4.1. Data validation – national data collections
Name of the national data collection Operations performed to this collection in order to improve data quality (e.g. checks between monthly, quarterly and annual, verification of time series, investigation of outliers…)
Data collection on renewable energy in heating sector - direct use and of derived heat (GSE-00001) Comparison with other sources of information; Checks on internal consistency between variables; Comparison with the data of the previous year; Checks between different Annual Questionnaire.
Developing and managing a national system for the statistical monitoring of the development of renewable sources in Italy (SIMERI) (GSE-00002) Comparison with other sources of information; Checks on internal consistency between variables; Comparison with the data of the previous year; Checks between different Annual Questionnaire.
District Heating and District Cooling Network in Italy (GSE-00006) Comparison with other sources of information; Checks on internal consistency between variables; Comparison with the data of the previous year.
Energy consumption (biofuels, fossil fuels) in Transport Sector in Italy (GSE-00003 e GSE-00007) Comparison with the data of the previous year; automatic checks on consistency.
Annual statistics of electricity production and consumption in Italy (TER-00001) The quality of this survey is very high because:

• it’s census survey with a total response rate

• it’s monitored step by step

• checks between data are performed at various levels (coherence)

• checks are made with other sources of information

This quality has also been observed by ex-post analysis of results.

Annual Statistics of heat production and consumption in CHP plants in Italy (TER-00007) The quality of this survey is very high because:

• it’s census survey with a total response rate

• it’s monitored step by step

• checks between data are performed at various levels (coherence)

• checks are made with other sources of information

This quality has also been observed by ex-post analysis of results.

Import, export and consumption of coal products (MSE 00005) The quality of this survey is very high because:

• it’s census survey with a total response rate

• it’s monitored step by step

• checks between data are performed at various levels (coherence)

This quality has also been observed by ex-post analysis of results.

Questionnaire on natural gas The quality of this survey is very high because:

• it’s census survey with a total response rate

• it’s monitored step by step

• checks between data are performed at various levels (coherence)

This quality has also been observed by ex-post analysis of results.

Import, export and consumption of crude oil products (MSE 00009) The quality of this survey is very high because:

• it’s census survey with a total response rate

• it’s monitored step by step

• checks between data are performed at various levels (coherence)

This quality has also been observed by ex-post analysis of results.

Production of the petrochemical industry (MSE-00014) The quality of this survey is very high because:

• it’s census survey with a total response rate

• it’s monitored step by step

• checks between data are performed at various levels (coherence)

This quality has also been observed by ex-post analysis of results.

18.5. Data compilation

See table under 18.5.2.

18.5.1. Imputation - rate

Not requested for this metadata collection.

18.5.2. Data compilation – data collections
Name of the national data collection Additional techniques used for the compilation of the final data set Details
Data collection on renewable energy in heating sector - direct use and of derived heat (GSE-00001) • Imputing missing/non-response rate
• Estimation techniques
• Cross-checking techniques
• Incorrect data is adjusted or corrected
Not available.
Developing and managing a national system for the statistical monitoring of the development of renewable sources in Italy  (SIMERI) (GSE-00002) • Imputing missing/non-response rate
• Estimation techniques
• Cross-checking techniques
• Incorrect data is adjusted or corrected
Not available.
District Heating and District Cooling Network in Italy (GSE-00006) • Imputing missing/non-response rate
• Estimation techniques
• Cross-checking techniques
• Incorrect data is adjusted or corrected
Not available.
Energy consumption (biofuels, fossil fuels) in Transport Sector in Italy (GSE-00003 e GSE-00007) • Estimation techniques
• Incorrect data is adjusted or corrected
• Conversion factors used at national level
Not available.
Annual statistics of electricity production and consumption in Italy (TER-00001) • Monitoring missing/non-response rate

• Cross-checking techniques

• Incorrect data is adjusted or corrected

The control of the process is:

• Ex-ante – sensitization of the respondents, training of the detectors

• In progress – continuous monitoring of the detection, monitoring performance of the detectors, strategies to reduce non-response rate

• Ex-post – checks and error correction, processing not total responses, processing not partial responses, comparison with other sources, comparison with historical data.

Annual Statistics of heat production and consumption in CHP plants in Italy (TER-00007) • Monitoring missing/non-response rate

• Cross-checking techniques

• Incorrect data is adjusted or corrected

The control of the process is:

• Ex-ante – sensitization of the respondents, training of the detectors

• In progress – continuous monitoring of the detection, monitoring performance of the detectors, strategies to reduce non-response rate

• Ex-post – checks and error correction, processing not total responses, processing not partial responses, comparison with other sources, comparison with historical data.

Import, export and consumption of coal products (MSE 00005) • Cross-checking techniques

• Incorrect data is adjusted or corrected

Not available
Questionnaire on natural gas • Cross-checking techniques

• Incorrect data is adjusted or corrected

Not available
Import, export and consumption of crude oil products (MSE 00009) • Cross-checking techniques

• Incorrect data is adjusted or corrected

Not available
Production of the petrochemical industry (MSE-00014) • Cross-checking techniques

• Incorrect data is adjusted or corrected

Not available
18.6. Adjustment

No adjustments are performed

18.6.1. Seasonal adjustment

No seasonal adjustment

19. Comment Top
Institution Comment
Ministry of Ecological Transition No comment
Terna The starting date of the coverage period is set at 1990 in this quality report because it represents the first year available in the Eurostat database. However, data are available from 1963 onwards in Terna’s statistics office website.
Terna In 2020 Terna’s Statistics office did not have an administrative source; however, at the end of 2021 a public institution (Acquirente Unico) was appointed by Legislative Decree as the source of data on electricity consumption for the Ministry of Ecological Transition. Therefore, in 2022 Acquirente Unico was added Terna’s administrative source in the National Statistical Programme (2020-2022). It has only recently become an administrative source for our ONA. Indeed, procedures and timing for data transmission are yet to be defined.
Terna The monthly electricity questionnaire and the mini questionnaires are not cited in this quality report since they are based on provisional data.
Terna The quantities reported in 18.1 refer to the number of respondents interviewed, i.e., electrical operators.
GSE The mini questionnaires are not included in this quality report since they are based on provisional data.

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