Energy statistics - quantities (nrg_quant)

National Reference Metadata in Single Integrated Metadata Structure (SIMS)

Compiling agency: National Statistics Office of Georgia (GEOSTAT)

Eurostat metadata
Reference metadata
1. Contact
2. Metadata update
3. Statistical presentation
4. Unit of measure
5. Reference Period
6. Institutional Mandate
7. Confidentiality
8. Release policy
9. Frequency of dissemination
10. Accessibility and clarity
11. Quality management
12. Relevance
13. Accuracy
14. Timeliness and punctuality
15. Coherence and comparability
16. Cost and Burden
17. Data revision
18. Statistical processing
19. Comment
Related Metadata
Annexes (including footnotes)

For any question on data and metadata, please contact: Eurostat user support


1. Contact Top
1.1. Contact organisation

National Statistics Office of Georgia (GEOSTAT)

1.2. Contact organisation unit

Business statistics Department

Industry, Construction and Energy Statistiscs division

1.5. Contact mail address

30, Tsotne Dadiani Str., 0180, Tbilisi, Georgia

2. Metadata update Top
2.1. Metadata last certified 09/12/2022
2.2. Metadata last posted 09/12/2022
2.3. Metadata last update 17/11/2022

3. Statistical presentation Top
3.1. Data description

National Metadata about Energy Statistics.


3.1.1. Data description – details and links to EU data collections
Name of the national data collection National body responsible List of variables included in this data collection Link to EU data collections (by frequency, energy product set, sector)

Annual information on natural gas

National Statistics Office of Georgia (GEOSTAT) Supply, import, export, consumption of natural gas.

Annual natural gas statistics

For the sectors below and the following energy products: natural gas

  • Transformation sector
  • Consumption: Energy sector
  • Consumption: Industry
  • Consumption: Transport
  • Consumption: Residential
  • Consumption: Other
  • Production
  • Trade (imports / exports)
  • Stocks
  • Infrastructure
  • Calorific values
Energy consumption in households National Statistics Office of Georgia (GEOSTAT) From the regular quarterly household survey - data of consumption energy forms; According the Directive of the COMMISSION REGULATION (EU) No 431/2014 - Consumption of energy products in households, insulation of dwellings, type of windows, age of dwellings, type of heating and etc.  - once per 5 year



 Annual data on energy consumption in households are given

Source: Georgian National Energy and Water Supply Regulatory Commission (GNERC) (consumption electricity and natural gas)

  Publication on energy consumption in households according the Directive of the COMMISSION REGULATION (EU) No 431/2014 are




Annual information on oil products

National Statistics Office of Georgia (GEOSTAT) Supply, Import, export, Consumption of oil products

Annual oil and petroleum products statistics
For the sectors below with some of the following energy products: crude oil, lubricants, other oil products, kerosene-type jet fuel, LPG, gas/diesel oil, fuel oil, motor gasoline

  • Transformation sector/refinery
  • Consumption: Energy sector
  • Consumption: Industry
  • Consumption: Residential
  • Consumption: Other 
  • Production
  • Trade (imports / exports)
  • Stocks 
  • Infrastructure
  • Calorific values

Annual information on coal

National Statistics Office of Georgia (GEOSTAT) Supply, Import, export, Consumption of coal products 

Annual solid fuels statistics
For the sectors below with some of the following energy products: other bituminous coal, sub-bituminous coal, anthracite, lignite, coke oven coke, 

  • Transformation sector
  • Consumption: Energy sector
  • Consumption: Industry
  • Consumption: Transport  
  • Consumption: Residential
  • Consumption: Other 
  • Production
  • Trade (imports / exports)
  • Stocks
  • Infrastructure
  • Calorific values

Annual information on electricity

National Statistics Office of Georgia (GEOSTAT) Supply, Import, export, Consumption of electricity

Annual electricity and heat statistics
For the sectors below with some of the following energy products: hydro, combustible fuels, solar, wind

  • Production
  • Consumption: Energy sector
  • Consumption: Industry
  • Consumption: Transport
  • Consumption: Residential
  • Consumption: Other
  • Transformation sector
  • Trade (imports / exports)
  • Infrastructure
  • Calorific values

Annual information on renewable energy

National Statistics Office of Georgia (GEOSTAT) Supply, export and consumption of biofuel and waste, hydro, wind, solar

Annual renewables and wastes statistics
For the sectors below with some of the following energy products: hydro power, wind power, geothermal, solar thermal, solid biofuels, liquid biofuels

  • Production
  • Consumption: Energy sector
  • Consumption: Industry
  • Consumption: Transport
  • Consumption: Residential
  • Consumption: Other
  • Transformation sector
  • Trade (imports / exports)
  • Stocks
  • Infrastructure
  • Calorific values

Monthly information on electricity

National Statistics Office of Georgia (GEOSTAT) Production, import, export and total consumption of electricity

Monthly electricity and heat statistics
For the sectors below with some of the following energy products: hydro power, wind power, conventional thermal

  • Generation
  • Consumption in public power thermal stations
  • Nuclear heat production
  • Trade (imports / exports)
  • Fuel stocks in public power thermal stations

Monthly information on coal

National Statistics Office of Georgia (GEOSTAT) Production, import, export, stock changes and domestic supply

Monthly solid fuels statistics
For the sectors below with some of the following energy products: hard coal, lignite, coke

  • Deliveries
  • Production
  • Trade (imports / exports)
  • Stocks

Monthly information on natural gas

National Statistics Office of Georgia (GEOSTAT) Production, import, gross Inland Deliveries  (of which:  Electricity and Heat Generation)

Monthly natural gas statistics
For the sectors below with some of the following energy products: natural gas

  • Deliveries to power generation

Monthly information on oil

National Statistics Office of Georgia (GEOSTAT) Production, import, Export, stock changes and Gross Inland Deliveries.

Monthly oil statistics
For the sectors below with some of the following energy products: crude oil, other oil products, LPG, naphtha, motor gasoline, kerosene-type jet fuel, other keros., gas/diesel oil, fuel oil

  • Refinery output
  • Direct use
  • Refineries (backflows and products transferred)
  • Trade (imports / exports)
  • Stocks

Delivered to Eurostat MOS OIL  Montly Oil Questionaire

3.2. Classification system

See table under 3.2.1.

3.2.1. Classification system – industry sector, products and geographical
Name of the national data collection  Industry sector Products Geographical
Annual information on natural gas NACE rev. 2 (EU classification of economic activities)

Classification in Regulation (EC) 1099/2008 on energy statistics

NUTS (Nomenclature of territorial units for statistics)
Energy consumption in households

 Annual data on energy consumption in households are given

Source: Georgian National Energy and Water Supply Regulatory Commission (GNERC) (consumption electricity and natural gas)
According the Directive of the COMMISSION REGULATION (EU) No 431/2014 - Consumption of energy products in households, once per 5 year

Classification in Regulation (EC) 1099/2008 on energy statistics

NUTS (Nomenclature of territorial units for statistics)
Annual information on oil products NACE rev. 2 (EU classification of economic activities)

Classification in Regulation (EC) 1099/2008 on energy statistics

NUTS (Nomenclature of territorial units for statistics)
Annual information on coal NACE rev. 2 (EU classification of economic activities)

Classification in Regulation (EC) 1099/2008 on energy statistics

NUTS (Nomenclature of territorial units for statistics)
Annual information on electricity NACE rev. 2 (EU classification of economic activities)

Classification in Regulation (EC) 1099/2008 on energy statistics

NUTS (Nomenclature of territorial units for statistics)
Annual information on renewable energy NACE rev. 2 (EU classification of economic activities)

Classification in Regulation (EC) 1099/2008 on energy statistics

NUTS (Nomenclature of territorial units for statistics)
Monthly information on electricity Not available

Not available

Not available
Monthly information on coal NACE rev. 2 (EU classification of economic activities) Classification in Regulation (EC) 1099/2008 on energy statistics Not available
Monthly information on natural gas Not available Not available Not available
Monthly information on oil Not available Not available Not available
3.3. Coverage - sector

Energy statistics data covers all major sectors of the economy that are involved in the production, trade, energy transformation or energy consumption.

3.4. Statistical concepts and definitions

Definitions of Regulation (EC) No 1099/2008 on energy statistics apply.

3.5. Statistical unit

See table under 3.5.1.

3.5.1. Statistical unit – Data collections
Name of the national data collection Reporting unit
Annual information on natural gas
Enterprises and administrative source
Energy consumption in households Household survey and administrative sourse
Annual information on oil products
Enterprises and administrative source
Annual information on coal
Enterprises and administrative source
Annual information on electricity
Enterprises and administrative source
Annual information on renewable energy The data comes from different sources of which survey of enterprises, survey of households and administrative sources.
Monthly information on electricity Electricity provider organization
Monthly information on coal
Enterprises and administrative source
Monthly information on natural gas Georgian National Energy and Water Supply Regulatory Commission (GNERC)
Monthly information on oil The enterprise and adminidtrative sourse
3.6. Statistical population

Enterprises who produce and consume energy; institutions, organisations and households who consume energy; enterprises authorised to sell electricity


List of economically active units generated from the Business Register for Statistical Purposes

3.7. Reference area

The controlled area of Georgia.


3.8. Coverage - Time

See table under 3.8.1.

3.8.1. Coverage time – Data collections
Name of the national data collection Coverage time
Annual information on natural gas  2013
Energy consumption in households  2013
Annual information on oil products  2013
Annual information on coal  2013
Annual information on electricity  2013
Annual information on renewable energy  2013
Monthly information on electricity  2018
Monthly information on coal  2018
Monthly information on natural gas  2018
Monthly information on oil  2018
Monthly JODI OIL and JODI GAS  2013
3.9. Base period

Not applicable.

4. Unit of measure Top

See table under 4.1.

4.1. Unit of measure – data collections
Name of the national data collection Unit of measurement
Annual information on natural gas
  • m
Energy consumption in households
  • ktonnes
  • kW, MW, GW
Annual information on oil products
  • ktonnes
Annual information on coal
  • ktonnes
Annual information on electricity
  • kW, MW, GW
Annual information on renewable energy
  • ktonnes
  • m3
  • kW, MW, GW
Monthly information on electricity
  • kW, MW, GW
  • MWh, GWh, TWh
Monthly information on coal
  • ktonnes
Monthly information on natural gas
  • m3
  • MJ, GJ, TJ
Monthly information on oil
  • ktonnes

5. Reference Period Top

See table under 5.1

5.1. Reference period – data collections
Name of the national data collection Reference period
Annual information on natural gas  1 year
Energy consumption in households  1 year
Annual information on oil products  1 year
Annual information on coal  1 year
Annual information on electricity  1 year
Annual information on renewable energy  1 year
Monthly information on electricity  1 month
Monthly information on coal  1 month 
Monthly information on natural gas  1 month
Monthly information on oil  1 month

6. Institutional Mandate Top
6.1. Institutional Mandate - legal acts and other agreements


Law of Georgia on Official Statistics

Regulation (EC) No 1099/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 October 2008 on energy statistics

Commission Regulation (EU) No 431/2014 of 24 April 2014 amending Regulation (EC) No 1099/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council on energy statistics, as regards the implementation of annual statistics on energy consumption in households

6.1.1. National legal acts and other agreements
Name of the national data collection National legal framework Reference of national legal text
Annual information on natural gas

Mandatory (included in a national legal act)

Law of Georgia on Official Statistics

Energy consumption in households

Mandatory (included in a national legal act) Law of Georgia on Official Statistics

Annual information on oil products

Mandatory (included in a national legal act)  Law of Georgia on Official Statistics

Annual information on coal

Mandatory (included in a national legal act)  Law of Georgia on Official Statistics

Annual information on electricity

Mandatory (included in a national legal act)  Law of Georgia on Official Statistics

Annual information on renewable energy

Mandatory (included in a national legal act)  Law of Georgia on Official Statistics

Monthly information on electricity

Mandatory (included in a national legal act) Law of Georgia on Official Statistics

Monthly information on coal

Mandatory (included in a national legal act) Law of Georgia on Official Statistics
Monthly information on natural gas

Mandatory (included in a national legal act)

Law of Georgia on Official Statistics

Monthly information on oil

Mandatory (included in a national legal act) Law of Georgia on Official Statistics
6.2. Institutional Mandate - data sharing

See table under 6.2.1.

6.2.1. Institutional mandate – data sharing – national data collections
Name of the national data collection

Situation, if more than 1 body is involved in this data collection

Degree of integration of this data collection among different National bodies
Annual information on natural gas

Not applicable.

Not applicable.

Energy consumption in households

Not applicable. Not applicable.

Annual information on oil products

Not applicable. Not applicable.

Annual information on coal

Not applicable. Not applicable.

Annual information on electricity

Not applicable. Not applicable.

Annual information on renewable energy

Not applicable. Not applicable.

Monthly information on electricity

Not applicable. Not applicable.

Monthly information on coal

Not applicable. Not applicable.
Monthly information on natural gas

Not applicable.

Not applicable.

Monthly information on oil

Not applicable. Not applicable.

7. Confidentiality Top

Annex_Confidentiality in EU data collections
7.1. Confidentiality - policy

Regulation (EC) No 223/2009 on European statistics (recitals 23-27, 31-32 and Articles 20-26) applies.

The Law of Georgia on Official Statistics:

  • According to the article 4 of the law individual data collected by statistical agencies for statistical compilation, whether they refer to natural or legal persons, are to be strictly confidential and used exclusively for statistical purposes.
  • According to the article 28 (Observing Confidentiality of Statistical Data) of the law 1. The data collected for the purpose of producing official statistics shall be confidential if it allows for identification of observation unit or r it is possible to identify such data through it. 2. The confidential statistical data shall not be issued or disseminated or used 4 Concept Name Representation for a non-statistical purpose but for the exceptions envisaged by the Georgian legislation. 3. When producing the official statistics, it is obligatory to destroy or store separately the identity data including the questionnaires containing such data and used for statistical surveys according to the rules defined in the Georgian legislation

  • Data Confidentiality Policy at Geostat
  • Public Use Microdata Dissemination Policy at Geostat
  • The Law of Georgia on Personal Data Protection
7.2. Confidentiality - data treatment
  • Confidentiality guidelines.
  • Written undertakings by an employees of Geostat on ensuring confidentiality of gained/collected data as a result of official duties.


7.2.1. Confidentiality – EU data collections



Crude oil imports register – Short term monthly statistics


Oil and petroleum products – Short term monthly statistics


Natural gas - short term monthly statistics


Solid fuels - monthly statistics


Electricity - monthly statistics


Oil and petroleum products - monthly statistics


Natural gas - monthly statistics


Nuclear - annual statistics


Electricity and heat - annual statistics


Natural gas - annual statistics


Oil and petroleum products - annual statistics


Renewables and wastes - annual statistics


Solid fossil fuels and manufactured gases - annual statistics


Short Assessment of Renewable Energy Sources (SHARES)


Households - detailed annual statistics on final energy consumption


8. Release policy Top
8.1. Release calendar

Release calendar is available

8.2. Release calendar access

8.3. Release policy - user access

All users have been granted equal access to official statistics: dissemination dates of official statistics are announced in advance and no user category (incl. Eurostat, state authorities and mass media) is provided access to official statistics before other users. Official statistics are first published in the statistical database. If there is also a news release, it is published simultaneously with data in the statistical database. Official statistics are available on the website at 11:00 a.m. on the date announced in the release calendar.

9. Frequency of dissemination Top

See table under 9.1.

9.1. Frequency of dissemination – national data collections
Name of the national data collection Frequency of dissemination
Annual information on natural gas  Annual
Energy consumption in households  Annual
Annual information on oil products  Annual
Annual information on coal  Annual
Annual information on electricity  Annual
Annual information on renewable energy  Annual
Monthly information on electricity  Monthly
Monthly information on coal  Monthly
Monthly information on natural gas  Monthly
Monthly information on oil  Monthly

10. Accessibility and clarity Top
10.1. Dissemination format - News release

News release is attached to the results of the survey:

10.2. Dissemination format - Publications

The Energy balance sheets publication is available

10.3. Dissemination format - online database

The Energy Balance sheets excel format is available:

10.3.1. Data tables - consultations

Not requested for this metadata collection

10.4. Dissemination format - microdata access



10.5. Dissemination format - other

Not available

10.5.1. Metadata - consultations

Not requested for this metadata collection

10.6. Documentation on methodology

Annual information on natural gas

Links to quality and methodology documentation (reference material on methods and questionnaires used)

The main basis of the energy balance indicators is the Energy Statistics Manual.

Link to national metadata

Regulation (EC) No 1099/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 October 2008 on energy statistics

Energy consumption in households

Links to quality and methodology documentation (reference material on methods and questionnaires used)

Link to national metadata

At this stage metadata on energy statistics for the household sector are not separately described. General indicators are given in the metadata of energy balance.

Annual information on oil products

Links to quality and methodology documentation (reference material on methods and questionnaires used)

The main basis of the energy balance indicators is the Energy Statistics Manual. English version is not available yet.

Link to national metadata

Regulation (EC) No 1099/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 October 2008 on energy statistics

Annual information on coal

Links to quality and methodology documentation (reference material on methods and questionnaires used)

The main basis of the energy balance indicators is the Energy Statistics Manual.

Link to national metadata

Regulation (EC) No 1099/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 October 2008 on energy statistics

Annual information on electricity

Links to quality and methodology documentation (reference material on methods and questionnaires used)

The main basis of the energy balance indicators is the Energy Statistics Manual.

Link to national metadata

Annual information on renewable energy

Links to quality and methodology documentation (reference material on methods and questionnaires used)

The main basis of the energy balance indicators is the Energy Statistics Manual.

Link to national metadata

Monthly information on electricity

Links to quality and methodology documentation (reference material on methods and questionnaires used)

The main basis of the energy balance indicators is the Energy Statistics Manual.

Link to national metadata

Regulation (EC) No 1099/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 October 2008 on energy statistics

Monthly information on coal

Links to quality and methodology documentation (reference material on methods and questionnaires used)

The main basis of the energy balance indicators is the Energy Statistics Manual.

Link to national metadata

Regulation (EC) No 1099/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 October 2008 on energy statistics

Monthly information on natural gas

Links to quality and methodology documentation (reference material on methods and questionnaires used)

The main basis of the energy balance indicators is the Energy Statistics Manual.

Link to national metadata

Monthly information on oil

Links to quality and methodology documentation (reference material on methods and questionnaires used)

The main basis of the energy balance indicators is the Energy Statistics Manual.

Link to national metadata

Regulation (EC) No 1099/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 October 2008 on energy statistics


10.6.1. Metadata completeness - rate

Not requested for this metadata collection

10.7. Quality management - documentation

Not available

11. Quality management Top
11.1. Quality assurance

To assure the quality of processes and products, Geostat regularly determinesthe strengths and weaknesses of statistics production, evaluates the existing risks and development opportunities. Quality policy is an integral part of Geostat’s development strategy and provides compliance with the requirements of the UN Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics and the European Statistics Code of Practice.

Methodology and Quality Management Division of Geostat, along with the sectoral departments, is responsible for the quality of the produced statistical products and processes. The Division carries out quality audit of statistical processes and assesses the risks associated with production of statistical data. Geostat has developed policy documents, guidelines and standard routine descriptions. These documents ensure the standardization of statistical processes and products and the establishment of a unified quality assurance system.

11.2. Quality management - assessment

Methodology and Quality Management Division of Geostat, along with the sectoral departments, is responsible for the quality of the produced statistical products and processes. The Division carries out quality audit of statistical processes and assesses the risks associated with production of statistical data. Geostat has developed policy documents, guidelines and standard routine descriptions. These documents ensure the standardization of statistical processes and products and the establishment of a unified quality assurance system.

11.2.1. Quality assessment – data collections
Name of the national data collection Most important quality problem of this data collection Measures taken in the last 5 years to improve quality of the data collection
Annual information on natural gas

Energy data are subject to several validation checks, among which the time series checks, the consistency & completeness checks, plausibility checks, energy transformation efficiency checks and other checks. 

Improved quality of information on consumption for non-energy purposes
Energy consumption in households

Not available.

Source of consumption electricity and natural gas is Georgian National Energy and Water Supply Regulatory Commission (GNERC)

Annual information on oil products

Energy data are subject to several validation checks, among which the time series checks, the consistency & completeness checks, plausibility checks, energy transformation efficiency checks and other checks.

Collection of information on stocks of oil and oil products.

Data of Import and export is administrative sourse

Information about stocks of oil petroleum products are obtaned from importing companies

Annual information on coal

Energy data are subject to several validation checks, among which the time series checks, the consistency & completeness checks, plausibility checks, energy transformation efficiency checks and other checks.

Data of Import and export is administrative sourse

Improved quality of data consumption of coal

Annual information on electricity

Energy data are subject to several validation checks, among which the time series checks, the consistency & completeness checks, plausibility checks, energy transformation efficiency checks and other checks. Administrative data are used in selected indicators; Cooperation with enterprises has improved

Annual information on renewable energy

Energy data are subject to several validation checks, among which the time series checks, the consistency & completeness checks, plausibility checks, energy transformation efficiency checks and other checks. Administrative data are used;  Data  consumption of biofuel is mainly obtained from households. 
Assessing data quality is relatively difficult

Monthly information on electricity

Administrative sourse Administrative data are used 

Monthly information on coal

No significant problem
Improving the quality information of stock coal through cooperation with the enterprise
Monthly information on natural gas Administrative sourse

Administrative sourse

Monthly information on oil Collection of information on stocks of oil and oil products

Information about stocks of oil petroleum products are obtaned from produsers and importing companies

12. Relevance Top
12.1. Relevance - User Needs

The main users of the data are representatives of the Ministries and Business sector, NGOs, International Organisations, (Eurostat, International Energy Agency, Secretariat of Energy Union, United Nations Statistical Division), Governmental Organisations, Experts, Media, Students and other users. They need these data to carry out different types of statistical analysis, to plan a marketing strategy, or to study and evaluate the economic tendencies.

12.2. Relevance - User Satisfaction

In October 2019, user satisfaction survey was conducted, the target of the survey was to analyze the assessment of quality of statistical data by users and explore ways to improve user services. The survey report is available on the website of Geostat (in Georgian):

12.3. Completeness

The statistics are in compliance with the volumes and deadlines of Regulation (EC) No 1099/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 October 2008.


12.3.1. Data completeness - rate

See table under Data completeness - rate – EU data collections




Crude oil imports register – Short term monthly statistics



Oil and petroleum products – Short term monthly statistics



Natural gas - short term monthly statistics



Solid fuels - monthly statistics



Electricity - monthly statistics



Oil and petroleum products - monthly statistics



Natural gas - monthly statistics



Nuclear - annual statistics



Electricity and heat - annual statistics



Natural gas - annual statistics



Oil and petroleum products - annual statistics



Renewables and wastes - annual statistics



Solid fossil fuels and manufactured gases - annual statistics



SHort Assessment of Renewable Energy Sources (SHARES)



Households - detailed annual statistics on final energy consumption



13. Accuracy Top

Accuracy indicators
13.1. Accuracy - overall

The type of survey and the data collection methods ensure sufficient coverage and timeliness

13.1.1. Accuracy – most common errors for specific data collections
Name of the national data collection Most common errors for this collection
Annual information on natural gas
  • Measurement errors
Energy consumption in households
  • Measurement errors
  • Processing errors
Annual information on oil products
  • Measurement errors
  • Processing errors


Annual information on coal
  • Measurement errors
Annual information on electricity
  • Measurement errors
  • Processing errors
Annual information on renewable energy
  • Measurement errors
Monthly information on electricity

Administrative data, accordingly, the data is accurate

Monthly information on coal

No significant errors
Monthly information on natural gas

Administrative data, accordingly, the data is accurate

Monthly information on oil

Processing errors

13.2. Sampling error

The error due to probability sampling is estimated for more important indicators.

13.2.1. Sampling error - indicators

Not requested for this metadata collection

13.3. Non-sampling error

Informations is included in the sub-concepts 13.3.1. - 13.3.5.

13.3.1. Coverage error


 Not measured. Over-coverage - rate

Not applicable Common units - proportion

Not applicable

13.3.2. Measurement error

Not applicable

13.3.3. Non response error

In order to minimize sampling error, data is compared with administrative sources. Unit non-response - rate

 In order to minimize sampling error, data is compared with administrative sources. Item non-response - rate

Not available

13.3.4. Processing error

Procedural errors are revealed in primary documents.

13.3.5. Model assumption error

Not available.

14. Timeliness and punctuality Top
14.1. Timeliness

 See table under 14.1.3.

14.1.1. Time lag - first result

Annual energy statistics is should transmitted from reporting countries to Eurostat 11 months after the end of the reference year as stipulated in Annex B of Regulation (EC) No 1099/2008 on energy statistics.

Annual energy statistics  are published on the vebsite Geostat in the middle of December of the following year of the reference year.


14.1.2. Time lag - final result

Annual energy statistics is should transmitted from reporting countries to Eurostat 11 months after the end of the reference year as stipulated in Annex B of Regulation (EC) No 1099/2008 on energy statistics.

Annual energy statistics  are published on the vebsite Geostat in the middle of December of the following year of the reference year.


14.1.3. Timeliness – deadlines for data transmission for each national data collection
Name of the national data collection Deadline for data transmission
Annual information on natural gas 1 year after the end of the reference period
Energy consumption in households 1 year after the end of the reference period
Annual information on oil products 1 year after the end of the reference period
Annual information on coal 1 year after the end of the reference period
Annual information on electricity 1 year after the end of the reference period
Annual information on renewable energy 1 year after the end of the reference period
Monthly information on electricity 3 months after the end of the reference period
Monthly information on coal 3 months after the end of the reference period
Monthly information on natural gas 3 months after the end of the reference period
Monthly information on oil 3 months after the end of the reference period
14.2. Punctuality

The data is published according to the date specified in the statistical work program. There has not been any violation of publication dates.

14.2.1. Punctuality - delivery and publication

The data is published according to the date specified in the statistical work program. There has not been any violation of publication dates.

The data have been published at the time announced in the release calendar.

15. Coherence and comparability Top
15.1. Comparability - geographical

For all regions of Georgia have been used the same methodology and approaches that corresponds to the international methodology.

15.1.1. Asymmetry for mirror flow statistics - coefficient

For all regions of Georgia have been used the same methodology and approaches that corresponds to the international methodology.

15.2. Comparability - over time

The time series are comparable to each other.

15.2.1. Length of comparable time series

The time series are comparable to each other.

15.3. Coherence - cross domain

Datasets, which are created on the basis of the energy statistics regulation, are coherent at enterprises' economic activity level with  the statistical business register.

15.3.1. Coherence - sub annual and annual statistics

The data is coherent.

15.3.2. Coherence - National Accounts

The data is coherent.

15.4. Coherence - internal

The data is coherent.

16. Cost and Burden Top

The budget of energy resources consumption survey is 31 500 GEL

17. Data revision Top
17.1. Data revision - policy

Statistical data revision policy is available on the website of Geostat:

17.2. Data revision - practice

The published data may be revised if the methodology is modified.

17.2.1. Data revision - average size

The published data may be revised if the methodology is modified.

18. Statistical processing Top
18.1. Source data


Due to formation of Energy balance the study is carried out in two directions: surveys of the energy sector and final consumption sector. Energy resources producers, suppliers, distributors and trader companies are surveyed at full coverage in
the energy sector. The final consumption sector includes survey of all institutional sectors – non-financial corporations,
financial corporations, non-profit institutions serving households, households and public administrations. Non-financial corporations (agriculture, industry, constructions and transport sector enterprises) and households are surveyed annually. 

While data from other sectors (service sector) is formed by assessment method. Commercial and public services, financial corporations, non-profit institutions serving households are researched once in 5 years.

Administrative data



18.1.1. Source data – data collections
Name of the national data collection Main data collection method Target population Population frame Sample size
Annual information on natural gas Sample frame based Business Register database and administrative data (GNERC) 129000 15600 6500
Energy consumption in households Household survey 1100000 1100000 4320
Annual information on oil products Use of administrative data - Customs data and sample frame based Business Register database  129000 15600 6500
Annual information on coal

Use of administrative data - Customs data and sample frame based Business Register database

129000 15600 6500
Annual information on electricity Data is submitted by ELECTRICITY MARKET OPERATOR (ESCO); Georgian State Electrosystem (GSE); Georgian National Energy and Water Supply Regulatory Commission (GNERC) and  sample frame based Business Register database 129000 15600 6500
Annual information on renewable energy Customs data and sample frame based Business Register database 129000 15600 6500
Monthly information on electricity Use of administrative data - The data is submitted by Electricity Market Operator (ESCO); Georgian State Electricity (GSE) Administrative sourse Administrative sourse Administrative sourse
Monthly information on coal Use of administrative data - Information on coal products is derived from the Customs Department of Revenue service of Georgia and Business Register database Administrative sourse; producers, importers/exporters and consumers coal. Administrative sourse; producers, importers/exporters and consumers coal. Administrative sourse; producers, importers/exporters and consumers coal.
Monthly information on natural gas Use of administrative data - Georgian National Energy and Water Supply Regulatory Commission (GNERC) Administrative sourse Administrative sourse Administrative sourse
Monthly information on oil Use of administrative data - Information on oil products is derived from the Customs Department of Revenue service of Georgia and Business Register database Administrative sourse; producers, importers/exporters of petroleum oul products. Administrative sourse; producers, importers/exporters of petroleum oul products. Administrative sourse; producers, importers/exporters of petroleum oul products.
18.2. Frequency of data collection

See table under 18.2.1.

18.2.1. Frequency of data collection – national data collections
Name of the national data collection Frequency of transmission
Annual information on natural gas  Once per year
Energy consumption in households  Once per year
Annual information on oil products  Once per year
Annual information on coal  Once per year
Annual information on electricity  Once per year
Annual information on renewable energy  Once per year
Monthly information on electricity  Once per month
Monthly information on coal  Once per month
Monthly information on natural gas  Once per month
Monthly information on oil  Once per month
18.3. Data collection


 In most cases (about 90%) is used online questionnaire. In order to form energy balance is used customs declaration of the Revenue Service of the Ministry of Finance of Georgia and various administrative sources. In particular cases are made an expert assessment.

 The questionnaires and information about data submission are available on the website of GEOSTAT in the section methodology-  questionnaires - business statistics



18.4. Data validation

See table under 18.4.1.

18.4.1. Data validation – national data collections
Name of the national data collection Operations performed to this collection in order to improve data quality (e.g. checks between monthly, quarterly and annual, verification of time series, investigation of outliers…)
Annual information on natural gas
  • Before deadline the collected data is checked and corrected if it is necessary
  • Primarily data validation is carried out by software, based on the arithmetic control in the database. Secondary control is carried out by appropriate staff of business statistics department.
Energy consumption in households
  • Before deadline the collected data is checked and corrected if it is necessary
  • Primarily data validation is carried out by software, based on the arithmetic control in the database. Secondary control is carried out by appropriate staff of business statistics department.
Annual information on oil products
  • Before deadline the collected data is checked and corrected if it is necessary
  • Primarily data validation is carried out by software, based on the arithmetic control in the database. Secondary control is carried out by appropriate staff of business statistics department.
Annual information on coal
  • Before deadline the collected data is checked and corrected if it is necessary
  • Primarily data validation is carried out by software, based on the arithmetic control in the database. Secondary control is carried out by appropriate staff of business statistics department.


Annual information on electricity
  • Before deadline the collected data is checked and corrected if it is necessary
  • Primarily data validation is carried out by software, based on the arithmetic control in the database. Secondary control is carried out by appropriate staff of business statistics department.


Annual information on renewable energy
  • Before deadline the collected data is checked and corrected if it is necessary
  • Primarily data validation is carried out by software, based on the arithmetic control in the database. Secondary control is carried out by appropriate staff of business statistics department.


Monthly information on electricity

      Administrative data

Monthly information on coal

      Before deadline the collected data is checked and corrected if it is necessary

Monthly information on natural gas

     Administrative data

Monthly information on oil

     Before deadline the collected data is checked and corrected if it is necessary

18.5. Data compilation

See table under 18.5.2.

18.5.1. Imputation - rate

Sampling of enterprises is based on the random stratified sampling. Data is weighted annually. Data acquired from the study are multiplied by weight they are given and then summarized in compliance with the requirements of the business statistics methodology.

18.5.2. Data compilation – data collections
Name of the national data collection Additional techniques used for the compilation of the final data set Details
Annual information on natural gas
  • Imputing missing/non-response values
  • Cross-checking techniques
The main source for data collection comes from the Enterprise Surveys and Administrative  sources - Georgian National Energy and Water Supply Regulatory Commission (GNERC). The surveys of industrial, construction, agricultural and transport companies are conducted annually. The sample size of enterprises is 6500 units. Energy consumption data collection by Non-financial corporations: Service Sector, Financial corporations, Non -profit institutions, Public administration are conducted once in 5 years. The sample size of enterprises, including the service sector, is set at 15,600 units.
Energy consumption in households
  • Imputing missing/non-response values
  • Cross-checking techniques
  • Estimation techniques
The data is based on the Survey of Energy Consumption in Households. The regular quarterly household survey conducted by Geostat is used to collect relevant information. The questionnaire has a special appendix on energy consumption. The household survey uses a two-stage stratified random sampling method; sample size in 2013-2017 amounted to about 3400 units; 2018-2019 - 4320 units. After the survey, the data are weighted and the results are distributed across the sample of households. According the Directive of the COMMISSION REGULATION (EU) No 431/2014, the National Statistics office of Georgia conducted statistical survey on consumption of energy forms in the household sector in 2017. The results are published on the Geostat website: Statistical survey was conducted with financial support of the Energy Community Secretariat. It is planned to conduct survey once per 5 year. Between this time it is planed to make estimations. The population frame comes from 2014 census of Georgia.
Annual information on oil products
  • Imputing missing/non-response values
  • Cross-checking techniques
The Main sources of data collection are the Enterprise Surveys and Administrative sources - Customs data. The surveys of industrial, construction, agricultural and transport companies are conducted annually. The sample size of enterprises is 6500 units. Energy consumption data collection by Non-financial corporations: Service Sector, Financial corporations, Non -profit institutions, public administration are conducted once in 5 years. The sample size of enterprises, including the service sector, is set at 15,600 units.
Annual information on coal
  • Imputing missing/non-response values
  • Cross-checking techniques
Information on coal products is derived from the Customs Department of Revenue service of Georgia. Other information is submitted from the enterprise surveys.
Annual information on electricity
  • Imputing missing/non-response values
  • Cross-checking techniques
The Data about consumption of electricity is submitted from the enterprise surveys and administrative sources.
Annual information on renewable energy
  • Weighting values
  • Imputing missing/non-response values
  • Cross-checking techniques
  • Grossing up the sample
  • Estimation techniques
The data comes from different sources: the enterprise surveys, household surveys and administrative sources.
Monthly information on electricity

Not available

Full coverage
Monthly information on coal

Not available

Monthly data is submitted by enterprises, which mainly use coal products, such as fish processing enterprises, cement manufacturers, metallurgical enterprises; and data submitted by administrative sources.
Monthly information on natural gas

Not available

Full coverage
Monthly information on oil

 Not available

Data on export and import are submitted from custom declaration, and data on production and stocks of the oil and petroleum products are submitted from production, wholesale and retail trader companies.
18.6. Adjustment

Not applicable.

18.6.1. Seasonal adjustment

Not applicable.

19. Comment Top

Related metadata Top

Annexes Top