Energy statistics - quantities (nrg_quant)

National Reference Metadata in Single Integrated Metadata Structure (SIMS)

Compiling agency: National Statistical Institute of Bulgaria

Eurostat metadata
Reference metadata
1. Contact
2. Metadata update
3. Statistical presentation
4. Unit of measure
5. Reference Period
6. Institutional Mandate
7. Confidentiality
8. Release policy
9. Frequency of dissemination
10. Accessibility and clarity
11. Quality management
12. Relevance
13. Accuracy
14. Timeliness and punctuality
15. Coherence and comparability
16. Cost and Burden
17. Data revision
18. Statistical processing
19. Comment
Related Metadata
Annexes (including footnotes)

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1. Contact Top
1.1. Contact organisation

National Statistical Institute of Bulgaria

1.2. Contact organisation unit

Environmental and Energy Accounts Department

1.5. Contact mail address

2, P. Volov Str.; 1038 Sofia, Bulgaria

2. Metadata update Top
2.1. Metadata last certified 12/10/2022
2.2. Metadata last posted 12/10/2022
2.3. Metadata last update 26/07/2022

3. Statistical presentation Top
3.1. Data description

Annual energy data on quantities for Crude oil and Petroleum products, Natural gas and Manufactured gases, Electricity and Derived heat, Solid fossil fuels, Renewables and Wastes cover the full spectrum of the energy sector from supply through transformation to final consumption by sector and fuel type, as well as annual imports and exports data of various energy carriers by country of origin and destination, and infrastructure information.

Data on annual statistics are collected according to Annex B of the Regulation (EC) No 1099/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 October 2008 on energy statistics.


Monthly energy data collections cover the most important energy commodities: Crude oil and Petroleum products, Solid fuels, Natural gas and Electricity. 

Data on monthly statistics are collected according to Annex C of the Regulation (EC) No 1099/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 October 2008 on energy statistics.

3.1.1. Data description – details and links to EU data collections
Name of the national data collection National body responsible List of variables included in this data collection Link to EU data collections (by frequency, energy product set, sector)
Monthly Solid Fuels Questionnaire National Statistical Institute of Bulgaria 

The main variables are:

1. Production

2. Recovered products

3. Imports/Entries

4. Exports/Exits

5. Deliveries:

  • Producers’ own use
  • Main activity producers
  • Coking plants
  • Total industry
  • of which Iron and steel industry
  • Others (services, households, etc.)

6. Opening stock levels

7. Closing stock levels

8. Calorific value (for Production, Imports and Exports)

Annual solid fuels statistics
For the sectors below and the energy product Lignite;

  • Production by type (underground or surface)


Monthly solid fuels statistics
For the sectors below and the following energy products: Hard coal; Brown coal (Lignite); Coke oven coke; Oil shale; 

  • Production
  • Trade (Imports/Exports)
  • Stocks
  • Deliveries
Crude oil imports register National Statistical Institute of Bulgaria 

Variables (table 1)

1. Imports by country/Crude oil type

2. Number of reporting entities

3. Average API gravity

4. Average Sulphur content

5. Total volume imported (1000 bbls)

6. Total price (1000 $)


Variables (table 2)

1. Total imports (1000 barrels and 1000 tonnes)

2. Average CIF price (per barrel and per tonne)

Crude oil imports register

For the sectors below and the energy product Crude oil;

  • Trade (Imports)
  • Supply
Monthly Oil and Petroleum Products Questionnaire National Statistical Institute of Bulgaria

Variables (table 1)
1. Indigenous production
2. Receipts from other sources
3. Backflows from petrochemical industry
4. Products transferred
5. Imports/Entries
6. Taken from imports
7. Exports/Exits
8. Deliveries to Refineries
9. Direct use
10. Opening stock levels (of which: Under customs control and In free trade zone)
11. Closing stock levels (of whish: Under customs control and In free trade zone)
12. Refinery Intake
13. Refinery losses


Variables (table 2)

1. Primary product receipts
2. Refinery gross output
3. Recycled products
4. Refinery fuel
5. Imports/Entries
6. Exports/Exits
7. International marine bunkers
8. Interproduct transfers
9. Products transferred
10. Opening stock levels (of which: Under customs control and In free trade zone)
11. Closing stock levels (of which: Under customs control and In free trade zone)
12. Deliveries of which to:

  • International aviation
  • Main activity producer power plants
  • Use as a motor fuel
  • Petrochemical sector
  • Deliveries of rail and marine diesel
  • Backflows from Petrochemical sector to Refineries


Variables (table 3)

1. Imports/Entries by country


Variables (table 4)
1. Exports/Exits by country


Variables (table 5)

1. International marine bunkers by country

Monthly oil statistics
For the sectors below and the following energy products: Crude oil; Refinery feedstocks; Additives-oxygenates; Other hydrocarbons; Refinery gas; Ethane; LPG; Naphtha; Motor gasoline; Kerosene type jet fuel; Gas/diesel oil; Fuel oil; Petroleum coke; Other petroleum products;

  • Refinery output or production in case of crude oil
  • Direct use
  • Refineries (backflows and products transferred)
  • Trade (Imports/Exports)
  • Stocks


Short-term monthly oil statistics
For the sectors below and the following energy products: Crude oil; LPG; Gasoline; Kerosene; Gas/diesel oil; Fuel oil; All petroleum products;

  • Refinery (intake and output)
  • Production
  • Trade (Imports/Exports)
  • Stocks
  • Demand


Annual oil statistics

For the sector below and the following energy products: Crude oil; Refinery feedstocks; Additives-oxygenates; Other hydrocarbons; Refinery gas; Ethane; LPG; Naphtha; Motor gasoline; Kerosene type jet fuel; Gas/diesel oil; Fuel oil; Petroleum coke; Other oil products;

  • Trade (Exports/International marine bunkers)
Monthly Natural Gas Questionnaire National Statistical Institute of Bulgaria

Variables (table 1)

1. Indigenous production
2. Purchased from producers
3. Imports/Entries
4. Exports/Exits
5. Gross inland deliveries (calculated) - including Own use and losses of the natural gas industry
6. Gross inland deliveries (observed) - including Own use and losses of the natural gas industry
7. Opening and closing levels of stocks held on national territory
8. Opening and closing levels of stocks held abroad
9. Deliveries to power generation
10. Closing stock levels of cushion gas in the gas storage facility
11. Gross Calorific Value
12. Conversion factor from 20°C into 15°C


Variables (table 2)

1. Imports/Entries by country


Variables (table 3)

1. Exports/Exits by country

Annual natural gas statistics
For the sectors below and the energy product Natural gas;

  • Calorific values

Monthly natural gas statistics
For the sectors below and the energy product Natural gas;

  • Deliveries to power generation
  • Production
  • Trade (Imports/Exports)
  • Stocks

Short monthly natural gas statistics

For the sectors below and the energy product Natural gas;

  • Production
  • Trade (Imports/Exports)
  • Stocks


Monthly Electricity Questionnaire National Statistical Institute of Bulgaria

Variables (table 1)

1. Total gross production

2. Net production, total and by type of fuel:

  • Nuclear
  • Conventional thermal (coal, oil, natural gas, renewables)
  • Hydro
  • Wind
  • Solar PV
  • Solar thermal
  • Geothermal

3. Imports by country

4. Exports by country

5. Used for pumped storage

6. Losses

Monthly electricity statistics
For the sectors below and the energy product Electricity;

  • Net production
  • Trade (Imports/Exports)
  • Used for pumped storage
  • Transmission and distribution losses



Questionnaire for electricity and heat production National Statistical Institute of Bulgaria

1. Fuel Inputs
2. Gross and Net Electricity and Heat production

  • by type of unit (Ele, CHP, Heat)
  • by type of producer (Main activity producer and Autoproducer)

3. Electricity Capacity - total and by type of fuels 

Annual solid fuels statistics
For the sectors below and the following energy products: Anthracite; Other bituminous coal; Lignite; Oil shale; BKB;

  • Transformation sector
  • Calorific values

Annual electricity and heat statistics
For the sectors below and the following energy products: Combustible fuels (Anthracite, Bituminous coal, Lignite, BKB, Oil shale, Natural gas, Refinery gas, Fuel oil, Petroleum coke, Gas/Diesel oil, Solid biofuels, Biogasses, Wastes); Electricity; Heat (incl. Heat from chemical processes);

  • Production (Gross and Net)
  • Transformation sector
  • Electrical capacity
  • Calorific values
  • Own uses

Annual natural gas statistics
For the sectors below and the energy product Natural gas;

  • Transformation sector

Annual oil statistics

For the sectors below and the following energy products: Gas oil; Fuel oil; Refinery gas; Petroleum coke;

  • Transformation sector

Annual renewables and wastes statistics
For the sectors below and the following energy products: Solid biofuels; Biogases; Wastes (Municipal waste and Industrial waste); Electricty; Heat;

  • Transformation sector
  • Electrical capacity
  • Calorific values 
  • Gross electricity and Heat production
Balance of Energy Transformation Processes - Oil and Petroleum products National Statistical Institute of Bulgaria

Variables (table 1)
1. Transformation input

  • Calorific value
  • Stocks

2. Own uses of the process

  • Calorific value

3. Fuel consumption for petroleum pipelines

4. Annual refinery capacity


Variables (table 2)

1. Calorific value

2. Primary product receipts

3. Refinery gross output

4. Recycled products

5. Refinery fuel

6. Imports/Entries

7. Exports/Exits

8. International marine bunkers

9. Interproduct transfers

10. Products transferred

11. Opening stocks

12. Closing stocks

13. Deliveries

  • International aviation
  • Domestic aviation
  • Main activity producer power plants
  • Use as motor fuel
  • Petrochemical sector
  • Energy use in petrochenical industry
  • Non-energy use in petrochemical industry
  • Backflows to refineries
  • Distribution losses

Annual natural gas statistics
For the sectors below and the energy product Natural gas;

  • Consumption: Energy sector

Annual oil statistics
For the sectors below and the following energy products: Crude oil; Refinery feedstocks; Additives-oxygenates; Other hydrocarbons; Refinery gas; Ethane; LPG; Naphta; Motor gasoline; Aviation gasoline; Kerosene type jet fuel; Gas/diesel oil; Fuel oil; White spirit and SPB; Lubricants; Bitumen; Paraffin waxes; Petroleum coke; Other petroleum products;

  • Transformation sector/Refinery
  • Production
  • Consumption: Energy sector
  • Calorific values 
Balance of Energy Transformation Processes - Solid fuels National Statistical Institute of Bulgaria

Variables (table 1)

1. Transformation input of: Anthracite, Other bituminous, Lignite

2. Transformation output of: BKB, Dried lignite

3. Own use of Electricity and Heat

4. Calorific value 


Variables (table 2)

1. Production

2. Recoverd products

3. Imports/Entries

4. Exports/Exits

5. Opening stocks

6. Closing stocks

7. Deliveries total and of which:   

  • for own uses
  • for transformation in Electricity and Heat plants
  • for transformation in BKB/Patent fuel plants
  • for Coking plants
  • distribution losses
  • for Industry sector
  • for Residential sector
  • for Agriculture and Forestry sector
  • for Other sectors

Annual solid fuels statistics
For the sectors below and the following energy products: Anthracite; Other bituminous; Lignite; Coke oven coke; BKB; Oil shale;

  • Production 
  • Trade (Imports/Exports)
  • Stocks
  • Consumption: Residential
Statistics on nuclear energy National Statistical Institute of Bulgaria 1. Production of nuclear heat
2. Annual average burnup of definitively discharged irradiated  elements 

Annual nuclear energy statistics
For the sectors below and the energy product Nuclear heat;

  • Production of nuclear heat 
Fuels and energy consumption National Statistical Institute of Bulgaria 1. Opening stock levels
2. Receipts
3. Total consumption
4. Consumption for production and other activities
5. Value of consumption (without VAT)
6. Closing stock levels 

Annual solid fuels statistics
For the sectors below and the following energy products: Anthracite; Other bituminous coal; Lignite; Coke oven Coke; BKB; Oil shale;

  • Consumption: Energy sector
  • Consumption: Industry
  • Consumption: Other (Commercial and public services; Agriculture; Forestry and Fishing);
  • Stocks

Annual electricity and heat statistics

For the sectors below and the following energy products: Electricity and Heat;

  • Consumption: Energy sector
  • Consumption: Industry
  • Consumption: Transport

Annual natural gas statistics
For the sectors below and the energy product Natural gas;

  • Consumption: Energy sector
  • Consumption: Industry
  • Consumption: Transport
  • Consumption: Other (Agriculture; Forestry and Fishing)

Annual oil statistics

For the sectors below and the following energy products: LPG; Motor gasoline; Aviation gasoline; Kerosene type jet fuel; Gas/diesel oil; Fuel oil; White spirit and SPB; Bitumen; Paraffin waxes; Petroleum coke; Other petroleum products;

  • Consumption: Industry
  • Consumption: Transport
  • Consumption: Other (Commercial and public services; Agriculture; Forestry and Fishing);

Annual renewables and wastes statistics
For the sectors below and the following energy products: Solid biofuels; Industrial waste;

  • Consumption: Industry
  • Consumption: Other (Commercial and public services; Agriculture; Forestry and Fishing);
Supply of liquid biofuels National Statistical Institute of Bulgaria

Variables (table 1)

1. Production
2. Imports/Entries
3. Exports/Exits
4. Opening stock levels

5. Closing stock levels
6. Deliveries for blending with transport fuels
7. Liquid biofuels plants capacity
8. Average net calorific value


Variables (table 2)

1. Feedstocks for the production of biofuels and biogas for transport according to ANNEX IX of the DIRECTIVE (EU) 2018/2001


Variables (table 3)

1. Imports by country


Variables (table 4)

2. Exports by country

Annual renewables and wastes statistics

For the sectors below and the energy products: Biogasoline; Biodiesel;

  • Deliveries
  • Production
  • Trade (Imports/Exports)
  • Stocks

Additional data source for sector:

  • Infrastructure  

Annual oil statistics

For the sectors below and the energy products: Biogasoline; Biodiesel;

  • Deliveries
  • Trade (Imports/Exports)
  • Stocks

Short assessment of renewable energy sources (SHARES)

Electricity, heat, natural gas and lubricants, supplied to end-users National Statistical Institute of Bulgaria


1. Deliveries to End-users by NACE class

2. Deliveries to Households

Annual natural gas statistics
For the sectors below and the energy product Natural gas;

  • Consumption: Residential
  • Consumption: Other (Commercial and public services)

Annual electricity and heat statistics

For the sectors below and the following energy products: Electricity and Heat;

  • Consumption: Residential
  • Consumption: Other (Commercial and public services; Agriculture; Forestry and Fishing);


Annual oil statistics

For the sectors below and the energy product Lubricants;

  • Consumption


Short assessment of renewable energy sources (SHARES) National Statistical Institute of Bulgaria

The five annual energy questionnaires are used.

Additional variables surveyed:

1. Compliant and Non-compliant biofuels

2. Heat pumps 

  • Capacity of heat pump installed
  • of which SPF is above the minimum threshold
  • Equivalent full load hours of operation
  • Estimated average SPF
  • The amount of renewable energy supplied

 3. Mixed pumped storage plants

  • Generation without pumping

Short assessment of renewable energy sources (SHARES)

The five annual energy questionnaires provide the basic information needed for the questionnaire.

Additional variables provide information for:

  • Table HEAT PUMPS
  • Table REN


Households - detailed annual statistics on final energy consumption National Statistical Institute of Bulgaria


1. Space heating
2. Space cooling
3. Water heating
4. Cooking
5. Lighting and appliances
6. Other end uses 

Households - detailed annual statistics on final energy consumption

For the sectors below and the following energy products: Electricity; Derived heat; Gas; Solid fossil fuels; Oil and Petroleum products (of which: LPG, Other kerosene, Total gas/diesel oil); Renewables and Wastes (of which: Solar thermal, Solid biofuels excluding Charcoal, Biogases, Ambient heat);

  • Households
  • Calorific values
3.2. Classification system

The classification of the economic activities both in carrying out the surveys and in presenting the results is in accordance to NACE Rev.2.

Classification of energy products (commodities/carriers) - PRODENERGY is consistent with the Regulation (EC) No 1099/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 October 2008 on energy statistics and  UN’s International Recommendations for Energy Statistics.

Classifications are available at NSI’s official web site.

3.2.1. Classification system – industry sector, products and geographical
Name of the national data collection  Industry sector Products Geographical
Monthly Solid Fuels Questionnaire  NACE rev. 2 (EU classification of economic activities)  National classification PRODENERGY based on the Regulation (EC) 1099/2008 on energy statistics, Combined nomenclature NUTS 0
Crude oil imports registry Not applicable. National classification PRODENERGY based on the Regulation (EC) 1099/2008 on energy statistics, Combined nomenclature  NUTS 0
Monthly Oil and Petroleum Products Questionnaire NACE rev. 2 (EU classification of economic activities) National classification PRODENERGY based on the Regulation (EC) 1099/2008 on energy statistics, Combined nomenclature NUTS 0
Monthly Natural Gas Questionnaire NACE rev. 2 (EU classification of economic activities) National classification PRODENERGY based on the Regulation (EC) 1099/2008 on energy statistics, Combined nomenclature NUTS 0
Monthly Electricity Questionnaire Not applicable. National classification PRODENERGY based on the Regulation (EC) 1099/2008 on energy statistics NUTS 0
Questionnaire for electricity and heat production Not applicable. National classification PRODENERGY based on the Regulation (EC) 1099/2008 on energy statistics
Balance of Energy Transformation Processes - Oil and Petroleum products NACE rev. 2 (EU classification of economic activities) National classification PRODENERGY based on the Regulation (EC) 1099/2008 on energy statistics, Combined nomenclature NUTS 0
Balance of Energy Transformation Processes - Solid fuels NACE rev. 2 (EU classification of economic activities) National classification PRODENERGY based on the Regulation (EC) 1099/2008 on energy statistics, Combined nomenclature NUTS 0
Statistics on nuclear energy Not applicable. National classification PRODENERGY based on the Regulation (EC) 1099/2008 on energy statistics NUTS 0
Fuels and energy consumption NACE rev. 2 (EU classification of economic activities) National classification PRODENERGY based on the Regulation (EC) 1099/2008 on energy statistics NUTS 0
Supply of liquid biofuels Not applicable. National classification PRODENERGY based on the Regulation (EC) 1099/2008 on energy statistics, Combined nomenclature NUTS 0
Electricity, heat, natural gas and lubricants, supplied to end-users NACE rev. 2 (EU classification of economic activities) National classification PRODENERGY based on the Regulation (EC) 1099/2008 on energy statistics NUTS 0
Short assessment of renewable energy sources (SHARES) NACE rev. 2 (EU classification of economic activities)  National classification PRODENERGY based on the Regulation (EC) 1099/2008 on energy statistics NUTS 0
Households - detailed annual statistics on final energy consumption Not applicable. National classification PRODENERGY based on the Regulation (EC) 1099/2008 on energy statistics NUTS 0
3.3. Coverage - sector

Energy statistics data covers all major sectors of the economy that are involved in the production, trade, energy transformation or energy consumption.

3.4. Statistical concepts and definitions

Definitions of Regulation (EC) No 1099/2008 on energy statistics apply.

3.5. Statistical unit

See table under 3.5.1.

3.5.1. Statistical unit – Data collections
Name of the national data collection Reporting unit
Monthly Solid Fuels Questionnaire the Enterprise
Crude oil imports register the Enterprise
Monthly Oil and Petroleum Products Questionnaire the Enterprise
Monthly Natural Gas Questionnaire the Enterprise
Monthly Electricity Questionnaire the Enterprise
Questionnaire for electricity and heat production the Enterprise
Balance of Energy Transformation Processes - Oil and Petroleum products the Enterprise
Balance of Energy Transformation Processes - Solid fuels the Enterprise
Statistics on nuclear energy the Enterprise
Fuels and energy consumption the Enterprise
Supply of liquid biofuels the Enterprise
Electricity, heat, natural gas and lubricants, supplied to end-users the Enterprise
Short assessment of renewable energy sources (SHARES) the Enterprise
Households - detailed annual statistics on final energy consumption Dwellings
3.6. Statistical population

All economic entities that produce, import and/or export, store and consume energy products.

3.7. Reference area

The national territory.

3.8. Coverage - Time

See table under 3.8.1.

3.8.1. Coverage time – Data collections
Name of the national data collection Coverage time
Monthly Solid Fuels Questionnaire  2001-2020
Crude oil imports register  2020
Monthly Oil and Petroleum Products Questionnaire  2001-2020
Monthly Natural Gas Questionnaire  2001-2020
Monthly Electricity Questionnaire  2001-2020
Questionnaire for electricity and heat production  1990-2020
Balance of Energy Transformation Processes - Oil and Petroleum products  1990-2020
Balance of Energy Transformation Processes - Solid fuels  1990-2020
Statistics on nuclear energy  1990-2020
Fuels and energy consumption  1990-2020
Supply of liquid biofuels  2008-2020
Electricity, heat, natural gas and lubricants, supplied to end-users  2008-2020
Short assessment of renewable energy sources (SHARES)  2004-2020
Households - detailed annual statistics on final energy consumption  2010-2020
3.9. Base period

Not applicable.

4. Unit of measure Top

See table under 4.1.

4.1. Unit of measure – data collections
Name of the national data collection Unit of measurement
Monthly Solid Fuels Questionnaire
  • ktonnes
  • kcal/kg
Crude oil imports register
  • bbl, kt
  • %, degrees
  • US dollar per barrel and per tonne
Monthly Oil and Petroleum Products Questionnaire
  • ktonnes
Monthly Natural Gas Questionnaire
  • TJ GCV
  • thousand m³ 200
  • GJ/thousand m3 200
  • MWh
Monthly Electricity Questionnaire
  • MWh
Questionnaire for electricity and heat production
  • ktonnes
  • TJ (NCV)
  • MWh
  • MW
Balance of Energy Transformation Processes - Oil and Petroleum products
  • ktonnes
  • MWh
  • GJ/t
Balance of Energy Transformation Processes - Solid fuels
  • ktonnes
  • TJ
  • MWh
  • kcal/kg
Statistics on nuclear energy
  • ktoe
  • GWd/tHM
Fuels and energy consumption
  • ktonnes
  • MWh
Supply of liquid biofuels
  • ktonnes
  • KJ/kg
Electricity, heat, natural gas and lubricants, supplied to end-users
  • ktonnes
  • MWh
Short assessment of renewable energy sources (SHARES)
  • ktoe
  • GW, GWh, h
Households - detailed annual statistics on final energy consumption
  • GWh
  • ktonnes
  • MJ/t, TJ
  • GCV, NCV

5. Reference Period Top

See table under 5.1

5.1. Reference period – data collections
Name of the national data collection Reference period
Monthly Solid Fuels Questionnaire 1 month
Crude oil imports register 1 month
Monthly Oil and Petroleum Products Questionnaire 1 month
Monthly Natural Gas Questionnaire 1 month
Monthly Electricity Questionnaire 1 month
Questionnaire for electricity and heat production 1 year
Balance of Energy Transformation Processes - Oil and Petroleum products 1 year
Balance of Energy Transformation Processes - Solid fuels 1 year
Statistics on nuclear energy 1 year
Fuels and energy consumption 1 year
Supply of liquid biofuels 1 year
Electricity, heat, natural gas and lubricants, supplied to end-users 1 year
Short assessment of renewable energy sources (SHARES) 1 year
Households - detailed annual statistics on final energy consumption 1 year

6. Institutional Mandate Top
6.1. Institutional Mandate - legal acts and other agreements

The National statistical programme defines the scope, reported period, frequency, deadline for transmission and publication of the annual and monthly energy data.

6.1.1. National legal acts and other agreements
Name of the national data collection National legal framework Reference of national legal text
Monthly Solid Fuels Questionnaire Mandatory (included in a national legal act) Statistics Act and National statistical programme
Crude oil imports register Mandatory (included in a national legal act) Statistics Act and National statistical programme
Monthly Oil and Petroleum Products Questionnaire Mandatory (included in a national legal act) Statistics Act and National statistical programme
Monthly Natural Gas Questionnaire Mandatory (included in a national legal act) Statistics Act and National statistical programme
Monthly Electricity Questionnaire Mandatory (included in a national legal act) Statistics Act and National statistical programme
Questionnaire for electricity and heat production Mandatory (included in a national legal act) Statistics Act and National statistical programme
Balance of Energy Transformation Processes - Oil and Petroleum products Mandatory (included in a national legal act) Statistics Act and National statistical programme
Balance of Energy Transformation Processes - Solid fuels Mandatory (included in a national legal act) Statistics Act and National statistical programme
Statistics on nuclear energy Mandatory (included in a national legal act) Statistics Act and National statistical programme
Fuels and energy consumption Mandatory (included in a national legal act) Statistics Act and National statistical programme
Supply of liquid biofuels Mandatory (included in a national legal act) Statistics Act and National statistical programme
Electricity, heat, natural gas and lubricants, supplied to end-users Mandatory (included in a national legal act) Statistics Act and National statistical programme
Short assessment of renewable energy sources (SHARES) Mandatory (included in a national legal act) Statistics Act and National statistical programme
Households - detailed annual statistics on final energy consumption Mandatory (included in a national legal act) Statistics Act and National statistical programme
6.2. Institutional Mandate - data sharing

See table under 6.2.1.

6.2.1. Institutional mandate – data sharing – national data collections
Name of the national data collection Situation, if more than 1 body is involved in this data collection Degree of integration of this data collection among different National bodies
Monthly Solid Fuels Questionnaire Not applicable. Not applicable.
Crude oil imports register Not applicable. Not applicable.
Monthly Oil and Petroleum Products Questionnaire Not applicable. Not applicable.
Monthly Natural Gas Questionnaire Not applicable. Not applicable.
Monthly Electricity Questionnaire Not applicable. Not applicable.
Questionnaire for electricity and heat production Not applicable. Not applicable.
Balance of Energy Transformation Processes - Oil and Petroleum products Not applicable. Not applicable.
Balance of Energy Transformation Processes - Solid fuels Not applicable. Not applicable.
Statistics on nuclear energy Not applicable. Not applicable.
Fuels and energy consumption Not applicable. Not applicable.
Supply of liquid biofuels Not applicable. Not applicable.
Electricity, heat, natural gas and lubricants, supplied to end-users Not applicable. Not applicable.
Short assessment of renewable energy sources (SHARES) Not applicable. Not applicable.
Households - detailed annual statistics on final energy consumption Not applicable. Not applicable.

7. Confidentiality Top

Confidentiality is treated according to the national and European rules in act.

Confidentiality of BG data
7.1. Confidentiality - policy

Statistics Act (Articles 25 and 26) and Regulation (EC) No 223/2009 on European statistics (recitals 23-27, 31-32 and Articles 20-26) appliy.

7.2. Confidentiality - data treatment

According to Art. 25 of the Statistics act individual data are not published (they are suppressed). Dissemination of individual data is possible only according to Art. 26 of the Statistics act.

The most common approach is to present only aggregation of the confidential data point with the non-confidential data that is the nearest suitable data point.

7.2.1. Confidentiality – EU data collections



Crude oil imports register – Short term monthly statistics


Oil and petroleum products – Short term monthly statistics


Natural gas - short term monthly statistics


Solid fuels - monthly statistics


Electricity - monthly statistics


Oil and petroleum products - monthly statistics


Natural gas - monthly statistics


Nuclear - annual statistics


Electricity and heat - annual statistics


Natural gas - annual statistics


Oil and petroleum products - annual statistics


Renewables and wastes - annual statistics


Solid fossil fuels and manufactured gases - annual statistics


Short Assessment of Renewable Energy Sources (SHARES)


Households - detailed annual statistics on final energy consumption


8. Release policy Top
8.1. Release calendar

Statistical information is published in accordance with an approved release calendar.

8.2. Release calendar access

The Calendar is available on the NSI website: 

8.3. Release policy - user access

Statistical data is published on the NSI website (rubric 'Energy') in accordance with the Statistics act and the European Statistics Code of Practice, respecting the professional independence and aimed at objectivity, transparency and equal treatment of all consumers.

9. Frequency of dissemination Top

See table under 9.1.

9.1. Frequency of dissemination – national data collections
Name of the national data collection Frequency of dissemination
Monthly Solid Fuels Questionnaire  Monthly
Crude oil imports register  Monthly
Monthly Oil and Petroleum Products Questionnaire  Monthly
Monthly Natural Gas Questionnaire  Monthly
Monthly Electricity Questionnaire  Monthly
Questionnaire for electricity and heat production  Yearly (as part of the Overall energy balance)
Balance of Energy Transformation Processes - Oil and Petroleum products  Yearly (as part of the Overall energy balance)
Balance of Energy Transformation Processes - Solid fuels  Yearly (as part of the Overall energy balance)
Statistics on nuclear energy  Yearly (as part of the Overall energy balance)
Fuels and energy consumption  Yearly (as part of the Overall energy balance)
Supply of liquid biofuels  Yearly (as part of the Overall energy balance)
Electricity, heat, natural gas and lubricants, supplied to end-users  Yearly (as part of the Overall energy balance)
Short assessment of renewable energy sources (SHARES)  Yearly
Households - detailed annual statistics on final energy consumption  Yearly

10. Accessibility and clarity Top
10.1. Dissemination format - News release

Regular monthly press releases.

10.2. Dissemination format - Publications
  • Electronic publication 'Energy balance sheets'
  • Statistical Yearbook
  • Statistical Reference Book
  • 'Bulgaria' (brochure).
10.3. Dissemination format - online database

Results from the energy surveys are available to all users of the NSI website under the section 'Environment and energy', rubric 'Energy':, as well as in Information system for statistical information online requests 'INFOSTAT', section 'Environment and energy', rubric 'Energy':

10.3.1. Data tables - consultations

Not requested for this metadata collection

10.4. Dissemination format - microdata access

Not applicable.

10.5. Dissemination format - other

Information service upon request according to the Rules for dissemination of statistical products and services.

10.5.1. Metadata - consultations

Not requested for this metadata collection

10.6. Documentation on methodology

Monthly Solid Fuels Questionnaire

Links to quality and methodology documentation (reference material on methods and questionnaires used) / national metadata       



Monthly Oil and Petroleum Products Questionnaire

Links to quality and methodology documentation (reference material on methods and questionnaires used) / national metadata       



Monthly Natural Gas Questionnaire      

Links to quality and methodology documentation (reference material on methods and questionnaires used) / national metadata       



Monthly Electricity Questionnaire

Links to quality and methodology documentation (reference material on methods and questionnaires used) / national metadata       



10.6.1. Metadata completeness - rate

Not requested for this metadata collection

10.7. Quality management - documentation



11. Quality management Top
11.1. Quality assurance

Data from all surveys are validated and corrected by the NSI in case of established inaccuracies.

11.2. Quality management - assessment

Following the reporting of the data, Eurostat and the International Energy Agency carry out data validation procedures, after which, if necessary, the NSI sends additional clarifications related to the reported data, or make corrections in case of an error.

Aggregated information at national level is comparable with the information prepared by the other member states as it is produced according to a unified methodology.

11.2.1. Quality assessment – data collections
Name of the national data collection Most important quality problem of this data collection Measures taken in the last 5 years to improve quality of the data collection
Monthly Solid Fuels Questionnaire No quality problems. List of CN codes of energy products and the methodological notes have been updated annually.
Crude oil imports register No quality problems. New questionnaire and reporting instructions have been ellaborated.
Monthly Oil and Petroleum Products Questionnaire Problems with the incorrect reporting of imports and exports, as some of the petroleum products are imported/exported under different than the usual CN codes. List of CN codes of energy products and the methodological notes have been updated annually. In addition a monthly procedure has been established with the Foreign trade statistics since 2020 in order to verify the trade data on oil and petroleum products.
Monthly Natural Gas Questionnaire The main problem is the correct reporting of the country of origin for some quantities of the Imports/Entries of gas in the country.  The gas transmission operator reports monthly data on natural gas volumes at the national level, but it is only familiar with the countries of entry and exit of the gas in the country. We continuously analyze its data and communicate directly with trading companies, but since the transactions are carried out through an energy exchange or other platform, the companies themselves also have no information about the country of origin of the gas they buy.
Monthly Electricity Questionnaire Incorrect clasification of electricity production by type, especially for the one generated from the biogas. Direct consultations with the respondents for clarification the issues. National questionnaire has been adapted with the requirements in Annex C of the Regulation 2019/2146 on updates for the annual, monthly and short-term monthly energy statistics.
Questionnaire for electricity and heat production Problems with the corect reporting of biogas input in TJ for electricity and heat production. Direct consultations with the respondents for clarification the issues.
Balance of Energy Transformation Processes - Oil and Petroleum products Problems with the incorrect reporting of imports and exports, as some of the petroleum products are imported/exported under different than the usual CN codes. List of CN codes of energy products and the methodological notes have been updated annually.
Balance of Energy Transformation Processes - Solid fuels  Problems with the correct reporting of the hard coal by types (Anthracite and Bituminous) compared to the Foreign trade statistics. Direct consultations with the respondents for clarification the issues. In addition a monthly procedure has been established with the Foreign trade statistics since 2020 in order to verify the trade data on hard coal.
Statistics on nuclear energy No quality problems. No changes.
Fuels and energy consumption Small companies record in the accounts transport fuels in value only. Data are collected by the Information System Business Statistics. Logical controls and Energy nomenclature are updated annually.
Supply of liquid biofuels No quality problems. Questionnaire has been updated to reflect the latest changes in the RED II.
Electricity, heat, natural gas and lubricants, supplied to end-users No quality problems. Questionnaires have been updated.
Short assessment of renewable energy sources (SHARES) No quality problems. As SHARES is a statistical compilation, it uses aggregated national data from many annually updated national data collections (mentioned above) and additional administrative data.
Households - detailed annual statistics on final energy consumption No quality problems. No changes.

12. Relevance Top
12.1. Relevance - User Needs

Information is used for analytical, forecasting and managing needs by: 

1. Internal statistical office users
2. National government
3. Business community
4. Non-governmental organizations
5. Media
6. General public
7. International organizations
12.2. Relevance - User Satisfaction

User satisfaction surveys are not conducted.

12.3. Completeness

Data fully meet the requirements of the Regulation (EC) No 1099/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 October 2008 on energy statistics in terms of the observed indicators, scope of energy products and structure of consumption.

12.3.1. Data completeness - rate

See table under Data completeness - rate – EU data collections




Crude oil imports register – Short term monthly statistics



Oil and petroleum products – Short term monthly statistics



Natural gas - short term monthly statistics



Solid fuels - monthly statistics



Electricity - monthly statistics



Oil and petroleum products - monthly statistics



Natural gas - monthly statistics



Nuclear - annual statistics



Electricity and heat - annual statistics



Natural gas - annual statistics



Oil and petroleum products - annual statistics



Renewables and wastes - annual statistics



Solid fossil fuels and manufactured gases - annual statistics



SHort Assessment of Renewable Energy Sources (SHARES)



Households - detailed annual statistics on final energy consumption



13. Accuracy Top

As the accuracy is a key measure of the quality of statistical data, main types of errors and their sources are identified and analised one by one and the relevant measures are taken in order to ensure good quality of final data.

Accuracy indicators
13.1. Accuracy - overall

Data are reliable, the accuracy is good.

The accuracy of data is achieved by ensuring a satisfactory scope in the selection of respondents, development of reliable statistical tools, including IT environment for data collection, data verification and data editing through elimination of extreme values and methodological instructions for survey implementation. The comparative analysis are made with the data from previous periods and/or with other types of data.

13.1.1. Accuracy – most common errors for specific data collections
Name of the national data collection Most common errors for this collection
Monthly Solid Fuels Questionnaire
  • Measurement errors (rare)
Crude oil imports register Not available.
Monthly Oil and Petroleum Products Questionnaire
  • Measurement errors
  • Classification errors
Monthly Natural Gas Questionnaire Not available.
Monthly Electricity Questionnaire
  • Measurement errors (rare)
  • Classification errors
Questionnaire for electricity and heat production
  • Measurement errors
  • Classification errors
Balance of Energy Transformation Processes - Oil and Petroleum products
  • Measurement errors
  • Classification errors
Balance of Energy Transformation Processes - Solid fuels
  • Measurement errors
  • Classification errors
Statistics on nuclear energy Not available.
Fuels and energy consumption
  • Measurement errors
  • Classification errors
Supply of liquid biofuels
  • Measurement errors
Electricity, heat, natural gas and lubricants, supplied to end-users
  • Measurement errors
Short assessment of renewable energy sources (SHARES) Not available.
Households - detailed annual statistics on final energy consumption
  • Measurement errors
13.2. Sampling error

Not applicable.

13.2.1. Sampling error - indicators

Not requested for this metadata collection

13.3. Non-sampling error

Underreporting can be considered as a prevalent bias of the energy statistics. Having in mind that respondents in order to ease their burden or due to various reasons omit the reporting of the imputed, imported, exported or consumed energy products, the underreporting is in principle an imminent systematic error. The necessary actions are taken in order to reduce this error to minimum and to ensure better quality and completeness of the received data.

13.3.1. Coverage error

No coverage error. Over-coverage - rate

See annex Common units - proportion

See annex

13.3.2. Measurement error

See annex

13.3.3. Non response error

Not available. Unit non-response - rate

See annex Item non-response - rate

See annex

13.3.4. Processing error

The processing errors are extremely rare.

13.3.5. Model assumption error

Not applicable.

14. Timeliness and punctuality Top
14.1. Timeliness

 See table under 14.1.3.

14.1.1. Time lag - first result

Not requested for this metadata collection.

14.1.2. Time lag - final result

Not requested for this metadata collection.

14.1.3. Timeliness – deadlines for data transmission for each national data collection
Name of the national data collection Deadline for data transmission
Monthly Solid Fuels Questionnaire 10 days after the reference period in RSO, 20 days after the reference period in NSI
Crude oil imports register 25 days after the reference period in NSI
Monthly Oil and Petroleum Products Questionnaire 10 days after the reference period in RSO, 20 days after the reference period in NSI
Monthly Natural Gas Questionnaire 10 days after the reference period in RSO, 20 days after the reference period in NSI
Monthly Electricity Questionnaire 10 days after the reference period in RSO, 20 days after the reference period in NSI
Questionnaire for electricity and heat production 3 months after the end of the reference period
Balance of Energy Transformation Processes - Oil and Petroleum products 3 months after the end of the reference period
Balance of Energy Transformation Processes - Solid fuels 3 months after the end of the reference period
Statistics on nuclear energy 3 months after the end of the reference period
Fuels and energy consumption 6 months after the end of the reference period
Supply of liquid biofuels 3 months after the end of the reference period
Electricity, heat, natural gas and lubricants, supplied to end-users 125 days after the reference period
Short assessment of renewable energy sources (SHARES) Not applicable.
Households - detailed annual statistics on final energy consumption Not applicable for 2020.
14.2. Punctuality

100% of the questionnaires are submitted up to the legal deadlines.

14.2.1. Punctuality - delivery and publication

Not requested for this metadata collection.

15. Coherence and comparability Top

Data are representative at national level and fully correspond with the requirements of the Regulation (EC) No 1099/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 October 2008 on energy statistics.

15.1. Comparability - geographical

Data are geographically comparable for the entire period for which they are available.

15.1.1. Asymmetry for mirror flow statistics - coefficient

Not requested for this metadata collection.

15.2. Comparability - over time

Comparability over time is ensured with a solid methodology harmonised on international level that is stable over long periods. Occasional breaks in time series are present due to the developments of statistical systems on national level and the level of detailed information (micro data) available at national level. Data are comparable over time for the entire period for which they are available.

15.2.1. Length of comparable time series

No brake in time series.

15.3. Coherence - cross domain

Partial coordination with the annual data in the field of Environmental statistics.

Data for the indicators Import (Entries), Exports (Exits) and International marine bunkers are consistent with the data of Foreign Trade in Goods Statistics for the respective periods, except in cases where methodological differences between the two areas exist.

15.3.1. Coherence - sub annual and annual statistics

Sub annual statistics is based on preliminary (operational) data and may differ from the final annual statistics by no more than the allowable 5%.

15.3.2. Coherence - National Accounts

No comparisons are made with National Accounts data.

15.4. Coherence - internal

For certain indicators and energy products, consistency of data is sought between the individual surveys in the field of Energy statistics.

16. Cost and Burden Top

Costs related to the collection and production of energy statistical data are announced annually in the National Statistical Programme. Total cost of the energy surveys is: 135 237 euro.

No specific studies on the burden of the respondents.

17. Data revision Top
17.1. Data revision - policy

No established official policy for data revision.

17.2. Data revision - practice

Revision is made as a result of changes in the used classifications, methodologies, or when establishing incorrect data - omissions or inaccuracies in the data presented by the respondents.

17.2.1. Data revision - average size

Not requested for this metadata collection.

18. Statistical processing Top
18.1. Source data

Main data sources are statistical surveys for energy products (included in the National Statistical Programme), collecting data by producers, importers and exporters, and consumers. Data is supplemented with information from the following administrative sources: Sustainable Energy Development Agency, National Revenue Agency, Customs Agency, Ministry of Energy, State Agency ‘State Reserve and War-time Stocks’, Executive Environment Agency, Directorate General ‘Civil aviation administration’.

18.1.1. Source data – data collections
Name of the national data collection Main data collection method Target population Population frame Sample size
Monthly Solid Fuels Questionnaire Business survey without threshold 22 22 22
Crude oil imports register Business survey without threshold 1 1 1
Monthly Oil and Petroleum Products Questionnaire  Business survey without threshold + Administrative data 83 83 83
Monthly Natural Gas Questionnaire  Business survey without threshold 7 7 7
Monthly Electricity Questionnaire Business survey without threshold  72 72 72
Questionnaire for electricity and heat production Business survey without threshold  79 79 79
Balance of Energy Transformation Processes - Oil and Petroleum products  Business survey without threshold + Administrative data 91 91 91
Balance of Energy Transformation Processes - Solid fuels Business survey without threshold  38 38 38
Statistics on nuclear energy  Business survey without threshold 
Fuels and energy consumption  Business survey without threshold + Administrative data 68741 68741 68741
Supply of liquid biofuels  Business survey without threshold  15 15 15
Electricity, heat, natural gas and lubricants, supplied to end-users Business survey without threshold  146 146 146
Short assessment of renewable energy sources (SHARES) Statistical compilation (National data collections + Administrative data) Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Households - detailed annual statistics on final energy consumption Household survey Not applicable for 2020 Not applicable for 2020 Not applicable for 2020
18.2. Frequency of data collection

See table under 18.2.1.

18.2.1. Frequency of data collection – national data collections
Name of the national data collection Frequency of transmission
Monthly Solid Fuels Questionnaire  Once per month 
Crude oil imports register Once per month
Monthly Oil and Petroleum Products Questionnaire Once per month 
Monthly Natural Gas Questionnaire Once per month  
Monthly Electricity Questionnaire Once per month  
Questionnaire for electricity and heat production  Once per year
Balance of Energy Transformation Processes - Oil and Petroleum products  Once per year 
Balance of Energy Transformation Processes - Solid fuels Once per year 
Statistics on nuclear energy  Once per year 
Fuels and energy consumption  Once per year
Supply of liquid biofuels  Once per year 
Electricity, heat, natural gas and lubricants, supplied to end-users Once per year 
Short assessment of renewable energy sources (SHARES) Once per year
Households - detailed annual statistics on final energy consumption Once per five years
18.3. Data collection

Information is collected by conducting statistical surveys on energy products - online or offline (through electronic forms via email).

18.4. Data validation

See table under 18.4.1.

18.4.1. Data validation – national data collections
Name of the national data collection Operations performed to this collection in order to improve data quality (e.g. checks between monthly, quarterly and annual, verification of time series, investigation of outliers…)
Monthly Solid Fuels Questionnaire
  • Verification of time series
  • Comparison of data with Foreign trade statistics
  • Investigation of outliers
Crude oil imports register
  • Verification of time series
  • Comparison of data with Foreign trade statistics
Monthly Oil and Petroleum Products Questionnaire
  • Verification of time series
  • Comparison of data with Foreign trade statistics
  • Investigation of outliers
Monthly Natural Gas Questionnaire
  • Verification of time series
  • Comparison of data with Foreign trade statistics
Monthly Electricity Questionnaire
  • Verification of time series
  • Investigation of outliers
Questionnaire for electricity and heat production
  • Checks between monthly electricity data and annual data on electricity production for the reference year
  • Comparison of fuel input data with other annual data collections - "Fuels and Energy consumption", "Balance of Energy Transformation Processes - Solid fuels", as well as with the administrative data from the Annual national reports on the inventory of greenhouse gases of the Executive Environment Agency 
  • Investigation of outliers
Balance of Energy Transformation Processes - Oil and Petroleum products
  • Checks between monthly aggregated and annual  data on petroleum product for the reference year
  • Verification of annual time series
  • Comparison of data with Foreign trade statistics
  • Comparison of data with the administrative data from the Annual national reports on the inventory of greenhouse gases of the Executive Environment Agency 
Balance of Energy Transformation Processes - Solid fuels
  • Checks between aggregated monthly Coal data and annual data on production and trade for the reference year
  • Verification of annual time series
  • Comparison of data with Foreign trade statistics
  • Comparison of data with other annual data collections - "Fuels and Energy consumption", "Questionnaire for electricity and heat production", as well as with the administrative data from the Annual national reports on the inventory of greenhouse gases of the Executive Environment Agency 
  • Investigation of outliers
Statistics on nuclear energy
  • Verification of time series
Fuels and energy consumption
  • Checks between aggregated monthly data and annual data for the reference year
  • Checks between annual data
  • Comparison with the administrative data from the Annual national reports on the inventory of greenhouse gases of the Executive Environment Agency 
Supply of biofuels
  • Verification of time series
  • Comparison of data with Foreign trade statistics
Electricity, heat, natural gas and lubricants, supplied to end-users
  • Verification of time series
Short assessment of renewable energy sources (SHARES)
  • Verification of time series
Households - detailed annual statistics on final energy consumption
  • Verification of time series
18.5. Data compilation

See table under 18.5.2.

18.5.1. Imputation - rate

Not requested for this metadata collection

18.5.2. Data compilation – data collections
Name of the national data collection Additional techniques used for the compilation of the final data set Details
Monthly Solid Fuels Questionnaire
  • Cross-checking techniques
  • Incorrect data is adjusted or corrected
Not available.
Crude oil imports register
  • Cross-checking techniques
Not available.
Monthly Oil and Petroleum Products Questionnaire
  • Cross-checking techniques
  • Incorrect data is adjusted or corrected
  • Confidentiality techniquess
Сonfidentiality techniques are agreed with Eurostat.
Monthly Natural Gas Questionnaire
  • Cross-checking techniques
  • Conversion factors used at national level
  • Incorrect data is adjusted or corrected
Data are collected in thousand cubic meters at standard conditions according to the Bulgarian National Standard - 20°C, 760 mm Hg. For conversion of the quantities from 20°C into 15°C, the coefficient 0.98294 from the Gas transmitting and storage operator is used.
Monthly Electricity Questionnaire
  • Cross-checking techniques
  • Incorrect data is adjusted or corrected
Not available. 
Questionnaire for electricity and heat production
  • Cross-checking techniques
  • Incorrect data is adjusted or corrected
Not available. 
Balance of Energy Transformation Processes - Oil and Petroleum products
  • Cross-checking techniques
  • Incorrect data is adjusted or corrected 
  • Confidentiality techniquess
Сonfidentiality techniques are agreed with Eurostat.
Balance of Energy Transformation Processes - Solid fuels
  • Cross-checking techniques
  • Incorrect data is adjusted or corrected 
Not available. 
Statistics on nuclear energy Not available.  Not available. 
Fuels and energy consumption
  • Imputing missing/non-response rate
  • Cross-checking techniques
  • Incorrect data is adjusted or corrected 
Not available. 
Supply of biofuels
  • Incorrect data is adjusted or corrected 
Not available. 
Electricity, heat, natural gas and lubricants, supplied to end-users
  • Cross-checking techniques
  • Incorrect data is adjusted or corrected
Not available.
Short assessment of renewable energy sources (SHARES)
  •  Cross-checking techniques
Not available.
Households - detailed annual statistics on final energy consumption
  • Cross-checking techniques
Not available.
18.6. Adjustment

Not applicable.

18.6.1. Seasonal adjustment

Not applicable.

19. Comment Top

Related metadata Top

Annexes Top
Accuracy indicators