Labour costs survey - NACE Rev. 2 activity (lcs_r2)

National Reference Metadata in ESS Standard for Quality Reports Structure (ESQRS)

Compiling agency: Statistics Estonia

Eurostat metadata
Reference metadata
1. Contact
2. Statistical presentation
3. Statistical processing
4. Quality management
5. Relevance
6. Accuracy and reliability
7. Timeliness and punctuality
8. Coherence and comparability
9. Accessibility and clarity
10. Cost and Burden
11. Confidentiality
12. Comment
Related Metadata
Annexes (including footnotes)

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1. Contact Top
1.1. Contact organisation

Statistics Estonia

1.2. Contact organisation unit

Enterprise and Agricultural Statistics Department

1.5. Contact mail address

Tatari 51, 10134 Tallinn Estonia

2. Statistical presentation Top
2.1. Data description

The Labour Costs Survey (LCS) has been carried out five times in Estonia, but the survey is still not very known or used in Estonia.

Labour cost statistics provide a comprehensive and detailed picture of the level, structure and short-term development of labour costs in the different sectors of economic activity. All statistics are based on a harmonised definition of labour costs.

Structural information on labour costs is collected through four-yearly Labour Cost Surveys (LCS), which provides details on the level and structure of labour cost data, hours worked and hours paid. LCS results are available for the reference years 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012 and 2016.

The data are collected by stratified random samples of enterprises at least 1 employee. The stratification is based on economic activity, size category and region. Information on staff, hours worked and hours paid is quoted in aggregate and separately for full- and part-time employees.


2.2. Classification system

Estonian Classifcation of Economic Activities (EMTAK 2008) based on NACE Rev. 2.

Economic activity is broken down at the division level of the NACE classification.

2.3. Coverage - sector

Economically active units – all enterprises, institutions and organisations.

NACE Rev. 2 Sections A to S including section O.

Six size categories are distinguished: 1 to 9 employees, 10 to 49 employees, 50 to 249 employees, 250 to 499 employees, 500 to 999 employees and units having at least 1 000 employees.


2.4. Statistical concepts and definitions

Labour Costs refer to the total expenditure borne by employers for the purpose of employing staff. They include employee compensation, which is mainly comprised of gross wages and salaries in cash and in kind and employers' social security contributions, vocational training costs, other expenditures such as recruitment costs and spending on working clothes, and employment taxes regarded as labour costs minus subsidies received.

These labour cost components and their elements are defined in Commission Regulation (EC) No 1737/2005 of 21 October 2005, implementing Council Regulation (EC) No 530/1999 concerning structural statistics on earnings and labour costs as regards the definition and transmission of information on labour costs.

For some variables, data is not available due to missing elements in particular components.

Hourly labour costs are annual labour costs divided by the number of hours worked during the reference year.

Monthly labour costs per employee are the annual labour costs divided by 12 and by the average number of employees during the year (converted into full-time equivalents).


2.5. Statistical unit

The statistical unit is the enterprise.

2.6. Statistical population

List of economically active units (excl. economic units without salaried employees). The list is generated from the Business Register for Statistical Purposes.

LCS applies to all activities in sections A to S (including section O) of NACE Rev.2 and represents all statistical units occupying 1 and more employees.

2.7. Reference area

Estonia as a whole.

2.8. Coverage - Time

Labour costs survey has been carried out in Estonia since 2000.

2.9. Base period

Not applicable.

3. Statistical processing Top
3.1. Source data


Total population is 76,000 objects. The sample includes 10,000 objects. All statistical units with 50 and more employees are surveyed. For enterprises with less than 50 employees, stratified simple random sampling by 2-digit code of economic activity (EMTAK) and size group of enterprise is used.


Administrative data from the Estonian Tax and Customs Board are used.


Data from survey “Wages and Salaries” are used.


3.2. Frequency of data collection

In every four years

3.3. Data collection

Data are collected and the submission of questionnaires is monitored through eSTAT (the web channel for electronic data submission). The questionnaires have been designed for independent completion in eSTAT and include instructions and controls. The questionnaires and information about data submission are available on Statistics Estonia’s website at (in Estonian).

Since 2016, the data are pre-filled with administrative data and data of statistical activity “Wages and salaries”.

Data are collected with the official statistics questionnaire “Tööandja kulutused töötajatele”.


3.4. Data validation

Arithmetic and qualitative controls are used in the validation process, including checking that the population coverage and response rates are as required, comparison with the data of previous periods or other surveys and with administrative data sources.

3.5. Data compilation

After data review, the data of non-responding enterprises are replaced within the completely enumerated part of the population. For estimating population totals, the sample data are grossed up separately in each stratum. The expansion factor is the ratio of each subpopulation to the number of respondents in that stratum. After that, the aggregate indicators are calculated.

3.6. Adjustment

Not applicable.

4. Quality management Top
4.1. Quality assurance

To assure the quality of processes and products, Statistics Estonia applies the EFQM Excellence Model, the European Statistics Code of Practice and the Quality Assurance Framework of the European Statistical System (ESS QAF). Statistics Estonia is also guided by the requirements in § 7. “Principles and quality criteria of producing official statistics” of the Official Statistics Act.

4.2. Quality management - assessment

Only fully consistent data are published.

5. Relevance Top
5.1. Relevance - User Needs

Main users are Eurostat and other EU institutions. Other users are Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Social Affairs, Ministry of Economic Affairs, banks, scientific institutions, foreign and local employer’s associations, foreign entrepreneurs, trade unions, media and Statistical Office of Estonia itself. Above-mentioned users are more interested in the short-term average labour costs per hour worked and the average labour costs per employee.

5.2. Relevance - User Satisfaction

There is no information on user satisfaction. The survey on the user satisfaction on this topic is not carried out.

5.3. Completeness

[Not requested]

5.3.1. Data completeness - rate

In compliance with the rules (regulations).

6. Accuracy and reliability Top
6.1. Accuracy - overall

The type of survey and the data collection methods ensure sufficient coverage and timeliness.

6.2. Sampling error

See 6.2.1. 



6.2.1. Sampling error - indicators

Coefficients of variations broken down by economic activity and size classes are presented in the annex I below. For obtaining coefficients of variances the program CLAN was used. In the non-response model adopted it was assumed that sample units had equal response probabilities within strata. It means that for estimating the variance  of the estimator  of the stratum total th the formula


was used. Here Nh denotes the number of population units in the stratum h, h=1, 2, …, H, nh the number of responded units in the stratum h, y is a study variable, yhk the value of y measured on the unit k of the stratum h and denotes summing over the set of respondents of the stratum h. The estimator for the total variance  has the following form: , standard error  and the coefficient of variation is calculated as follows: CV=.

Variances were considered to be 0 for the strata of completely enumerated part of the population, i.e. units with 50 and more employees.


Annex I

Total labour costs per employee (FTE) and its standard error and coefficient of variation

Indicator Total labour costs per employee, euros Standard error of total labour costs per employee, euros Coefficient of variation, %
Economic activity      
TOTAL: Total - all NACE activities 18283 97 0,5
A01: Crop and animal production, hunting and related service activities 17652 398 2,3
A02: Forestry and logging 17608 838 4,8
A03: Fishing and aquaculture 18717 1548 8,3
B05: Mining of coal and lignite .. .. ..
B06: Extraction of crude petroleum and natural gas .. .. ..
B07: Mining of metal ores .. .. ..
B08: Other mining and quarrying 21229 297 1,4
B09: Mining support service activities 19989 957 4,8
C10: Manufacture of food products 15509 288 1,9
C11: Manufacture of beverages 22423 148 0,7
C12: Manufacture of tobacco products .. .. ..
C13: Manufacture of textiles 13943 139 1
C14: Manufacture of wearing apparel 10316 192 1,9
C15: Manufacture of leather and related products 11798 200 1,7
C16: Manufacture of wood and of products of wood and cork, except furniture; manufacture of articles of straw and plaiting materials 18146 522 2,9
C17: Manufacture of paper and paper products 21296 355 1,7
C18: Printing and reproduction of recorded media 18611 338 1,8
C19: Manufacture of coke and refined petroleum products 18937 0 0
C20: Manufacture of chemicals and chemical products 21852 167 0,8
C21: Manufacture of basic pharmaceutical products and pharmaceutical preparations 17823 0 0
C22: Manufacture of rubber and plastic products 18125 419 2,3
C23: Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products 21081 274 1,3
C24: Manufacture of basic metals 22121 88 0,4
C25: Manufacture of fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment 19305 508 2,6
C26: Manufacture of computer, electronic and optical products 18441 61 0,3
C27: Manufacture of electrical equipment 20443 78 0,4
C28: Manufacture of machinery and equipment n.e.c. 22702 319 1,4
C29: Manufacture of motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers 19103 68 0,4
C30: Manufacture of other transport equipment 20014 571 2,9
C31: Manufacture of furniture 15501 296 1,9
C32: Other manufacturing 16728 528 3,2
C33: Repair and installation of machinery and equipment 20976 815 3,9
D35: Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply 26118 176 0,7
E36: Water collection, treatment and supply 21162 99 0,5
E37: Sewerage 12297 563 4,6
E38: Waste collection, treatment and disposal activities; materials recovery 17913 354 2
E39: Remediation activities and other waste management services 11464 42 0,4
F41: Construction of buildings 19507 2148 11
F42: Civil engineering 19345 476 2,5
F43: Specialised construction activities 14495 617 4,3
G45: Wholesale and retail trade and repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles 18725 634 3,4
G46: Wholesale trade, except of motor vehicles and motorcycles 21625 646 3
G47: Retail trade, except of motor vehicles and motorcycles 13224 210 1,6
H49: Land transport and transport via pipelines 14121 545 3,9
H50: Water transport .. .. ..
H51: Air transport 43663 312 0,7
H52: Warehousing and support activities for transportation 24139 506 2,1
H53: Postal and courier activities .. .. ..
I55: Accommodation 13683 203 1,5
I56: Food and beverage service activities 11239 283 2,5
J58: Publishing activities 22337 356 1,6
J59: Motion picture, video and television programme production, sound recording and music publishing activities 14622 577 3,9
J60: Programming and broadcasting activities 25453 46 0,2
J61: Telecommunications 29177 219 0,7
J62: Computer programming, consultancy and related activities 34403 899 2,6
J63: Information service activities 26872 809 3
K64: Financial service activities, except insurance and pension funding 31298 424 1,4
K65: Insurance, reinsurance and pension funding, except compulsory social security 32099 0 0
K66: Activities auxiliary to financial services and insurance activities 30528 1734 5,7
L68: Real estate activities 13843 909 6,6
M69: Legal and accounting activities 19803 851 4,3
M70: Activities of head offices; management consultancy activities 28776 1595 5,5
M71: Architectural and engineering activities; technical testing and analysis 21333 2191 10,3
M72: Scientific research and development 22864 591 2,6
M73: Advertising and market research 25827 2291 8,9
M74: Other professional, scientific and technical activities 15044 1164 7,7
M75: Veterinary activities 15375 730 4,7
N77: Rental and leasing activities 21764 1061 4,9
N78: Employment activities 19377 641 3,3
N79: Travel agency, tour operator reservation service and related activities 19459 842 4,3
N80: Security and investigation activities 13250 90 0,7
N81: Services to buildings and landscape activities 11681 353 3
N82: Office administrative, office support and other business support activities 19874 944 4,7
O84: Public administration and defence; compulsory social security 22106 273 1,2
P85: Education 16657 274 1,6
Q86: Human health activities 20362 228 1,1
Q87: Residential care activities 11898 184 1,5
Q88: Social work activities without accommodation 12998 794 6,1
R90: Creative, arts and entertainment activities 15786 237 1,5
R91: Libraries, archives, museums and other cultural activities 13316 173 1,3
R92: Gambling and betting activities 20680 194 0,9
R93: Sports activities and amusement and recreation activities 13568 949 7
S94: Activities of membership organisations 14011 1078 7,7
S95: Repair of computers and personal and household goods 11774 1728 14,7
S96: Other personal service activities 11128 626 5,6
T97: Activities of households as employers of domestic personnel .. .. ..
T98: Undifferentiated goods- and services-producing activities of private households for own use .. .. ..
U99: Activities of extraterritorial organisations and bodies .. .. ..



6.3. Non-sampling error


6.3.1. Coverage error

In the table below over-coverage rates broken down by 2-digit NACE Rev. 2 code are presented. Those rates are calculated as ratios of the number of nonactive units over the total number of units with 1+ employee in the register. The number of non-active units is estimated basing on the sample. Under-coverage of the sampling frame is caused by delay between selection of the sample and data collection. The sample was selected from the register updated in the end of the year 2016. The reference period was 2016 and the end-date of the data collection was set to the 1st of March 2017. Over-coverage - rate
Stratum Population size Over-coverage,%
Economic activity      
TOTAL: Total - all NACE activities   76069 2,3
A01: Crop and animal production, hunting and related service activities   1677 0,0
A02: Forestry and logging   1313 1,4
A03: Fishing and aquaculture   114 3,8
B05: Mining of coal and lignite   .. ..
B06: Extraction of crude petroleum and natural gas   2 0,0
B07: Mining of metal ores   .. ..
B08: Other mining and quarrying   100 3,5
B09: Mining support service activities   7 17,1
C10: Manufacture of food products   518 2,4
C11: Manufacture of beverages   60 9,5
C12: Manufacture of tobacco products   .. ..
C13: Manufacture of textiles   224 2,6
C14: Manufacture of wearing apparel   469 5,3
C15: Manufacture of leather and related products   66 2,3
C16: Manufacture of wood and of products of wood and cork, except furniture; manufacture of articles of straw and plaiting materials   928 1,8
C17: Manufacture of paper and paper products   52 3,0
C18: Printing and reproduction of recorded media   280 0,9
C19: Manufacture of coke and refined petroleum products   5 0,0
C20: Manufacture of chemicals and chemical products   84 2,8
C21: Manufacture of basic pharmaceutical products and pharmaceutical preparations   10 0,0
C22: Manufacture of rubber and plastic products   189 0,0
C23: Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products   213 0,7
C24: Manufacture of basic metals   25 0,0
C25: Manufacture of fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment   1070 1,1
C26: Manufacture of computer, electronic and optical products   97 2,1
C27: Manufacture of electrical equipment   111 1,1
C28: Manufacture of machinery and equipment n.e.c.   151 0,0
C29: Manufacture of motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers   56 3,0
C30: Manufacture of other transport equipment   73 4,8
C31: Manufacture of furniture   608 5,9
C32: Other manufacturing   246 0,0
C33: Repair and installation of machinery and equipment   507 3,0
D35: Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply   174 8,1
E36: Water collection, treatment and supply   71 0,0
E37: Sewerage   41 4,0
E38: Waste collection, treatment and disposal activities; materials recovery   140 0,0
E39: Remediation activities and other waste management services   8 18,8
F41: Construction of buildings   3153 5,2
F42: Civil engineering   732 0,0
F43: Specialised construction activities   4920 2,9
G45: Wholesale and retail trade and repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles   2499 1,4
G46: Wholesale trade, except of motor vehicles and motorcycles   4866 3,7
G47: Retail trade, except of motor vehicles and motorcycles   5108 3,3
H49: Land transport and transport via pipelines   3194 1,2
H50: Water transport   28 7,1
H51: Air transport   11 10,9
H52: Warehousing and support activities for transportation   1070 1,9
H53: Postal and courier activities   114 6,2
I55: Accommodation   614 0,6
I56: Food and beverage service activities   1935 3,3
J58: Publishing activities   292 3,7
J59: Motion picture, video and television programme production, sound recording and music publishing activities   445 0,0
J60: Programming and broadcasting activities   18 0,0
J61: Telecommunications   137 0,9
J62: Computer programming, consultancy and related activities   1993 0,8
J63: Information service activities   435 0,0
K64: Financial service activities, except insurance and pension funding   437 0,3
K65: Insurance, reinsurance and pension funding, except compulsory social security   18 0,0
K66: Activities auxiliary to financial services and insurance activities   245 0,0
L68: Real estate activities   8883 0,6
M69: Legal and accounting activities   3059 2,1
M70: Activities of head offices; management consultancy activities   1890 0,9
M71: Architectural and engineering activities; technical testing and analysis   1661 1,0
M72: Scientific research and development   234 8,5
M73: Advertising and market research   746 0,8
M74: Other professional, scientific and technical activities   1471 1,1
M75: Veterinary activities   110 7,7
N77: Rental and leasing activities   623 12,4
N78: Employment activities   493 12,9
N79: Travel agency, tour operator reservation service and related activities   354 7,7
N80: Security and investigation activities   98 1,0
N81: Services to buildings and landscape activities   958 2,2
N82: Office administrative, office support and other business support activities   758 15,0
O84: Public administration and defence; compulsory social security   457 0,2
P85: Education   2454 0,7
Q86: Human health activities   1462 1,1
Q87: Residential care activities   203 2,2
Q88: Social work activities without accommodation   381 0,0
R90: Creative, arts and entertainment activities   813 0,0
R91: Libraries, archives, museums and other cultural activities   540 0,0
R92: Gambling and betting activities   14 7,1
R93: Sports activities and amusement and recreation activities   1743 1,9
S94: Activities of membership organisations   2150 2,3
S95: Repair of computers and personal and household goods   361 0,0
S96: Other personal service activities   2200 2,6
T97: Activities of households as employers of domestic personnel   .. ..
T98: Undifferentiated goods- and services-producing activities of private households for own use   .. ..
U99: Activities of extraterritorial organisations and bodies   .. .. Common units - proportion

 Statistical population and sample size by economic activity

Stratum Total Completely enumerated units Sampled units
Indicator Statistical population Sample size Sample coverage, % Statistical population Sample size Sample coverage, % Statistical population Sample size Sample coverage, %
Economic activity                  
TOTAL: Total - all NACE activities 76069 10000 13,1 1919 1919 100 74150 8081 10,9
A01: Crop and animal production, hunting and related service activities 1677 177 10,6 30 30 100 1647 147 8,9
A02: Forestry and logging 1313 131 10,0 2 2 100 1311 129 9,8
A03: Fishing and aquaculture 114 40 35,1 3 3 100 111 37 33,3
B05: Mining of coal and lignite .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
B06: Extraction of crude petroleum and natural gas 2 2 100,0 2 2 100 .. .. ..
B07: Mining of metal ores .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
B08: Other mining and quarrying 100 70 70,0 10 10 100 90 60 66,7
B09: Mining support service activities 7 7 100,0 .. .. .. 7 7 100,0
C10: Manufacture of food products 518 122 23,6 62 62 100 456 60 13,2
C11: Manufacture of beverages 60 52 86,7 7 7 100 53 45 84,9
C12: Manufacture of tobacco products .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
C13: Manufacture of textiles 224 83 37,1 23 23 100 201 60 29,9
C14: Manufacture of wearing apparel 469 88 18,8 28 28 100 441 60 13,6
C15: Manufacture of leather and related products 66 51 77,3 9 9 100 57 42 73,7
C16: Manufacture of wood and of products of wood and cork, except furniture; manufacture of articles of straw and plaiting materials 928 156 16,8 73 73 100 855 83 9,7
C17: Manufacture of paper and paper products 52 52 100,0 9 9 100 43 43 100,0
C18: Printing and reproduction of recorded media 280 73 26,1 13 13 100 267 60 22,5
C19: Manufacture of coke and refined petroleum products 5 5 100,0 3 3 100 2 2 100,0
C20: Manufacture of chemicals and chemical products 84 56 66,7 11 11 100 73 45 61,6
C21: Manufacture of basic pharmaceutical products and pharmaceutical preparations 10 10 100,0 2 2 100 8 8 100,0
C22: Manufacture of rubber and plastic products 189 78 41,3 18 18 100 171 60 35,1
C23: Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products 213 82 38,5 22 22 100 191 60 31,4
C24: Manufacture of basic metals 25 25 100,0 6 6 100 19 19 100,0
C25: Manufacture of fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment 1070 143 13,4 51 51 100 1019 92 9,0
C26: Manufacture of computer, electronic and optical products 97 71 73,2 19 19 100 78 52 66,7
C27: Manufacture of electrical equipment 111 84 75,7 28 28 100 83 56 67,5
C28: Manufacture of machinery and equipment n.e.c. 151 83 55,0 23 23 100 128 60 46,9
C29: Manufacture of motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers 56 56 100,0 11 11 100 45 45 100,0
C30: Manufacture of other transport equipment 73 50 68,5 4 4 100 69 46 66,7
C31: Manufacture of furniture 608 110 18,1 42 42 100 566 68 12,0
C32: Other manufacturing 246 69 28,0 9 9 100 237 60 25,3
C33: Repair and installation of machinery and equipment 507 82 16,2 17 17 100 490 65 13,3
D35: Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply 174 78 44,8 18 18 100 156 60 38,5
E36: Water collection, treatment and supply 71 62 87,3 6 6 100 65 56 86,2
E37: Sewerage 41 32 78,0 .. .. .. 41 32 78,0
E38: Waste collection, treatment and disposal activities; materials recovery 140 67 47,9 9 9 100 131 58 44,3
E39: Remediation activities and other waste management services 8 8 100,0 .. .. .. 8 8 100,0
F41: Construction of buildings 3153 279 8,8 21 21 100 3132 258 8,2
F42: Civil engineering 732 108 14,8 33 33 100 699 75 10,7
F43: Specialised construction activities 4920 427 8,7 26 26 100 4894 401 8,2
G45: Wholesale and retail trade and repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles 2499 243 9,7 31 31 100 2468 212 8,6
G46: Wholesale trade, except of motor vehicles and motorcycles 4866 475 9,8 79 79 100 4787 396 8,3
G47: Retail trade, except of motor vehicles and motorcycles 5108 527 10,3 114 114 100 4994 413 8,3
H49: Land transport and transport via pipelines 3194 315 9,9 54 54 100 3140 261 8,3
H50: Water transport 28 28 100,0 5 5 100 23 23 100,0
H51: Air transport 11 11 100,0 .. .. .. 11 11 100,0
H52: Warehousing and support activities for transportation 1070 145 13,6 43 43 100 1027 102 9,9
H53: Postal and courier activities 114 43 37,7 6 6 100 108 37 34,3
I55: Accommodation 614 103 16,8 33 33 100 581 70 12,0
I56: Food and beverage service activities 1935 202 10,4 39 39 100 1896 163 8,6
J58: Publishing activities 292 70 24,0 10 10 100 282 60 21,3
J59: Motion picture, video and television programme production, sound recording and music publishing activities 445 58 13,0 4 4 100 441 54 12,2
J60: Programming and broadcasting activities 18 18 100,0 5 5 100 13 13 100,0
J61: Telecommunications 137 54 39,4 9 9 100 128 45 35,2
J62: Computer programming, consultancy and related activities 1993 207 10,4 29 29 100 1964 178 9,1
J63: Information service activities 435 71 16,3 9 9 100 426 62 14,6
K64: Financial service activities, except insurance and pension funding 437 77 17,6 15 15 100 422 62 14,7
K65: Insurance, reinsurance and pension funding, except compulsory social security 18 18 100,0 9 9 100 9 9 100,0
K66: Activities auxiliary to financial services and insurance activities 245 63 25,7 3 3 100 242 60 24,8
L68: Real estate activities 8883 744 8,4 13 13 100 8870 731 8,2
M69: Legal and accounting activities 3059 281 9,2 12 12 100 3047 269 8,8
M70: Activities of head offices; management consultancy activities 1890 181 9,6 4 4 100 1886 177 9,4
M71: Architectural and engineering activities; technical testing and analysis 1661 167 10,1 14 14 100 1647 153 9,3
M72: Scientific research and development 234 69 29,5 9 9 100 225 60 26,7
M73: Advertising and market research 746 94 12,6 9 9 100 737 85 11,5
M74: Other professional, scientific and technical activities 1471 149 10,1 4 4 100 1467 145 9,9
M75: Veterinary activities 110 34 30,9 .. .. .. 110 34 30,9
N77: Rental and leasing activities 623 83 13,3 6 6 100 617 77 12,5
N78: Employment activities 493 94 19,1 33 33 100 460 61 13,3
N79: Travel agency, tour operator reservation service and related activities 354 55 15,5 4 4 100 350 51 14,6
N80: Security and investigation activities 98 72 73,5 12 12 100 86 60 69,8
N81: Services to buildings and landscape activities 958 121 12,6 23 23 100 935 98 10,5
N82: Office administrative, office support and other business support activities 758 98 12,9 12 12 100 746 86 11,5
O84: Public administration and defence; compulsory social security 457 159 34,8 98 98 100 359 61 17,0
P85: Education 2454 539 22,0 352 352 100 2102 187 8,9
Q86: Human health activities 1462 192 13,1 65 65 100 1397 127 9,1
Q87: Residential care activities 203 84 41,4 24 24 100 179 60 33,5
Q88: Social work activities without accommodation 381 73 19,2 13 13 100 368 60 16,3
R90: Creative, arts and entertainment activities 813 98 12,1 13 13 100 800 85 10,6
R91: Libraries, archives, museums and other cultural activities 540 85 15,7 17 17 100 523 68 13,0
R92: Gambling and betting activities 14 14 100,0 5 5 100 9 9 100,0
R93: Sports activities and amusement and recreation activities 1743 171 9,8 15 15 100 1728 156 9,0
S94: Activities of membership organisations 2150 197 9,2 8 8 100 2142 189 8,8
S95: Repair of computers and personal and household goods 361 42 11,6 .. .. .. 361 42 11,6
S96: Other personal service activities 2200 207 9,4 7 7 100 2193 200 9,1
T97: Activities of households as employers of domestic personnel .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
T98: Undifferentiated goods- and services-producing activities of private households for own use .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
U99: Activities of extraterritorial organisations and bodies .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
6.3.2. Measurement error

Harmonization in this field has started with a pilot survey carried out in 1998 (reference year 1997). The first survey carried out in 2000. These steps helped to compile the LCS questionnaire and the logic tests. The logic tests have revealed all errors of magnitude made by respondents and during the data entry by NSI staff. After recontacts with respondents and corrections the logic tests were used again.


In the questionnaire are some deviations from the list of the variables in the regulation. For instance paid hours but not worked are estimated through paid days but not worked and through standard for working time in a week according to internal work procedure rules in an enterprise or statutory normal working time. For estimation paid hours but not worked we used the following additional information or breakdowns: total number of days of annual leave of employees during the year; total number of days of short-time work; total number of days of sick leave and absence caused by occupational accident, paid by employer; total number of other paid days and standard for working time in a week according to internal work procedure rules in enterprise or statutory normal working time in a week. Paid hours were calculated to the database as variables through the formula and every correction on days the hours paid were corrected. Variables which needed the most of cases of correction were part-time employees converted into full-time units, hours worked, paid days but not worked and statutory social security contributions. These variables were under extra priority. Through the variable statutory social security contributions the all payments were checked.

6.3.3. Non response error

Table of unit response rates broken down according to the stratification used for the sampling. The overall response rate was 79.7%.

It is assumed that in the strata where random sample was selected the distribution of any variable among responded units is the same as among non-responded units. As a matter of fact, in each stratum the set of responded units is considered as a sample available. The units in the sample selected and having no economic activity are taken into account as respondents with zero data. In the completely enumerated strata non-response units were adjusted i.e. the imputation was used. The data of non-responded units were taken from database of monthly wages and salaries survey. Since 2002 all labour cost items and hours worked are included in wages and salaries survey i.e. practically monthly labour cost survey by section level of NACE Rev. 2 has been available.

Stratum Total Completely enumerated units Sampled units
Indicator Population Sample Respondents Response rate, % Population Sample Respondents Response rate, % Population Sample Respondents Response rate, %
Economic activity                         
TOTAL: Total - all NACE activities  76069 10000 7969 79,7 1919 1919 1869 97,4 74150 8081 6100 75,5
A01: Crop and animal production, hunting and related service activities  1677 177 142 80,2 30 30 30 100 1647 147 112 76,2
A02: Forestry and logging  1313 131 92 70,2 2 2 2 100 1311 129 90 69,8
A03: Fishing and aquaculture  114 40 33 82,5 3 3 3 100 111 37 30 81,1
B05: Mining of coal and lignite  .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
B06: Extraction of crude petroleum and natural gas  2 2 2 100 2 2 2 100 .. .. .. ..
B07: Mining of metal ores  .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
B08: Other mining and quarrying  100 70 51 72,9 10 10 10 100 90 60 41 68,3
B09: Mining support service activities  7 7 6 85,7 .. .. .. .. 7 7 6 85,7
C10: Manufacture of food products  518 122 106 86,9 62 62 60 96,8 456 60 46 76,7
C11: Manufacture of beverages  60 52 40 76,9 7 7 7 100 53 45 33 73,3
C12: Manufacture of tobacco products  .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
C13: Manufacture of textiles  224 83 75 90,4 23 23 22 95,7 201 60 53 88,3
C14: Manufacture of wearing apparel  469 88 75 85,2 28 28 28 100 441 60 47 78,3
C15: Manufacture of leather and related products  66 51 39 76,5 9 9 9 100 57 42 30 71,4
C16: Manufacture of wood and of products of wood and cork, except furniture; manufacture of articles of straw and plaiting materials  928 156 131 84 73 73 70 95,9 855 83 61 73,5
C17: Manufacture of paper and paper products  52 52 44 84,6 9 9 8 88,9 43 43 36 83,7
C18: Printing and reproduction of recorded media  280 73 59 80,8 13 13 13 100 267 60 46 76,7
C19: Manufacture of coke and refined petroleum products  5 5 5 100 3 3 3 100 2 2 2 100
C20: Manufacture of chemicals and chemical products  84 56 49 87,5 11 11 11 100 73 45 38 84,4
C21: Manufacture of basic pharmaceutical products and pharmaceutical preparations  10 10 10 100 2 2 2 100 8 8 8 100
C22: Manufacture of rubber and plastic products  189 78 62 79,5 18 18 18 100 171 60 44 73,3
C23: Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products  213 82 75 91,5 22 22 22 100 191 60 53 88,3
C24: Manufacture of basic metals  25 25 20 80 6 6 6 100 19 19 14 73,7
C25: Manufacture of fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment  1070 143 123 86 51 51 49 96,1 1019 92 74 80,4
C26: Manufacture of computer, electronic and optical products  97 71 63 88,7 19 19 18 94,7 78 52 45 86,5
C27: Manufacture of electrical equipment  111 84 74 88,1 28 28 27 96,4 83 56 47 83,9
C28: Manufacture of machinery and equipment n.e.c.  151 83 72 86,7 23 23 23 100 128 60 49 81,7
C29: Manufacture of motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers  56 56 41 73,2 11 11 9 81,8 45 45 32 71,1
C30: Manufacture of other transport equipment  73 50 40 80 4 4 4 100 69 46 36 78,3
C31: Manufacture of furniture  608 110 94 85,5 42 42 41 97,6 566 68 53 77,9
C32: Other manufacturing  246 69 59 85,5 9 9 9 100 237 60 50 83,3
C33: Repair and installation of machinery and equipment  507 82 69 84,1 17 17 17 100 490 65 52 80
D35: Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply  174 78 77 98,7 18 18 18 100 156 60 59 98,3
E36: Water collection, treatment and supply  71 62 60 96,8 6 6 6 100 65 56 54 96,4
E37: Sewerage  41 32 26 81,2 .. .. .. .. 41 32 26 81,2
E38: Waste collection, treatment and disposal activities; materials recovery  140 67 47 70,1 9 9 9 100 131 58 38 65,5
E39: Remediation activities and other waste management services  8 8 6 75 .. .. .. .. 8 8 6 75
F41: Construction of buildings  3153 279 177 63,4 21 21 18 85,7 3132 258 159 61,6
F42: Civil engineering  732 108 91 84,3 33 33 33 100 699 75 58 77,3
F43: Specialised construction activities  4920 427 303 71 26 26 26 100 4894 401 277 69,1
G45: Wholesale and retail trade and repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles  2499 243 184 75,7 31 31 30 96,8 2468 212 154 72,6
G46: Wholesale trade, except of motor vehicles and motorcycles  4866 475 376 79,2 79 79 73 92,4 4787 396 303 76,5
G47: Retail trade, except of motor vehicles and motorcycles  5108 527 396 75,1 114 114 112 98,2 4994 413 284 68,8
H49: Land transport and transport via pipelines  3194 315 232 73,7 54 54 51 94,4 3140 261 181 69,3
H50: Water transport  28 28 28 100 5 5 5 100 23 23 23 100
H51: Air transport  11 11 10 90,9 .. .. .. .. 11 11 10 90,9
H52: Warehousing and support activities for transportation  1070 145 117 80,7 43 43 43 100 1027 102 74 72,5
H53: Postal and courier activities  114 43 29 67,4 6 6 6 100 108 37 23 62,2
I55: Accommodation  614 103 85 82,5 33 33 31 93,9 581 70 54 77,1
I56: Food and beverage service activities  1935 202 129 63,9 39 39 30 76,9 1896 163 99 60,7
J58: Publishing activities  292 70 60 85,7 10 10 10 100 282 60 50 83,3
J59: Motion picture, video and television programme production, sound recording and music publishing activities  445 58 41 70,7 4 4 3 75 441 54 38 70,4
J60: Programming and broadcasting activities  18 18 15 83,3 5 5 5 100 13 13 10 76,9
J61: Telecommunications  137 54 37 68,5 9 9 9 100 128 45 28 62,2
J62: Computer programming, consultancy and related activities  1993 207 164 79,2 29 29 27 93,1 1964 178 137 77
J63: Information service activities  435 71 55 77,5 9 9 9 100 426 62 46 74,2
K64: Financial service activities, except insurance and pension funding  437 77 61 79,2 15 15 15 100 422 62 46 74,2
K65: Insurance, reinsurance and pension funding, except compulsory social security  18 18 18 100 9 9 9 100 9 9 9 100
K66: Activities auxiliary to financial services and insurance activities  245 63 53 84,1 3 3 3 100 242 60 50 83,3
L68: Real estate activities  8883 744 548 73,7 13 13 13 100 8870 731 535 73,2
M69: Legal and accounting activities  3059 281 226 80,4 12 12 12 100 3047 269 214 79,6
M70: Activities of head offices; management consultancy activities  1890 181 142 78,5 4 4 4 100 1886 177 138 78
M71: Architectural and engineering activities; technical testing and analysis  1661 167 134 80,2 14 14 14 100 1647 153 120 78,4
M72: Scientific research and development  234 69 56 81,2 9 9 9 100 225 60 47 78,3
M73: Advertising and market research  746 94 72 76,6 9 9 9 100 737 85 63 74,1
M74: Other professional, scientific and technical activities  1471 149 115 77,2 4 4 4 100 1467 145 111 76,6
M75: Veterinary activities  110 34 29 85,3 .. .. .. .. 110 34 29 85,3
N77: Rental and leasing activities  623 83 58 69,9 6 6 6 100 617 77 52 67,5
N78: Employment activities  493 94 70 74,5 33 33 31 93,9 460 61 39 63,9
N79: Travel agency, tour operator reservation service and related activities  354 55 43 78,2 4 4 4 100 350 51 39 76,5
N80: Security and investigation activities  98 72 51 70,8 12 12 12 100 86 60 39 65
N81: Services to buildings and landscape activities  958 121 93 76,9 23 23 21 91,3 935 98 72 73,5
N82: Office administrative, office support and other business support activities  758 98 69 70,4 12 12 12 100 746 86 57 66,3
O84: Public administration and defence; compulsory social security  457 159 153 96,2 98 98 98 100 359 61 55 90,2
P85: Education  2454 539 516 95,7 352 352 352 100 2102 187 164 87,7
Q86: Human health activities  1462 192 173 90,1 65 65 64 98,5 1397 127 109 85,8
Q87: Residential care activities  203 84 78 92,9 24 24 22 91,7 179 60 56 93,3
Q88: Social work activities without accommodation  381 73 67 91,8 13 13 13 100 368 60 54 90
R90: Creative, arts and entertainment activities  813 98 81 82,7 13 13 13 100 800 85 68 80
R91: Libraries, archives, museums and other cultural activities  540 85 84 98,8 17 17 17 100 523 68 67 98,5
R92: Gambling and betting activities  14 14 12 85,7 5 5 5 100 9 9 7 77,8
R93: Sports activities and amusement and recreation activities  1743 171 138 80,7 15 15 15 100 1728 156 123 78,8
S94: Activities of membership organisations  2150 197 154 78,2 8 8 8 100 2142 189 146 77,2
S95: Repair of computers and personal and household goods  361 42 28 66,7 .. .. .. .. 361 42 28 66,7
S96: Other personal service activities  2200 207 151 72,9 7 7 7 100 2193 200 144 72
T97: Activities of households as employers of domestic personnel  .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
T98: Undifferentiated goods- and services-producing activities of private households for own use  .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
U99: Activities of extraterritorial organisations and bodies  .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Unit non-response - rate

[Not requested] Item non-response - rate

[Not requested]

6.3.4. Processing error

[Not requested] Imputation - rate

[Not requested]

6.3.5. Model assumption error

The main error caused by the choice of a certain model is probably concerned with the non-response model among sampled units. The assumption is made that the distribution of non-respondents is similar to that of respondents but this assumption may not be true in some strata.

No data from administrative sources were used. All results presented are obtained basing only on the survey.

There was no need for adjustments of fiscal year to calendar year because data were asked always about calendar year independent of the accounting system of particular enterprises.

6.4. Seasonal adjustment

Data is not seasonaly adjusted.

6.5. Data revision - policy

The data revision policy and notification of corrections are described in the dissemination policy of Statistics Estonia

Data were not revised.

6.6. Data revision - practice

The final results were published and they were not revised after the publication.

6.6.1. Data revision - average size

[Not requested]

7. Timeliness and punctuality Top
7.1. Timeliness

 See 7.1.1 and 7.1.2.

7.1.1. Time lag - first result

Results were published in the middle of May 2018 at the national level i.e. the length of time between the release of data and the reference period was 17 months.

7.1.2. Time lag - final result

See above

7.2. Punctuality

See below

7.2.1. Punctuality - delivery and publication

 The data have been published at the time announced in the release calendar. No delays.

8. Coherence and comparability Top
8.1. Comparability - geographical

The definitions and classifications used in Estonia comply with international definitions and classifications ensuring international comparability of data.

8.1.1. Asymmetry for mirror flow statistics - coefficient

[Not requested]

8.2. Comparability - over time

Compared with previous LCS, no changes made in definitions, coverage and methods.

The data are comparable over time.

8.2.1. Length of comparable time series

 since 2000

8.3. Coherence - cross domain

Labour cost statistics are closely related to other statistics in the same field. Coherence issues (differences in coverage, definitions and/or methodology) need to be taken into account when comparing data related to the same variables from different sources (wages and salaries survey, survey of economic indicators, national accounts, labour cost survey).

8.4. Coherence - sub annual and annual statistics

[Not requested]

8.5. Coherence - National Accounts

The definitions of variables to be compared are presented in the table below.



Labour Costs Survey (LCS)

National account (NA)


Annual data

Annual data

Activity coverage

NACE Rev. 2 Sections B to S

NACE Rev. 2 Sections B to S


D1   compensation of employees

D11 wages and salaries

D1   compensation of employees

D11 wages and salaries

Activity breakdown

NACE Rev. 2, Section

NACE Rev. 2, Section

Variable to be compared as between the two sources

Compensation of employees included the next variables: wages and salaries (D11), employers’ social contributions (D12).

Wages and salaries

Direct remuneration, bonuses, payments to employees saving schemes, payments for days not worked, company products, staff housing, company car, other wages and salaries in kind.

Remuneration to employees with contract of agreement, members of council of the public limited companies or private limited companies, self-employed was excluded.

Compensation of employees (D.1) include: wages and salaries (D.11) in cash and in kind, employers’ social contributions (D.12), employers’ actual social contributions (D.121), employers’ imputed social contributions (D.122).

8.6. Coherence - internal

Statistics are consistent within a given data set.

9. Accessibility and clarity Top
9.1. Dissemination format - News release

Not published.

Information to users, like the release calendar and updating the statistical database is available on the website

9.2. Dissemination format - Publications

Not published

9.3. Dissemination format - online database

Data are published under the subject area “Economy / Wages and salaries and labour costs” in the statistical database at

9.3.1. Data tables - consultations

[Not requested]

9.4. Dissemination format - microdata access

The dissemination of data collected for the purpose of producing official statistics is guided by the requirements provided for in § 34, § 35, § 36, § 37, § 38 of the Official Statistics Act. Access to microdata and anonymisation of microdata are regulated by Statistics Estonia’s procedure for dissemination of confidential data for scientific purposes:

9.5. Dissemination format - other

Not used

9.6. Documentation on methodology

Council Regulation (EC) No 530/1999 of 9 March 1999 concerning structural statistics on earnings and on labour costs

Commission Regulation (EC) No 1726/1999 of 27 July 1999 implementing Council Regulation (EC) No 530/1999 concerning structural statistics on earnings and on labour costs as regards the definition and transmission of information on labour costs

Commission Regulation (EC) No 1737/2005 of 21 October 2005 amending Regulation (EC) No 1726/1999 as regards the definition and transmission of information on labour costs

Commission Regulation (EC) No 698/2006 of 5 May 2006 implementing Council Regulation (EC) No 530/1999 as regards quality evaluation of structural statistics on labour costs and earnings

9.7. Quality management - documentation

 See below.

9.7.1. Metadata completeness - rate

In compliance with the rules (regulations)

9.7.2. Metadata - consultations

[Not requested]

10. Cost and Burden Top

[Not requested]

11. Confidentiality Top
11.1. Confidentiality - policy

The dissemination of data collected for the purpose of producing official statistics is guided by the requirements provided for in § 34 and § 35 of the Official Statistics Act.

11.2. Confidentiality - data treatment

The treatment of confidential data is regulated by the Procedure for Protection of Data Collected and Processed by Statistics Estonia:

12. Comment Top

[not requested]

Related metadata Top

Annexes Top