Government budget allocations for R&D (GBARD) (gba)

National Reference Metadata in Single Integrated Metadata Structure (SIMS)

Compiling agency: Statistics Sweden

Eurostat metadata
Reference metadata
1. Contact
2. Metadata update
3. Statistical presentation
4. Unit of measure
5. Reference Period
6. Institutional Mandate
7. Confidentiality
8. Release policy
9. Frequency of dissemination
10. Accessibility and clarity
11. Quality management
12. Relevance
13. Accuracy
14. Timeliness and punctuality
15. Coherence and comparability
16. Cost and Burden
17. Data revision
18. Statistical processing
19. Comment
Related Metadata
Annexes (including footnotes)

For any question on data and metadata, please contact: Eurostat user support


1. Contact Top
1.1. Contact organisation

Statistics Sweden

1.2. Contact organisation unit

Economic Statistics and Analysis

Innovation, Business sector production and Research Statistics

1.5. Contact mail address

Statistics Sweden
Att. Andres Quinones
Solna strandväg 86, Solna


2. Metadata update Top
2.1. Metadata last certified 04/08/2023
2.2. Metadata last posted 04/08/2023
2.3. Metadata last update 04/08/2023

3. Statistical presentation Top
3.1. Data description

Statistics on Government Budget Allocations for R&D (GBARD) measure government support to research and development (R&D) activities, and thereby provide information about the priority governments give to different public R&D funding activities. This type of funder-based approach for reporting R&D involves identifying all the budget items that may support R&D activities and measuring or estimating their R&D content.

Main concepts and definitions used for the production of R&D statistics are given by the OECD (2015), Frascati Manual 2015: Guidelines for Collecting and Reporting Data on Research and Experimental Development, The Measurement of Scientific, Technological and Innovation Activities (FM 2015, Chapter 12), which is the internationally recognised standard methodology for collecting R&D statistics and by Eurostat’s European Business Statistics Methodological Manual on R&D Statistics (EBS Methodological Manual on R&D Statistics).

Since the beginning of 2021, the collection of R&D statistics is based on Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 2020/1197 of 30 July 2020.

The Regulation sets the framework for the collection of R&D statistics and specifies the main variables of interest and their breakdowns at predefined level of detail (Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2020/1197 of 30 July 2020 laying down technical specifications and arrangements pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2019/2152 of the European Parliament and of the Council on European business statistics repealing 10 legal acts in the field of business statistics (

Statistics on science, technology and innovation were collected until the end of 2020 based on Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 2012/995 concerning the production and development of Community statistics on science and technology.

3.2. Classification system

Distribution by socioeconomic objectives (SEO) is based on the Nomenclature for the Analysis and Comparisons of Scientific Programmes and Budgets (NABS) at one digit level.

3.2.1. National classification
National nomenclature of SEO used NABS 2007
Correspondence table with NABS  
3.2.2. NABS classification
Deviations from NABS No deviations
Problems in identifying / separating NABS chapters and sub chapters No problems in general
Ability to distribute Non-oriented research and General University Funds (GUF) by fields of R&D  Non-oriented research and GUF is broken down by FORD. A few appropriations with R&D funds attributed to both NABS12 and NABS13 has not been able to be broken down by FORD. NABS12 includes only R&D funding to HE institutions from the central goverment's budget (GUF). The non-oriented research covered in NABS13 does not only include budget allocations for R&D to public or private research institutions (NACE Rev.2 Division 72) but also some public R&D funding to public instituions whose primary activity is not NACE Rev.2 Division 72.
3.3. Coverage - sector

See below.

3.3.1. General coverage
Definition of R&D Frascati Manual definition of R&D.
Coverage of R&D or S&T in general R&D is measured and no deviations
Fields of R&D (FORD) covered No deviations, all fields of R&D are covered
Socioeconomic objective (SEO by NABS) No deviations, all SEO by NABS 2007 arecovered
3.3.2. Definition and coverage of government

GBARD statistics are assumed to report detailed data on all the government's budget items that may support R&D activities and to measure or estimate their R&D content. For the purposes of GBARD, the Government sector comprises (a) the central (federal) government, (b) regional (state) government and (c) local (municipal) government subsectors (FM2015, Chapter 12).


Levels of government Definition Included / Not included Comments
Central (federal) government

Central government consists of all administrative departments of the state and other central agencies whose competence extends normally over the whole economic territory, except for the administration of social security funds.

This includes:
− central government administrative authorities including the Riskdag (Parliament)
− non-profit institutions which are controlled by central government and whose competence extends over the whole economic territory; see sector element 13113.

Regional (state) government   Not applicaple  This level of general goverment is lacking in Sweden 
Local (municipal) government   Not included   
3.4. Statistical concepts and definitions

Not requested.

3.5. Statistical unit

Budget item/appropriation.

3.6. Statistical population

See below.

3.6.1. National target population

The target population is the population for which inferences are made. The frame (or frames, as sometimes several frames are used) is a device that permits access to population units. The frame population is the set of population units, which can be accessed through the frame and the survey data really refer to this population.


Definition of the national target population All budget items in the central goverment budget that contain an element of R&D.
Estimation of the target population size 495
3.7. Reference area


3.8. Coverage - Time

Not requested. See point 5.

3.9. Base period

Not requested. The base year for the unit Purchasing Power Standard (PPS) and PPS per inhabitant at constant prices is currently 2005. All calculations of non-basic unit (national currencies) are done by Eurostat.

4. Unit of measure Top

Not requested.

5. Reference Period Top

a) Calendar year: 2021


b) Fiscal year: Does not apply. Reference year always equals the calendar year.

    Start month:

    End month:

6. Institutional Mandate Top
6.1. Institutional Mandate - legal acts and other agreements

See below.

6.1.1. European legislation

Since the beginning of 2021, GBARD statistics are based on Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 2020/1197 of 30 July 2020 laying down technical specifications and arrangements pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2019/2152 of the European Parliament and of the Council on European business statistics repealing 10 legal acts in the field of business statistics. The Regulation sets the framework for the collection of R&D statistics and specifies the main variables of interest and their breakdowns at predefined level of detail.  GBARD statistics were based until the end of 2020 on the Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 2012/995 concerning the production and development of Community statistics on science and technology.

6.1.2. National legislation

No R&D specific legislation at the national level.

All statistical data collection and production of official statistics is regulated by the Official Statistics Act (2001:99) and the Official Statistics Ordinance (2001:100). 

Official statistics act (Swedish only)
Official Statistics Ordinance (Swedish only)
6.1.3. Standards and manuals

-          Frascati Manual 2015, Guidelines for Collecting and Reporting Data on Research and Experimental Development

-          EBS Methodological Manual on R&D Statistics

6.2. Institutional Mandate - data sharing

Not requested.

7. Confidentiality Top
7.1. Confidentiality - policy

Confidentiality, being one of the process quality components, concerns the privacy of data providers (households, enterprises, administrations and other respondents), the confidentiality of the information they provide and the extent of its use for statistical purposes.

A property of data indicating the extent to which their unauthorised disclosure could be prejudicial or harmful to the interest of the source or other relevant parties.


a)       Confidentiality protection required by law: According to national law, Public Access to Information and Secrecy Act (2009:400), data may only be published in a way that no conclusions on individual units can be drawn. In practice, this does not apply to GBARD since it is based on raw data from government agencies (and therefore not protected by confidentiality according to national law) and other adminstrative data.


b)       Confidentiality commitments of survey staff: The major policy in place to ensure confidentiality and prevent unauthorised disclosure of data that identify a person or economic entity is the Public Access to Information and Secrecy Act (2009:400). There are also specific conditions concerning the confidentiality of official statistics in the Official Statistics Act (2001:99). 

7.2. Confidentiality - data treatment

GBARD data are publicly available. No confidentiality precautions needs to be made.

8. Release policy Top
8.1. Release calendar

The release policy and the release calendar are publicly available at Statistics Sweden's website.

Preliminary GBARD 2021 was published nationally on 21 april 2021. No final data has been published sincce preliminary GBARD is considered as final as well.

8.2. Release calendar access

See annex.

Publishing calendar
8.3. Release policy - user access

Statistics Sweden's release policy states that all statistics must be made available to all users equally and at the same time. Statistics are always released at 8.00 am on weekdays. Users are also informed of the availability of new statistics by news releases on Statistics Sweden's website. It is possible for users to subscribe to get e-mail notifications when new statistics within a certain subject area are released. Statistics are released by being made available in the statistical database. The release policy is available on Statistics Sweden's website.

Release policy (available in swedish only)

9. Frequency of dissemination Top


10. Accessibility and clarity Top
10.1. Dissemination format - News release

See below.

10.1.1. Availability of the releases
  Availability (Y/N)1 Content, format, links, ...
Regular releases Y The statistical database is updated and a news release is published on Statistics Sweden's website in April. All content is made publicly available, free of charge.
Ad-hoc releases N  

1) Y - Yes, N – No

10.2. Dissemination format - Publications

See below.

10.2.1. Availability of means of dissemination
Means of dissemination Availability (Y/N)1 Content, format, links, ...
General publication/article

(paper, online)

Y The general publication on R&D in Sweden consists of statistical database tables and a news release. 
Specific paper publication

(paper, online)


1) Y – Yes, N - No 

Press release GBARD statistics 2021
10.3. Dissemination format - online database

Data at national level is available in electronic publications on Statistics Sweden’s webpage and in the statistical database.

Online database for GBARD statistics
10.3.1. Data tables - consultations

Not requested.

10.4. Dissemination format - microdata access

See below.

10.4.1. Provisions affecting the access
Access rights to the information Tables freely available to everyone.
Access cost policy None.
Micro-data anonymisation rules Does not apply. 
10.5. Dissemination format - other

See below.

10.5.1. Metadata - consultations

Not requested.

10.5.2. Availability of other dissemination means
Dissemination means Availability (Y/N)1  Micro-data / Aggregate figures Comments
Internet: main results available on the national statistical authority’s website Y Only aggregated data Main resultas available on the webiste, Government budget allocations for R&D (
Data prepared for individual ad hoc requests Y Microdata, data for each budgetitem containing R&D Swedish National Financial Management Authority use this data as input in Central Government Accounting (NA).

1) Y – Yes, N - No 

10.6. Documentation on methodology

GBARD methodology is described in the national documentation on methodology and is titled "Statistikens framställning" (translates to Statistical production).

Methodology documentation (available in Swedish only)
10.6.1. Metadata completeness - rate

Not requested.

10.7. Quality management - documentation

The main documentation on quality management is titled Kvalitetsdeklaration (translates to Quality report) and is updated when new statistcs are published. This documentation is only available in Swedish.

Quality report (available in Swedish only)
10.7.1. Information and clarity
Type(s) of data accompanying information available (metadata, graphs, etc.)  Statistical data is always accompanied by a quality report and a methodolgy report. These reports are available online on Statistics Sweden's website and follows a common standard for all official statistics in Sweden. Statistical database tables also contain footnotes in case there is important information about the data that users need to be aware of when using the data, for example explanations to changes due to a break in the time series.
Request on further clarification None. 
Measure to increase clarity Statistics Sweden works continuosly with improving the clarity in the documentation.
Impression of users on the clarity of the accompanying information to the data  The overall impression of users is that clarity is good.

11. Quality management Top
11.1. Quality assurance

The quality management process at Statistics Sweden is described in a Quality policy. There is also a handbook on quality in official statistics which provides guidance concerning quality management and definitions and guidance on the quality criteria. The following quality criteria for official statistics are regulated by the Official Statistics Act (2001:99) and are the same as are reported in this document:

- Relevance
- Accuracy
- Timeliness
- Punctuality
- Availability and clarity
- Comparability
- Coherence

The framework for quality assurance set out in the Quality policy is a cyclic process with four steps. First is understanding legal requirements and user needs. Second is ensured processes. The third step is evaluation and analysis followed by improvement and development as the fourth step. The first step requires a good dialog with users of the statistics. One forum for such dialog is the User Council for R&D statistics. The second step is based on standardised, efficient, and secure processes which are ensured partly by automatization and digitalisation, partly by following the standardised methods, tools and processes set up for statistical production and found in Statistikproduktionsstödet (translates to the Statistical Production Guide). The third step means that the production processes continuously need to be evaluated. One way in which this done is by a yearly survey to all producers of official statics in which they evaluate the quality of the statistics produced or published during the year. Based on the results of the evaluations, decisions are made concerning which improvement and development activities are to be prioritised over the coming period, constituting the fourth and final step before the process begins again at the first step.

11.2. Quality management - assessment

The overal quality of the national GBARD methodology is considered good. The methodology used is based on the Frascati Manual recommendations and Eurostat’s European Business Statistics Methodological Manual on R&D Statistics (EBS Methodological Manual on R&D Statistics).

The main activities undertaken in order to assure a high quality of GBARD statistics include matching the respondents' answers to the budget appropriations. Also responses from the previous rounds are checked to make sure that they are in-line with the budget appropriations. Since total GBARD is mainly based on a survey of approximately 70 goverment agencies, a lot of resources are spent on getting a good response rate, usually >95 percent.


12. Relevance Top
12.1. Relevance - User Needs

See below.

12.1.1. Needs at national level
Users’ class1 Description of users Users’ needs
1 The European comission Data used for deteemining European research policy
1 OECD Data used for international comparisons
1 Ministries (in particual the ministry of education), research councils Data used for national research policies
Magazines and newspapers Statistics used for the information on thedevelopment and as a basic material for specific articles
4 Researchers and research institutes, students Need for the access to data for in-depth analyses of the national situation of government financed R&D

1)       Users' class codification

1- Institutions:
European level: Commission (DGs, Secretariat General), Council, European Parliament, ECB, other European agencies etc.
• in Member States, at the national or regional level: Ministries of Economy or Finance, other ministries (for sectoral comparisons), National Statistical Institutes and other statistical agencies (norms, training, etc.), and
International organisations: OECD, UN, IMF, ILO, etc.

2- Social actors: Employers’ associations, trade unions, lobbies, among others, at the European, national or regional level.

3- Media: International or regional media – specialized or for the general public – interested both in figures and analyses or comments. The media are the main channels of statistics to the general public.

4- Researchers and students (Researchers and students need statistics, analyses, ad hoc services, access to specific data.)

5- Enterprises or businesses (Either for their own market analysis, their marketing strategy (large enterprises) or because they offer consultancy services)

6- Other (User class defined for national purposes, different from the previous classes.)

12.2. Relevance - User Satisfaction

To evaluate if users' needs have been satisfied, the best way is to use user satisfaction surveys.

12.2.1. National Surveys and feedback
Conduction of a user satisfaction survey or any other type of monitoring user satisfaction User satisfaction surveys for are not conducted. However, Statistics Sweden regularly has meetings with the primary users to take into account their suggestions for improvements.
User satisfaction survey specific for GBARD statistics No specific user satisfaction survey for GBARD statistics has been conducted. There is, however, a specific user council for R&D statistics.
Short description of the feedback received Overall user satisfacation is high.
12.3. Completeness

See below.

12.3.1. Data completeness - rate

19 out of 19  required data cells are provided.

12.3.2. Completeness - overview

Completeness is assessed via comparison of the data delivered against the requirements of Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 2020/1197.


(Very Good)








(Very poor)

Reasons for missing cells
Provisional budget statistics1 X          
Obligatory final budget statistics1 X          
Optional final budget statistics2   X       Breakdown funding mode is not available at the moment and not provided since it is optional.

1)  Criteria: Obligatory data (provisional budget and final budget). Only 'Very Good' = 100% and 'Very Poor' <100% apply.

2)  Criteria: Optional data (final budget). 'Very Good' = 100%; 'Good' = >75%;'Satisfactory' 50 to 75%%; 'Poor' 25 to 50%; 'Very Poor' 0 to 25%.

12.3.3. Data availability

See below. Data availability – Provisional data
  Availability1 Frequency of data collection Gap years – years with missing data Time of compilation (T+x)2 Comments
Total GBARD Y-1990  Annual    T-8 Data available from 1990-1996 and as from 1998. 
NABS Chapter level Annual    T-8   
NABS Sub-chapter level Y Annual    T-8   
Special categories - Biotech Y-1999        1999 and 2001 
Special categories - Nanotech        
Special categories - Security        

1) Availability of the data: N: No, data are not available, Y: Yes, data are available + start year.

2) Time of compilation: T is assumed to represent the end of reference period, x expresses the number of months after (positive) or before (negative) T when data is compiled Data availability – Final data
  Availability1 Frequency of data collection Gap years – years with missing data Time of compilation (T+x)2 Comments
Total GBARD       Final data concerning budget allocations for R&D is assumed not to differ in a substantial way, and final data is estimated by provisional data. 
NABS Chapter level        
NABS Sub-chapter level        
Special categories - Biotech Y-1999        1999 and 2001
Special categories - Nanotech        
Special categories - Security        

1) Availability of the data: N: No, data are not available, Y: Yes, data are available + start year.

2) Time of compilation: T is assumed to represent the end of reference period, x expresses the number of months after (positive) or before (negative) T when data is compiled Data availability – Other special categories
Special categories Stage1 Availability1 Frequency of data colletion Gap years – years with missing data Time of compilation (T+x)3 Comments
GBARD by ministry Y Annual    T-8   

1) Stage: P - provisional, F - final. 

2) Availability of the data: No, data are not available, Y: Yes, data are available + start year.

3) Time of compilation: T is assumed to represent the end of reference period, x expresses the number of months after (positive) or before (negative) T when data is compiled

13. Accuracy Top
13.1. Accuracy - overall

Accuracy in the statistical sense denotes the closeness of computations or estimates to the exact or true values. Statistics are not equal with the true values because of variability (the statistics change from implementation to implementation of the survey due to random effects) and bias (the average of the possible values of the statistics from implementation to implementation is not equal to the true value due to systematic effects).


Several types of statistical errors occur during the survey process. The following typology of errors has been adopted:

1. Sampling errors. These only affect sample surveys. They are due to the fact that only a subset of the population, usually randomly selected, is enumerated.

2. Non-sampling errors. Non-sampling errors affect sample surveys and complete enumerations alike and comprise:

a) Coverage errors,

b) Measurement errors,

c) Non response errors and

d) Processing errors.


Model assumption errors should be treated under the heading of the respective error they are trying to reduce.

13.1.1. Accuracy - Overall by 'Types of Error'
Sampling errors Non-sampling errors1) Model-assumption Errors1) Perceived direction of the error2)
Coverage errors Measurement errors Processing errors Non response errors
- 3 +/- 

1)  Ranking of the type(s) of errors that result in over/under-estimation, from the most important source of error (1) to the least important source of error (5) In the event that errors of a particular type do not exist, is used the sign ‘-‘.

2)  The perceived direction of the ‘overall’ error using the signs “+” for over estimation, “-” for under estimation and “+/-” when assumption of the direction of the error cannot be made for GBARD.

13.1.2. Assessment of the accuracy
 Indicators 5 (Very Good)1 4 (Good)2 3 (Satisfactory)3 2 (Poor)4 1 (Very poor)5
 GBARD X        
National public funding to transnationally coordinated R & D X        

1) High level of coverage (At least all national or federal ministries and the ministries and agencies responsible for R&D funding at state or regional level). High rate of response (>90%) in data collection. All figures broken down by NABS.  

2) If at least one out of the three criteria described above would not be fully met.

3) In the event that the rate of response would be lower than 80% even by meeting the two remaining criteria.

4) In the event that the average rate of response would be lower than 70% and at least one of the two remaining criteria would not be met.

5) If all the three criteria described above are not met.

13.2. Sampling error

Not requested.

13.2.1. Sampling error - indicators

Not requested.

13.3. Non-sampling error

Non-sampling errors occur in all phases of a survey. They add to the sampling errors (if present) and contribute to decreasing overall accuracy. It is important to assess their relative weight in the total error and devote appropriate resources for their control and assessment.

13.3.1. Coverage error

Coverage errors are due to divergences between the target population and the frame population. The frame population is the set of target population members that has a chance to be selected into the survey sample. It is a listing of all items in the population from which the sample is drawn that contains contact details as well as sufficient information to perform stratification and sampling.


a)       Description/assessment of coverage errors: None. Funding from local government is not included in the target population and therefore there is no divergence between the target population and the frame population.


b)      Measures taken to reduce their effect: Not applicable. Over-coverage - rate

0 %. GBARD data are collected only from government agencies that are included in central government and the govermnetn sector. Common units - proportion

Not requested.

13.3.2. Measurement error

Measurement errors occur during data collection and generate bias by recording values different than the true ones. The survey questionnaire used for data collection may have led to the recording of wrong values.


a)       Description/assessment of measurement errorsNo known systematic measurment errors when collecting data to compile total preliminary GBARD. To break down GBARD totals by NABS 2007, coefficients are used which are drawn from the most recent official R&D performers’ survey (GOV & HES) survey. The measurment erros in those surveys are estimated to be low.



b)      Measures taken to reduce their effect: Even though the measurment error is not systematic for total GBARD there is always som random elements of measurment error. In order to reduce this uncertainty a text analysis of the government bill is carried out in order to verify (if it available ) if levels are the same as the respondent's.


13.3.3. Non response error

Non response errors: occur when a survey failed to collect data on all survey variables from all the population units designated for data collection in a sample or complete enumeration.


a) Problems in obtaining data from targeted information providers: Census. Response rate 100 %.


b) Measures taken to reduce their effect: Two e-mail reminders. Respondents are if needed contacted also by phone in order to get response rate 100%.


c) Effect of non-response errors on the produced statistics: Unit non-response - rate

Not requested. Item non-response - rate

Not requested.

13.3.4. Processing error

Between data collection and the beginning of statistical analysis, data must undergo a certain processing: coding, data entry, data editing, imputation, etc. Errors introduced at these stages are called processing errors. Data editing identifies inconsistencies or errors in the data.


a)       Data processing and editing processes: After data has been collected, it is checked for inconsistencies.


b)      Description of errors: No known processing erros are known


c)       Measures taken to reduce their effect: The data processing has been significantly automated and thus errors due to the human factor has been reduced significantly.

13.3.5. Model assumption error

Model assumption errors occur when the assumptions made for the estimation of parameters, models, the testing of statistical hypotheses, etc., are violated. As a result, the quality of the resulting statistics is affected (e.g. degrees of confidence might be inflated).

Description/assessment: Modell assumptions are made in the processing of data to derive coefficients to distribute GBARD by NABS. The coefficients are derived based on the data fro the latest GPV & HES surveys. For GBARD statistics, the coefficients for odd and even reference years are based on data with a reference year two and three years earlier. This is because the R&D surveys are only carried out every two years and with one year lag. The uncertainty is not only caused by the time lag but also to the uncertainty which can be found in the information reported by the goverment agencies and HES institutions in the GOV & HES surveys. The distribution by socio-economic objectivess should the primary purpose pursued by the central government. Units that only perform intramural R&D and receive funding from the central government budget does not necessarily know what objective is actually pursued but classifies it from a content perspective.

14. Timeliness and punctuality Top
14.1. Timeliness

Timeliness and punctuality refer to time and dates, but in a different manner: the timeliness of statistics reflects the length of time between their availability and the event or phenomenon they describe. Punctuality refers to the time lag between the release date of the data and the target date on which they should have been delivered, with reference to dates announced in the official release calendar.

14.1.1. Time lag - first result

Date of first release of national data: 2021-04-21 (T-8)

14.1.2. Time lag - final result

Date of first release of national data: No final data was published. Final GBARD is estimated to be the same as preliminary GBARD.

14.2. Punctuality

Punctuality refers to the time lag between the release date of data and the target date on which they were scheduled for release as announced officially.

14.2.1. Punctuality - delivery and publication

Punctuality of time schedule of data release = (Actual date of the data release) - (Scheduled date of the data release) Deadline and date of data transmission
  Transmission of provisional data Transmission of final data
Legally defined deadline of data transmission (T+_ months) 6 12
Actual date of transmission of the data (T+x months) 6 12
Delay (days)  0  
Reasoning for delay    

15. Coherence and comparability Top
15.1. Comparability - geographical

See below.

15.1.1. Asymmetry for mirror flow statistics - coefficient

Not requested.

15.1.2. Survey Concepts Issues

The following table lists a number of key survey concepts and conceptual issues; it gives reference to the Commission Regulation No 2020/1197, Frascati manual and the EBS Methodological Manual on R&D Statistics paragraphs with recommendations about these concepts / issues.


Concept / Issue Reference to recommendations Deviation from recommendations National definition / Treatment / Deviations from recommendations
Research and development FM2015 Chapter 2 (mainly paragraphs 2.3 and 2.4). No  
Coverage of levels of government FM2015, §12.5 to 12.9 Yes Only central government budget funds are included. Regional government is not applicable for Sweden. 
Socioeconomic objectives coverage and breakdown Reg. 2020/1197: Annex 1, Table 20 No  
Reference period Reg. 2020/1197: Annex 1, Table 20  No   
15.1.3. Deviations from recommendations

GBARD encompass all spending allocations met from sources of government revenue foreseen within the budget, such as taxation. Spending allocations by extra-budgetary government entities are within the scope only to the extent that their funds are allocated through the budgetary process (FM2015 §12.9). The following table lists a number of key methodological issues, which may affect the international comparability of national GBARD statistics.


Methodological issues Reference to recommendations Deviation from recommendations  National definition / Treatment / Deviations from recommendations
Definition of GBARD FM § 12.9 No GBARD includes outlays to be met from taxation and other government revenue within the budget in accordance with FM § 12.9 .
Stages of data collection FM2015 §12.41 No FM § 2.41, Stage 4
Gross / net approach, net principle FM2015 §12.20 and 12.21 No Net approach is applied.
EU/other funds Eurostat's EBS Methodological Manual on R&D Statistics No Direct EU-funding is not included in GBARD as it is outide the budget process. National/regional co-funding of EU-funded projects is included however. 
Types of expenditure FM2015 §12.15 to 12.18 No All types of expenditure are included in GBARD. No risk for double counting since only budget allocations from central government are included.
Current and capital expenditure FM §12.15 No Both current and capital expenditure are included in GBARD.
Extra budgetary funds FM §12.8, 12.20, 12.38 No Extra budgetary funds are not included. Other government funds are not included either.
Loans FM §12.31, 12.32, 12.34 Yes No distinction is made between loans that are to be repaid and others, but it is likely that loans are not included in the statistics.
Indirect funding, tax rebates, etc. FM §12.31 - 12.38 No Indirect funding is not reported separately at national level and not treated. It is not included in GBARD
Treatment of multi-annual projects FM2015 §12.44 No Only budgeted funds are included in GBARD, no deviations should be made regarding this.
Treatment of GBARD going to R&D abroad FM2015 §12.19 No GBARD includes government-financed R&D performed in the rest of the world, for example contributions to international R&D programmes/project & R&D performers/organisations.
Criterion for distribution by socioeconomic objective FM2015 §12.50 to 12.71 No  
Method of identification of primary objective Eurostat's EBS Methodological Manual on R&D Statistics, topic 2, statement B.6 Yes Coefficients drawn from the latest GOV & HES survey (reference year 2019) are used to distribute GBARD by NABS. If budget allocations for R&D are identified outside the regular GBARD survey and not covered by the coefficients, then the recommendations are applied if such information exists.
15.2. Comparability - over time

See below.

15.2.1. Length of comparable time series

See below.

15.2.2. Breaks in time series
  Length  of comparable time series  Break years1 Nature of the breaks
Provisional data 1998 1993, 1998

1993: public utilities of central government are excluded from GBARD.

1998:  GBARD series refer to the calendar year (January-December) instead of the period July-June, which has been used until 1994. Budget appropriations for 1995 and 1996 are estimates based on the period July 1995-December 1996. GBARD data exclude funding from Public Research Foundations.


Final data  1998 1993, 1998, 2010 1993: public utilities of central government are excluded from GBARD.

1998: GBARD series refer to the calendar year (January-December) instead of the period July-June, which has been used until 1994. Budget appropriations for 1995 and 1996 are estimates based on the period July 1995-December 1996. GBARD data exclude funding from Public Research Foundations.

2010: GBARD series has been revised back to 2010 in the transmission of GBARD 2021. This is because of some budget allocatons earmarked or containing R&D and which could not be attributed to an objective (and financed by sources other than GUF) were incorrectly not included in NABS13. The sum of NABS+1-NABS14 now equals total GBARD.

1)       Breaks years are years for which data are not fully comparable to the previous period.

15.3. Coherence - cross domain

GBARD includes only funds from central government ("statsbudgeten") and excludes direct financing by central/local government authorities and by other public sector sources. For the same reference year, it is possible to compare GBARD with GERD funded by the government (government financed GERD) to some extent. Since GBARD includes payments to R&D performance in the rest of the world and only includes funds from central government, there will be differences. It is possible to compile GERD funded by central government which would improve the comparability.

15.3.1. Coherence - sub annual and annual statistics

Not requested.

15.3.2. Coherence - National Accounts

Not requested.

15.4. Coherence - internal

This part compares GBARD statistics from the provisional and final budget for the reference year.

15.4.1. Comparison between provisional and final data according to NABS 2007
  R&D allocations in the provisional budget delivered at T+6 R&D allocations in the final budget delivered at T+12 Difference (of final data)
Exploration and exploitation of the Earth 787749.509 787749.509 0
Environment 985056.970 985056.970
Exploration and exploitation of space 337764.736 337764.736
Transport, telecommunication and other infrastructures 2282647.913 2282647.913
Energy 1600283.283 1600283.283
Industrial production and technology 996040.190 996040.190
Health 1053109.959 1053109.959
Agriculture 808015.365 808015.365
Education 270946.146 270946.146
Culture, recreation, religion and mass media 50969.973 50969.973
Political and social systems, structures and processes 1062533.175 1062533.175
General advancement of knowledge: R&D financed from General University Funds (GUF) 21190494.716 21190494.716
General advancement of knowledge: R&D financed from other sources than GUF




Defence 938213.844 938213.844
TOTAL GBARD 42692578.716 42692578.716

16. Cost and Burden Top

The assessment of costs associated with a statistical product is a rather complicated task since there must exist a mechanism for appointing portions of shared costs (for instance shared IT resources and dissemination channels) and overheads (office space, utility bills etc). The assessment must become detailed and clear enough so that international comparisons among agencies of different structures are feasible. 

16.1. Costs summary
  Costs for the statistical authority (in national currency) % sub-contracted1)
Staff costs Not separately available. No work sub-contracted to third parties.
Data collection costs Not separately available. No work sub-contracted to third parties.
Other costs Not separately available. No work sub-contracted to third parties.
Total costs Not separately available. No work sub-contracted to third parties.
Comments on costs

1)       The shares of the figures given in the first column that are accounted for by payments to private firms or other Government agencies.

16.2. Components of burden and description of how these estimates were reached
  Value Computation method
Number of Respondents (R) 76 Sumation
Average Time required to complete the questionnaire in hours (T)1 0,7 hours Arithmetic mean of time in minutes (t/60) given by the respondents. Extreme values eliminated.
Average hourly cost (in national currency) of a respondent (C) Not known  
Total cost    

1)        T = the time required to provide the information, including time spent assembling information prior to completing a form or taking part in interview and the time taken up by any subsequent contacts after receipt of the questionnaire (‘Re-contact time’)

17. Data revision Top
17.1. Data revision - policy

Statistics Sweden's revision policy covers three types of revisions: planned and reoccuring revisions, revisions due to conceptual and/or methodological changes and corrections.

1. Planned and reoccuring revisions - In order to accommodate user timeliness needs, Statistics Sweden publisch preliminary figures. These figures are then revised once or several times before final data are released. In case of planned revisions, users will be informed of the number of revisions as well as the revision dates.

2. Revisions due to conceptual and/or methodological changes - Methodological changes can have systematic effects on the statistics. Concepts, definitions or classifications can be changed in order to better capture the target variables. In case of such changes, and if deemed necessary and possible, revisions of earlier final data can be made in order to produce comparable time series. Users will be informed of revisions of this kind in advance, with an explanation of why the revision is necessary.

3. Corrections - In case of errors in published data, corrections can be made. When an error has been identified, the need for correction is evaluated without delay based on the magnitude of the error and the importance of the statistics. Corrections are always published in a clear and easily accessible manner, with information on why the correction is necessary.

Data revision policy (in Swedish only)
17.2. Data revision - practice

Not requested.

17.2.1. Data revision - average size

Not requested.

18. Statistical processing Top
18.1. Source data

a)       Provisional data: Direct data collection (GBARD survey, electronic questionnaire) and administrative data in the form of:  The budget bill, detailed table of the central government budget, data from the latest GOV & HES R&D surveys. The GBARD survey and budget data is used to complie total GBARD. Data from the GOV & HES surveys is used to derive coefficents to distribute total GBARD by socioeconomic objectives (NABS 2007). Budgetdata is also used to distribute GBARD by socioeconomic objectives if no coeffcient can de derived for a particular budget item/appropriation with elements of R&D.

b)      Final data: Same as provisional GBARD


c)       General University Funds (GUF): Directly identified in the budget data(respective budget items available). Coefficients derived the latest R&D HES survey is used to determine R&D content in GUF. Coefficnets also derived from the R&D HES survey to distribute NABS12 (GUF) by FORD.

18.2. Frequency of data collection

See 12.3.3.

18.3. Data collection

See below.

18.3.1. Data collection overview
  Provisional data Final data Comments
Data collection method

Direct survey (electronic questionnaire) + budget text analysis of the central government budget appropriations. Data is also used from the latest GOV & HES R&D surveys.

The primary soruce of data is the GBARD survey which is used to compile total GBARD. The reporting units are asked to estimate (for the current budget year) how much they will spend on intramural & extrmural R&D which is financed by initial budget appropriations. Reporting is done for each budget line. A complementary budget analysis of the budget bill & budget appropriations is done since the frame population does not cover all units that receive R&D funds from budget appropriations. 

Data from the latest R&D survey that cover the government and the higher education sector are used to derive coefficients to break down total GBARD by socioeconomic objectives. Coefficients are also used (and derived from the HES survey) to determine the R&D content i GUF. New coefficients are estimated every other year for the provisional GBARD. For GBARD 2021, new coefficients were estimated (based on the R&D 2019 survey).

 Same as provisional data. Final GBARD is estimated to be the same as provisonal GBARD
Stage of data collection Initial budget appropriations (figures as voted by the parliament for the coming year, including changes introduced in the parliamentary debate) are used for provisional GBARD (stage iv).  See comment.  
Reporting units Central government agencies/authorities  See comment  
Basic variable R&D expenditures (intramural+extramural R&D expenditures) financed by initial budget appropriation (from the central overnment budget)  See comment.  
Time of data collection (T+x)1)  T-10    
Problems in the translation of budget items No problems

1) Time of data collection (T+x): T is assumed to represent the end of reference period. x expresses the number of months after (positive) or before (negative) T when data is collected.

18.3.2. General University Funds (GUF)

Coefficients are derived from the the latest R&D survey that cover the HES sector to determine the R&D content i GUF and to break down NABS12 by FORD. See also 18.3.1.

18.3.3. Distribution by socioeconomic objectives (SEO)
Level of distribution of budgetary items – institution or programme/project Socioeconomic objectives are distributed both at project and institution level.
Criterion of distribution – purpose or content Purpose.
Method of identification of primary objectives Socioeconomic objectives based on coefficients, see 18.3.1. For budget allocations for R&D which are not covered by the main source of data (GBARD survey), a text analysis of the budget bill/proposal is used in order to determine the level of R&D funds and its primary purpose.
Difficulties of distribution

The purpose of R&D-activities and projects often have more than one objective.

Information from responding units from the latest R&D survey (GOV & HES) is used to derive coefficients. In the case of certain budget allocations exclusively to R&D performers belonging to the GOV sector (were the unit is central government agencies), the distribution might reflect a content perspective rather than according to the purpose of the central government.

18.3.4. Questionnaire and other documents
Annex Name of the file
GBARD national questionnaire and explanatory notes in English:  
GBARD national questionnaire and explanatory notes in the national language: Blankett_Forskning och utveckling statliga anslag.xlsx
Other relevant documentation of national methodology in English:  
Other relevant documentation of national methodology in the national language: See annex.

Electronic questionnaire, images in Excel
GBARD methodology
18.4. Data validation

- Checking and following up the response rates.

- Comparing the statistics with previous cycles, usually T-1 and T-2.

- Investigating inconsistencies in the statistics.

- Performing micro and macro data editing.

18.5. Data compilation

See below.

18.5.1. Imputation - rate

No impuations was performed.

18.5.2. Data compilation methods

See below. Identifying R&D
Method(s) of separating R&D from non-R&D Frascati Manual definitions is used and explained in the electronic questionnaire and in the instructions provided to the respondents.
Description of the use of the coefficient (if applicable) Coefficients is used to break down total GBARD for each budget line/item/appropriaton by socioeconomic objectives. (NABS 2007) For GUF, coefficients are used to determine the total R&D content and to distribute NABS12 by FORD.
Coefficient estimation method Coefficient are drawn from the latest official R&D performers survey which covers the government sector and the higher education survey. The coefficient can be between 1 % and 100 %. 
Frequency of updating of coefficients Every 2 years. General University Funds (GUF)
Method(s) of separating R&D from non-R&D An “R&D coefficient” is used for each GUF-relevant budget item.
Description of the use of the coefficient (if applicable) Coefficient to determine R&D content, the share of R&D relevant to GBARD.
Coefficient estimation method The same coefficients that are derived in the regular R&D survey that covers the higher education sector (HES) is used. In the HES survey, coefficients are derived and applied to the HES institutions expenditure for research and education in order to derive R&D expenditure. One coefficient for each unit is derived. In the GBARD statistics, the same coeffcients are used. It is possible since there is a budget item ocntaining GUF for each public and private HES institution.
Frequency of updating of coefficients  Every 2 years. Other issues
Treatment of multi-annual programmes Multi-annual programmes are not reported in a single year, they are allocated to the years they are budgeted. 
Possibility to classify budgetary items by COFOG functions Not possible at the moment.
Possibility to classify budgetary items by other nomenclatures e.g. NACE A distribution of GBARD by sector or performance receiving the funds is possible to do but it is uncertain if the quality would be good enough.
Method of estimation of future budgets  No future budgets are estimated.
18.6. Adjustment

Not requested.

18.6.1. Seasonal adjustment

Not requested.

19. Comment Top

Related metadata Top

Annexes Top