Aquaculture production by species (fish_aq)

National Reference Metadata in ESS Standard for Quality Reports Structure (ESQRS)

Compiling agency: INSTAT, Institute of Statistics

Eurostat metadata
Reference metadata
1. Contact
2. Statistical presentation
3. Statistical processing
4. Quality management
5. Relevance
6. Accuracy and reliability
7. Timeliness and punctuality
8. Coherence and comparability
9. Accessibility and clarity
10. Cost and Burden
11. Confidentiality
12. Comment
Related Metadata
Annexes (including footnotes)

For any question on data and metadata, please contact: Eurostat user support


1. Contact Top
1.1. Contact organisation

INSTAT, Institute of Statistics

1.2. Contact organisation unit

Animal Production and Fisheries Statistics Unit

1.5. Contact mail address

St. Vllazën Huta, Building 35, Entrance 1, Tirana, ZIP Code 1017 Tirana

2. Statistical presentation Top
2.1. Data description

Main characteristics

2.1.1 Describe shortly the main characteristics of the statistics 

Aquaculture data are collected by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development in line with the GFCM (General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean) methodology based interviews with aquaculture operators, etc. Statistical data on aqaclture are collected by species in country level.

Aquaculture production statistics as defined in Regulation (EC) 762/2008 contain four different datasets:

AQ2A - Aquaculture production volume at first sale for human consumption (excluding hatcheries and nurseries) by species, FAO Major Area, cultivation method and aquatic environment.
AQ2B - Production of fish eggs (roe) for human consumption at first sale by species, by FAO Major Area, cultivation method and aquatic environment.
AQ3 - Input to capture-based aquaculture, i.e. wild seed, by species.
AQ4 - Production of juveniles and fertilised eggs at first sale for further on-growing or release to the wild by species.

The production volume is measured in tonnes live weight (TLW) and economic value as unit price in national currency per tonne (NAC_T/TLW), with the exception of juveniles and fertilised eggs which are measured in numbers.

Reference period

2.1.2 Reference period of the data collection 


National legislation

2.1.3 Is there a national legislation covering these statistics? Yes
If Yes, please answer all the following questions.
2.1.4 Name of the national legislation

1. Law no. 64/2012 “On fisheries”, amended (Chapter XII, Collection, management and use of data) and Decision of the Council of Ministers no. 256/2019 "On the establishment of rules for the collection, management and use of data in the fishery sector and support for scientific advice on national fishery strategy"


2. Law No.17/2018 on ''OFFICIAL STATISTICS''

2.1.5 Link to the national legislation

2.1.6 Responsible organisation for the national legislation

Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development


Institute of Statistics

2.1.7 Year of entry into force of the national legislation


2.1.8 Please indicate which variables required under EU regulation are not covered by national legislation, if any.
2.1.9 Please indicate which national definitions differ from those in the EU regulation, if any.
2.1.10 Is there a legal obligation for respondents to reply? Yes

Additional comments to data description

Law No. 17/2018 on ''Official Statistics"
Law No. 64/2012 ''PËR PESHKIMIN''
2.2. Classification system

The following variables are recorded with regard to aquaculture production:

  • 'Species' means the species of aquatic organisms identified using the international 3-alpha code as defined by the FAO (ASFIS List of Species). Individual species are grouped in aggregates according to their taxonomy and living habits. These aggregates are specified in the International Standard Statistical Classification of Aquatic Animals and Plants (ISSCAAP) and indicated in the ASFIS list.
    • 'FAO major areas' means the geographical areas as defined by the FAO (CWP Handbook of Aquaculture Statistical Standards). The FAO major areas covered are: 37 'Mediterranean and Black Sea.
  • 'Aquatic environment' distinguishes the water types fresh water and salt (sea and brackish) water.

The methods and water types are defined in Annex I of Regulation (EC) No 762/2008.

2.3. Coverage - sector

Off-farm commercial aquaculture production destined to human consumption (all uses for aquatic plants).

2.4. Statistical concepts and definitions

According to Regulation (EC) 762/2008, aquaculture production means the output from aquaculture at first sale. For animals, only production for human consumption is considered, while ornamental or functional species as well as feed production is excluded. By contrast, aquatic plants will be recorded notwithstanding their final use.

The production volume is expressed in tonnes live weight [TLW] of the product. This weight includes all shells and bones. Data for the economic value of the production are reported as unit price in national currency per tonne [NAC_T]. The production of hatcheries and nurseries is reported in numbers and expressed in millions. Data on the structure of the aquaculture sector are expressed in thousand cubic metres, hectares or, optionally, 'metres rope length' according to the method.


2.5. Statistical unit

Aquaculture production establishments/operators

2.6. Statistical population

All commercially active production establishments of aquatic animals or plants

2.7. Reference area
2.7.1 Geographical area covered

The entire territory of the country (Republic of Albania).

2.7.2 Which special Member State territories are included?

Not available.

2.8. Coverage - Time

Statistical data related production from aquaculture as total dates back to 1990, while production detailed by species is provided since 2011.

2.9. Base period

Not applicable.

3. Statistical processing Top
3.1. Source data

Overall summary

3.1.1 Total number of different data sources used

One data source is used as a provider of statistical information regarding aquaculture.

The breakdown is as follows:
3.1.2 Total number of sources of the type "Census"


3.1.3 Total number of sources of the type "Sample Survey"


3.1.4 Total number of sources of the type "Administrative source"

Currently the source used to obtain of statistical information is: Administrative Source

3.1.5 Total number of sources of the type "Experts"


3.1.6 Total number of sources of the type "Other sources"



These questions only apply to censuses. If there is more than one census, please describe the main census below and the additional ones in table 3.1 of the annexed Excel file 
3.1.7 Name/Title
3.1.8 Name of Organisation responsible
3.1.9 Main scope
3.1.10 List used to build the frame
3.1.11 Any possible threshold values
3.1.12 Population size
3.1.13 Surveyed entity
3.1.14 If Enterprise, please specify
3.1.15 Additional comments

Sample survey

These questions only apply to surveys. If there is more than one survey, please describe the main survey below and the additional ones in table 3.1 of the annexed Excel file 
3.1.16 Name/Title
3.1.17 Name of Organisation responsible
3.1.18 Main scope
3.1.19 List used to build the frame
3.1.20 Any possible threshold values
3.1.21 Population size
3.1.22 Surveyed entity
3.1.23 If Enterprise, please specify
3.1.24 Sample size
3.1.25 Sampling basis
3.1.26 If Other, please specify
3.1.27 Type of sample design
3.1.28 If Other, please specify
3.1.29 If Stratified, number of strata
3.1.30 If Stratified, stratification criteria
3.1.31 If Other, please specify
3.1.32 Additional comments

Administrative source

These questions only apply to administrative sources. If there is more than one administrative source, please describe the main source below and the additional ones in table 3.1 of the annexed Excel file 
3.1.33 Name/Title
3.1.34 Name of Organisation responsible

Ministry of Agriculure and Rural Development

3.1.35 Contact information (email and phone)
3.1.36 Main administrative scope

Aquaculture Policies and Programs

3.1.37 Geospatial Coverage National
3.1.38 Update frequency Quarterly
3.1.39 Legal basis


3.1.40 Are you able to access directly to the micro data? No
3.1.41 Are you able to check the plausibility of the data, namely by contacting directly the units? Yes
3.1.42 How would you assess the proximity of the definitions and concepts (including statistical units) used in the administrative source with those required in the EU regulation? Medium
3.1.43 Please list the main differences between the administrative source and the statistical definitions and concepts

No differences.

3.1.44 Is a different threshold used in the administrative source and statistical data? No
3.1.45 If Yes, please specify
3.1.46 Additional comments


If there is more than one Expert source, please describe the main one below and the additional ones in table 3.1 of the annexed Excel file 
3.1.47 Name/Title
3.1.48 Primary purpose
3.1.49 Legal basis
3.1.50 Update frequency
3.1.51 Expert data supplier
3.1.52 If Other, please specify
3.1.53 How would you assess the quality of those data?
3.1.54 Additional comments

Other sources

If there is more than one other statistical activity, please describe the main one below and the additional ones in table 3.1 of the annexed Excel file 
3.1.55 Name/Title
3.1.56 Name of Organisation
3.1.57 Primary purpose
3.1.58 Data type
3.1.59 If Other, please specify
3.1.60 How would you assess the quality of those data?
3.1.61 Additional comments


3.2. Frequency of data collection

Quarterly and Annual

3.3. Data collection


These questions only apply to censuses. If there is more than one census, please describe the main census below and the additional ones in table 3.3 of the annexed Excel file 
3.3.1 Name/Title
3.3.2 Methods of data collection
3.3.3 If Other, please specify
3.3.4 If face-to-face or telephone interview, which method is used?
3.3.5 Data entry method, if paper questionnaires?
3.3.6 Please annex the questionnaire used (if very long: please provide the hyperlink)
3.3.7 Additional comments

Sample survey

These questions only apply to surveys. If there is more than one survey, please describe the main survey below and the additional ones in table 3.3 of the annexed Excel file 
3.3.8 Name/Title
3.3.9 Methods of data collection
3.3.10 If Other, please specify
3.3.11 If face-to-face or telephone interview, which method is used?
3.3.12 Data entry method, if paper questionnaires?
3.3.13 Please annex the questionnaire used (if very long: please provide the hyperlink)
3.3.14 Additional comments

Administrative source

These questions only apply to administrative sources. If there is more than one administrative source, please describe the main source below and the additional ones in table 3.3 of the annexed Excel file 
3.3.15 Name/Title

Aquaculture data are collected by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development

3.3.16 Extraction date

Annual data are extracted on the month April regarding the data for the previous year.

3.3.17 How easy is it to get access to the data? Access granted upon a simple request
3.3.18 Data transfer method

Statistical data between two institutions are transfered:

- In hard copy regarding quarterly data

- In CD regarding annual data.

3.3.19 Additional comments

Data collection according to EU standards enables the analysis and development of policies for the management of aquaculture activity, and these data are collected by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development based on interviews with aquaculture operators.


If there is more than one other statistical activity, please describe the main one below and the additional ones in table 3.3 of the annexed Excel file 
3.3.20 Name/Title
3.3.21 Methods of data collection
3.3.22 Additional comments
3.4. Data validation
3.4.1 Which kind of data validation measures are in place? Manual
3.4.2 What do they target? Completeness
Data flagging
3.4.3 If Other, please specify

The data were subjected to logical and mathematical checks. These checks are performed throughout the data editing process for all indicators that INSTAT publishes. Examples of administrative data verification methods include: Completeness check, consistency over time, arithmetic corrections (should not be too high), summary checks, time series check if there are large deviations, etc. 

3.5. Data compilation
3.5.1 Describe the data compilation process

Pre-2012 data had many shortcomings as a result of subjects' voluntary disclosures. This fact forced the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development to write a methodology to reconstruct the data on aquaculture so during years will follow the same trend, as closer as possible to reality. This difference is not due to the increase in fishing effort, but is related to the scarce information on aquaculture collected during that period.

One of the methodologies proposed by the experts of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development is the reconstruction of production using as basis the current aquaculture production effort.

This methodology consists of the following steps:

  1. Firstly is estimated the percentage occupied by one species, to the total production taking into account the 2012-2018 period;
  2. The percentage obtained shall be multiplied by the total aquaculture production for that species; 
  3. The result shall be the production of the national operators for the selected species.

Data transmission on annual production of aquaculture by species is performed once a year.

3.5.2 Additional comments
3.6. Adjustment

Not applicable.

4. Quality management Top
4.1. Quality assurance
4.1.1 Is there a quality management system used in the organisation? Yes
4.1.2 If yes, how is it implemented?

INSTAT is committed to ensure the highest quality with respect to the compilation of statistical information. In accordance with the Statistics Law, INSTAT use statistical methods and processes in compliance with internationally recognized scientific principles and standards conduct ongoing analyses of the statistics with a view to quality improvements and ensure that statistics are as update. In performing its tasks it follows the general principles of quality management from the European Statistics Code of Practice. INSTAT declares that it takes into account the following principles: impartiality, quality of processes and products, user orientation, employee orientation, effectiveness of statistical processes, reducing the workload for respondents.

4.1.3 Has a peer review been carried out? No
4.1.4 If Yes, which were the main conclusions?
4.1.5 What quality improvements are foreseen?
4.1.6 If Other, please specify
4.1.7 Additional comments
4.2. Quality management - assessment

Development since the last quality report

4.2.1 Overall quality Improvement
4.2.2 Relevance Improvement
4.2.3 Accuracy and reliability Improvement
4.2.4 Timeliness and punctuality Improvement
4.2.5 Comparability Stable
4.2.6 Coherence Stable
4.2.7 Additional comments

5. Relevance Top
5.1. Relevance - User Needs
5.1.1 If certain user needs are not met, please specify which and why

Currently the user needs related the aquaculture statistics are fulfilled.

5.1.2 Please specify any plans to satisfy needs more completely in the future

INSTAT in collaboration with Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development in order to satisfy the user needs has started to publish a dedicated press releasse regarding aquaculture statistics and incresing the statistical data produced and provided for all the users.


5.1.3 Additional comments

Users of Aquaculture Statistics are divided into internal and external users.

  • External users:
    • Public administration institutions
    • Universities
    • National and international non-profit organizations
    • Businesses
    • Researchers, students and other similar groups.


  • Internal users:
    • Directorate of National Accounts
    • Directorate of Economic Statistics
    • Directorate of Social Statistics
    • Directory of Real Sector












And other bodies/users who use aquaculture statistics as input to their work.

5.2. Relevance - User Satisfaction
5.2.1 Has a user satisfaction survey been conducted? Yes
If Yes, please answer all the following questions
5.2.2 Year of the user satisfaction survey


5.2.3 How satisfied were the users? Satisfied
5.2.4 Additional comments

Page Views related to Aquaculture for 2021 are about 2,166clicks. INSTAT during 2021 conducted a User Satisfaction Survey. Question: "How do you evaluate the overall quality of aquaculture statistics?" on a scale of 1 to 5 (1 = very poor, 2 = poor, 3 = good, 4 = good, 5 = very good), users rated the data quality at an average of 3.37 (67%).

5.3. Completeness
5.3.1 AQ2A - Data completeness - rate

The dataset with the information requested regarding production from aquaculture excluding nurseries and hatcheries is fully completed.

5.3.2 AQ2B - Data completeness - rate

The dataset with information regarding fish eggs intended for consumption is not provided since there is no production in Albania.

5.3.3 AQ3 - Data completeness - rate

The dataset with information regarding input to capture based aquaculture is not provided.

5.3.4 AQ4 - Data completeness - rate

The dataset with the information requested regarding production of hatcheries and nurseries is fully completed.

5.3.5 AQ5 - Data completeness - rate

Data reagrding structure of the aquaculture sector is not provided yet.

5.3.6 If not complete, which characteristics are missing?
5.3.7 Additional comments

6. Accuracy and reliability Top
6.1. Accuracy - overall
6.1.1 How good is the accuracy? Very good
6.1.2 What are the main factors lowering the accuracy? Processing error
6.1.3 If Other, please specify
6.1.4 Additional comments

Information on Aquaculture Statistics is collected from administrative sources, subject to enforcement of the legal basis and applicable Memorandums of Understanding with Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development.

Overall, data have been checked with those of previous years to identify any significant changes in data performance. In case of changes, INSTAT notifies the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD) to inform about the findings in order to correct this data if necessary or to be officially confirmed.


6.2. Sampling error
Restricted from publication
6.3. Non-sampling error

See sections below.

6.3.1. Coverage error


These questions only apply to censuses. If there is more than one census, please describe the main census below and the additional ones in table 6.3 of the annexed Excel file Name/Title
Over-coverage Over-coverage - rate

Not available.

Under-coverage Does the sample frame include all units falling within the scope of this survey? If Not, which units are not included? How large do you estimate the proportion of those units? (%) Impact on the data quality
Misclassification Impact on the data quality
Common units Common units - proportion

Not available. Additional comments

Sample survey

These questions only apply to surveys. If there is more than one survey, please describe the main survey below and the additional ones in table 6.3 of the annexed Excel file Name/Title
Over-coverage Over-coverage - rate

Not available.

Under-coverage Does the sample frame include all units falling within the scope of this survey? If Not, which units are not included? How large do you estimate the proportion of those units? (%) Impact on the data quality
Misclassification Impact on the data quality
Common units Common units - proportion

Not available. Additional comments

Administrative data

These questions only apply to administrative sources. If there is more than one administrative source, please describe the main source below and the additional ones in table 6.3 of the annexed Excel file Name/Title
Over-coverage Over-coverage - rate

Not available.

Under-coverage Does the administrative source include all units falling within the scope of this survey? If Not, which units are not included? How large do you estimate the proportion of those units? (%) Impact on the data quality
Misclassification Impact on the data quality Additional comments
6.3.2. Measurement error
Restricted from publication
6.3.3. Non response error
Restricted from publication
6.3.4. Processing error


These questions only apply to censuses. If there is more than one census, please describe the main census below and the additional ones in table 6.3 of the annexed Excel file Name/Title Imputation - rate Imputation - basis If Other, please specify Additional comments

Sample survey

These questions only apply to surveys. If there is more than one survey, please describe the main survey below and the additional ones in table 6.3 of the annexed Excel file Name/Title Imputation - rate Imputation - basis If Other, please specify How do you evaluate the impact of imputation on Coefficients of Variation? Additionnal comments
6.3.5. Model assumption error

Not applicable.

6.4. Seasonal adjustment

Not applicable.

6.5. Data revision - policy
Data revision only occurs if the relevant institutions revise the data sent to INSTAT for update effect or any potential human error. If the relevant institutions revise the data sent to INSTAT, then in the most recent publication INSTAT will reflect these changes and provide brief clarification information to the users. Non-sampling errors are treated with based on the Error Treatment policy.

Revision policy of is done in accordance with general Revision Policy and Errors Treatment Policy introduced by INSTAT in the links below:

6.6. Data revision - practice
6.6.1 Data revision - average size

Not available.

6.6.2 Were data revisions due to conceptual changes (e.g. new definitions)  carried out since the last quality report? No
6.6.3 What was the main reason for the revisions?

Due to improvement in the data collection methodology the data related quantities and prices for the years 2013 - 2017 have been revised form Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development.

6.6.4 How do you evaluate the impact of the revisions? Important
6.6.5 Additional comments

7. Timeliness and punctuality Top
7.1. Timeliness
7.1.1 When were the first  results for the reference period published?

Results of Aquaculture Statistics are published on INSTAT website (T+178 days) after the end of the reference period.

Aquaculture Statistics

Statistical domain

Reference period

Date of publication


Aquaculture statistics




7.1.2 When were the final results for the reference period published?

Results of Aquaculture Statistics are published on INSTAT website (T+174 days) after the end of the reference period.

Aquaculture Statistics

Statistical domain

Reference period

Date of publication


Aquaculture statistics




7.1.3 Reasons for possible long production times?
7.2. Punctuality
7.2.1 Were data released according to a pre-announced schedule (Release Calendar)? Yes
7.2.2 If Yes, were data released on the target date? Yes
7.2.3 If No, reasons for delays?
7.2.4 Number of days between the release date of data and the target date

Data are released same as the targed day.

No delays.

8. Coherence and comparability Top
8.1. Comparability - geographical

Data on Aquaculture Statistics are all inclusive and are produced only at national/country level. 

8.1.1. Asymmetry for mirror flow statistics - coefficient

Not applicable.

8.2. Comparability - over time
8.2.1 Length of comparable time series

Statistical information on Aquaculture Statistics is collected in the same way dating back to 2014. Data are constantly monitored to ensure their comparability over time.

8.2.2 Have there been major breaks in the time series? No
8.2.3 If Yes, please specify the year of break and the reason
8.2.4 Additional comments
8.3. Coherence - cross domain
8.3.1 With which other national data sources have the data been compared?

Not applicable.

8.3.2 Describe briefly the results of comparisons
8.3.3 Additional comments
8.4. Coherence - sub annual and annual statistics

Not applicable.

8.5. Coherence - National Accounts

National Accounts obtain the data related the Economic Accounts for Aquaculture in quarterly basis from the Sector of Animal Production and Fisheries Statistics.

8.6. Coherence - internal

The internal consistency of the data is checked before being finalized. The relationships between variables and coherence across different series are also checked.

9. Accessibility and clarity Top
9.1. Dissemination format - News release
9.1.1 Do you publish a news release? Yes
9.1.2 If Yes, please provide a link

Fishery Statistics 2022
9.2. Dissemination format - Publications
9.2.1. Do you produce a paper publication? No
9.2.2 If Yes, is there an English version?
9.2.3 Do you produce an electronic publication? Yes
9.2.4 If Yes, is there an English version? Yes
9.2.5 Please provide a link

9.3. Dissemination format - online database
9.3.1 Data tables - consultations

Not available.

9.3.2 Is an on-line database accessible to users? Yes
9.3.3 Please provide a link

Statistical Database - Aquaculture Statistics
9.4. Dissemination format - microdata access
9.4.1 Are micro-data accessible to users? No
9.4.2 Please provide a link
9.5. Dissemination format - other
Restricted from publication
9.6. Documentation on methodology
9.6.1 Are national reference metadata files available? Yes
9.6.2 Please provide a link

9.6.3 Are methodological papers available? Yes
9.6.4 Please provide a link

9.6.5 Is a handbook available? No
9.6.6 Please provide a link

Metadata File
9.7. Quality management - documentation
9.7.1 Metadata completeness - rate


9.7.2 Metadata - consultations

Not available.

9.7.3 Is a quality report available? Yes
9.7.4 Please provide a link

Quality Report

10. Cost and Burden Top
10.1 Efficiency gains over the last 3 years Increased use of administrative data
10.2 If Other, please specify
10.3 Burden reduction measures since the previous quality report None
10.4 If Other, please specify

11. Confidentiality Top
11.1. Confidentiality - policy
11.1.1 Are confidential data transmitted to Eurostat? Yes
11.1.2 If yes, are they confidential in the sense of Reg. (EC) 223/2009? No
11.1.3 Describe the data confidentiality policy in place

The data collected are considered as strictly confidential and used only for statistical purposes and scientific research in accordance with the national Statistical Law No.17/2018 “On Official Statistics”, date 10.03.2018 and the Law no. 9887, dated 10.03.2008 "Personal Data Protection", Article 31 of the Law on Official Statistics clearly define that all statistical information collected by INSTAT are confidential and may only be used or published in such summary tables that do not identify the information of the unit. The direct identification is called when a statistical unit is directly identified by the name, address or any officially recognized identification number. When data processing is performed in such a way as to enable the data subject to be identified, the data must be coded immediately so that the entities are no longer recognized.

11.2. Confidentiality - data treatment
11.2.1 Describe the procedures for ensuring confidentiality during dissemination

Albanian Institute of Statistics protects and does not disseminate data it has obtained or it has access to, which enable the direct or indirect identification of the statistical units. Albania Institute of Statistics takes all appropriate preventive measures so as to render impossible the identification of individual statistical units by technical or other means that might reasonably be used by a third party. Statistical data that could potentially enable the identification of the statistical unit are disseminated by Albania Institute of Statistics if and only if:

a) these data have been treated, as it is specifically set out in the Regulation, in such a way that their dissemination does not prejudice statistical confidentiality or

b) the statistical unit has given its consent, without any reservations, for the disclosure of data.

The confidential data that are transmitted to Albania Institute of Statistics are used exclusively for statistical purposes and the only persons who have the right to have access to these data are the personnel engaged in this task. Issues referring to the observance of statistical confidentiality are examined by the staff working in Albania Institute of Statistics. The responsibilities of this staff are to recommend on:  which detailed level the statistical data can be disseminated, so as the identification, either directly or indirectly, of the surveyed statistical unit is not possible; the anonymization criteria for the microdata provided to users; the access granting to researchers on confidential data for scientific purposes.

11.2.2 Additional comments

12. Comment Top

Related metadata Top

Annexes Top